Details - Canberra Body Harmony

I would like to register for: (insert workshop/course)
On: (insert date/s)
The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy
and Facial Diagnostics Seminar
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□ Please charge A$............. to my Visa / MasterCard
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Signature: …………………………. Exp date: ………..........
2A Barker Street
Griffith - Canberra ACT 2603
□ Please find enclosed cheque/money order for A$ ….......
(Please make payable to: Canberra Body Harmony School,
8 Callum St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620)
All text books will be supplied.
Students need to bring personal note books and
writing implements.
Please post, fax or email, completed registration form to:
For further information please view our web site at:
Canberra Body Harmony School
8 Callum Street
Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Ph/Fax: 02 62990553
Payment Deadline: 5th February 2014
Late Enrolment Fee: $50 Cancellation fee applies
Dr. (med) W.H. Schüssler
9:30 am – 5:00 pm daily
Email: …………………………………………………….........
□ Direct payment to
Community CPS account
BSB: 805-022
Acct No: 03426500
Acct Name: Canberra Body Harmony School
(Please quote surname)
The Clinical Science of
Biochemic Medicine
Friday 14th February – Monday 17th February
The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy
Incorporating Facial Diagnostics
Physiological role of minerals
Twelve Schüssler minerals
Cation/Anion bonding pairs
Deficiencies & causes
Drug induced nutrient depletion
All aspects of the use of mineral tissue salts in
accordance with Dr. Schüssler
o Brief introduction to the treatment of animals
o An introduction to the biochemic healing methods in
accordance with the documented studies of Dr.
Schüssler, relating to the facial psychological signs,
visible at the onset of mineral deficiencies –
subsequently proven by Dr. Kurt Hickethier in the
20th century
The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy, accorded
to Dr. Schüssler, is a scientifically proven, evidence
based therapy and a Continuing Education Module for:
Doctors, Dentists, Chemists and Veterinary Surgeons
and associated modalities in the EU.
Robyn Barraclough
Robyn is a Dorothy Hall Trained Herbalist, a
Homoeopath and an International Body Harmony
Teacher. Her specialty is in teaching people to
become more connected to the underlying
messages of their bodies, and retraining physical,
behavioural and emotional patterns to support
their health and wellbeing, and bring their bodies
into Harmony.
Robyn teaches Biochemic Medicine and Facial
Diagnostics as part of Naturopathic Training
Courses; practitioners to extend their skills, and for
individuals to support their family’s health.
The Clinical Science of Biochemic Medicine is
taught as part of the Advanced Diploma of
Western Herbal Medicine (HLT60112), at Om Shanti
College, and is recognised with ATMS and IICT as
a continuing education unit.
Canberra Body Harmony School and Om Shanti
College conduct the following workshop/courses
on behalf of The Institute of Biochemic Medicine
(Asia Pacific) and the Biochemischer Bund
Deutschland e.V. (BBD) – German Association of
Biochemistry – Founded in 1885, and the European
Institute for Biochemistry of Dr. Schüssler.
The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy
Facial Diagnostics
The Basic Principles
The foundation of Biochemistry was laid more than a
century ago by Rudolph Virchow, one of the foremost
scientists of the day. He discovered that the human body is
composed of an enormous number of tiny, living cells.
Each cell is made up of an infinitesimal but perfectly
balanced quantity of three classes of materials – water,
organic substances and inorganic substances. Water and
organic matter such as sugar, albuminous and fatty
substances make up the greater portion of the body. The
inorganic (mineral) elements, although present in much
smaller quantities are the really vital elements. They are
the active workers which utilize the inactive substances in
building the millions of cells that the body is composed of.
The life of these cells is of short duration – millions are
constantly breaking down and new ones are just as rapidly
being built up, providing there is a constant supply of the
necessary material for this continuous rebuilding process..
In depth facial diagnostic skills, interpreting facial signs
including lines, shadows and shines, psychological signs,
in accordance with the evidence based proven and
recognised methods of the German School of Facial
Dr. Schüssler’s Therapy
Dr. Schüssler determined that these inorganic substances
are present in the body as compounds (mineral salts) and
named twelve principal compounds which he called “tissue
salts”. He defined the types of disease (symptoms) arising
from a deficiency of each tissue salt. With this knowledge
he was able to prescribe with great accuracy and effect.
Dr. Schüssler studied the function of each of the twelve
tissue salts and was able to define the type of disorder
caused by the disturbance of the physiological balance of
each tissue salt.
The five proven principles of Dr. Schüssler Biochemistry:
1. Disease does not occur if cell metabolism is normal
2. Cell metabolism is in turn normal if cell nutrition is
3. Nutritional substances are either of an organic or
inorganic nature where the body is concerned
4. The ability of the body cells to assimilate and to excrete
and further to utilize nutritional material is impaired if
there is a deficiency in the inorganic minerals
constituents of cellular tissues
5. Adequate cell nutrition may be restored and cellular
metabolism normalized by supplying the required
tissue salts to the organism in an easily assimilated
Course Outcome:
Thorough understanding of the 12 minerals
Signs and symptoms of mineral deficiencies
The wide ranging fields of application
Methods of administration
Indications – Contraindications
Knowledge regarding Sulphates as biocatalysts
Drug induced mineral depletion
Detoxification, Pregnancy, Female disorders, etc.
Facial diagnostics: ‘Tool’ to assist diagnosis with
the ability to recognise mineral deficiencies,
assisting in the confirmation of physical and
psychological signs & symptoms
32 CPE points apply
Biochemischer Bund Deutschland e.V
European Institute for Biochemistry of Dr. Schüssler
International Institute of
Complementary Therapists