Google Scavenger Hunt WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Search Engines can be used to find information that is educational, necessary, or entertaining. They are relied on to help us be more productive, more knowledgeable, and more connected. It is THE GOAL of this lesson to become familiar with several types of searches and search strategies and how to use them for your own personal and educational purposes. Feel free to work at your own pace or to stay with the class. If you need help, click on the “tips and guidance” link. When you are done with that tip, close out of the browser tab. After you complete a question, scroll down to page 3 and place an X on the appropriate line. 1) Your friend went to Mexico and learned a bunch of Spanish phrases. Ever since she got back, he keeps saying, “esto es tonto.” Type “translate “esto es tonto” to English” to translate it. What does she mean? #1 ANSWER: 2) You saw on the discovery channel that a frog can jump 3 meters. You want to know how far this is in feet. Type “convert 3m to ft” to find out how far it is. #2 ANSWER: 3) A friend from school tells you he lives on 111 Hastings Avenue in Galesburg. You want to ride your bike to his house. Is it North or South of M-96 (delete the wrong option)? #3 ANSWER: North South 4) Your cousin tells you that you should watch a show called Conan. Ask Google a question to determine what channel it is on. ANSWER: 5) You need to list the first five prime numbers for your math homework but you don’t even remember what a prime number is. What are the first five prime numbers? ANSWER: 6) You have to write a paper about President Lincoln’s role in the civil war. Every time you search for “Lincoln” you get one Wikipedia page about the President, and a bunch of pages about Lincoln cars. What could you type in the search box instead? ANSWER: 7) Your sister wants a Spongebob balloon for her birthday party. Do a SHOPPING search to see how much the cheapest one costs. ANSWER: 8) You heard something on the radio about a lawsuit against Sea World. Do a NEWS search, then copy and paste the title of one article about this. ANSWER: 9) Use a MAP search to find the phone number for a florist in Richland, MI. ANSWER: 10) You want a picture of a black lab that your little cousin could color in like a coloring page. Do an IMAGE search, then use search tools to find one that is a “line drawing.” Copy and paste it below: Place an X on each line as you complete the task. 1) I can do a translation search to find the meanings of foreign words and phrases. 2) I can do a conversion search to change from one unit of measurement to another. 3) I can use a map search to find where a friend lives. 4) I can find answers to everyday questions by asking Google as I would ask a friend. 5) I can think of specific ways to word searches to give me help on my homework. 6) I can modify a search to give me results that are specifically what I’m looking for. 7) I can perform a shopping search to find prices and retailers online. 8) I can use a news search to read about the latest happenings in the world. 9) I can use a map search to find contact information for local businesses. 10) I can do an image search to find just the right picture. Now go back to the very top of the 1st page. If you think that you met the GOAL of this lesson, do a google image search for a happy face and paste it below. If you do not think you met the goal, choose a different face that reflects how you feel about your google skills. ***When you are done, go to: File Save As ***Make sure you save this in: My Computer H: (personal) drive ***Make the File name be “Google”