Gareth Stephen Taylor, Ph.D. - MISWeb

Gareth Stephen Taylor, Ph.D.
Department of Management
& Information Systems
302 McCool Hall
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
1380 Ridgewood Dr
Starkville, MS 39759
(H) 662.320.9379
(C) 662.312.4605
Doctorate of Philosophy in Management from the College of Business at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University. Area of specialization: Human
Resource Management.
Master of Business Administration from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Master of Arts in Social Anthropology from the University of Virginia.
Bachelor of Arts with Highest Distinction in Social Anthropology from the
University of Virginia.
1994-present Professor of Management at Mississippi State University.
Undergraduate courses: Introduction to Human Resource Management,
Advanced Human Resource Management, and Compensation Administration.
Masters courses: Human Resource Issues (traditional classroom and online
sections); Business Strategy and Management Consulting (capstone online
MBA course).
Doctoral courses: Human Resource Literature
Associate Dean for External Affairs. Served as interface between the College of
Business and external entities in both public and private sectors.
Associate Professor of Management at Mississippi State University.
Assistant Professor of Management at Mississippi State University.
Assistant Professor of Management at Clemson University.
Undergraduate courses: Personnel Management and Compensation Management
Doctoral courses: Research Methods
Director of Business Outreach, College of Business, Mississippi State University.
Purpose of this office is to bring College and faculty expertise to the state’s
business community.
Director, Technology Resource Institute. Directs efforts of federally-funded
center in assisting the economic development of Mississippi. The Institute works
with existing businesses and local governments. It also sponsors FastTrak, a
program which helps entrepreneurs develop fundable business plans.
Director, Franklin Furniture Institute. Federally-funded center with the mission
of helping state furniture industry increase its international competitiveness
Senior Vice President and Managing Consultant for J&H Marsh & McLennan,
New York, NY. (On leave from Mississippi State University) Developed new
consulting practice.
Independent Consultant for Marsh & McLennan, New York. NY. (On leave from
Mississippi State University).
Independent Consultant for NE MS Coca Cola Bottling Company, Starkville, MS.
Assistant Division Manager and Buyer for Leggett Department Stores. Duties
included budget formulation and buying plan construction for eight departments
in two stores. Subsidiary responsibilities included supervision of 50-100
employees (seasonal variation in labor force).
Taylor, G.S., Sullivan, J.L. (in progress). Personality Type and Turnover: Those Who Stay,
Those Who Resign, and Those Who are Discharged.
Williams, Z., Garver, M.S., and Taylor G.S. (in progress). Understanding Internal Customer
Need-based Segments: Creating a Strategy for Truck Driver Retention.
Warkentin, M, Taylor, G.S., and Ponder, N.L. (in progress). An Exploratory Study of the
Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Voluntary Computer Security
Taylor, G.S., Garver, M.S., and Williams, Z. (in press). Owner Operators: Employing a
Segmentation Approach to Improve Retention. International Journal of Logistics Management.
Taylor, G.S., Templeton, G.F., Baker, L. (in press). Facilitating Organizational Learning
Implementation Success: A Policy Facet Perspective. International Journal of Management
Taylor, G.S. (2010). Human Resource Information Systems: Helping to Transform Human
Resource Management. Handbook of Technology Management. Hossein Bidgoli, editor. John
C. Wiley: New York.
Templeton, G.F., Schmidt, M.B., and Taylor, G.S. (2009). Managing the Diffusion of
Organizational Learning Behavior. In Information Systems Frontiers, 11(2), 189-200.
Bergiel, E.B., Nguyen, V., Clenney, B.F., and Taylor, G.S. (2009). Human Resource Practices,
Job Embededness and Intention to Quit. Management Research News, 32(3), 205-219
Garver, M.S., Williams, Z., and Taylor, G.S. (2008). Employing Latent Class Regression
Analysis to Examine Logistics Theory: An Application of Truck Driver Retention. In Journal of
Business Logistics. 29(2), 233-256
Goetz, A.R., Syliowicz, J.S., Vowles, J.S.,and Taylor, G.S. (2007). Assessing Intermodal
Transportation Planning at State Departments of Transportation. World Review Intermodal
Transportation Research, 1(2): 119-145.
Mohamed, F., Taylor, G.S., and Hassan, A. (2006). Affective Commitment and Intent to Quit:
The Impact of Work and Non-Work Related Issues. Journal of Managerial Issues, 38:4: 512529.
Bergiel, E.B., Taylor, G.S., and Bergiel, B.J. (2005). The Socioemotional Linkages between
Cohesion and Perceived Organizational Support. Business Research Yearbook: Global Business
Perspectives, 12: 382-386.
Richard, M.D., LeMay, S.A., and Taylor, G.S. (1995). A Factor-Analytic Logit Approach to
Truck Driver Turnover. Journal of Business Logistics, 16 (1), 281-298.
Turner, G.B., Taylor, G.S., and Hartley, M.F. (1995). Ethics, Gratuities, and Professionalization
of the Purchasing Function. Journal of Business Ethics 14: 751-760.
Taylor, G.S. (1994). Realistic Job Previews in the Trucking Industry.
Issues, 6 (4), 458-474
Journal of Managerial
Richard, M.D., LeMay, S.A., Taylor, G.S., and Turner, G.B. (1994). A Canonical Correlation
Analysis of Extrinsic Satisfaction in a Transportation Setting. Logistics and Transportation
Review, 30 (4), 327-338.
Turner, G.B., Taylor, G.S., and Hartley, M. (1994). Ethics Policies and Gratuity Acceptance by
Purchasing Agents. International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 30 (3), 4247.
Taylor, G.S. (1994). An Analysis of the Relationship Between Sources of New Employees and
Attitudes toward the Job. Journal of Social Psychology, 134 (1), 99-110.
Lehman, C.M., and Taylor, G.S. (1994). A Role-Playing Exercise for Analyzing Intercultural
Communication. Bulletin of the Association for Business Communication, 57 (2), 23-32.
Taylor, G.S., LeMay, S.A., and Turner, G.B. (1994). Driver Turnover and Management Policy:
A Survey of Truckload Irregular Route Motor Carriers. Transportation Journal, 33 (2), 15-20.
Richard, M.D., LeMay, S.A., Taylor, G.S., and Turner, G.B. (1994). An Investigation of the
Determinants of Extrinsic Job Satisfaction among Drivers. International Journal of Logistics
Management, 5(2), 95-106.
Taylor, G.S. and Banks, M.C. (1993). Critical Issues: The Academic Practitioner Schism.
Journal of Managerial Issues, 5 (2), 213-231.
Taylor, G.S. and Shim, J.P. (1993). A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes toward Software
Copying Among Business Professors and Business Managers. Human Relations, 46 (4), 419433.
Cook, R.A., Cochran, D.S., and Taylor, G.S. (1993). Turnover in the Top Management Cohort
and Financial Performance. Journal of Business Strategies, 10 (1), 17-28.
Barnett, T.R., Cochran, D.S., and Taylor, G.S. (1993). The Internal Disclosure Policies of
Private-Sector Employers: An Initial Look at their Relationship to Employee Whistleblowing.
Journal of Business Ethics, 12, 127-136.
Taylor, G.S. and Banks, M.C. (1992). Entrepreneurs, Small Business Executives, and Large
Business Executives: A Comparison of the Perceived Importance of Current Business Issues.
Journal of Small Business Management., 30 (4), 24-40.
Taylor, G.S. and Vest, M.J. (1992). Pay Comparisons and Pay Satisfaction Among Public Sector
Employees. Public Personnel Management, 21 (4), 445-454.
Taylor, G.S. and Zimmerer, T.W. (1992). Voluntary Turnover Among Middle-level Managers:
An Analysis of Perceived Causes. Journal of Managerial Issues, 4 (3), 424-437.
Taylor, G.S. and Shim, J.P. (1992). An Application of Microcomputer Decision Analysis to
Human Resource Management. In Research Advances in Computers and the Social Sciences (D.
Garson and S. Nagel, eds.). Vol. 3, pp. JAI Press.
Taylor, G.S. and LeMay, S.A. (1991). A Causal Relationship Between Recruiting Techniques
and Driver Turnover in the Truckload Sector. Transportation Practitioners Journal, 59 (1), 5666.
Giallourakis, M.G. and Taylor, G.S. (1991). An Evaluation of Benefit Communication Strategy.
Employee Benefits Journal, 16 (4), 14-18.
Taylor, G.S. (1991). Evaluating the Job Performance of Dispatchers: One Way to Reduce
Driver Turnover. Transportation Journal, 30 (4), 49-55. (Reprinted in Transportation Executive
Update, November/December, 1991, 20-24.
Lehman, C.M. and Taylor, G.S. (1991). Participative Appraisal of Student Performance +
Effective Communications = Long-Run Success.
Journal of Business and Technical
Communications, 5 (3), 307-320.
Banks, M.C. and Taylor, G.S. (1991). Developing an Entrepreneur- and Small- Business
Inspired Research Agenda. Journal of Small Business Management, 29 (2), 10-18.
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G.S. (1991). A Comparative Study of Unauthorized Software Copying:
Information Systems Faculty Members' vs. Practicing Managers' Perceptions. Journal of MIS
Research, 1(1), 17-30. (Also reprinted in Ethical Issues in Information Systems Use (R. Dejoie,
G. Fowler, and D. Paradice, eds), pp. 189-198.
Leap, T.L., Hendrix, W.H., Cantrell, S., and Taylor, G.S. (1990).
Prounion Job Applicants. Industrial Relations, 29 (3), 469-478.
Discrimination against
Taylor, G.S. and Spencer, B.A. (1990). Ethical Implications of Human Resource Information
Systems. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 3 (1), 19-30.
Taylor, G.S. and Shim, J.P. (1990). Microcomputer Based Decision Support Systems Applied to
Human Resource Management. Collegiate Microcomputer, 7 (3), 183-189.
Taylor, G.S. and Holmes, H.H. (1990). So You Want Your Employees to Quit Smoking?
Journal of Employment Counseling, 27 (2), 84-92.
Lehman, C.M., Taylor, G.S., and Forde, C.M. (1990). An Experiential Approach to
Performance Appraisal Yields High Returns in the Classroom and on the Job. Business
Education Forum, 44 (5), 25-30.
Taylor, G.S., Crino, M.W., and Rubenfeld, S. (1989). Perceptions of Older Workers Job
Performance: An Exploratory Study of Organizational Correlates. Journal of Business and
Psychology, 3, 449-458.
Taylor, G.S. and Davis, J.S. (1989). Individual Privacy and Computer-Based Human Resource
Information Systems. Journal of Business Ethics, 8, 569-576.
Taylor, G.S. and Spencer, B.A. (1989).
Computers in Personnel, Fall, 41-47.
The Ethical Risks of Mixing HR Data
Taylor, G.S., Lehman, C.M., and Forde, C.M. (1989). How Employee Self-Appraisals Can Help.
Supervisory Management, August, 32-41.
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G.S. (1989). Practicing Managers' Perceptions/Attitudes toward Illegal
Software Copying. OR/MS Today, 16(4), 30-33.
Zimmerer, T.W. and Taylor, G.S. (1989). Why Middle Managers Quit. International Journal of
Value Based Management, 2 (1), 71-78.
Taylor, G.S. and Spencer, B.A. (1989). When Beauty is the Beast. Supervisory Management,
May, 34-40.
LeMay, S.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1989) The Truck Driver Shortage: An Overview and Some
Recommendations. Journal of Transportation Management, 1 (1), 47-56.
Taylor, G.S. and Spencer, B.A. (1989). An Empirical Technique for Multi-level Analysis in
Organizational Research. Behavioral Science, 34 (1), 61-69.
Spencer, B.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1988). Effects of Facial Attractiveness and Gender on Causal
Attributions of Managerial Performance. Sex Roles, 19 (5/6), 273-287.
LeMay, S.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1988). Truck Driver Recruitment: Some Workable Strategies.
Transportation Journal, 28 (1), 15-22.
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G. S. (1988). Survey Findings: Business Faculty
Members' Perceptions of Unauthorized Software Copying. OR/MS Today, 15, 30-31.
Leap, T.L., Taylor, G. S, Hendrix, W.H., and Wei, Z. (1988). Pre-Employment
Screening as a Means of Eliminating Union Adherents. Labor Law Journal, 39 (4), 208-219.
(Reprinted in HR Yearbook, 1989 Edition, [Prentice-Hall], Craig T. Norback, ed., pp. 8.4-8.12)
Taylor, G.S. and Zimmerer, T.W. (1988). Personality Tests for Potential Employees: More
Harm Than Good. Personnel Journal, 67, 60-64.
Hendrix, W.H. and Taylor, G. S. (1987). A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between
Cigarette Smoking and Absence from Work. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2 (2), 511.
Taylor, G.S. (1987). A Re-analysis of the Relationship Between Unionization and Workplace
Safety. International Journal of Health Services, 17, 443-453.
Spencer, B.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1987) A Within and Between Analysis of the Relationship
Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Akron Business and
Economic Review 18 (3), 7-18.
Scott, K.D., Markham, S.E., and Taylor, G.S. (1987). Employee Attendance: Good Policy
Makes Good Sense. Personnel Administrator, 32, 98-106.
Taylor, G. S., Scott, K.D., and Deadrick D. (1986). Personnel/Human Resource
Issues Between 1927-81: A Replication. International Journal of Management, 3, 35-43.
O'Brien, F.P., Robinson, J.F., and Taylor, G.S. (1986). The Effects of Supervisor Sex and Work
Elvironment on Attitudes Toward Older Employees. Public Personnel Management, 15, 119130.
Scott, K.D. and Taylor, G.S. (1985). An Examination of the Conflicting Findings Between Job
Satisfaction and Absenteeism: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 28, 599-612.
Scott, K.D. and Taylor, G.S. (1983). An Analysis of Discharge Cases taken to Arbitration:
1976-1981. Arbitration Journal, 38, 61-70.
Scott, K.D., Deadrick, D., and Taylor, G.S. (1983). A Historical Examination of Human
Resource Management/Personnel Administration Issues. Personnel Journal, 62, 624-629.
Bergiel, E and Taylor, G.S. (2005). The Socioemotional Linkages Between Cohesion and
Perceived Organizational Support. Proceedings of the International Academy of Business
Disciplines Conference.
LeMay, S.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1994). The Impact of Intermodalism on Driver Management: An
Analysis and Call for Research. Proceedings of the International Intermodal Conference (IDEA).
pp 90 -97.
Taylor, G.S., Yu, C.S. and Tung, W. (1994). A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Work Goals
Found in the United States, Taiwan, and The People's Republic of China. Proceedings of the
Southern Management Association, 318-320. (Reprinted in Chinese Culture, Organizational
Behavior, and International Business Management. Ilan Alon, ed., Greenwood Publishing
Group, 2003).
Richard, M.A., LeMay, S.A., Taylor, G.S., and Turner, G.B. (1993). Using Canonical Correlaton
Analysis to Investigate the Determinants of Long Haul Drivers' Extrinsic Job Satisfaction.
Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association, 438-441.
Dobie, K., LeMay, S.A., and Taylor, G.S. (1993). Shipper Perceptions of Service Quality:
Effects of Driver Stability. Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association, 425-429.
Turner, G.B. and Taylor, G.S. (1993). The Acceptance of Gratuities from Vendors: An
Empirical Examination of College Students' Views. Proceedings of the Southwest Association
of Marketing, 89-95.
Turner, G.B, Taylor, G.S., and Hartley, M.F. (1993). Title: The Acceptance of Gratuities by
Purchasing Agents: Toward the Development of Effective Control Methods. Proceedings of the
Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, 522-526.
Taylor, G.S. (1992). A Comparison of Owner Operators and Company Drivers in Regards to
Attitudes toward the Job and Reasons for Turnover. Proceedings of the Transportation Research
Taylor, G.S. and Malkani, K.H. (1992). A Comparison of Male-Female Interpetations of Sexual
Harassment. Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1991. Presented at the national
meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vega, Nevada.
Taylor, G.S. (1991). An Analysis of the Relationship Between Recruitment Sources of New
Employees and Subsequent Organizational Outcomes.
Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 366-368.
Taylor, G.S. and Banks, M.C. (1991). Relevant Researchers or Pedant Professors? Proceedings
of the Southern Management Association, 85-87.
Ballard, S.T., and Taylor, G.S. (1991). An Empirical Assessment of the Attitudes of College
Students Toward Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association, 184-186.
Giallourakis, M.C. and Taylor, G.S. (1991). An Evaluation of Benefit Communcation Strategy.
Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 165-167.
Banks, M.C., Taylor, G.S., and Armenakis, A.M. (1991). Executives and Academy of
Management Professors Who Consult: Do They Perceive the same Issues as Important?
Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1991. (Meritorious Paper Award, Managerial
Consultation Division, Academy of Management)
Cook, R.A., Cochran, D.S., and Taylor, G.S. (1990). Turnover in the Top Management Cohort
and Financial Performance: A Nebraska Example. Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association, 336-338.
Taylor, G.S. and Vest, M.J. (1989). The Effects of Social Comparisons on Pay Satisfaction.
Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 372-374.
Taylor, G.S. and Shim, J.P. (1989). Attitudes of Business Faculty and Business Practitioners
toward the Unauthorized Copying of Microcomputer Software. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 193-195.
Taylor, G.S. and Shim, J.P. (1989). The Analytic Hierarchy Process for Employee Selection: An
Application of Microcomputer Decision Analysis to Human Resource Management.
Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, 176-178.
Leap, T.L., Hendrix, W.H., Cantrell, R.S., and Taylor, G.S. (1989). Pre-Employment
Discrimination Against Union Adherents. Proceedings of the Southwest Division Academy of
Management, 284-288.
Taylor, G.S., Cochran, D.S., and Barnett T. (1988). A Historical Analysis of the Commonality
Between Academic and Practitioner Research. Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association, 52-54.
Taylor, G.S. and Spencer, B.A. (1988). Ethical Implications of Human Resource Information
Systems. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 302-304.
Hendrix, W.H. and Taylor, G.S. (1988). Relative Contribution of Cigarette Smoking to Work
Absence. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 263-165.
Taylor, G.S., Crino, M.D., Rubenfeld, S.E. (1987). An Exploratory Analysis of Employee
Attitudes Toward Older Workers. Proceedings of the Southern
Taylor, G.S. and Zimmerer, T.W. (1987). An Analysis of the Perceived Causes of Voluntary
Turnover Among High Performing Middle-Level Managers. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 136-138.
Taylor, G.S. (1986). A Re-Analysis of the Relationship Between Unionization and Workplace
Safety. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 443-453.
Taylor, G.S. Scott, K.D., Markham, S.E., and Fox, J.B. (1986). Methodological Problems in the
Investigation of the Absenteeism-Job Satisfaction Relationship. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 183-185.
Spencer, B.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1986). Effects of Facial Attractiveness on Causal Attributions
of Managerial Performance. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 198-191.
Hendrix, W.H. and Taylor, G. S. (1986). A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between
Cigarette Smoking and Absence from Work. Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association, 180-182.
Spencer, B.A. and Taylor, G.S. (1985). A Within and Between Analysis of the Relationship
Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Proceedings of the
Southern Management Association, 58-60.
Taylor, G.S. and Hills, F.S. (1984). Male-Female Differences in Determining Pay Equity.
Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 377-379.
Scott, K.D., Deadrick, D., and Taylor, G.S. (1982). A Historical Examination of Human
Resource Management/Personnel Administration Issues.
Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 137-139.
Scott, K.D., Markham, S.E., and Taylor, G.S. (1982). A Survey of Absenteeism Control
Methods: Programs Used in the South and Basic Regional Differences. Proceedings of the
Southern Management Association, 158-160.
Templeton, G.R. and Taylor, G.S. (2004). Managing the Diffusion of Organizational Learning.
Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA.
Taylor, G.S. (2000). Structural Modeling of Long-Haul Drivers’ Intent to Change Jobs.
Presented at the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Cleveland, OH.
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Taylor, G.S. (1997). The Relationship Between Organizational Safety and Railway Worker
Accidents. Presented at the Annual Global Forum on Railroad Finance, New York, NY,.
Abdhamid, A.Z. and Taylor, G.S. (1993). Diversity in the Work Place: A Comparison of
Attitudes Among Different Worker Groups Performing Similar Work. Presented at the national
meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Lehman, C.M. and Taylor, G.S. (1992). KANBAN Communication: Getting it Right the First
Time, On Time, and Every Time. Presented at the International Convention of the Association
for Business Communication, New Orleans, November, 1992.
Vozikis, G.S., Bruton, G.D., Merikas, A.G., and Taylor, G.S. (1992). The Integration of
Finanical Theory and Corporate Entrepreneurship: Value Creation as a Measure of Performance.
Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vega, Nevada.
Taylor, G.S. and Banks, M.C. (1990). Is Academic Research Relevant to Executives? Presented
at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco, California.
Barnett, T.R., Cochran, D.S., and Taylor, G.S. (1990). The Relationship Between Internal
Dissent Policies and Employee Whistleblowing: An Exploratory Study. Presented at the
national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco, California.
Taylor, G. S. and Banks, M.C. (1990). Entrepreneurs, Small Business Managers, and Large
Business Executives: A Comparison of the Perceived Importance of Current Business Issues.
Frontiers of Entrepreneur Research. Abstract to be printed in the Proceedings of the Tenth
Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Banks, M.C. and Taylor, G.S. (1989). Developing an Entrepreneur-Inspired Research Agenda.
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Abstract printed in the Proceedings of the Ninth
Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G.S. (1989). Practicing Managers' Attitudes Toward Illegal Software
Copying. Abstract printed in the Proceedings of the national meeting of the Decision Sciences
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G.S. (1988). Faculty Members' Perceptions of Unauthorized Copying of
Software in Business Schools. Abstract printed in the Proceedings of the Decision Sciences
Taylor, G.S. and Hills, F.S. (1984). The Executive Order as Precursor to Civil Rights
Legislation. Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston,
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Dissertation Committees – Chaired
“Organizational Antecedents of Job Embeddedness” (Vinh Quang Nguyen [Management])
“A Social Exchange Perspective of Intention to Quit” (completed by Shawn Keough).
“The Influence of Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, and Self-Efficacy Perceptions on
work Attitudes, Job Performance, and Turnover” (completed by Donald C. Mosley).
“An Analysis of the Impact of Culture on Human Resource Management Practices of
Companies in Malaysia” (completed by Abdul Hamid Ahmad Zohdi).
“A Comparison of Demographic Congruence and Values Congruence:
Superior/Subordinate Relationship” (completed by C. Mitchell Adrian)
Effects on the
“A Comparative Study of Total Quality Management and Employee Involvement between the
People's Republic of China and the United States” (Completed by Chun-Seng Yu).
“An Examination of Basic Skills Education and Its Effect on Group and Individual Behavioral
Variables” (completed by M. Suzanne Clinton)
Dissertation Committees
Currently serving on 2 ongoing dissertations: Paradech Srisupandit (Marketing) and Xiugen Mo
“Predicting compliance with Prescribed Organizational Information Security Protocols”
(completed by Jordan D. Shropshire).
“Supply Chain Security: An Institutional Approach to Strategies and Outcome”s (completed by
Zachary Williams).
“A Taxonomy Based Assessment Methodology for Small and Medium Size Manufacturers”
(completed by Clayton Walden).
“A Model of Work and Family Conflict : The Impact of Workfamily Centrality and Family Role
Configuration on the Demand-Conflict Relationship” (completed by Scott Boyar).
“The Effects of Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived Supervisor Support on
Employee Turnover” (completed by Nathan Campbell).
- 12 -
“An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Fear Appeals on Attitudes and Behavioral
Intentions Associated with Recommended Individual Computer Security Actions" (completed by
Allen C. Johnston).
"A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between the Financial Performance and the Rate of
Turnover in the Top Management Cohort of Banks Domiciled in the State of Nebraska,"
(completed by Roy A. Cook)
"An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Employee Dissent Policies and Employee
Whistleblowing," (completed by Timothy R. Barnett)
"External Search Effort: An Investigation Across Several Professional Service Categories,"
(completed by Michael P. Elliot)
"Understanding the Male Grocery Shopper:
William Piper)
Development of a Typology," (completed by
"Involvement and Magazine Credibility Dimensions as Factors of Vehicle-Source Effects in
Advertisements," (completed by Michael J. Cotter)
"An Empirical Study of the Effect of System Response Time and Task Complexity on User
Decision Quality," (completed by Julio C. Rivera)
"The Effectiveness of Comparative Versus Noncomparative Advertising in Stimulating
Consumer Involvement and Hierarchy of Effects," (completed by William T. Neese)
"The Effects of Tempo and Volume of Background Music on the Shopping Time and Purchase
Amount of Supermarket Shoppers," (completed by John Duncan Herrington)
"An Analysis of Insureds' Behavioral Intentions to Shop Among Insurers for a Personal
Automobile Policy," (completed by Barry C. Langford).
"An Empirical Investigation of Outshopping for Hospital Services," (completed by Susan Lee
"Am Empirical Study of the Ability of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to Identify CPA's Job
Satisfaction, Job Commitment, Turnover Intent, and Job Promotion," (completed by David
"The Effects of Situational Contexts on Writing Apprehension in Managers" (completed by Jere
W. Littlejohn).
"An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Decision Room Group Decision Support Systems
on an Organization's Information Availability," (completed by Ronald L. Berry).
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