1 Technical Appendix 1. Note on implementation of our conceptual framework The data on product consideration are particular to consumer, product category and country of origin. We discuss below how consumer differences, such as home-country bias, are taken into account and focus for the moment on a two-way table/matrix X of countries-of-origin by product-categories that gives the percentage of all consumers who would consider a product from each country for each category. The inter-relations of countries and products are explained by the interaction of countries and product categories, each with estimated locations in M latent dimensions. Plotting countries and product categories in M dimensions reveals a lot about COO effects—a country will be considered often for a product if both country and product depart from the origin in similar directions (product-country “fit” of Roth and Romeo 1992). This plot will be referred to as the “map” of COO effects. Given enough dimensions, the map is capable of fitting any matrix X exactly. However, adding additional terms to the model allows the map to explain only what variability remains. What terms to add depends upon what the map is meant to explain. For example, consumers will be choosier about country of origin for automobiles than pencils, but this is a characteristic of product category that need not be explained by a map of the competitive positions of countries of origin. Therefore product category main effects are added separately to the model, relieving the map of the burden of representing these effects. There is also good reason to expect that some countries will be considered for more product categories than other countries, a country main-effect. Verlegh and Steenkamp (1999) find that COO effects are significantly larger for products made in more developed countries than for products made in less developed countries, and “[i]n Asia, Japan emerges as the quality leader” 2 (Gurhan-Canli and Maheswaran 2000, p. 309). We believe that a map explaining COO effects must be able to explain why some countries are considered more often than others. Therefore we “force” the map to explain these differences by not including country main effects separately in the model. So far the model for the table X of data on product consideration (which includes column main effects, no row main effects, and estimated locations of rows and columns on M latent dimensions) is known as a “columns-regression biadditive model” (cf. Gower and Hand 1996, Eq. 8.14(ii)). We extend this model of product consideration by adding the effects of nationality of respondent (considered below) and random effects. Random effects are added to the model so that the map need explain only systematic variability in COO effects. Some COO effects are very product specific. For example, Russia may be associated with poor quality generally, except in the case of caviar where produce labeled with ‘Russia’ or ‘USSR’ fetches much higher prices than caviar from other countries (Beverland and Lindgreen 2002). It is asking a lot of a macro-level map of COO effects to account for this degree of detail. Latent constructs are not expected to explain all variability in their indicators, only common variation (Harman 1976). Statistical evidence of a latent construct requires that it add to a model that already allows the indicators to vary randomly and independently. We take this same approach by adding to our model a random effect for consideration of each combination of product category, country of origin and nationality of consumer. 2. Note on Effects of consumer nationality While the goal is to obtain a single competitive map that explains COO effects in a region, there are likely to be differences arising from the different nationalities of respondents. As 3 Verlegh and Steenkamp point out, emotional and affective attachment may be formed “in direct experiences during holidays or encounters with foreigners, but also in indirect experiences with countries and their citizens through, e.g., art, education and mass media” (1999, p. 526). Such experiences will vary by individual in ways that are related to their nationality. The model includes such differences in two ways. The first is random. The random effects already described for product-country considerations and country-attribute perceptions are applied separately for each nationality. In addition, the relevance of the common map of COO effects is allowed to vary by nationality, and separately for product consideration and country perceptions. If these four provisions for differences by nationality are insufficient, then the result will tend towards of map of COO effects that fits no nationality well and will lack coherence. 3. Note on error term specification and model identification In our model, rpcn is the usual error term in a random utility model that allows two apparently identical respondents to nevertheless give different answers to the same question. pcn is a random effect, specific to each combination of product, country and nationality, that allows the expected utility to differ from what is predicted by the model. Inclusion of this random effect is important. Including the random effects (pcn) means that the map will be statistically significant if and only if it is needed to account for nonrandom variability. In other words, if COO effects vary by product, but with no apparent pattern from one product to the next, then the random effects (pcn) will have a large variance and the map (pc) will be unnecessary. Model identification was attained by imposing necessary constraints. The logistic error terms (rpcn and racn) have their variances fixed at 2/3 = 3.29 (a value commonly used for the error term in logistic regression). The vectors of nationality main effects ((n1) and (n2)), thresholds ((p) and (d)), and country locations in each dimension of the map ((c1) and (c2)) 4 each sum to zero. The geometric means of map relevance over nationalities ((n1) and (n2)) equal one for each question. And finally, the 20 M matrix of product and country attribute locations in the map (B, consisting of (p) and (a)) satisfies BB = I and the 10 M matrix of country locations ( (c)) satisfies = diag(v) with vm > vm+1 for m = 1, …, M – 1. These last constraints on the map parameters mean that the locations of products and country attributes in the map (B) are orthogonal, just like the loadings in a principal components analysis (PCA). If the country attributes are related to product categories, they will load on the same dimensions; otherwise they will not. The variances in country locations (v1, v2, …, vM) necessarily decreases with each dimension. The first dimension explains maximum variance in countries and thus in the data as whole, the second the maximum of remaining variance, etc., and the importance of a dimension is given by the variance of the countries on that dimension. 4. Note on Bayesian analysis and determining the number of dimensions for COO effects Bayesian models require the specification of prior distributions for model parameters; in accordance with common practice we chose uninformative priors so that inferences about parameters are based solely on the data. Bayesian estimation is accomplished by generating many simulates that ultimately come from posterior distributions that reflect what has been learned about the parameters based on the data (Gelman et al. 2004). All parameters are simulated in unison; each iteration of the simulator generates one simulate for every parameter. The simulation consists of two phases. Initially, enough simulates must be generated to determine that they are being generated by the true posterior distributions (“convergence”). Subsequent simulates are used as the basis for inference. The model of Equations Error! Reference source not found.-Error! Reference source not found. was estimated for different numbers of dimensions (M) to the map, beginning with 5 one and adding additional dimensions one at a time as long as it resulted in substantial improvement in a Bayesian deviance information criterion (DIC) developed by Spiegelhalter (1998; Spiegelhalter et al. 2002). DIC generalizes the classical Akaike information criterion to hierarchical modeling. Models with lower DIC values are better supported by the data. Models with DIC values at least 10 higher than the best DIC can be ruled out from further consideration, whereas DIC differences less than 3 are inconclusive (Burnham and Anderson 1998; Congdon 2005; Spiegelhalter et al. 2002). For all models, no more than 20,000 iterations were needed to establish convergence according to the Gelman-Rubin statistic as modified by Brooks and Gelman (1998). Inference was based on a further 100,000 iterations. 5. Note on assessment of the selection of product categories and country attributes The first two dimensions of systematic effects appear to explain very well the relations among countries, product categories and country attributes. But the product categories differ in terms of the extent of COO effects they exhibit, some country attributes are more strongly related to country image than others, and the third dimension has identified items that contain systematic information missed by the first two dimensions. These three issues can be addressed by considering the last two columns of Table 2 labeled “country variance.” The first of these two columns shows the variance countries as fitted by the first two dimensions (“the map”), and the last column shows the variance in countries for these same items in the third dimension. It is immediately apparent that the third dimension explains little of the variability in the data, and the total variance in countries over all three dimensions, which is the sum of these two columns, is nearly identical to the first column. Small country variances for product categories mean that COO effects for these categories are small. This does not imply, however, that these categories should be excluded from studies in 6 future. Countries in disadvantaged COO positions are most interested in the short run in such categories. One product category — airlines — is appreciably different from zero on the third dimension. Although this dimension explains little variance among countries overall, it accounts for some variability for airlines. This is a product category that shows moderately strong COO effects and is somewhat different from the others. It has the most extreme value on the third dimension and the value is negative. The only other service (banking) also has a negative estimated value, as do cars. This suggests perhaps that a fuller understanding of COO effects would be obtained by including a greater number of services and/or higher-cost (higher risk?) categories. The extensive COO literature offers theoretical guidance on additional products to include in future. What is suggested by the results here is that the airline category shows moderately strong COO effects that are only partly accounted for by the Fashion and Technology dimensions. Examination of the last columns of Table 2 also helps evaluate and refine the choice of country attributes studied. The country variances on the attributes as fitted by the map are generally larger than for product categories. (Since evaluations and perceptions were measured on a common scale, these differences in magnitudes are meaningful.) The two attributes showing the weakest relation in the map to country image are “fun” and “approachable”, with the latter loading highest on the third dimension. Thus “approachable” is related to country image but not very strongly to the Technology and Fashion dimensions. It may also be related to the airline product category but this is uncertain. Here too theoretical guidance from the country image literature is helpful. (cf. Roth and Diamantopoulos 2009; Zeugner-Roth and Diamantopoulos 2010). The analysis here has revealed two dimensions of country attributes that are related to 7 country image and are relevant for explaining COO effects. The study of country image in isolation does not assure such relevance (Samiee 2010; Usunier 2006).