Litany of the Northern Saints


Litany of the Northern Saints

Response after each saint:

Lord in your mercy, hear us through the prayers of St.......

St Ethelbert – first Christian king in England – courageous and open to new ways. Converted to Christianity by St Augustine.

He married a Christian – Bertha, and their daughter Ehelburga married Edwin of Northumbria thus introducing him and his kingdom to Christianity Lord in your mercy ...

St Edwin – first Christian king of Northumbria- eager to

Christianise his kingdom and defeat the forces of paganism.

Lord in your mercy...

St Oswald – great Christian king who invited Aidan to come from Iona as a missionary to convert the Northumbrians to Christianity.

Supported Aidan and defeated the pagan forces at Heavenfield near Hexham, thus winning the North for Christ Lord in your


St Aidan- tireless missionary, gentle and lovingly preached the

Gospel to the people in the villages of Northumbria. Chose

Lindisfarne as his base and set up a monastic school there which became the light of learning for all Europe Lord in your


St Hilda – sent by Aidan to be Abbess of Hartlepool and then founded a double monastery at Whitby. A forceful woman- leader who presided over the Synod of Whitby which settled that England would follow the Roman church. She recognised the talents of the uneducated Caedmon and introduced music into the liturgy. Lord in your mercy.....

St Cuthbert – great missionary; was prior then Bishop of

Lindisfarne and hermit of Farne Islands. During the Viking invasions, monks carried his body for 7 years, resting in

Chester-le-Street for 110 years before finally coming to

Durham where the Cathedral was built over his tomb. His body remained incorrupt for 5oo years-his shrine a great place of pilgrimage. Lord in your mercy.....

St Wilfrid-strong and unwavering in loyalty to Rome; built Hexham and became bishop there and then at Ripon. Ensured that

England followed the Roman rather than the Celtic church

Lord, in your mercy.....

St Benet Biscop- great traveller to Rome (6 times) bringing back a library and the skills of glass-making, stone-cutting and chanting which he introduced to the monasteries he built at St Peter’s

Monkwearmouth and St Paul’s Jarrow. Was a spiritual father and mentor to St Bede Lord in your mercy....

St Bede – pupil of Benet Biscop, exceptional scholar who wrote books on the history of the English Church, science, geography, cosmology, mathematics and many commentaries on the

Scriptures. Known as the Father of English History. Died as he was translating John’s Gospel. Is buried here in the Galilee Chapel.

St Godric – after a life of adventure, was converted and lived as a hermit in woods near Finchale. Renowned for his holy life.

Originally, buried in Finchale Abbey. Lord in your mercy......

St John Boste – Catholic priest in Elizabethan times, ministered to

Catholics in West Durham. Arrested after saying Mass at

Waterhouses. Hanged drawn and quartered near Dryburn for being a priest. Known as the ‘Stag of the Forest’ for his ability to evade arrest for ten years. Lord in your mercy....

St Margaret Clitherow – a butcher’s wife and mother of three from the Shambles, York. Sheltered priests and allowed her home to be a Mass centre for local Catholics. Was crushed to death in

York for her faith Lord in your mercy..


O loving God, you gave these men and women the gifts of gentleness, simplicity and strength. Grant that following their example we may use the gifts that you have given us to spread your Word to those we meet. These saints met the challenges of their times – the violence, the persecution, the apathy, the indifference- and won many over by their fidelity to the Word, their strong faith and the integrity of their lives. Give us something of their courage as we try to live the Gospel in our own time and place Amen

Today we thank God for the faith passed to us by our local saints.

We invite you now, to light a candle here in the Cathedral, remembering especially those who are searching and those who are lost. Amen
