TRI KURNIA PUTRI UTAMI 145311030 1A-INGGRIS PREVENTION AND CONTROL BRUCELLOSIS DISEASES LIVESTOCK ANIMAL Created by: MOCHAMAD SAEFFULLOH FKIP Biology Student Grade 3C Galuh University Jl. R.E Martadinata No. 150, Campus Unigal Ciamis Phone/Fax: (0265) 776787 ABSTRACT Background Brucellosis diseases is a reproductive disease, miscarriage / abortion caused by infectious microorganisms such as brucellosis bacteria that can attack livestock such as cattle, goats, deer, pigs, sheep, and other livestock. The disease attacks the reproductive organs and lead to miscarriage. Brucellosis disease can be transmitted to other animals, zoonotic are can be transmitted to humans. Animals that infected with brucellosis bacteria can undergo abortion, retained placenta, orchitis and epididinitiis. In humans that disease is transmitted through direct contact with animals that have been infected with brucellosis bacteria or through the affected skin wound, and the consumption of milk or milk products that are not in the first fermentation. Mutations of livestock in Indonesia to increase the population and consumers of meat cattle, the primary cause of infectious brucellosis diseases and quickly expanded. With the rapid spread of brucellosis disease is necessary countermeasures and prevention of this disease is quite dangerous, it is good for livestock, or in humans. Keywords: prevention, mitigation, brucellosis, and livestock. Preliminary Background In generally in Indonesia, people are more familiar with this diseases just a miscarriage in cattle, but the fact that this disease not only in cattle but in other livestock, can even be transmitted to humans (zoonosis). Brucellosis disease or miscarriage / abortion contagious is one of the animal diseases transmitted quite quickly positioned because of transmission between regions and across borders, and require strict traffic arrangements cattle (DITJENNAK, 1988). Brucellosis resulting in high rates of miscarriage in cattle, calves born dead / weak, infertility, sterility and decline in milk production (Hubbert et al., 1975). Programs of prevention and control of brucellosis in cattle in Indonesia is not optimal, because it has not been shown that the optimal results actually increases the spread of this disease. Therefore brucellosis be one of the main national priority to do prevention, mitigation and eradication of the disease brucellosis. Then as the policy basis is the operational implementation of eradication of brucellosis, which made the government refers to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 828 of 1998 on observation, traffic surveillance, vaccination and cut conditional. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the disease brucellosis, how the brucellosis disease clinical symptoms that struck livestock , ways of transmission of the disease brucellosis, and what actions should be done in the prevention and control of disease brucellosis. Discussion A. Farm Animals Farm animals are animals raised by humans as a source of food and beverage, industrial raw material resources, or as a human job aid. Farm animals can be any animal, but usually refers to mammals and fowl. Mammals examples are goat, buffalo, cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses. Fowl examples are chicken, duck, swan, duck. Raising is the breeding activity and cultivate livestock to get the dam benefit from these activities. Examples of some farm animals: • Cows Cows kept primarily for meat and milk used as a food ingredient. Besides manure can also be used. Cows is quite popular to bred because it can get benefit greatly by industry. • Goats Although not as big as cows and goats famous for its smell is not pleasant, but goats have benefits, in addition to the meat can be processed into food, the skin is also edible, and manure is a very good organic fertilizer to grow crops. • Buffalo In Indonesia, the buffalo is a tool of man, especially in the villages used plow fields. In addition buffalo milk used to make mozzarella cheese, buffalo leather is used for shoes or leather material motorcycle helmet. • Pig In Indonesia, the spread of swine limited, because the majority of the population is Muslim. But they were non-Muslims utilize pigs as food preparations. In an effort to breed and breed livestock, often there are barriers in keeping livestock, the cause is because some types of diseases can attack the animal. Examples of diseases that can affect livestock is brucellosis disease. This disease is quite dangerous because these animals had a miscarriage / abortion, which can be transmitted to other animals and can also be transmitted to humans (zoonotic). B. Brucellosis Disease Brucellosis Disease is reproductive disease, miscarriage / abortion caused by infectious microorganisms such as brucellosis bacteria that can attack livestock such as cattle, goats, deer, pigs, sheep, and other livestock. Brucellosis bacteria classification: Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Proteobakteria Class: Alpha Proteobakteria Order: Rhizobiales Family: Brucellaceae Genus: Brucella Some examples of species of brucellosis which can infect farm animals: o Bacterial infections in animals, namely cattle Brucellosis bacteria abortion. o Bacterial infection of cattle sheep / goat which militensis brucellosis bacteria. o Bacterial infection of pigs that is brucellosis bacteria suis. o Bacterial infections in dogs are brucellosis bacteria canis Brucellosis disease including zoonotic disease that the disease is contagious and can also infect humans. Brucellosis disease spread quickly and very dangerous for other livestock. Besides this disease can cause economic losses due to miscarriage and reproductive disorders suffered by livestock is infected with the bacteria brucellosis. C. The Clinical Symptoms of Livestock Patients Brucellosis This clinic symptoms of the brucellosis disease is abortion/miscarriage or among the society better known as miscarriage. Miscarriage usually occurs in gestation 5 to 9 months of pregnancy, aborted fetal membranes visible edema, hemorrhage, necrotic and the viscous exudates and the retention of the placenta, maturities and dirt out of the vagina. More than half of livestock, particularly cattle which showed a high agglutination titer high presentation in the udder. In addition brucellosis disease is causing lesions hygrometer especially in the area around the knee. These lesions are shaped as a simple strain or wrap synovial joints, which contain clear fluid or pus or fibrin flakes. The slow lorries higroma occurrence due to a Troma then Brucellosis bacteria residing in the blood to form colonies in the joint area. Other clinical signs that milk production in cows which dropped dramatically. In the mammary gland showed no clinical symptoms although there is milk in the Brucellosis bacteria. Farm animals are also always discharge vaginal that is both infectious and cloudy. At stud brucellosis disease can attack the testicles and lead to orhcitis and epididymitis and disorder in the ampoule gland and seminal vesicles. Brucellosis also cause abscesses and necrosis of the testicles and additional sex glands. So that the semen taken from the bulls may contain brucellosis bacteria. • Cows The clinical symptoms are noticeable among abortion, especially in the age of advanced pregnancy (8-9 months). Generally cows miscarried only once on a pregnancy subsequent. Nonetheless cows who miscarried were still carrying brucellosis aborts up to 2 years. • Pig Raises arthritis, osteomyelitis, bursitis and spondylitis. Sometimes also determined posterior paralysis caused by discus necrosis intervertebrales. At boar found Brucella suis oschitis but not found in semen or urine. Compared with cows abortion is relatively rare in pigs. • Dogs Brucella canis is the main causes sterility in males and abortion in the parent. Dogs suffering from acute brucellosis experiencing swelling prefemuralis and submandibular lymph nodes. In the male dog brucellosis causes orchitis testicular looks swell so much later followed atrophy, testicular looks smaller because spermatozoa forming cells were damaged. D. How Brucellosis Disease Transmission In Livestock Most likely mode of transmission among cattle is through water or food contaminated by the fetal membranes or discharge from the womb of an animal patient who has been infected with the brucellosis bacteria. This brucellosis disease transmission through cattle lick-lick it, and brucellosis bacteria enter the body through mucous membranes conjugative or through skin friction. For the occurrence of infections through conjugative required approximately 1.5 million brucellosis bacteria. Transmission from an infected male to female parent brucellosis can occur through natural mating or can also be done through the process of artificial insemination with sperm through intra-uterine containing brucellosis bacteria. Brucellosis disease transmission can also occur through the digestive tract, the genital tract, tract mucous membranes, the affected skin wounds and milk drunk by the child's parent farm animals, but the infection through mother's milk likely very small. Transmission to humans can be via digestion, for example drinking uncooked milk derived from cattle brucellosis patients. Direct contact, transmission through mucus or affected skin wounds, such as direct contact with the fetus or placenta of cattle brucellosis patients may also lead to the transmission of brucellosis in humans. E. Abnormalities Animal Brucellosis Patients After Death Livestock disease brucellosis, the changes seen after death in these animals, namely: - Changes in the placenta with patches on the surface layer of chorionic. - Fluid fetus looks cloudy yellow brown and sometimes mixed with pus. - In the male animal discovered in the process of retaining testicles, followed by necrosis. F. Measures for Disease Prevention and Control Brucellosis Prevention efforts should be done, so that animals are not exposed to the disease brucellosis, namely: - In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 828 of 1998 on Guidelines for Animal Disease Eradication of Contagious abortion (Brucellosis) in cattle, the eradication method done by test and laugher (cuts conditional). - Monitoring the traffic of livestock done carefully and continuously to be free from disease, especially brucellosis. Livestock entering into a territory must complete the letter information Negative Brucellosis. - Sanitary measures, for example, is: the rest be reduce abortion, fetus and placenta is burned, the materials commonly used disinfected with disinfectant (phenol and cresol), avoid mating between males to females who experience miscarriage, children born livestock from the holding brucellosis patients should be given milk from brucellosis-free holding, animal patient in dairy cows implemented cuts conditional and equipment should be washed and destroyed, do not immediately put a substitute livestock and livestock pens are cleaned up sterile patients. – Livestock surrogate who has no brucellosis-free certificate can be entered when once tested serologically negative of brucellosis bacteria. While having a brucellosis-free certificate serological tests carried out at intervals of 50 to 100 days after included in a group of cattle that are free of the disease. - By doing marriage in artificial insemination of livestock, in order to produce healthy offspring farm animals. - Vaccination strain 19 at the age of 3-7 months to prevent the brucellosis disease in cattle. - Provision of antiseptics and antibiotics on sick animals, if there are symptoms of brucellosis immediately do special handling or checked to experts. - Newly purchased farm animals in quarantine, checked and tested first, after being properly cared maintained, because when they are exposed to the brucellosis disease has been no effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. Countermeasures should be done if there are cases of animals that have been exposed to the brucellosis disease, namely: - Cattle brucellosis patients are placed in a separate place from healthy cattle. - For the prevention of infection in healthy cattle, the cattle brucellosis patient should immediately cut conditional. The whole organs, lymph nodes, udder and bone must be destroyed by burning. Closing Conclusion Namely reproductive disease brucellosis disease, miscarriage / abortion caused by infectious microorganisms such as brucellosis bacteria that can attack livestock. The clinical symptoms of brucellosis animal disease include fever and miscarriage / abortion, discharge from the vagina that are infectious and muddy color, change the udder, hygrometer lesions around the knee, milk production in cows dropped dramatically and testes in males experiencing orhkitis and epididymitis. How to brucellosis disease transmission is through infected water and feed brocella bacteria, genital tract of marriage, gastrointestinal tract, mucous membrane channel, the affected skin wounds, milk drunk by his mother, and cages and tools exposed to brucellosis bacteria. Brucllosis disease prevention and control is to control the traffic of livestock, sanitary measures, free Cert diseases in farm animals such as cattle, avoid direct contact with animal brucellosis patients, vaccination, administration of antiseptics and antibiotics, marriage is artificial insemination of livestock, livestock new quarantine, checked and tested first, brucellosis patients kept away from animals that are invalid or do cuts conditional. Reference Anonim. (2010). Penyakit Sapi. From, 22 April 2012. Anonim. (2011). Penyakit Hewan Brucellosis. From Menu=554/, 22 April 2012. Anonin. (2011). Penyakit Brucellosis Pada Ternak. From, 22 April 2012. Anonim. (2012). Brucellosis (Penyakit Keluron Menular Pada ternak). From, 22 April 2012. DITJENNAK. 1981. Penyakit Keluron Menular (Brucellosis). Pedoman Pengendalian Penyakit Menular. Bina Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan.Dirjen Peternakan. Jakarta.