Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Committee Held at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington on 31st January 2013. Present: Cllr D Robey (Chair) Cllr D Betts Cllr M Billington Cllr T Emptage Cllr L Gray-Wright Cllr Chris Pack Cllr S Rhodes Cllr R Truman Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Neil Prestidge and Cllr Tracey Wyse. Declaration of Interest: Cllr Billington declared an interest in agenda item 7 – condition survey (decorating of Clerk’s office – as he had submitted a quote.) 33. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2012 were agreed and signed as a true record. 34. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 nd November 2013: i) Taurus Training (Minute 26 (i)) Taurus Training had been contacted by Cherwell District Council’s enforcement team for putting tyres with advertising on around the village. It was hoped that this will discourage them from fly posting in the future. Cllr Truman reported that earlier on in the day he has seen a plank of wood advertising Taurus outside Tesco’s in the High Street. The Clerk would take this up with Paul Devine, the officer responsible at Cherwell District Council. ii) Exeter Hall Frontage (Minute 26 (ii)) The ground staff have re edged the frontage and the area will be reseeded in February. Cllr Pack was pleased with this. 1 iii) Historical Society (Minute 26 (iii)) The Chair had been in touch with the historical society. He felt it was important to co ordinate the Historical Society’s website with that of the Parish Council and would continue to progress this item, with input from Cllr Pack. Mrs Cayley had spoken to the Information Centre, which had agreed in principle to sell the Society’s publications. The Clerk reported that John Amor had recently given the Parish Council a copy of the latest book on St. Mary’s Fields. Cllr Emptage noted that the library had a set of all the publications (as did the Parish Council). iv) Review of Youth Provision (Minute 26 (iv)) Cllr Rhodes had attended the most recent Joint Youth Provision Meeting. She explained that recently attendance at these meetings had been diminished, but now there was a reinvigoration process happening. Cllr Rhodes had suggested contacting Richard Belmont at Gosford Hill School with the intention to hold the next meeting there. Students could then be asked to feed ideas through to the school prefects and house captains, so that the group could gain an understanding of what young people themselves wanted and needed. The school’s student representatives could then be invited to attend the meeting and take part in the discussions. Cllr Truman thought this was a good idea as it would ensure that young people felt involved in the process. The Committee in general had concerns about teenagers as there was currently more available for younger children in the village. Cllr Pack stated that he had been very impressed by Clare Harwood who had addressed the most recent Full Council meeting about the possible provision of facilities for older children including possibly a skate park. It was agreed by the Committee that it would be a good idea to invite her to attend the Joint Youth Provision Meetings as a parent representative. The Committee commended Cllr Rhodes on her work so far and looked forward to further reports from the meetings she would be attending. v) Trees on Lyne Road (Minute 26 (v)) There was still no update on this issue, although the Clerk has sent a reminder to the insurance company. 2 vi) Deer Fencing (Minute 26 (vi)) The fencing had been ordered but unfortunately had not yet been dispatched. Mrs Cayley had chased the company and had been promised that it would be dispatched as soon as possible. The Ground Staff had already put in some posts. vii) Footpaths (Minute 16) The Parish Ranger, Jayne Hancox, was still working on these maps. viii) Kidlington Cemetery/Lych Gate (Minute 26 (viii)) This project was now completed, and within budget. A photograph was circulated and the Committee agreed that it looked very good. ix) Jubilee (Minute 26 (x)) The Community Projects Officer had looked into the Woodland Trust’s tree planting scheme and had identified that it was not for individual trees or a small number but was in fact for the planting of new woods. x) Open Spaces Report (Minute 30) The RFO had confirmed that the Parish Council would be able to match fund the £5, 000.00 that Green Square can put into the play area at Croxford Gardens – there is £5, 000.00 in commuted sums, £3, 500.00 in the repairs and maintenance budget and £2, 300 in the play equipment renewals budget. The Clerk reported that Green Square had now agreed to put in £6, 000.00, meaning that the Parish Council would only need to contribute £4, 000.00. 34. The Vision Cllr Emptage reported that in his role as a District Councillor, he was aware that there was a proposal being put to the Cherwell District Council Executive Committee to spend the New Homes Bonus money 50% on Banbury and 50% on Bicester. He was not impressed that Kidlington had not been included and would be following this up with the District Council. Cllr Emptage confirmed that the Parish Council had been allocated some of the Portas money and stated that there were only a few weeks to let the District Council know what the Parish Council would like to spend it on. The Clerk explained that she had sent a list of request through to Karen Matthews at Cherwell District Council some time ago. This list had come from Kidlington Voice which had brainstormed at a breakfast meeting. Karen Matthews had contacted the Clerk to say that the District Council Executive had discussed 3 the issue and claimed to have consulted Kidlington, but that she had not been asked what Kidlington had put forward. There followed some discussion on this and it was agreed that there was no clarity on what was happening with the Portas money. The Committee noted actions on the identified strategic aims. The Chair proposed that under Strategic Aim 4 perhaps some screening could be done to the toilets in the piazza. Cllr Emptage was not sure that looking at a screen would be better than looking at the toilets, and the Clerk noted that the police had not been keen when this idea had previously been raised. The Committee felt that screening was not the answer. Cllr Emptage thought that it might be worth pursing the general issue of the toilets for the 2013/14 budget. Cllr Betts reported that he had been in touch with Ian Davies at Cherwell District Council concerning the Olympic Legacy money and also the pedestrianisation rising bollard. He felt these were the two most important issues to be dealt with currently, and did not want to push other issues too much – however, he would pursue the issue of the toilets. Cllr Pack felt that it was important to pursue the issue of land behind the High Street belonging to Jonathan Ede and John O Shea as this had large potential for economic development. The Committee agreed that this was a very high priority. The Chair also stated that the raised table between the Exeter Hall site and the other side of the road was important to economic development and the Committee agreed. It would be useful to have an idea of costs involved. These items would be taken to Cherwell District Council by Cllr Emptage with a view to a claim on some of the New Homes Bonus money. Cllr Betts would write a formal letter to the District Council as the Chair to add weight to Cllr Emptage’s investigations. Also under Strategic Aim 4 was an update from Angus Bates from Mill Street Holdings who would like to come and speak to members of the Vision Working Group. This group would then report to Full Council. Under Strategic Aim 5, Cllr Pack reported that he had spoken to James Dillon-Godfray, the marketing officer at Oxford Airport and he would be happy to meet with members if a date was set. Again the Vision Working Group would progress this. 35. Major Development Plans for Exeter Close The Chair proposed that the Community Committee should start planning for development of the Exeter Close site and the Hall in the event of a large capital receipt. Cllrs Robey and Betts had met with Jeremy Sacha of Sacha Barnes Associates in November. Sacha Barnes was responsible for the design of the civic garden and cycle path at Exeter Close. They asked Jeremy to give a cost estimate to further the scheme in place which had 4 been attached for the Committee’s consideration. The Committee agreed to accept the quote, subject to the RFO’s confirmation that money was available for this, and to some elements of the proposal (that could be done by the Open Spaces Manager) being removed. A discussion followed on the possible development of Exeter Hall, and it was felt that it was important to consult with the community on what they wanted to see and to use the hall for. It was agreed to set up an Exeter Hall Working Group . This would consist of Cllr Robey, Cllr Betts, Cllr Rhodes, and Cllr Gray-Wright. The brief for the group would be to consider changes in use for Exeter Hall, to look at current use, to initiate a consultation process and start to draw up ideas. The group would report back to the Community Committee and then to Council. 36. Condition Survey A list of quotations had been circulated to members. The first item was for work to the roof, guttering and paving at a cost of £3939.00 incl. VAT. The Committee AGREED to accept this quotation from Moors Construction. The second item was a deep clean of the hall, kitchen, toilets and bar area. The Committee was concerned at the quality of the clean for the quoted price and also because it had come from the regular cleaning contractors . If a more thorough job had been done on a regular basis, the deep clean might not have been needed. The Committee requested that two more quotes were sought. The ovens in the kitchen should also be cleaned and serviced. The third item was new carpets for the Committee room, Clerk’s Office General Office, Office corridor and new mats by the RFO’s office and dressing room. Although it was felt that the Committee room carpet was in reasonable condition, Cllr Pack thought that the office staff should be able to have a pleasant working environment, and it was AGREED to accept the quotation from Kennington Flooring at a cost of £1, 677.60 incl. VAT. However, the committee room should be removed from the quotation and therefore the actual cost would be lower. This should be done at the same time as the decorating in August. The next quotation was for new windows in the general office, the Cherwell corridor and the two fixed windows in the workshop. Quotes were for both wood effect PVC and hard wood. The Clerk explained that she did not feel that PVC was appropriate for Exeter Hall and that it had a shorter shelf life than wood (if it was cared for properly.) She had asked someone to look at the existing windows and had been told the frames were solid with no rot. The Committee asked the Community Projects Officer to look for windows made of aluminium that could be fitted into the existing frames which would match some of the existing windows in the building. Other items that needed attention were all of the patio doors which did not have good locking mechanisms, and a new sink in the gents’ toilets. 5 There was also a quote from Barker and Evans to look at some small and large mechanical items. The Committee was not sure of the cost implications of this as there were some guide costs only and it was requested to ask Graham Curd of Barker and Evans to meet with Cllrs Betts and Robey to discuss this. Cllr Billington left the meeting. The final item was a quote from Cllr Billington to redecorate the Clerk’s office. It was felt to be good practice to obtain one other quote, although Cllr Billington had been awarded the contract to paint the rest of the building through a competitive tender process. Once an alternative quote had been obtained the Chair would make the decision on which to accept in conjunction with the Clerk. Cllr Billington re joined the meeting. 37. Price Increases for Exeter Hall, Stratfield Brake and Burials The Committee has been circulated price lists for Exeter Hall, Stratfield Brake and burials via e-mail. Members were asked to decide if they wished to increase charges. The RFO had advised against an increase in the current economic climate and it was AGREED to leave the charges unchanged. 38. New Allotments at Kidlington Cemetery This item had been referred to the Community Committee to progress by Full Council. The Committee was uncomfortable about the cost of the scheme, and Cllr Betts stated that it should not go ahead until the outcome of the grant application to Awards for All was known, and that it should not go over budget. He wanted to see savings made if at all possible. The Committee also considered where the first row of allotments for displaced tenants of Station Fields and the Gravel Pits should be, and it was decided that in view of the allotments being adjacent to the cemetery, the far end of the site should be utilised first. Cllr Pack left the meeting at 9.30pm It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Order 1(a) to allow for the meeting to continue for a further 15 minutes 39. Bus Shelter Advertising The Parish Council had entered into an agreement with Primesite Media in 1998 to install advertising panels in selected bus shelters. The arrangement was to bring revenue into the Parish and to offer an advertising option as an alternative to fly posting. The agreement had been for 15 years from 1st September 1998 and would expire on 31st August 2013. 6 Currently Primesite media paid £130 per panel per annum (paid quarterly). There were 6 panels making £780 per annum in total. The Committee was asked if it wishes to retain the panels and if so, if it wished to renegotiate terms within a specified framework. The Committee AGREED that the Parish Council should retain the panels and seek tenders for this. 40. Finance Report Members had previously been circulated with a Finance Report from the RFO. This was noted. 41. Open Spaces Report The Committee noted the Open Spaces Report. The Committee had asked if the Open Spaces Manager could attend a meeting, but the Clerk had spoken to him and he had explained he was unable to attend meeting on a Thursday nights due to personal commitments. He had offered to do a walkabout with councillors and the Committee agreed this was a good idea. This would be arranged when the evenings became lighter. The Clerk reported that the Open Spaces Manager had presented half of the memorial inspection register to her, and that when the other half was completed he would write a report to accompany it. 42. Project List An updated project list was noted. 43. Proposed Change of Meeting Date from April 18th to 25th April The Committee agreed to the proposed date change. The meeting closed at 9.45pm Chair. 7 8