Cats are better than dogs

Jasmin Perry
Cats are better than dogs
Cats are better than dogs.
Some people have a hard time trying to find the right pet for their life style. The hardest part
is choosing whether to get a cat or a dog. This is not a hard choice for me because I think
having a cat is a smarter choice than getting a dog. Here are some of
the reasons why.
First of all, cats are smarter than dogs. Dogs go outside and chase
their tails and sometimes have the feeling to go chase cars which is
very dangerous. Cats don’t need to be taught because they come
with a perfect mind. They never go chase their tails or chase cars
because they live in a world of loyalty and elegance and do their
toiletry in a litter box while dogs sometimes go do their business in
the house or in the beautiful garden. I believe that cats are smarter
than dogs. They are so smart they don’t need to be trained. Cats are
useful for people who are disabled and can’t go outside. They can stay in the company of
their cat in the safety of their own home. Cats are useful forever.
People say that dogs are man’s best friend. Cats are the houses best friend, mothers best
friend and children’s best friend. They are friendly to trees and even the floor because they
do their toiletry somewhere else and cover it up. Cats are friends to the world. They also say
when you move the cat goes back to the old house. only dumb cats do that and there are
only 2 or 3 of those types of cats.
Lots of people are allergic to dog hair. People around the world even die from allergic
reactions and not many people die from cat hair. It’s very rear.
Cats do look the same but the main thing is their intelligence. They love you and that’s the
way you can really tell it’s your cat.
Cats are more healthy than dogs. You rarely see a fat cat except for Garfield on T.V. I saw
the fattest dog at the mall the other day and it was awful, so just get a cat instead.
Secondly, it is the friendliness of the animal that is. Cats can lie on your lap and dogs can be
so fierce they are able to kill a human being. They are strong enough to scratch someone’s
eye out with a claw. Dogs also get distracted like a horse. If a big noise goes off they go crazy
and the dog can leave injuries while cats just hide in the bathtub or hide under the bed.
They are fearless. They are the flowers of the house.
For my last point, protection is a serious matter. Dogs may be on the police force but they
do get scared of many things and back out of the problem. Cats can be fierce too. They have
claws that can protect your wonderful home. They are the very gentle in front of their
owner but once there’s a robber in the house, the cat gets out with the business!
Jasmin Perry
Cats are better than dogs
As you can see I have persuaded you to the point that cats are friendly, protective and much
more clever. Cats rule!!!!
539 words