Malaysian Oil and Gas Engineering Council (MOGEC) was founded in 1999 by six established design services engineering consultants serving the upstream oil and gas industry. Objectives The objectives of the Association are: 1. To provide a forum for discussion on issues of common interests. 2. To promote co-operation among members. 3. To promote the use petrochemical industries. and development of local resources in the oil, gas and 4. To collaborate with local research centers and institutions to stimulate skills development in Malaysia. 5. To promote the development of graduate engineers and professionals and petrochemical industries. in the oil, gas The Association shall be a non-profit organization. In furtherance of its objectives the Association may affiliate with any relevant Malaysian and international institution pursuing similar objectives. Activities Since its inception, MOGEC has been active, organizing technical talks, an annual high-tea event, supporting conferences and the Industry Gala Dinner event. In its early years, the Association played a key role within the PETRONAS driven cost reduction initiative – CORAL by active participation and representation of the engineering industry. Today it is actively supporting PETRONAS’s vision for Malaysian to be a Regional Deepwater Services Center. MOGEC provides a forum for members to discuss common issues. The MOGEC Council which meets monthly is elected at the AGM for the ensuing year. Benefits It is an effective platform to promote the advancement of the oil and gas engineering profession. MOGEC is involved in activities to represent, promote and defend the interests of the industry to PETRONAS, Government, clients and business associates. Through MOGEC, members can be sure that their voice is heard and that people are aware of the value provided by the Engineering Consultants in the oil and gas industry. The Requirements 1. Founder Members – as above. 2. Ordinary Members MALAYSIAN OIL & GAS ENGINEERING COUNCIL (MOGEC) - Society Reg No PPM-004-14-23032001 MOGEC Secretariat C/o MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd, Unit 11, Ground Floor, Menara Promenade, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel + 6 03 5637 1015 Fax + 6 03 5637 1016 Any multi-discipline engineering companies which provide engineering design services to clients in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industry and which can satisfy the following conditions will be eligible for Ordinary Membership: Each applicant shall be a bona-fide engineering design company which employs at least 5 (five) qualified Malaysian engineers of m u l t i -discipline and or specialist-discipline and perform engineering design services in Malaysia for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry. 3. Associate Members Associate Membership will be opened to all engineering companies providing services to the Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry but not eligible to join as Ordinary Members. For example, companies involved in activities such as manpower supply, sales and / or services of equipments / materials, fabrication of equipment packages, construction of facilities and learning institutes. 4. Honorary Members Honorary members shall be persons or organizations that can provide beneficial services to MOGEC and shall be nominated by the Council. 5. Fees MEMBER Founder Member Ordinary Member Associate Member Individual Member Honorary Member ANNUAL FEE RM 1,000.00 RM 1,000.00 RM 500.00 RM 500.00 N/A ADMISSION FEE RM 2,000.00 RM 2,000.00 RM 1,000.00 RM 1,000.00 N/A Cheque to be made to ‘PER. JURUTERA PDRG MINYAK & GAS MALAYSIA’ Kindly complete the attached application form and send together with your cheque to: 9-03, Binjai 8, Lorong Binjai Off Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur ATTN : Nur Hidayah Ahmad Any multi-discipline engineering companies which provide engineering design services to clients in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industry and which can satisfy the following conditions will be eligible for Ordinary Membership: Each applicant shall be a bona-fide engineering design company which employs at least 5 (five) qualified Malaysian engineers of multi-discipline and or specialist-discipline and perform engineering design services in Malaysia for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry. MALAYSIAN OIL & GAS ENGINEERING COUNCIL (MOGEC) - Society Reg No PPM-004-14-23032001 MOGEC Secretariat C/o MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd, Unit 11, Ground Floor, Menara Promenade, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel + 6 03 5637 1015 Fax + 6 03 5637 1016 6. Membership as at April 2014 Aker Engineering Malaysia Sdn Bhd Armada TPCE Sdn Bhd AECOM Perunding Sdn Bhd Audobon Malaysia Sdn Bhd Blackstone Process Solutions Sdn Bhd Bumi Armada Engineering Sdn Bhd Cekap Technical Services Sdn Bhd Bureau Veritas (M) Sdn Bhd Chiyoda Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bentley Systems (M) Sdn Bhd Environmental Resources Management (M) Sdn Bhd Chalpoint (M) Sdn Bhd Emerson Process Management (Malaysia) East One-Zero-One Sdn Bhd Foster Wheeler E & C (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Germanischer Lloyd GLM Sdn Bhd Innovative Fluid Process Sdn Bhd H & T Industries (KL) Sdn Bhd Leighton Offshore Sdn Bhd Intecsea Sdn Bhd MALKO Flanges & Fittings (M) Sdn Bhd Integrated Process Solutions Sdn Bhd MECIP Global Engineers Sdn Bhd JP Kenny Wood Group Sdn Bhd Minconsult Sdn Bhd KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd Lloyd's Register Technical Services Sdn Bhd Mott MacDonald (M) Sdn Bhd Maju Integrated Engineers Sdn Bhd OPE (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd MEP Engineering Sdn Bhd Pegasus Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd Megalift Sdn Bhd Protek Engineers MMI Engineering Sdn Bhd Peritus International Sdn Bhd Octagon Petroleum Technology Sdn Bhd Ranhill Worley Parsons Sdn Bhd Oryxec Malaysia Sdn Bhd (OECM) RNZ Integrated (M) Sdn Bhd Perunding Padureka Sdn Bhd Sapurakencana Petroleum Berhad Perunding Shahda Synergy Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd Progen Technical Consultants (M) Sdn Bhd Technip Consultant (M) Sdn Bhd PLC International Sdn Bhd Toyo Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd Proeight Offshore Engineering Sdn Bhd Rider Hunt International (Malaysia) Risktec (M) Sdn Bhd RPS Consultants Sdn Bhd RJEH Resources (M) Sdn Bhd Scopus (M) Sdn Bhd Siemens Malaysia Sdn Bhd SLT Engineering Sdn Bhd STAR ENERGY Petroleum Sdn Bhd SIMPRO Engineering Sdn Bhd Tanjung Offshore Services Sdn Bhd Watt Euro Drive (M) Sdn Bhd MALAYSIAN OIL & GAS ENGINEERING COUNCIL (MOGEC) - Society Reg No PPM-004-14-23032001 MOGEC Secretariat C/o MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd, Unit 11, Ground Floor, Menara Promenade, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel + 6 03 5637 1015 Fax + 6 03 5637 1016 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION 1. COMPANY DETAILS Name of Company / Firm : Registered Address Postal Address : : Contact Person 1 & Email : Contact Person 2 & Email : Fax No. : Tel. No. : Homepage Address : Branches : Nature of Business : No. of Malaysian Engineers Employed : Category of Membership Applied : Ordinary Associate Applicants are encouraged to attach relevant documents to support their application. 2. APPLICATION’S DECLARATION All statements of facts in the above application and supporting document are true and correct. Signature and Company Stamp 3. Date PROPOSER AND SECONDER Name of Proposer: Name of Seconder: Signature Signature MALAYSIAN OIL & GAS ENGINEERING COUNCIL (MOGEC) - Society Reg No PPM-004-14-23032001 MOGEC Secretariat C/o MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd, Unit 11, Ground Floor, Menara Promenade, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel + 6 03 5637 1015 Fax + 6 03 5637 1016 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP (INDIVIDUAL) 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Name : _______________________________________________________________ Home Address : _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Correspondence Address : _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Email : _______________________________________________________________ I/C or Passport No. : _________________________ Nationality: __________________________ Home Phone No. : _________________________ Mobile No.: __________________________ Fax No (if any) : _________________________ Homepage Address : _______________________________________________________________ Employer : _______________________________________________________________ Position Title : _______________________________________________________________ Branches : _____________________________________ Qualifications : _______________________________________________________________ Years of working experience : _____________________________________ Membership of professional institutions (if any): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicants are encouraged to attach copies of the following documents to support their application. Copy of registration with a professional body, and/or Copy of certificates of membership with professional institutions 2. APPLICATION’S DECLARATION All statements of facts in the above application and supporting document are true and correct. _____________________________________ Signature _________________________ Date 3. PROPOSER AND SECONDER Name of Proposer : _____________________________________ Signature : __________________________ Name of Seconder : _____________________________________ Signature : __________________________ MALAYSIAN OIL & GAS ENGINEERING COUNCIL (MOGEC) - Society Reg No PPM-004-14-23032001 MOGEC Secretariat C/o MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd, Unit 11, Ground Floor, Menara Promenade, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel + 6 03 5637 1015 Fax + 6 03 5637 1016