Saturday-Sunday, September 12-13, 2015 3:00pm (if paid to play paintball)/5:30pm (no paintball) $20/$35 (if playing paintball) - non-refundable Join other Nazarene youth groups at Water’s Edge Campground. It will be a time of fun and fellowship with paintball, games, pizza, and worship! Music led by a worship band from Olivet Nazarene University. Deadline Wednesday, August 26, 2015 * Parents drop off/pick up at Water’s Edge Campground. Drop off: Saturday, September 12 @ 3:00pm (if paid to play paintball), 5:30pm (no paintball). Pick up: Sunday, September 13 @ Noon. (Minimum 8 or the event will be cancelled.) KEEP THIS PAGE MORE DETAILS: WHERE: Water’s Edge Campground (4171 Woodland Dr., Howell) WHO: Students 7th - 12th grade DROP OFF: Saturday, Sept 12 @ 3:00pm (paintball)/5:30pm (no paintball) PICK UP: Sunday, Sept 13 @ Noon SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Brighton Nazarene Church, 7669 Brighton Rd., Brighton, MI 48116 TELEPHONE: 810-227-6600 x35 NAME OF STAFF COORDINATOR: Deb Winters & Karla Tobey *Cost includes: registration, pizza Saturday night, breakfast Sunday morning, paintball (if included in registration) *(NOTE: Parents responsible for transportation.) What To Bring: Clothes you can get dirty. Sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries. Snacks. YOUR SPOT WILL BE RESERVED ONCE YOU COMPLETE ALL 4 STEPS BELOW… 1. COMPLETE THE NAZ TWO-SIDED PERMISSION FORM ATTACHED 2. COMPLETE THE EMD PERMISSION FORM ATTACHED 3. $20 CASH/CHECK TO "THE NAZ" (non-refundable) 4. PLACE PERMISSION FORM & CHECK/CASH IN ENVELOPE, DROP IN THE LOCK BOX IN THE YOUTH CENTER LOBBY BY AUG 26th KEEP THIS PAGE BRIGHTON CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE PARTICIPANT EMERGENCY AND PERMISSION FORM Activity: FALL GETAWAY Date: September 12-13, 2015. Location: Water’s Edge Campground Cost: $20/$35 (non-refundable) Drop off: Water’s Edge Campground, Sat, Sep 12 @ 3pm if paid for paintball/5:30pm if no paintball Pick up: Water’s Edge Campground, Sun, Sep 13 @ Noon Sponsoring Organization: Brighton Nazarene Church, 7669 Brighton Rd., Brighton, MI 48116 Telephone: 810-227-6600x35. Name of Coordinator: Deb Winters & Karla Tobey By signing below I herby give consent for him/her to participate with the above activity. I agree that I have read the information given and fully understand that I am responsible for my child’s participation and full payment. I agree that my child is committing fully to this trip and that should he/she decide to back out, I am still responsible for the full payment to cover the cost of their spot. Participant Emergency Information (To be completed by Participant or an authorized Parent/Guardian) Participant's Full Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ D.O.B.________________________________________________________Grade:_________________________ M or F_____________ Participant's Address___________________________City_____________________State______________Zip______________ Participant's Phone (cell) ________________________________(home) ____________________________________________ Participant’s Email __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Full Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Address ________________________________City _________________State_______Zip_____________ Parent/Guardian Phone (cell) ________________________________(home)_______________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-mail Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact other than Parent/Guardian__________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone #1 ___________________________________ #2__________________________________________ Is Sponsor Coordinator authorized to approve medical treatment if Parent/Guardian or Emergency Contact isn't available? _______ Yes _______ No Is Participant covered by medical insurance? _______ Yes _______ No o If yes, name of insurer ______________________________Policy Number _________________________________ Please list all known allergies, medical condition or information that we may need to be aware of: Participation Agreement By signing below, the Participant acknowledges and accepts the risks of physical injury with participation in the activity described above. Except for gross negligence on the part of the Sponsor Coordinator, the Participant accepts personal financial responsibility for any bodily or personal injury sustained during the activity. Further, the Participant promises to hold harmless the Brighton Nazarene Church and its representatives for any injury related to the activity. If a dispute over this agreement or any claim for damages arises, the Participant agrees to resolve the matter through a mutually acceptable arbitration process. Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ (Participant or Parent/Guardian if Participant is a minor) BRIGHTON CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE PARTICIPANT COVENANT PROMISE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I PROMISE TO FOLLOW THE LIST BELOW… No drugs, alcohol, weapons of any sort (including pocket knives), or fireworks (including sparklers, party poppers and snap pops). No sexual activity of any kind. No PDA (public displays of affection, hand holding, hugging, kissing). No guys in girls’ rooms and no girls in guys’ rooms. No guys and girls in the same seat in any vehicle. Respect others and their property. Be in rooms by curfew & no sneaking out after curfew, when curfew applies. Stay in groups of no less than 3. Check in with chaperones at designated times throughout event or trip. No gambling of any kind. When swimming; guys must wear shorts style trunks (no speedos) and girls must wear. one piece bathing suits. (Tankinis are acceptable as long as they show no midriffs and top is not low cut.) Remember that when you are at an activity with the Brighton Nazarene Church, you are representing the church and you are representing God. You should do so in a way that would be honorable and glorifying to HIM. Any rule broken will result in a phone call home made by the student in which the student will explain the situation to their parent(s). Breaking rules could result in IMMEDIATE dismissal from the trip. The student will be sent home at his or her own expense. If sent home from any trip, the student will forfeit their opportunity to attend any future events prior to meeting with the Student Ministries Pastor. By signing below, you affirm that you have read and understand all of these Promises. You agree to abide by these Promises while representing the Brighton Nazarene Church in any capacity. You also agree to accept any consequence that will be enforced as a result of violation of these Promises. Participant's Signature___________________________________________________ Date______________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________ (Parent/Guardian if Participant is a minor) EMD Fall Getaway Sept. 12-13, 2015 Name: ______________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State:_____________ Zip: ________________ Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________________ Home #: __________________________________ Cell#: _________________________________________ Emergency Contact/phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Do you plan on coming early to play paintball? _________________________ (If yes, please include $15 extra) Medical Information Please list all current and approved medications (including medicine such as Tylenol): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any allergies or health information (such as asthma): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Family Doctor ____________________________ Doctor’s Telephone________________________ Insurance Co. _____________________________ Policy No._______________________________ Details: If playing paintball, plan on arriving at 3:00 and heading straight to the paintball field. Registration is from 5:30-6:15 in Bearinger Saturday There will be a late night snack of pizza and drinks. The event ends at 12:00 on Sunday. IMPORTANT!!! Cost is $20, with paintball being an extra $15. Please make checks payable to The Naz. night. I agree to follow the rules of the trip and respect all members and staff working on the trip. I understand that if I disrespect or misbehave during the trip my parent/guardian will be contacted and I might be asked to leave. Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ I give permission to my son/daughter to participate fully in this trip and I support the rules. Further, should it be necessary for my son/daughter to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action or otherwise, I herby assume all transportation responsibility. Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________