Developing a collaboration to enable chemical dissection of second messenger signaling networks Dr. Dorothea Fiedler, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University Dr. Stuart J. Conway, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford Background DF and SJC met at the 2010 Spring American Chemical Society meeting following DF’s lecture. They have a mutual interest in the application of chemical tools to investigate inositol‐based cellular signaling networks. SJC’s expertise in the synthesis of inositol‐based chemical probes and DF’s expertise in molecular biology/genetics is highly complementary and hence both SJC and DF are keen to develop a successful collaboration. Aims • To hold two small, focused, symposia on the chemistry‐biology interface of inositol signaling. • To hold two planning meetings to develop proposals for collaborative research funding, from USA, UK and international sources. Significance of research Since the discovery, in 1983, that the inositol‐based signaling molecule, InsP3, is a calcium‐releasing second messenger, phosphorylated inositols have emerged as a major class of intracellular messenger. In the intervening period, endeavors in both synthetic chemistry and molecular/structural biology have advanced our understanding of the fundamental roles played by these molecules. It is now clear that inositol–polyphosphates are important regulators for many cellular processes, including cell survival, cell proliferation, muscle contraction and the molecular basis of learning and memory. Despite this progress, many of their signaling functions have remained elusive, because these metabolites are difficult to study with standard cell biology techniques. Their chemical tractability, however, provides the unique opportunity to investigate their functions with chemical tools. We therefore posit that a combined chemical synthesis and molecular biology approach is essential for sustained progress in our understanding of inositol phosphate signaling. Inositol contains six positions at which chemical modification, most commonly phosphorylation, can occur. Molecules containing many of the possible combinations of substitution have been chemically synthesized and their biological actions assessed. These modifications have almost exclusively involved substitution of a single phosphate moiety at the given position. However, among the many derivatives of the inositol phosphate messengers is a subgroup that possesses high‐energy diphosphate (pyrophosphate) groups. This intriguing class of inositol pyrophosphates has been linked to several cellular functions, including telomere maintenance, and protein phosphorylation. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the diphosphoinositol phosphates are intimately involved in insulin secretion, glucose uptake, and the metabolic state of cancer cells. However, by comparison, the study of the inositol pyrophosphate is an emerging area with little known about these new chemical messengers or their cellular targets. DF and SJC plan to combine their synthetic and molecular biology skills to systematically analyze the role of these molecules and determine their cellular targets. Many molecular probes for other inositol‐based signaling molecules have been developed, but, although a synthesis of an inositol pyrophosphate (InsP7) has recently been reported, no such tools have yet been developed to probe the role of the inositol pyrophosphates. SJC’s research group has the expertise to synthesize molecular probes that include membrane permeant, light‐activated, hydrolysis resistant and photo‐cross linking derivatives of the various inositol pyrophosphates in addition to affinity matrices to determine the molecular targets of these compounds. However, the syntheses of these molecules are technically challenging and time‐consuming. Therefore, external funds will need to be obtained before significant progress can be made in this area. DF’s lab would greatly benefit from SJC’s expertise in synthesizing InsP7 analogues. In DF’s lab, these analogues are to be evaluated in the relevant cell models, in combination with different genetic perturbations. This will allow us to assign discrete signaling functions to these second messengers. Herein we request funding to facilitate the planning required to make several applications for joint funding to address the exciting challenges outlined above. Outline of planning activities Year 1: In year one we will organize two focused symposia on the Chemical Biology of Inositol Signaling. The purpose of these symposia will be to educate the students and PDRAs in the Oxford‐Princeton team in recent developments in the biology and chemistry of this area. The symposia will also provide excellent networking opportunities for DF and SJC. The first symposium will be held in Oxford in the 2011 Easter vacation. The format will be based loosely on that of a Gordon conference, with no predetermined agenda and maximum time for discussion. In addition to the core Oxford‐Princeton team, we will invite several UK‐based experts in the chemistry and/or biology of inositol signaling. These experts will include some or all of the following: Prof. Antony Galione (Pharmacology, Oxford); Prof. Sir Michael Berridge (Babraham Institute, Cambridge); Dr. Martin Bootman (Babraham Institute, Cambridge); Prof. Barry Potter (Pharmacology, Bath) and Prof. Adolfo Saiardi (Cell and Developmental Biology, UCL). The second symposium will be held at Princeton in the 2011 Summer vacation and will have the same format as above. In this instance, we will invite several USA‐based experts in the chemistry and/or biology of inositol signaling. These experts will include some or all of the following: Prof. Scott Miller (Chemistry, Yale), Prof. Glenn Prestwich (Medicinal Chemistry, Salt Lake City), Dr. Stephen Shears (NIH, RTP) and Prof. Solomon Snyder (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore). Year 2: In year two we will hold two planning meetings, one in Oxford and one in Princeton, to develop proposals for research funding from external agencies. Summary In summary, the funding requested will catalyze a new collaboration between two early career stage researchers at Oxford and Princeton. Joint funding applications, joint projects and novel ideas will result from this funding. Without the requested funding, it is likely that this collaboration will take much longer to initiate and reach a point where credible applications for external funding can be made.