Scholarships Awarded by the Missouri State Council The Missouri State Council awards a total of eleven (11) scholarships each year. Each scholarship has an annual award of $1000, payable in installments of $500 per semester. The scholarships are designated in the following categories: Four (4) LUKE E. HART MEMORIAL Scholarships. The recipients MUST attend one of the branches of the University of Missouri -Columbia, St. Louis, Rolla, or Kansas City. Iffewer than four qualified applicants apply, then these scholarships may be awarded as specified for Missouri State Scholarships. Three (3) MISSOURI STATE Scholarships. The recipients may attend any accredited University, College, or Technical School; beyond High School Level. One (1) CARDINAL BERNARD F. LAW Scholarship. The recipient may attend any accredited seminary of their choice studying for a vocation to the religious Two (2) VOCATION Scholarships. The recipients may attend any accredited seminary or college oftheir life. choice to study for a vocation to the religious life. If no applications are received from applicants desiring to study for a vocation to the priesthood or to serve in a religious community, then these scholarships may be awarded to applicants with preference given to those attending Catholic institutions. other One (1) Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship. The recipient must be a member of a Ladies Auxiliary of a Council or Assembly within the State of Missouri. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the Hart andMissouri State scholarships, the applicant MUST be: A member of the Knights of Columbus; OR The son, daughter, or wife of a member of the Knights of Columbus; OR The son, daughter, or wife of a deceased member of the Knights of Columbus; OR A Squire or Columbus Girl in good standing, attested to by the Chief Counselor and GK; OR A minor child whose LEGAL GUARDIAN is a member of the Knights of Columbus. The applicant must obtain the certification of the Grand Knight OR the Financial Secretary of the local Council verify membership. Member is defined as a member in good standing of a Council within Missouri. to Applicants for the Cardinal Law or Vocations scholarships must be approved by one of the Missouri Dioceses or by a religious order located in Missouri. The membership requirements do NOT apply. Applicants for the Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship must be a member in good standing of a Ladies Auxiliary of a Council or Assembly within Missouri as attested to by the President and Treasurer of the local Auxiliary. Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of Catholic citizenship, community service, scholarship, and financial need. The recipients are selected by a Committee of the Knights of Columbus as appointed by the State Deputy. All scholarships are for Missouri residents. Payments are made directly to the institution AFTER proof of successful enrollment in good standing is provided to the Scholarship Committee. APPLICATION DEADLINE Completed applications using only the 2012-2013-application form, and required certification forms must be postmarked no later than FEBRUARY 15, 2012 in order to be considered. Applications will be available on the MOKOFC web page. Applications should be mailed to: J. Y. Miller, Scholarship Committee Chairman 322 2nd St 660-338-2105 Glasgow, MO 65254 Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships Awarded by the Supreme Council PRO DEO and PRO PATRIA Scholarships Sixty-two (62) scholarships for undergraduate studies in the amount of$1500 are awarded in this program to members and the sons or daughters of a member or deceased member. Ten (10) of these scholarships are awarded for studies at the Catholic University of America and forty-eight (48) are awarded for studies at any Catholic College of the student’s choice in the U.S., Mexico, Puerto Rico, or the Philippines. Four (4) additional scholarships are awarded annually to members of the Columbian Squires. GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS These fellowships are established for work in the fields offered in the graduate school of the Catholic University of America. The fellowships cover tuition, room, and board and may be renewed annually up to three years. Detailed information on these programs is available in the Financial Aid To Education pamphlet #951 or by writing directly to: Director of Scholarship Aid, P.O. Box 1670, New Haven, CT 06507. APPLICATION FOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP ++++ Use This Form ONLY for 2012-2013 School Year ++++ Missouri Jurisdiction (Application must be postmarked by February 15, 2012) FullName: Last First Middle Home Address: City/Town Number and Street or RR No. Zip State Applicant's Social Security #: E-Mail Address: Date of Birth: Married Month Day Single Male Female Year Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Spouse: Address of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Spouse: Number and Street or RR No. (If different from yours!) City/Town County State Zip Home Phone #: Parent(s) Guardian(s) or Spouse Phone #: (if different) Parent’s E-Mail: Applicant's Signature: NOTE: Complete application and all supporting documents MUST be postmarked no later than February 15, 2012. Page 1 Name: Applying for: Luke E. Hart Missouri State Religious Vocation Auxiliary Name of Educational Institution you plan to/or are enrolled: Location of Educational Institution you plan to/or are enrolled: Have you been accepted? Probable College Major: Career Goal: I plan to enroll as a: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Grad School List significant academic/social activities and/or offices held, honors, letters earned, etc: In what out-of-school (Church, Scouts, etc.) activities have you participated? ESSAY: Compose a statement of not more than 200 words explaining your goals for the future and your professional ambitions. How will this scholarship help you to achieve your goals? Attach your essay (on a separate piece of paper) to the back of this application. Page 2 For Committee Use: GPA ACT DOB RNK MEM $ APPLICANT'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT NAME: The following information is submitted for confidential use by the selection committee in determining need. Indicate your annual family income (adjusted gross, for tax purposes). Less than $40,000 $40,000 to $75,000 $75,000 plus Number of dependents declared on income tax forms State any conditions or physical handicaps involving expenses or possible hardships which the selection committee should take into consideration. APPLICATION MUST BE MAILED TO: 660-338-2105 J.Y. MILLER SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN 322 2ND ST. GLASGOW, MO 65254 THIS FORM MUST BE POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 15, 2012 - NO EXCEPTIONS ALL applicants submit the 3 page application AND Certification "A" Hart and Missouri State applicants also submit Certification "B" Law and Vocation applicants submit Certification "C"; "B" is optional for these applicants This form is ONLY to be used for applications for the 2012 - 2013 school year Page 3 SOCIAL SECURITY # APPLICANT NAME: Knights of Columbus Scholarship Information EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION This form is to be completed by an authorized Institutional Representative. A copy of the student transcript is required. For students currently enrolled in college, submit college grades with statement of current status as a full time student in good standing. H.S. transcript not required The above referenced student attends: School: Address City State Zip Phone No. Student's G.P.A. of Class Rank (Grade scale being used to classify ACT Composite Score ) Do you believe the educational plans of this student are realistic? To the best of my knowledge, the statements made by the student on this scholarship application are correct. Print Name and Title Date Signature Student's permission to release information: Print Name Sign Date Please mail this form AND a copy of the student's transcript to: J.Y. Miller Scholarship Chairman 322 2nd St. Glasgow, MO 65254 Certification "A" Knights of Columbus Scholarship Information COUNCIL/AUXILIARY CERTIFICATION Please take this form to the Grand Knight/President or Financial Secretary/Secretary of your father/husband or mother's Council or Auxiliary. Request that the Grand Knight/President OR Financial Secretary/Secretary sign it and AFFIX THE COUNCIL SEAL. This form MUST BE POSTMARKED by February 15, 2012. (This is optional for those studying for the priesthood or entering the religious life. There is NO membership requirement for Vocation Scholarships.) The undersigned certifies that the applicant Social Security Number: CHECK ONE / OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: ( ) is the (son) (daughter) (legal guardianship) (spouse) of a member in good standing ( ) is the (son) (daughter) (legal guardianship) (spouse) of a member who was in good standing at the time of his death ( ) is a member of this council in good standing ( ) is a member of this Auxiliary in good standing. Auxiliary Number Council Number Located at Signed Grand Knight/President AFFIX COUNCIL SEAL HERE Signed Financial Secretary/Secretary THIS FORM MUST BE POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 15, 2012 - NO EXCEPTIONS IT IS BEST TO INCLUDE IT WITH THE APPLICATION IN THE SAME ENVELOPE. RETURN TO: J.Y. MILLER SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN 322 2ND ST. GLASGOW, MO 65254 Certification "B" APPLICANT NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY # Knights of Columbus Scholarship Information VOCATION APPROVAL CERTIFICATION is applying for a Missouri Knights of Columbus Scholarship in order to pursue studies toward the priesthood or religious life. Please verify that the applicant has been approved by your Missouri Diocese or Missouri Religious Order. SIGNATURE: NAME: TITLE: Check One: Diocese of St. Louis Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph Diocese of Jefferson City Diocese of Springfield - Cape Girardeau Missouri Religious Order This form may either be returned to the student or sent directly to the Scholarship Chairman. The student's application, including this form, must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2012. Student's Permission to release information: Print Name SIGN Date For any questions, please contact the Scholarship Chairman: J.Y. Miller Scholarship Chairman 322 2nd St. Glasgow, MO 65254 660-338-2105 Certification "C"