ncarroll24 RT @apratt5: @plnaugle Thks 4 a great chat tonight! Being a part of #4thchat has changed everything about my teaching since I started a few months ago! -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle Thks 4 a great chat tonight! Being a part of #4thchat has changed everything about my teaching since I started a few months ago! -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @MrCHRISatCSI Okay- I think it is too - but i'm biased. There's something special about #4thchat teachers! (And soon to be AP's) -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger RT @MrCHRISatCSI: @MissBamberger I'm a #4thchat evangelist! 9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower YES!!! RT @anjenew: @plnaugle is a Twitter Jedi master!! Thanks for moderating!! #4thchat -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @anjenew That's what makes these #4thchat so much fun. We get to see how far we've come and how far we still have to go. Lifelong learning. -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 MrCHRISatCSI @MissBamberger I'm a #4thchat evangelist! -9:08 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 SHE IS!!!! RT @anjenew: @plnaugle is a Twitter Jedi master!! Thanks for moderating!! #4thchat -9:07 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @plnaugle is a Twitter Jedi master!! Thanks for moderating!! #4thchat -9:07 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 GREAT chat #4thchat! I am excited to explore all the tabs I have opened! Looking forward to learning more with you all this summer! -9:07 PM May 21st, 2012 MrCHRISatCSI @ncarroll24 I love #cpchat already and will stick my head in to #4thchat too! I honestly think #4thchat is the best twitter chat! -9:07 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle @ncarroll24 Indeed!!! #4thchat -9:06 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @ncarroll24 @plnaugle Thank you both for moderating! It was another very inspiring & helpful #4thchat! -9:06 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle Ilike the idea of them doing something along with the video. #4thchat -9:06 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @crockwood2 We love having you here. Glad @ncarroll24 got you to join us. Nancy ROCKS! #4thchat -9:06 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @plnaugle: @ncarroll24 Instead of HW they watch the video - under 5 minutes, take some notes and do the problems in class. #4thchat -9:06 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew Great chat tonight!! I learn so much and realize I still have much to learn!! #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle and for hosting #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 MrCHRISatCSI @apratt5 thanks! I'm excited & nervous! I want teachers to love teaching as much as I do! #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle Thanks for Moderating another great chat. #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 wcknutson @plnaugle Thank you all! I have a page of written ideas! I am amazed by all of you! #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 Instead of HW they watch the video - under 5 minutes, take some notes and do the problems in class. #4thchat -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew I would be open to #4thchat on Monday!! -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 #4thchat friends - the chat flew by! So much fun talking to all of you about summer plans. Thanks @plnaugle for Moderating! You are awesome! -9:05 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle Thank you for posting Paula! I love following and learning! #4thchat I learn so much -9:04 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @wcknutson I haven't but I am planning on students creating some next year. #4thchat -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @plnaugle @ncarroll24 absolutely!! Flipped classes are more than a video!! Engaged learning must be happening #4thchat -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle I agree - will you be offering a follow up to the video with the homework? An extension to the vid? Just curious #4thchat -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 RT @MissBamberger: @MrCHRISatCSI I hope you will still join us, and tell all your teachers about the power of #4thchat! Congrats! -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle I WOULD!! #4thchat -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle I am going to a BBQ during the day so I am always in. #4thchat 9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle And our hour is over again. I am still amazed at how fast it goes. Thank you everyone. Have a great week. #4thchat -9:03 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @MrCHRISatCSI I hope you will still join us, and tell all your teachers about the power of #4thchat! Congrats! -9:02 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q5 How many of you would like a #4thchat next week - Memorial Day? -9:02 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @MrCHRISatCSI @ncarroll24 Congratulations!!!!!!!!! #4thchat -9:02 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer So glad I stopped in tonight. I have been away from tweetchat for a while. #4thchat -9:01 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 The video is only a small part of the flipped classroom. What happens instead of classroom lecture is where is happens. #4thchat -9:01 PM May 21st, 2012 MrCHRISatCSI @ncarroll24 I'm switching over to the dark side. I'll be an AP next year. Its going to be a tough transition out of the classroom! #4thchat -9:01 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger Well there be #4thchat over the summer, you all are so inspiring and have made this transition to 4th grade so exciting! -9:01 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @wkrakower Okay! I will get back to you tomorrow then! THANKS! #4thchat 9:00 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @AppEducationFox I will be following Dr Lodge McCammon's FIZZ ideas. for the flip. #4thchat -9:00 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @DCraig42 I think you are right about the flipped. It needs to be more than just a video, right? #4thchat -9:00 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @apratt5 You know I will find a time. #4thchat -9:00 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 doing an immigration common core unit right now with kids and Ellis Island is one of their focuses #4thchat -9:00 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @DCraig42 If I can figure out how to do it. Security is tight but will try. #4thchat -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 I'm goin 2 try & get Google Hangout at school tomorrow then if I can I would love to try it in the next week #4thchat Skype is blocked 4 us -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew A4: Friday!! #4thchat -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @MissBamberger @MissBamberger Yeah my students were like thats not fair. #4thchat -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 mkienstra RT @anjenew: @wkrakower Im very interested in #flippedclassroom not sure how successful a full flip would be in grade 4 #4thchat -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer My school had a late start due to Hurricane Irene flooding our school. June 20th seems like so far away #4thchat -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 @wkrakower I still want in on that Ellis Island chat #4thchat if I can join -8:59 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @mrsapia_teach @TeacherCast @dianapuffer Great place for information on topics. #4thchat -8:58 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @wkrakower Im very interested in #flippedclassroom not sure how successful a full flip would be in grade 4 #4thchat -8:58 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @wkrakower SO LONG! My students couldn't believe how late you are going #4thchat -8:58 PM May 21st, 2012 caronmcbride RT @cybraryman1: My Passion Based Learning page: featuring @AngelaMaiers #4thchat -8:58 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @AppEducationFox Plan on using Flip camera to take videos and put info on flipcharts so easy to move during filming. #4thchat -8:58 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle june 18th half day #4thchat -8:57 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle Thursday, May 31 #4thchat -8:57 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower A4 June 19th #4thchat Maybe I will try a Google Hang Out from Ellis Island. -8:57 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle June 20th is our last day #4thchat -8:57 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @TeacherCast @dianapuffer no, no, thank you! :) #4thchat -8:57 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q4 What is your last day with students? Mine is Wednesday. #4thchat [Like it? ] -8:56 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q4 What is your last day with students? Mine is Wednesday. #4thchat -8:56 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @mrsapia_teach not familiar with @TeacherCast #4thchat -8:56 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 @plnaugle very interesting, I'm intrigued and plan to track your success with this next year. #4thchat -8:56 PM May 21st, 2012 JamieHade RT @plnaugle: A1 I'm planning on starting my library on math lesson videos over the summer so that I can flip next year. #4thchat -8:56 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @JasonSeliskar What subject? will you be flipping? #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @ncarroll24 @Lisa_Rizzo see you tomorrow twitter friend #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @DianaPuffer nice. I'll check it out. I've been hooked on @TeacherCast lately! #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 JasonSeliskar @plnaugle I am planning on a #flippedclassroom for next year #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @mrsapia_teach There are ways around no access. Burn DVDs put on flash drive. #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @mrsapia_teach I haven't used it much yet, but it is great! There are great topics and a lot geared towards teachers and students! #4thchat -8:55 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 I think Flip is an awesome idea though for kids who are disengaged due to boredom of remediation #4thchat -8:54 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @Lisa_Rizzo Night Lisa - see you tomorrow - Glad you joined us. Remind me to tell you about the wiki! #4thchat -8:54 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @DCraig42 Can burn DVD or put on lfash drive or set up one computer in class to watch videos. #4thchat -8:54 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @plnaugle Do all your students have access to tech at home? #4thchat Isn't that a big part of it? -8:54 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer Not sure I am ready for the flipped classroom yet. Still trying to work on getting used to using technology. #4thchat -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @mrsapia_teach Yes, I think it would. You could start with just one subject to see how it goes. #4thchat -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @JennRegruth Keep forgetting to turn skype on! Will do so on Thursday! #4thchat for #impromptuskype -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 I think a true Flip is tough to pull off when kids don't have the support at home but I like the video tutorial idea either way #4thchat -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @DianaPuffer has iTunes U been helpful? Heard good things. #4thchat 8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @AnIowaTeacher Used to live at an Ag School - miss the calving days. Have fun! Glad you were here! #4thchat -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 JennRegruth I had a ball doing #impromptuskype from Washington DC #4thchat -8:53 PM May 21st, 2012 MrCHRISatCSI I missed my last #4thchat as a 4th grade teacher! I'll still check in a lot! #4thgradeteacher4ever -8:52 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @DCraig42 @MissBamberger Been learning as much as I can since Jan about the Flipped Classroom. Going for it next year. #4thchat -8:52 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @ncarroll24 LOL! :) The name didn't give me away? We only have two right now, brown swiss. They are adorable! #4thchat -8:52 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle Yes, I am or would like to. My intentions are great now.. #4thchat -8:52 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer anyone use the app iTunes U? Check it out! #4thchat -8:52 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @plnaugle absolutely. Think it might become overwhelming for me because of all subject areas to cover. #4thchat -8:51 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @AnIowaTeacher Glad you were able to join us. Reminds me of when I lived on a farm in upstate NY. #4thchat -8:51 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @AnIowaTeacher Oh My Gosh - you REALLY are in Iowa.Do you have a lot of calves? #4thchat -8:51 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @plnaugle I am interested in this idea of flipping, haven't tried it yet, makes me nervous, but willing to learn #4thchat -8:51 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 @plnaugle now your flipped math plan sounds exciting #4thchat -8:50 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher Couple of calves are hungry, so it's feeding time! :) Thanks for the incredible chat! :) #4thchatrocks #4thchat -8:50 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @mrsapia_teach I teach all the 4th math at my school, so flipping would be ideal for me. #4thchat -8:50 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @DCraig42 Dave, we could add that for a suggestion for another #4thchat topic. Thanks for the idea. -8:49 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo 4year old still awake...signing out til next week! Thanks chatters! #4thchat - 8:49 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @utalaniz @apratt5 @@frazierde- let's see if we can set one up& give credit! Love voicethread & here's one more reason why #4thchat -8:49 PM May 21st, 2012 saraallen91 Wish I could join #4thchat tonight, but things are just way too crazy busy this week! Looking fwd to next week, though! -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle A1 I'm planning on starting my library on math lesson videos over the summer so that I can flip next year. #4thchat -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @plnaugle A3: I will be with science. Looking at another very small science block and need to be able to push information out. #4thchat -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 we should watch this and discuss (not to distract from the great idea of discussing literature) #4thchat -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle I need help in learning how to do this...I have no idea where to start! #4thchat I might want to read the book! -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @becky7274 I could see that. We are going to be using Frames 5 in the fall. #4thchat -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @ncarroll24 Nope! But we should! I would love that! #4thchat -8:48 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer Has anyone seen the app iTunes U? It has some great courses and workshops for teachers (and others) #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower A3 I went to a session saturday on Flipped Classrooms very interesting idea. #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @MissBamberger Did we ever skype yet? My mind is like a sieve! #4thchat 8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @mrsseibel4th absolutely! I just followed you. Let's try to touch base this summer for sure. #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @wkrakower Only issue I've found is when my whole class uses it at once it sometimes freezes & will not save all of their stories #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @apratt5 @ncarroll24 It was great! @frazierde set it all up. Wondering if our wonderful #4thchat could do the same! -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @mrsapia_teach That would be great! It was fun and a great way to meet standards with the kids enjoying reading! #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @becky7274 LOL..Just saw your reply to the question I'd not yet answered! :P Thanks! #4thchat -8:47 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @AnIowaTeacher Feel free - hope someone else can use it! #4thchat #awshucks -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach RT- That's great!“@ncarroll24: Teaching a 6 week course in the district about Twitter: #4thchat” -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q3 Is anyone planning on creating videos for "flipping" their classroom? #4thchat [Like it? ] -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q3 Is anyone planning on creating videos for "flipping" their classroom? #4thchat -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @becky7274 I will have to look into this. Sounds interesting we have a program we will be using next year for story telling. #4thchat -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @downrightdave Hi Dave - talking about Summer PD - things we want to learn/read #4thchat -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @ncarroll24 Mind if I share this out to some of my teachers here?? #thisisawesome #4thchat -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @AnIowaTeacher You could do just one account for class, but I got the free class membership & added login for each student. #4thchat -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @utalaniz I think I saw that - but it was too late - Perhaps we can do that year- round next year! Love it! #4thchat #poetrytag -8:46 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @utalaniz @ncarroll24 That is such a great idea!!! #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @becky7274 Does this require a log in for the students or just you? #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @mrsseibel4th I'd love to try to connect next year. I'm familiar with Edmodo already. #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @wkrakower @AnIowaTeacher We shared via teacher accts, but if you set up a class w/all students then kids can share w/ each other. #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @mrsapia_teach Teaching a 6 week course in the district about Twitter: #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 AngelaMaiers RT @cybraryman1: My Passion Based Learning page: featuring @AngelaMaiers #4thchat -8:45 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @ginkiy we may have to figure something out for next year! My class loved working with other classrooms #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @ncarroll24 I joined up with some great teachers. Each class posted a poem on Voicethread. Our kids commented on the poems. #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle WOW!! You are awesome!! Thanks! #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @BarbaraDay I am with you Barbara! I haven't done one yet either. #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @BarbaraDay Would love to skype with you! My kids really enjoy skype and so do I. Let me know if you want to try it! #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @downrightdave What are you planning on learning this summer - tool, website, etc. What books will you read. #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle WOW! You are quick!!! #4thchat -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 RonnieGonzalez RT @plnaugle: Okay, here is our Summer Book Club on Shelfari #4thchat [Like it? ] -8:44 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @wkrakower @AnIowaTeacher Online story telling site. You pick the illustrations then create a story! #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay @crockwood2 Thanks. I'll have to work up my courage for the coming year. #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @mrsapia_teach I work with @crockwood2 and THESE are the days - lol #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th I would like to have my students connect with other schools but use more than one book next year. Just haven't figured out how yet #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Okay, here is our Summer Book Club on Shelfari #4thchat [Like it? ] -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @mrsapia_teach We work in the same district. We used to work in the same building - THOSE were the days! @Lisa_Rizzo #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @mrsseibel4th I like that idea! My class blogs with another class in another state - book clubs might work with that too! #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 downrightdave @plnaugle Dang, I'm super late. What is the topic today? #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @AnIowaTeacher @becky7274 Me too!! #4thchat -8:43 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 RT @crockwood2: @BarbaraDay you should jump right in!! I'd be happy to skype with you to get you started #4thchat -8:42 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @becky7274 Enlighten me, what is Storybird? :) #4thchat -8:42 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @utalaniz I love the idea of #poetrytag - how did that work? #4thchat -8:42 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @mr_avery I would be interested next school year? Will you do this again? #4thchat -8:41 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @mr_avery This sounds great! We played #poetrytag this year. Wondering if it's like that. #4thchat -8:41 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @utalaniz @ginkiy I would also be interested in how you ran this! #4thchat -8:41 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @BarbaraDay you should jump right in!! I'd be happy to skype with you to get you started #4thchat -8:41 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @SamFancera that's great. Seems like a very effective way to communicate with multiple parties. #4thchat -8:41 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo @mrsapia_teach we did for 8 years....diff schools now:(. #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @utalaniz @ncarroll24 I think this will be the next book I read. I have a sample download to my nook but in middle of another book. #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @utalaniz How did you work the book club? #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 I haven't done Skype this year because of crappy schedule, but we've collaborated with several classes using Storybird. #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @ginkiy I did a book club with a teacher in another district we used skype and edmodo! It was great and my kids loved it #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 RT @plnaugle: After I have taught all of my tweeps how to use Edmodo, we could have book chats there. #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @ginkiy I started a children's book club this year. #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 mr_avery Interested in a collaborative storytelling project? An introduction to getting a #taletrail started! #5thchat #4thchat -8:40 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @Lisa_Rizzo @ncarroll24 Do you two work in the same building? #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @utalaniz @plnaugle @apratt5 would like to read that, I have heard it is excellent! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle Great Idea #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 mkienstra @plnaugle what book(s) are you thinking about? I'm in for a book group #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @ncarroll24: @Lisa_Rizzo @mrsapia_teach - blushing! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @utalaniz thanks #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer Someone needs to make a list of all these great book suggestions! #4thchat 8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @Lisa_Rizzo @mrsapia_teach - blushing! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @becky7274 Just discovered that for my own school email, run through Google! Drat! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @plnaugle Excellent idea as always, Paula! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @cybraryman1 @plnaugle I have some more on my phone. Should of taken a picture with each of you up on the big screen. #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 Daniel Pink is a very interesting man #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @wkrakower: RT @PGRoom209: @wkrakower Demo's Google hangout and Skype in the classroom with @cybraryman1 and @plnaugle #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @utalaniz @plnaugle I haven't but I will look it up, thanks! #4thchat -8:39 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy Have any of you started a children's book club at school? #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower RT @PGRoom209: @wkrakower Demo's Google hangout and Skype in the classroom with @cybraryman1 and @plnaugle #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @DianaPuffer Sorry! Drive by Daniel Pink. #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @plnaugle My district's moving to Google for mail, etc. Hangouts / + not part of package b/c of Google's over 18 policy. #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay I am really shy about doing Skype. It is something I will have to tackle next year. #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo @mrsapia_teach thanks to @ncarroll24 for getting me hooked! #4thchat 8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach Blogger's License Agreement. #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle After I have taught all of my tweeps how to use Edmodo, we could have book chats there. #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @plnaugle @apratt5 Anyone ever read Choice Words by Peter H. Johnston? It's an excellent book for teachers! #4thchat -8:38 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @cybraryman1: @wkrakower @plnaugle Do you have picture of us doing Google Hangout to show them? #4thchat -8:37 PM May 21st, 2012 DCraig42 I wish I could find time for a reading club . I have way too much to do professionally and personally. Sounds like fun though #4thchat -8:37 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle Brain Rules is another great read! #4thchat -8:37 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @utalaniz What book are you refering to? #4thchat -8:37 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @plnaugle Yes! Count me in! #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @BarbaraDay @anjenew Kids LOVE the paper blogs & gives them a good understanding of blogging/commenting #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle I didn't know that was possible! I am up for that!!! The excitement is setting in! #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 @wkrakower @plnaugle Do you have picture of us doing Google Hangout to show them? #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Also add Sir Ken Robinson's book The Element to your summer reading list. #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @plnaugle I would love to join a summer reading program #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay @anjenew I like the idea of starting with paper blogs an idea from @McTeach. Here is a blog post I wrote. #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @wkrakower @ncarroll24 I think it's a book all teachers should read. But it's something that applies to all -- not just education. #4thchat -8:36 PM May 21st, 2012 pdlindgren @BarbaraDay "..What is Google Hangout? I've never heard of that. #4thchat " [ Multi-person video chat in Google+ . ] -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @apratt5 I think I would rather have a book club through GoodReads or Shelfari. Can join a group and follow threaded discussion. #4thchat -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @cybraryman1 Said i was going to do #geniushour using Ss passion this year & haven't done it. This is what I need #4thchat -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher Well shoot! Google+ is not available for my organization! *kicking email* :) #4thchat -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @plnaugle Yes, please count me in! #4thchat -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle Me me!! I would love to! #4thchat -8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle @ncarroll24 I might have to make that my next read. #4thchat 8:35 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 My Passion Based Learning page: featuring @AngelaMaiers #4thchat -8:34 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @wkrakower @utalaniz I've not read it - @lookforsun is always referring to it - so on my list as is READICIDE #4thchat -8:34 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @Lisa_Rizzo I've learned so much from this wonderful PLN! #4thchat 8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo Also, Bigger Than a Breadbox, Plunked, Mapmaker and the Ghost #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 Oh, yes Nancy. Drive is definitely a book worth reading. #4thchat 8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 Started Reading Skinnybones to the class - haven't read it all the way through should I be worried ? #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @plnaugle Great idea! :) #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle I love the book "A Passion-Driven Classroom" #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle Count me in maybe I can ask the people of #njed chat and we can have a joint discussion. #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle YES, YES, YES! I would! :) #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @plnaugle What is Shelfari? #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo @mrsapia_teach thanks! Loving this chat...#4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 MLBertram @plnaugle That is a great idea! #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger YES!!! RT @apratt5: @MissBamberger Let's do it!!! Who better to study with than these phenomenal educators!?!?! #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle @jmplus2 I promise to get the Archives up this week - using Tweetchat so it's following the convo #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @MissBamberger: @utalaniz Thanks, I knew you would have some good recommendations! #4thchat -8:33 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @MissBamberger Let's do it!!! Who better to study with than these phenomenal educators!?!?! #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle count me in #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @MissBamberger @apratt5 #4thchat -- I'd be interested! -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @utalaniz Thanks, I knew you would have some good recommendations! #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Would anyone like to join a Shelfari summer reading group? We could select a couple of titles and have discussion threads there.#4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @mrsapia_teach Do you have "A Passion-Driven Classroom" too? If so, that's just plain scary! :) #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo Also, Kane Chronicles, Nerd Camp, Crooked Kind of Perfect, Hound Dog True #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @KathyPerret: @BarbaraDay I love Google+ hangout. It is like skype, but you can see up to 9 people. #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @apratt5 We are working on one for #njed chat. We have a list and going to discuss which book we want to do. #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 KathyPerret @BarbaraDay I love Google+ hangout. It is like skype, but you can see up to 9 people. #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @apratt5 I was just thinking we should start one! #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle @angelamaiers @coolcatteacher I have both of those and I plan to read them this summer too! #4thchat -8:32 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @apratt5 No but I would like to join one #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @Lisa_Rizzo welcome! #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @ncarroll24 Yes! I've read Drive. #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @ncarroll24 I have it on my list on my nook. Might be next book I read we shall see. #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @DianaPuffer You can see up to 10 different video feeds at one time. It is so cool. #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @ncarroll24: @crockwood2 You are too funny! Next is the Daily5 and CAFE! We are going to use the Daily 5 for Math hopefully #4thchat -8:31 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 RT @DianaPuffer: @plnaugle Do you "see" everyone at once? or is it a turn taking thing? #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 Does anyone know of a book club going on with their PLN on Twitter for the summer? #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @MissBamberger oh boy! Do it. #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower A2 Shifting the Monkey by @ToddWhitaker #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo Mighty Miss Malone, The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda, The Percy Jackson Series, these are some of my kids favs #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @plnaugle A2 Suzanne Collin's other series Gregor the Overlander (The Underland Chronicles), Wonder by RJ Palacio #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle I read @angelamaiers Passion Driven Classroom last year. @coolcatteacher's book on Flat Classroom would be another good one. #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo @ncarroll24 Glad to follow all of you clever people! #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @AnIowaTeacher We're reading the same books! #4thchat -8:30 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle Do you "see" everyone at once? or is it a turn taking thing? #4thchat -8:29 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @SamFancera Do you use google hangout with other admins? I'm a future administrator, so I'm just curious. #4thchat -8:29 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 Anyone read Dan Pink's - Drive? Here it is good - was thinking of that #4thchat -8:29 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay Is it me or is it Tweetdeck? I tried to post to Twitter and it showed up on Facebook. I try to one person and tweet to another. #4thchat -8:29 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @MissBamberger Google is usually not blocked for us but Skype is and I have to skirt around it! #4thchat -8:29 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle I feel like I am on the Nancy Carroll payroll, but...she got me started on the Book Whisperer. Will finish this summer #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @plnaugle A2: Book Whisperer, Daily 5, or CAFE jump to mind. Also, Shifting the Monkey would be one I'd like to take part in. #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @BarbaraDay Found some great blog posts by tchrs on getting started. Do you have any recs?? #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 Q2 Have put a couple of books on my summer reading list: Ss books: Wonder & Lemon Ade War series #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @MissBamberger that's a shame. There is so much powerful and potential there. #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo I'm also almost finished reading The One and Only Ivan and Wonder is next! #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower RT @SamFancera: It is a great tool for connecting w/other educators. “@MissBamberger: I also need to learn google hangout! #4thchat” -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo Ditto on Wonder! #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @plnaugle Wow! That sounds great...have you done this? #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @mrsapia_teach I wish, it seems like an impossible task these days #4thchat -8:28 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 Hello @Lisa_Rizzo Glad you're here! #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @mustardLofgren @MissBamberger @ipadSammy that's how my settings are. #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @DianaPuffer @mrsseibel4th I have now done one a couple of times. Was so nervous first time but it is easy. #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher Loading Google Hangout as we speak! #multitasking #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 mustardLofgren @MissBamberger #4thchat I hope to get a lot of help from @ipadSammy -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay @mrsapia_teach You can choose your settings. I have mine open to public but nothing publishes without my okay. #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @Lisa_Rizzo Wonder, The One and Only Ivan #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle Q2 If you were going to start a book club or join one for teachers, what book would you suggest? #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @anjenew @BarbaraDay It's very secure. You can moderate everything before it's posted. #4thchat -8:27 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @ginkiy I read it last year & need to revisit it again. Want to really incorporate next year. #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @ginkiy Seems to be a common theme: technology or literacy with a little math sprinkled in for good measure! :) #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @BarbaraDay I would say both because you can have up to ten people on Google Hang Out. #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @plnaugle Wow! Is it easy to use? #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @SamFancera Will def have to check it out, I use skype a lot in my classroom. This would be another way to connect with some folks #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 Lisa_Rizzo Wanting to explore new chap books this summer. Need to refresh! Any suggestions? #3rdchat #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @MissBamberger @mrsseibel4th Is there a way to get the unblocked by district or admin? #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @BarbaraDay good to know!! Do you feel it is secure? #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy #4thchat -- i heard someone say mention CAFE Daily 5 -- I'm going to be reading that, too! -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer @ncarroll24 Thanks! That sounds great! #4thchat -8:26 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @mrsseibel4th I hate when things are blocked, I should check at school, a lot of things on google are blocked for us! #4thchat -8:25 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @mrsseibel4th GHangout is a way to do video chats. Need to have a Google acct. Someone sets up a hangout and invites you to join. #4thchat -8:25 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @DianaPuffer I'm not quite sure but it's like skype only you can have 10 ppl on at once? right @plnaugle #4thchat -8:25 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @anjenew @ncarroll24 :))) #4thchat -8:25 PM May 21st, 2012 mr_avery What about a weekly online presentation put together by members of #4thchat? -8:25 PM May 21st, 2012 SamFancera It is a great tool for connecting w/other educators. “@MissBamberger: I also need to learn google hangout! #4thchat” -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay @anjenew I use Kidblogs. It's great for 4th graders because you can monitor it easily. #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 DianaPuffer I have to say, I don't know what a Google Hangout is. I am behind the times. #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @cybraryman1 Great Idea. We should just pick a time and doing it. #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 mr_avery @ncarroll24 Working for @LearnZillion so going to Atlanta for some PD next month! #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @mustardLofgren Wow! Jealous of your iPads but I think it sounds like you have a great plan worked out! #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @crockwood2 @ncarroll24 Road Trip!! #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 Great I'll put those dates on my calendar, Nancy. Love Skyping into other's PD sessions. Fun! #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @cybraryman1 @wkrakower we'd love it #4thchat -8:24 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @BarbaraDay It is basically Skype but on Google. #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsseibel4th @MissBamberger Me too! that would be awesome if it wasn't blocked.#4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @mr_avery Any irons in the fire this summer? #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 @wkrakower You should create a Google Hangout for these wonderful #4thchat educators to try it out together -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @crockwood2 It's a very valuable tool. My students love it. #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 mr_avery @ncarroll24 Thanks! Hoping to get plenty in over the summer! #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @anjenew Yes, I do use #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @MissBamberger We should do a Google Hang Out to Discuss our next #elemsci topics @ncarroll24 #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 mustardLofgren @MissBamberger #4thchat I agree, had rti teacher push in all year. next year on us. mixing it with interactive read alouds & 1:1 iPad yikes -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher Me too! Didn't know it had that kind of technology applied to it! RT @MissBamberger: I also need to learn google hangout! #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 Yes, I loved that from @lindayollis - I'm thinking of going that route next year. (mr_avery) #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 BarbaraDay Hi, everyone! I've been lurking for a while. What is Google Hangout? I've never heard of that. #4thchat -8:23 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @mrsapia_teach :) #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @mr_avery Hi Sean - Topic Summer PD #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @crockwood2 that's great. You're in good hands! #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @plnaugle do you use kid blog? #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy #4thchat -- is there a topic this week? Can't seem to find one... -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 Had another great Google Hangout learning how to use it one day with educators from Greece, Australia, Peru & moi in Florida #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle @crockwood2 @ncarroll24 I am looking forward to start blogging next year. Looking forward to learning this summer. #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @anjenew @ncarroll24 indeed!! think I'm taking it! #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 RT @wkrakower: RT @cybraryman1: My Google+ page #4thchat @crockwood2 -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle I'm teaching it July 12 & 13th - both all day - that would be great! #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger I also need to learn google hangout! #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 mr_avery What's the topic tonight? #4thchat -8:22 PM May 21st, 2012 becky7274 @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @wkrakower We're going to Google. We can't get hangouts / + as part of package b/c of Google's over 18 policy #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 MLBertram @apratt5 @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @wkrakower @cybraryman1 I should take a closer look at Google hangouts.Added summer to-do list! #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @crockwood2 would love to attend that!! @ncarroll24 rocks!! #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @wkrakower @cybraryman1 thanks again #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @crockwood2 @ncarroll24 Oh, Skype me in Nancy when you are teaching blogging. I would love to help. #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle Talk to @mr_avery He has a class blog & kids EARN their own Parents moderate them. Could work for 80 Ss #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher How cool is that?? :) RT @crockwood2: @anjenew Our own Nancy Carroll is teaching a Blogging course this summer #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy @saraallen91 #4thchat I once did an activity where I gave them an imaginary "budget", and they had to plan trip, lodging, etc. around state -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @cybraryman1 Many thanks!! #4thchat -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower RT @cybraryman1: My Google+ page #4thchat @crockwood2 -8:21 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @wkrakower: @plnaugle @cybraryman1 I like the sounds of that - all those classrooms at once - could be fun #4thchat -8:20 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @anjenew I'm rethinking how I am going to handle blogging with my kids. Have to moderate 80 blogs is too much. #4thchat -8:20 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @anjenew Our own Nancy Carroll is teaching a Blogging course this summer #4thchat -8:20 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @wkrakower @cybraryman1 I haven't done Google Hangout..but would love to...THAT is not blocked at my school! #4thchat -8:20 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @anjenew: My goal is to start blogging with kids next yr; rcvd great recs from Twitter PLN #4thchat -8:20 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @AnIowaTeacher I have mixed feelings about it. Hard for kids to master skill because goes too deep for grade level. #4thchat -8:19 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew My goal is to start blogging with kids next yr; rcvd great recs from Twitter PLN #4thchat -8:19 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @cybraryman1 Maybe we should work on doing Mystery Google Hang Outs for next year. #4thchat We can create a how to. -8:19 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @wkrakower @cybraryman1 okay just signed on. Sorry to sound uninformed, google hangout? googling it now #4thchat -8:19 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher *blush* So did I!! :) RT @utalaniz: @MissBamberger @wkrakower I forgot all about impromptu Skype! #4thchat -8:19 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher RT @luciagia: For those who want to learn more about Edmodo, sign up for our Intro webinar...I host it :) #4thchat -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle TY RT @luciagia: For those who want to learn more about Edmodo, sign up for our Intro webinar...I host it :) #4thchat -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher @plnaugle What do you think of the IXL subscription? Worth it? #4thchat -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower Missed having you there too. @ncarroll24 you always have great insight to add. #4thchat @cybraryman1 @plnaugle -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @ncarroll24 @wkrakower @cybraryman1 Google hangout seems to have better connect and clearer video than Skype. #4thchat -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 crockwood2 RT @luciagia: For those who want to learn more about Edmodo, sign up for our Intro webinar...I host it :) #4thchat -8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @MissBamberger @wkrakower I forgot all about impromptu Skype! #4thchat 8:18 PM May 21st, 2012 luciagia For those who want to learn more about Edmodo, sign up for our Intro webinar...I host it :) #4thchat -8:17 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower RT @ncarroll24: @plnaugle Why would anyone NOT use it - sounds great! #4thchat Google Hangout...FUN! -8:17 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @cybraryman1 @wkrakower yes, I'm really starting to feel comfortable with Google hangouts. Thanks for that. #4thchat -8:17 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 Sorry I wasn't home :(RT @wkrakower: @cybraryman1 @plnaugle Yes we DO!! Everyone at #edcampphilly enjoyed seeing both of you. #4thchat -8:17 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @plnaugle Why would anyone NOT use it - sounds great! #4thchat Google Hangout...FUN! -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @cybraryman1 @plnaugle Yes we DO!! Everyone I think at #edcampphilly enjoyed seeing both of you. #4thchat -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 ginkiy #4thchat -- I'm finally back! Gonna see what you all are talking about... -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 My Google+ page #4thchat -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @wkrakower The kids thought it was cool, we were not expecting a skype call, and then it rang! Fun! #4thchat -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @MLBertram You'll love it! @MissBamberger @mrsapia_teach #4thchat -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle We can have 10 people in a hangout using video at one time nad use screensharing. Should be a great way to learn. #4thchat -8:16 PM May 21st, 2012 anjenew @ncarroll24 @apratt5 @gailandjoan Daily 5 is on my summer list #4thchat 8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 I"M IN! RT @plnaugle: I am planning on using Google hangouts as one way to help those of you interested in Edmodo over the summer. #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @ncarroll24 @gailandjoan I have it and I already brought it home from school to read this summer! #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 utalaniz @ncarroll24 @coachyetter I agree! If we all agreed on a system, it would make it go smoother. Is it possible to get all 50 states? #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 cybraryman1 @plnaugle @wkrakower We have to hangout more often! #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 mrsapia_teach @utalaniz @MissBamberger Add your name to the list of people who love it. #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle @AnIowaTeacher I teach all of our 4th graders math. We have an IXL subscription, but want to explore #10Marks too. #4thchat -8:15 PM May 21st, 2012 wkrakower @plnaugle I enjoyed our hangout on saturday. We are using it to plan #edcampnj Great tool. #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 apratt5 @plnaugle sign me up! #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 MissBamberger @plnaugle Thanks for helping us learn Edmodo, Paula! You are a superstar! #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 famn5 Good Evening Everyone. #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 ncarroll24 @apratt5 Have you read the CAFE book by the Daily5 guros @gailandjoan It's just great & helps w/ instruction #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 JasonSeliskar RT @plnaugle: Looking forward to ear what you are planning to learn over the summer on #4thchat. Join us in 5 minutes. [Like it? ] -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 plnaugle I am planning on using Google hangouts as one way to help those of you interested in Edmodo over the summer. #4thchat -8:14 PM May 21st, 2012 AnIowaTeacher I'll also be diving into TenMarks as I'll be the only math teacher in our grade level. Love it, but I can use it so much better! #4thchat -8:13 PM May 21s