Queens College Tenure, CCE, Promotion Process Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement Version 6/12/2012 NAME: COLLEGE: Queens (Throughout this document, headings are in Bold. Enter information in normal font.) HIGHER EDUCATION A. Degrees (most recent first): Institution Dates Attended Degree/Major Dates Conferred B. Additional Higher Education and/or Education in Progress: Institution Dates Attended Courses, Etc. EXPERIENCE (most recent first) A. Teaching (include part- and full-time experience at Queens College) Institution Dates Rank Department B. Other Than Teaching (include experience at Queens College) Institution Dates Title Candidate’s Name RECORD OF APPOINTMENT IN EACH TITLE AT QUEENS COLLEGE (in chronological order; most recent first; include date of tenure, if awarded) Dates Rank ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL HONORS MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES (last five years only) Candidate’s Name TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS (short form : for class evaluations from spring 2010-present) STUDENT EVALUATION Please also remember to include all course evaluation written comments along with course evaluation scores below. Insert the candidates’ scores on the Queens College student evaluation forms for the last four semesters in the table below. If the department conducts its own student evaluations, those should also be reported on an additional page. Note: Data for each instructor by course name can be found in http://courses.qc.cuny.edu. (For several of the questions in sections A and B: 1=Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Somewhat disagree, 4= Agree and 5=Strongly agree) Question Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4 A. A. General Questions 1. Did you receive a detailed syllabus during the first week of class? (Yes/No) 2. The instructor presents the course material in a clear and lucid manner (1=Strongly disagree, 5=Strongly agree) 3. The instructor interacts well with students. (1=Strongly disagree, 5=Strongly agree) 4. The instructor provides useful feedback (e.g., comments on written work and exams, informal feedback inside/outside class). (1=Strongly disagree; 5=Strongly agree) 5. The instructor returns assignments/exams in a timely fashion. (1=Strongly disagree; 5=Strongly agree) 6. The instructor is available outside of class. (1=Strongly disagree; 5=Strongly agree) 7. Reading assignments were valuable. (1=Strongly disagree; 5=Strongly agree) 8. How difficult is the course? ( 1= Not at all difficult, 5= Extremely difficult) 9. What is your overall evaluation of the Instructor, as distinct from the course?(1=Poor, 5= Excellent) 10. What is your overall evaluation of the Course, as distinct from the Instructor?(1=Poor, 5= Excellent)) B. Writing Intensive Related Questions 11. The instructor provided opportunity for the revision of writing assignments. ( 1=Strongly disagree, 5= Strongly agree) 12.Class time is devoted to teaching elements of writing( argument, evidence, analysis, narrative, description, etc.) and the writing process(brainstorming, drafting, revising, etc.) ( 1=Strongly disagree, 5= Strongly agree) 13. The instructor assigned approximately how many pages of formal writing(essays, lab reports, narratives, etc.)? (1= 0-9 pages, 5= 26 or more pages) 14. Compared to the amount of formal writing you did in this course, how much informal writing (journals, blogs, freewriting etc.) did you do? (1=None, 5= Much more) Provide below information on the courses referred to in the table above. Course Year/Semester # Students Registered Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 # Respondents Candidate’s Name TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS ( long form : for class evaluations before spring 2010 semester) STUDENT EVALUATION Insert the candidates’ scores on the Queens College student 22-question student evaluations for the last four semesters in the table below. If the department conducts its own student evaluations, those should also be reported on an additional page. (For questions 1 – 15: 1=Strongly disagree; 5=Strongly agree; 6=Not applicable.) Question Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 1. The instructor presented course requirements and objectives early in the semester. 2. The instructor’s presentations were clear. 3. The instructor’s command of spoken English is good. 4. The instructor is enthusiastic about the course material. 5. The instructor made it clear what the exams would cover. 6. The instructor provides useful comments on assignments and exams. 7. The instructor returns assignments/exams within a reasonable time. 8. Reading assignments were valuable. 9. Other assignments (e.g., written, oral, artistic) were valuable. 10. The instructor is respectful of students. 11. The instructor is concerned about students’ progress. 12. The instructor is available outside of class. 13. The instructor encourages students to ask and answer questions. 14. I learned a great deal in this course. 15. I enjoyed the course. 16. How difficult was the course? (1=Not Difficult; 5=Extremely) 17. The pace at which the instructor covered the material. (1=Too Slow; 5=Too Fast) 18. The workload for this course. (1=Very Light;5=Very Heavy) 19. Is this course required for your major or minor? (1=Yes; 2=No) 20. What is your class level? (1=Fresh.; 2=Soph.; 3=Junior; 4=Senior; 5=Grad. / Certificate Student; 6=Non-Degree) 21. Grade you expect to receive in this course. (1=A; 4=D; 5=P; 6=NC/F; 7=INC; 8=Other) 22. What is your current Grade Point Average? (1=Less than 2.0; 5=3.5 or above) Sem. 4 Provide below information on the courses referred to in the table above. Course Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Year/Semester # Students Registered # Respondents Candidate’s Name WORKLOAD DATA List all course assignments at Queens College and the Graduate Center for the last four semesters. Indicate all reassigned time and its source (contractual, grants, dissertation supervision, etc.). In addition, provide information on multiple positions, if any, held by the candidate. Semester/Year Discipline & Hrs./Cr. Course # Course Title Candidate’s Name SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE WORK List completed work using the following guidelines: (1) Works that are edited, co-authored, translated, compiled, etc. should be clearly indicated as such. In the case of co-authored works or projects, information should be provided as to the specific contributions of the candidate. (2) Categories should be further subdivided as necessary to present different types of publications and creative works clearly. (3) A reprinting or translation of a work should immediately follow that work's primary entry, and should be clearly indicated as such. (4) Works that are “in press” or “accepted for publication” should be included in Sections A-C as appropriate, but must be clearly indicated and verifications must be supplied. (5) Single-space entries; double-space between all entries. (6) Include complete (beginning and ending) page numbers for all publications. (7) Within each section, list latest works first. (A) BOOKS and other MONOGRAPHS 1. Published since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Published prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (B) JOURNAL ARTICLES Indicate refereed journals with *. 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (C) CHAPTERS IN BOOKS/ANTHOLOGIES 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (D) ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Indicate refereed proceedings with *. In case of joint authorship, indicate the presenting author by # sign. 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (E) EXHIBITIONS, PERFORMANCES 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. Candidate’s Name (F) REVIEWS (by the candidate, of others’ performances or scholarly works) 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (G) REVIEWS (by others, of the candidate’s performances or scholarly works) 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (H) ORAL PRESENTATIONS, ADDRESSES, AND MASTER CLASSES Indicate whether these were refereed (*), or invited (**). In case of joint presentations, indicate presenting author by # sign. Do not list presentations included in (D). In case of joint presentations, indicate presenting author by # sign.) 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (I) REPORTS AND OTHER WORKS(e.g., Posters, Encyclopedia Entries) 1. Since most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. 2. Prior to most recent of: initial appointment or last promotion. (J) SUBMITTED WORKS AND WORKS IN PROGRESS. Specify stage of progress and magnitude of work. Include number of manuscript pages for each submitted work. Candidate’s Name GRANTS For each grant, include: title, author(s), granting agency, originating institution (the one submitting the proposal); grant period (start and end year and month); role of candidate in the grant (sole Principle Investigator; co-PI; sub-contractor, consultant, etc); total funding over the grant period and amount provided to candidate (which will differ if there are multiple PI’s, subcontracts, etc). List separately research grants, in support of the candidate’s scholarly research, and institutional grants, in support of the college’s infrastructure, shared-use equipment, instruction, student stipends and scholarships, and similar programs. (1) Grants Pending Research Institutional (2) Grants in Progress Research Institutional (3) Grants Completed Research Institutional (4) Grants Submitted, but not Funded Research Institutional Candidate’s Name SERVICE (A) COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY. Include dates of each service activity. (B) PROFESSION. Include dates of each service activity. (C) COMMUNITY. Last five years only. Include dates for each service activity. Examples: unpaid member of board of trustees for school or library; activities in non-college or university settings; unpaid consultantships. Candidate’s Name STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE (Maximum of two pages, single-spaced) Use this space to put your scholarship/creative activities into proper context and expand on your teaching. Describe the evolution of your scholarship, referring to specific items in the “Scholarship and Professional Growth” section. Discuss any curriculum development that you have participated in, as well as your teaching activities (techniques, course materials, area of expertise, etc.). Where appropriate, please describe curricular innovations for which you have been responsible. It would also be helpful to know how you view the relationship between teaching and scholarship. If service plays an important role in your case, you may use this space to augment the “Service” section.