peterson-biosketch-6-4-15 - Search for People at Wright State

OMB No. 0925-0001/0002 (Rev. 08/12 Approved Through 8/31/2015)
Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FIVE PAGES.
NAME: Peterson, Matthew John
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): PETERSON558
POSITION TITLE: Associate Professor in Community Health
Associate Professor in Geriatrics
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing,
include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.)
The Ohio State University
Physical Education
University of Dayton
Exercise Science
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Human Movement
University of South Carolina
Postdoctoral 09/2009
Duke University
Postdoctoral 06/2013
Physical Activity and
Public Health
Effectiveness &
A. Personal Statement
I am an exercise scientist interested in the role of physical activity in attenuating functional decline and
comorbid aging-related conditions. I have published multiple studies examining the associations between
specific types, doses, and novel delivery of physical activity interventions and aging-centric outcomes, such as
function, frailty and metabolic syndrome. Recently my research has involved understanding biologic
mechanisms through which physical performance is affected with aging (see reference below). I worked in the
Wright State University Lifespan Health Researcher Center (LHRC) from 1999-2001 as a Research Associate
and have collaborated with its faculty over the years. Recently, as part of a National Cancer Institute funded
comparative effectiveness methods and biostatistics training grant, I collaborated with LHRC faculty (Drs.
Czerwinski and Lee) to ascertain biomarkers in 200 Fels Longitudinal Study participants to examine the
associations between cytokines, physical activity, and chronic disease. I have since returned to Wright State as
an Associate Professor in Community Health with a secondary appointment in Geriatrics. I am very excited
about my role as co- investigator on Dr. Froehle’s proposal, and I am well-suited to add necessary expertise in
exercise, aging, and functional decline. I believe there is tremendous potential clinical benefit to women’s
health with this work, the first step of which is to establish the nature of relationships between menopause and
fat metabolism during exercise.
1. Peterson MJ, CF Pieper, MC Morey, VB Kraus, WE Kraus, P Sullivan and HJ Cohen. A novel analytic
technique to measure associations between circulating biomarkers and physical performance across the
adult lifespan. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, doi: 10.1093/gerona/glv007, 2015. PMID: 25745025.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
Assistant Director, Wellness Center, Dayton Area Heart & Cancer Association, Dayton, OH
Research Associate, Fels Human Performance Lab, Wright State University, Dayton,
Physiologist, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Aging & Human Development, Duke Medical Center,
Durham, NC
Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Duke Medical Center,
Durham, NC
Program Manager, Gerofit, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
Program Director, Stride@Home, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
2014Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology, Dept. of Community Health, Boonshoft School of
Medicine, Wright State University
2014Associate Professor, Dept. of Geriatrics, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
2000-Present Member, American College of Sports Medicine
2009-Present Member, Gerontologic Society of America
2009-Present Member, Society for Clinical and Translational Science
GlaxoSmithKline Circle of Excellence Award for Senior Health Programming (Gerofit Program)
V.A. Employee Award
V.A. Special Contribution Award
University of Dayton Graduate School “Spotlight Graduate”
V.A. Employee Award
V.A. Special Contribution Award
Duke Claude D. Pepper Center Scholar Award
C. Contribution to Science
1. My early research interests involved measurement and validation of exercise science assessment and
measurement tools in human performance laboratory settings. The publication co-authored with Drs.
Czerwinski and Siervogel utilized data from the Fels Longitudinal study. All of these publications were
conducted prior to my doctoral studies.
a. Peterson MJ, MC Morey and CF Pieper. Accuracy of VO2max prediction equations in older adults.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 35 (1), 145-149, 2003.
b. Peterson MJ, SA Czerwinski and RM Siervogel. Development and validation of skinfoldthickness prediction equations with a 4-compartment model. Am J Clin Nutr. 77: 1186-1191,
c. Peterson MJ, D Palmer and LL Laubach. The comparison of caloric expenditure in intermittent
and continuous walking bouts. J Strength Cond Res. 18 (2): 373-376, 2004.
2. The majority of my work as an exercise scientist has focused on Veterans health. Over the course of the
last decade I have been co-investigator on three large VA-funded studies examining the effectiveness of
telephone exercise counseling on health and functioning of older Veterans. Additionally, my work in an
outpatient clinical exercise program for older Veterans was a natural setting for hypotheses generation and
testing. This work was important in understanding the degree to which Veterans functioning was impaired,
the role of physical activity in attenuating mobility and functional loss in older Veterans, and developing and
refining cost-effective methods for delivery of exercise counseling.
a. Peterson MJ, GM Crowley, RJ Sullivan and MC Morey. Physical function in sedentary and
exercising older veterans as compared to national norms. J Rehabil Res Dev. 41 (5): 653-658,
b. Morey MC, Ekelund CC, Pearson MP, Crowley GM, Peterson MJ, Sloane R, Pieper CF,
McConnell E, Bosworth HB and Chapman J. Project LIFE: A Partnership to Increase Physical
Activity in Elders with Multiple Chronic Illnesses. J Aging Phys Act. 14 (3): 324-343, 2006.
c. Peterson MJ, Sloane R, Cohen HJ, Crowley GM, Pieper CF, Morey MC. Effect of telephone
exercise counseling on frailty in older veterans: Project LIFE. Am J Men’s Health. 1 (4): 326334, 2007.
d. Morey MC, MJ Peterson, CF Pieper, R Sloane, GM Crowley, PA Cowper, ES McConnell, HB
Bosworth, CC Ekelund, MP Pearson. The Veterans Learning to Improve Fitness and Function in
Elders Study: A randomized trial of primary care based physical activity counseling for older
men. J Am Geriatr Soc, 57 (7): 1166-1174, 2009. PMCID: PMC2757328.
e. Morey MC, Pieper CF, Edelman DE, Yancy WS, Green JB, Lum H, Peterson MJ, Sloane R,
Cowper PA, Bosworth HB, Huffman KM, Cavanaugh JT, Hall KS, Pearson MP, Taylor GA,
Enhanced fitness: a randomized controlled trial of the effects of home-based physical activity
counseling on glycemic control in older adults with prediabetes. J Am Geriatr Soc.
Sep;60(9):1655-62, 2012.
3. In addition to my contributions focused on Veterans health, I have directed studies related to the
effectiveness of types of physical activity on aging-related health outcomes. This work led to a better
understanding of the differing associations of exercise-related activities and lifestyle activities on older
adult’s health status. This work also included the successful testing of innovative exercise intervention
methods for older, mobility impaired adults.
a. Peterson MJ, C Giuliani, MC Morey, CF Pieper, KR Evenson, V Mercer, HJ Cohen, M Visser,
JS Brach, SB Kritchevsky, BH Goodpaster, S Rubin, S Satterfield, AB Newman, and EM
Simonsick, for the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study Research Group. Physical
activity as a preventative factor for frailty: The Health ABC study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci,
64A (1): 61-68, 2009. PMCID: PMC2913907.
b. Peterson MJ, MC Morey, C Giuliani, CF Pieper, KR Evenson, V Mercer, M Visser, JS Brach, SB
Kritchevsky, BH Goodpaster, S Rubin, S Satterfield, and EM Simonsick, for the Health, Aging
and Body Composition Study Research Group. Walking in old age and development of
metabolic syndrome: the Health ABC study. Metab Syndr Relat Disord, 8 (4): 317-22, 2010.
PMCID: PMC3072703.
c. Peterson MJ, K Caves, N Williams, and MC Morey, A pilot study of partial un-weighted treadmill
training in mobility-impaired older adults. Biomed Res Int. Article ID 321048, 5 pages, 2014.
doi:10.1155/2014/321048. PMCID: PMC3950400.
Complete List of Published Work in MyBibliography:
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
Morrison (PI)
Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce to Care for an Aging Ohio: Focus on Older Adult Medicaid and Dual
Eligible Populations.
The goal of this project is to train future healthcare providers in caring for older adult Medicaid and dual eligible
Role: Co-Investigator
Completed Research Support
DeLong (PI)
07/01/11 – 06/30/13
Inter-disciplinary Program for Training and Mentoring in CER Methods and Practice
The long-term objective of the KM1 program to help expand and more explicitly coordinate Duke’s efforts in
mentoring and faculty development as they pertain to comparative effectiveness research in Biostatistics,
Cancer, and Cardiology.
Role: Scholar
VA HSR&D IIR 06-252 Morey (PI)
07/01/08 – 06/30/11
Enhancing Fitness in Older Overweight Vets with Impaired Glucose Tolerance
A randomized controlled physical activity intervention trial to promote enhanced glucose metabolism.
Role: Co-Investigator
P30 AG-028716-03/4/5 Cohen (PI)
07/01/08 – 06/30/11
Duke Pepper Center
The projects involved with this award were a weight supported treadmill training intervention and an
epidemiologic study comparing rehabilitation practices in VA and non-VA nursing homes.
Role: Scholar
VA RR&D B6200M
Peterson (PI)
04/01/08 - 03/31/11
Career Development Award
The goal of this award was to examine rehabilitation practices in VA Community Living Centers and their
association with trajectories of functioning in residents.
Role: Principal Investigator