GRADE 9 Biotechnology Cycles 8-20 (First 7 cycles – explore) Cycle Overview 8 Lab Safety, Media preparation, metric system and tools, Lab notebook and documentation, History of the biotechnology industry Sterile techniques, pipetting, equipment overview, comparison between rennin and chymosin in cheese production 9 Atoms, ions, carbon-based molecules, macromolecules – nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins History of the biotechnology industry (cont.) Gram stains, estimation of microscopic field size, solution preparation, density studies, macromolecule assays 10 Macromolecules – nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (cont.) Yeast as a model organism, growth conditions of model organisms, growth curves Agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA structure, replication 11 Enzyme activity, DNA structure, replication, PCR Identification of lagomorph species using restriction fragment length polymorphism of DNA 12 Enzyme activity, RNA transcription and translation, proteins BCA protein assay, gel analysis of DNA restriction digests using lambda DNA 13 RNA transcription and translation (cont.) Proteins (cont). Breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase 14 Proteins (cont.) History of drug development Testing plants and other substances for antibacterial activity 15 16 Lagomorph species identification using DNA isolation and analysis: DNA isolation, use of mitochondrial DNA for species identification, enzyme site polymorphisms, gel analysis of DNA fragment polymorphisms, PCR, optimal enzyme conditions. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) and bioethics Identification of unknown bacterial species, differential indicators and growth conditions, gram stains, streaking for isolation 17 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (cont.) Comparison of chicken and beef skeletal muscle, preparation of cell lysate, gel electrophoresis, evolutionary studies based on conservation of structural proteins, levels of protein structures, SDS ionic interactions 18 Assay development Amylase assay using recombinant bacterial amylase, dilution series, spectrophotometer, enzyme assays, time points, graphing, starch molecule biochemistry, types of enzyme activities, substrate depletion, product accumulation, Benedicts test, quantitative versus qualitative data 19 Bioethics of DNA testing (May 2013 supreme court ruling on DNA testing) Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)!!!! Chromatography, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel analysis, Combined DNA Information System, polymorphic genetic loci, allelic variation, resolution of light microscope, pollen morphology, 20 Bioethics of DNA testing (May 2013 supreme court ruling on DNA testing) Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)!!!! Chromatography, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel analysis, Combined DNA Information System, polymorphic genetic loci, allelic variation, resolution of light microscope, pollen morphology,