Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter MDSSAR BOM Report 01

Sons of the American Revolution
Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter
19 East Church Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Chartered November 30, 1920
Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
The Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter has the pleasure of reporting on the following activities and
actions since the last BOM Meeting.
The Chapter held its Semi-Annual Meeting on 08-Oct-2015. The guest speaker was EmmyAward winning Historian Chris Haugh. Four new compatriots were inducted. The following
individuals were recognized:
Linda R. Brown
Ruth M. Bielobocky
Lt. Eric C. Byers
Robert P. Higdon
Richard A. Foot
George B. Delaplaine, Jr.
Carrollton Manor DAR
Ion Design
Frederick County Sheriff’s Dept.
Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter
Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter
Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter
Martha Washington Medal
Martha Washington Medal
Law Enforcement Commendation Medal
War Service Medal (Vietnam)
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Appreciation
Flag Committee: Chair Gene Moyer, joined by compatriot Ron Harbaugh, presented the Flag
Certificate of the SAR to Criswell Chevrolet in Thurmont, MD.
Membership Committee: The chapter inducted four new compatriots at the Chapter’s SemiAnnual meeting on October 8, 2015. A fifth compatriot was inducted in a separate ceremony at
his residence in Williamsport, MD.
Color Guard Committee: On 17-Sep-2015, Chapter Color Guard Commander Gene Moyer
participated in the George Washington Tomb Vigil. On 21-Nov-2015, the Chapter’s Color Guard
participated in the 250th Anniversary of the Repudiation of the Stamp Act. The unit carried
historical flags from the period (1765). On 11-Dec-2015, Gene Moyer and Ron Harbaugh
carried the banner for the Frederick Town Fife & Drum Corps during Frederick’s Kris Kringle
Public Relations Committee: Chair Dick Foot reports the following published articles and
media events:
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
The Congressional
Frederick News Post
September 8, 2015
September 16, 2015
October 1, 2015
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
November 13, 2015
November 15, 2015
October 19, 2015
Brew Day Tests Trial Batch of Twelve Immortals Ale
Chris Haugh To Be Keynote Speaker At Oct.8th SAR Meeting
Observing The 250th Anniversary of the Repudiation of The
British Stamp Act
Sons of Liberty Cider to Commemorate Repudiation of British
Stamp Act
Patriot Peter Baird Honored With Grave Marker
Frederick’s Act Of Rebellion
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Frederick News Post
November 15, 2015
The Congressional
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
Comcast Channel
WFMD Radio
Frederick News Post
The SAR Magazine
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
November 16, 2015
Frederick News Post
Frederick News Post
December 24, 2015
December 31, 2015
November 18, 2015
November 18, 2015
November 21, 2015
November 21, 2015
November 22, 2015
November, 2015
December 1, 2015
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Sons Of Liberty Cider To Commemorate Repudiation of British
Stamp Act
Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Repudiation Act in
Frederick County Maryland
Three Members Join Sons Of The American Revolution
Frederick Town Fife And Drum Receives $10,000 Donation
Live broadcast of Repudiation Day Celebration events
Live broadcast of Repudiation Day Celebration events
Frederick Celebrates Stamp Act Repudiation 250 Years Later
“The Repudiation Act” – Article By Pat Barron and Ryan Bass
Recognizing Bravery
SAR Honors Robert Higdon With War Service Medal
Linda R. Brown Receives Martha Washington Medal From Sons
of the American Revolution
SAR Inductee
Ruth Bielobocky Receives SAR’s Martha Washington Medal
Repudiation Act Celebration Committee: Chair Pat Barron reported that the Joint DAR/SAR
Committee concluded a successful celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Repudiation Day.
Events were held on 21-Nov-2015 in Frederick, MD. Activities included:
Re-enactment of the march through
Frederick Town by the citizenry carrying a
coffin representing the death of the Stamp
Act. Signage and slogans were based on
newspaper accounts of the events from
1765. The parade included the Frederick
Town Fife & Drum Corps, Sergeant
Lawrence Everhart Chapter Color Guard,
and many participants from the DAR and
SAR in period dress. Dozens of citizens
from the community joined in the parade
many with their children.
The Committee printed a 24-page A few of the Repudiation Day participants gathered in
front of Frederick City Hall.
Repudiation Day and the twelve justices
who handed down the historic decision.
Following the parade, Mayor Randy McClement led the Pledge of Allegiance and the
Frederick Town Fife & Drum played “Yankee Doodle”.
Many proclamations were presented by federal, state and local government officials.
The Committee was honored to have the participation of MDSDAR Regent Carol Larkin
and MDSSAR President Jim Engler.
An interpretive panel highlighting the events of 23-Nov-1765 was dedicated at Frederick
City Hall by John Fieseler, executive director of the Frederick County Tourism Council.
The original court documents defying the Stamp Act (courtesy of the Maryland Archives)
were displayed inside City Hall as was the DAR plaque honoring the Twelve Immortal
justices that was unveiled in 1904.
Educational presentations were made inside City Hall commemorating this historical
period in America’s road to independence, including a role-play between current Circuit
Court Judge Theresa Adams, Court Clerk Sandra Dalton, and County Sheriff Charles
The A/V department of the City of Frederick recorded the day’s events.
In the evening, a social gathering was held at Brewer’s Alley restaurant where the
Twelve Immortals Ale was unveiled.
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As part of this significant historical event in
Frederick County, Compatriots Ryan Bass and Pat
Barron submitted an article about Repudiation Day
which was published in the Fall 2015 issue of the
SAR Magazine.
Frederick Town Fife & Drum Corps: Chair Don
Deering continues to grow the Frederick Town Fife
& Drum Corps. The new recruits are practicing
diligently. The unit, outfitted in period dress, led
the Repudiation Day parade through the streets of
Frederick, MD. They also participated in
Frederick’s annual Kris Kringle parade.
Fund Raising Committee: Chair Don Deering is
moving forward with fund raising efforts for the
Frederick Town Fife & Drum Corps (FTFD). Several
generous donations have been received recently
from Compatriots and entities in the community
enabling the purchase of uniforms and equipment.
Essay Contest: Chair John George announced the subject of the 2016 Essay Contest will be
“The Role of France in the American Revolution”.
Compatriot George B. Delaplaine, Jr. presents a
check for $10,000 to Don Deering for the Frederick
Town Fife & Drum Corps.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Barron
1st Vice President/Secretary
Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter
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