Z-Term Instructional Staff (P&A) Compensation Guidelines Compensation Program The College of Liberal Arts (“CLA”) seeks to maintain a sound, efficient, and flexible compensation program for CLA Z-term instructional staff through the development of compensation plans for the academic departments. All compensation plans use the same formatting; but plans’ content is unique in regards to Teaching Specialists’ and Lecturers’ duties and responsibilities, level of credit courses taught, hiring criteria, current pay practices, and compensable factors. Integrity of the Program Final approved compensation plans reside in Intersections. Administrators will be able to hire Z-term instructional staff (job codes 9753 and 9754) without completing an Academic Hiring Authorization form (AHA) if an approved plan is in place. Administrators will have authority to make hiring and compensation decisions for these appointments. With this authority, administrators are also responsible and accountable for the integrity of their department’s program. Chairs and administrators are expected to enter appointments within the compensation rates listed in the approved compensation plans. In setting compensation, note that Z-term instructional staff positions are non-tenured, non-benefit eligible positions. Effectiveness of the Program To measure the effectiveness of the program, human resources will occasionally monitor the hiring practices and pay rates for Z-term instructional staff. Purpose The purpose of these guidelines is to create structure and guidance for administrators when CLA Z-term instructional staff is employed. Scope These guidelines apply to all Z-term instructional staff employed at the College of Liberal Arts. Appointments Initial Appointment/Hire The level of pay for initial appointments should be set through careful review of: CLA-HR reserves the right to change or discontinue this program at its discretion. 1 Compensation Guidelines – Page 2 Position classification salary ranges Required qualifications Level of knowledge, skills, abilities, and specialized knowledge Scope of work, size, complexity, importance and visibility of the position and other job-related criteria Analysis of employees in similarly situated positions (internal equity), including prior experience, seniority and performance Other compensable factors, when and if appropriate Salary Increases Z-term instructional staff is excluded from flat dollar amount increases, but are eligible for merit increases. However, since they are classified as Professional and Administrative (P&A) and University policy requires annual performance evaluations to be considered for merit increases, supervisors are responsible and highly encouraged to ensure completion of annual performance reviews for their Z-term instructional staff. Assessment of merit should reflect measurable performance outcomes as defined by the job description and other job-related criteria. Compensable Factors While overall pay practices should be consistent and non-arbitrary, specific compensation practices for a given unit or employee group may differ based on specialized knowledge skills or abilities. For example, an organization may decide to pay more for unique expertise, critical jobs, high credentials and reputation, for finding candidates that are typically difficult to find and other factors that were identified by the units during the job analyses. When hiring Z-term instructional staff, departments may use the compensable factors they identified during the development of the compensation plans to set pay and justify pay differences. At the same time, offering overly individualized compensation can result in compliance risks. Inconsistent pay practices could violate the Equal Pay Act or other federal or state law. Compensable factors are part of a sound compensation system, but must be applied consistently and legally. Process for Submitting and Keeping Compensation Plans Current in Intersections 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Uploaded and approved compensation plans reside in Intersections Administrators use Intersections to hire Z-term instructional staff (Job codes 9753 and 9754) Administrators contact Human Resources when they need to make changes to their plans Human resources navigates through Intersections and approves the plans within the system CLA-OIT ensures Intersections is supported operationally CLA-HR reserves the right to change or discontinue this program at its discretion. 2 Compensation Guidelines – Page 3 Summary The goal of these compensation guidelines is to provide administrators with a flexible and yet defensible way to set pay levels according to the Initial Appointment/Hire guidelines established in page 1 of this document. While all CLA positions are important and contribute to the success of the University, some positions are more valuable than others, and a strong case can be made for setting pay differently for different positions, once values have been identified. Approved: November, 2012 by CLA HR CLA-HR reserves the right to change or discontinue this program at its discretion. 3