Drivers of elephant browsing damage on Acacia drepanolobium trees within the Mpala CTFS- ForestGEO plot Introduction Savanna ecosystems cover a fifth of the earth’s land surface (Sankaran et al., 2005) and they host a great diversity of both domestic and wild ungulates (Riginos et al., 2012, Reid, 2012). The structure and function of savannas, including their ability support livestock production and wildlife conservation (Reid, 2012, Du Toit and Cumming, 1999), nutrient and hydrological cycles (Padien and Lajtha, 1992, Schlesinger et al., 1996, Joffre and Rambal, 1993), and carbon storage (Kundhlande et al., 2000), is firmly hinged in a fine balance between tree and grass cover. While encroachment of woody vegetation has become a primary conservation concern in some savannas (Scholes and Archer, 1997, Angassa and Baars, 2000, van Auken, 2000), the converse is true in others (O’connor et al., 2007). Understanding the drivers of vegetation dynamics is a primary goal of ecologists and managers interested in maintaining the optimum balance between grass and tree cover. Herbivory is one of the major drivers that regulate tree cover in savanna ecosystems (Holdo et al., 2013). Elephants, in particular cause significant reduction in tree density and cover (Kalwij et al., 2010, Jacobs and Biggs, 2002, Barnes et al., 1994, Skarpe et al., 2004, Boundja and Midgley, 2010, Birkett, 2002, Wahungu et al., 2011, O’connor et al., 2007), but their browsing intesity at the level of individual trees may vary depending on how well the tree is defended against herbivory and the level of nutritional rewards they obtain from feeding on individial trees. One of the ways plants have been able to minimise browsing pressure is through evolution of insect mutualism, where insect derive benefits such as shelter and nourishments from the host plants. In exchange, the nsects protect the host tree against herbivores. Such insect-plant associations are rampant in most ecosystems, and include a well studied relationship between ants and Acacia drepanolobium trees in East Africa. Acacia drepanolobium, a widely distributed tree in East African savanna ecosystems, forms nearly mono-dominant stands in most clay-rich vertisols. While this tree has spines that could potentially limit browsing pressure by many harbivore species in the region, these spines are not effective deterents against elephant browsing (Goheen and Palmer, 2010). However, Acacia drepanaolobium trees have evolved a highly specialised mutualistic relationship with ants that deffend the trees against most herbvores, elephant included (Palmer et al., 2010). The trees grow swollen thorn domatia that host exclusive colonies of four symbiotic ant species (Crematogaster memosae, C. nigriceps, C. sjostedti, and Tetraponera penzigii). The ant colonies benefit from shelter in the domatia and nourishment through nectar produced from extrafloral nectaries. In exchange, they defend the tree against herbivores. However, there exists fundamental differences in the level of defence provided by these four ant species, with C. memosae and C. nigriceps being the most defensive and C. sjostedti and T. penzigii offering minimal defense. These differences in defensive abilities of the ants may have imporatant implications on the level of elephant browse damage on individual trees. In addition, the level of browsing may also vary depending on the nutrient levels in individual trees. Plant chemistry has strong influence on the diet selection by herbivores. Herbivores rely on sensory perception to select food items with the required level of specific nutrient elements or to avoid items that are chemically defended. As such, chemical cues produced by individual plants could serve as attractants or repellants to herbivores. Although most studies relating plant chemistry to herbivory tend to focus on differences across plants species, there exists important intraspecific differences, even among plants growing in similar microenvironment, which could influence the intensity of browsing. In this study, we examine how ant mutualists interact with nutrient levels in individual trees to influence elephant browsing in Acacia drepanolobioum trees. This is the first study examining the interaction between these two drivers. Materials and methods Study site This study was conducted at Mpala Research Centre (0o17`N, 37o52`E), located on the leeward side of Mt. Kenya at an altitude of 1800m above sea level. The area receives a weakly trimodal rainfall of 400-800mm annually, with a distinct dry season in December to March. Wild mesoherbivore species in the region include plains zebra (Equus burchelli), Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), oryx (Oryx beisa), buffalo (Syncerus caffer), steinbuck (Raphicerus campestris), eland (Taurotragus oryx), and Grant’s gazelle (Gazella granti). There are only two megaherbivores, giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), and elephant (Loxodonta africana), of which elephants have the largest impact on trees (Kalwij et al., 2010, Jacobs and Biggs, 2002, Barnes et al., 1994, Skarpe et al., 2004, Boundja and Midgley, 2010, Birkett, 2002, Wahungu et al., 2011). Cattle are the primary livestock in the study area. Other livestock species in the area include camels, sheep, goats and donkeys. Two main soil types exist in the region; the red soil (oxisols) and the black cotton soils (vertisols). The focus for this study was on the black cotton soil region. This region constitutes a third of total area under by the Mpala CTFS-SIGEO plot and is dominated by A. drepanolobuim trees (constitute over 95% of the overstorey plant community). Data collection We searched for trees with fresh (one day old) elephant browse damage within the study site. For each of the browsed trees, we selected the nearest tree with similar height and crown structure, or similar diameter. For both the browsed and unbrowsed trees, we measured the tree height and diameter at 15cm, identified the resident ant species and estimated their colony density, and collected 20 grams of bark and leaf samples for nutrient analyses. The four symbiotic ant species in the study area can be easily distinguished by their color and body size. To obtain an index of colony density, we gently tapped the tree and counted the number of ants swarming, on four preselected 15 cm shoots, within 10 seconds. To compare the nutrient quality of browsed and unbrowsed trees, we analyzed both leaf and bark tissue samples the following nutrient elements; crude protein (CP), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu). We also determined acid detergent fiber (ADF) in the leaf and bark tissues. For each tree, approximately 20 grams of the bark was stripped from the base of the trees. Also, 20 grams of fresh growth leaves were clipped from each tree. The tissue samples were air dried to constant weight then ground separately. We used wet chemistry technique to analyze the proportions the various micronutrients. For the browsed trees, we recorded the details and extent of elephant damage, including (i) the nature of damage i.e. broken branch or stem, bark stripped, pushed over or uprooted, and (ii) the relative proportion of the part of the tree that is actually browsed (in a scale of 0 to 5; where 0= no damage; 1= branch tips browsed; 2=branches browsed and broken; 3=20-50% canopy destruction; 4= more than 50% canopy destruction; 5=tree completely pushed over or 100% canopy destruction) Data analyses The total number of ants swarming in each of the four-15m branches per tree was summed to obtain an index of colony density per tree. A relative proportion of elephant browse damage per tree was obtained by converting the damage scores to midpoints of their corresponding percentage damage class. The content per sample of various nutrient elements was expressed as percentage of the total dry weight. Both the proportion of elephant browse damage and the content of various nutrient elements were arcsine transformed to convert them from binomial distribution to normal distribution for valid application of parametric statistics. We used one-way ANOVA to test for differences in level of browse as a function of ant species occupancy and colony density. We fit linear models to test for the relationship between the proportion of elephant browse damage and the level of various nutrient elements. We used Factorial ANOVA to test for the interactive effect of ant species, colony density, and level of various nutrient element on the proportion of elephant browse damage on individual trees. Results We sampled a total of 353 trees, 46% of which were occurred in the CTFS plot while the rest were located adjacent to the plot. Majority of the trees sampled were occupied by either C. sjostedi (37%), C. mimosa (32%) or T. penzigii (12%), with only a few trees being occupied by C. nigriceps (1%) and 18% having no ants (Figure 1). Ant occupancy depended on the height of individual trees (χ2 = 13.39, p= 0.04). Generally T. penzigii occupied short trees while C. nigriceps occupied intermediate height classes and C. sjostedti occupied tall trees (especially those with cavities on the stem). However, C. mimosae occupied trees in all height classes. The average number of ants swarming on a 60m branch (an index of colony density) varied significantly across ant species. The response was highest among C. mimosae ants, followed by C. nigrceps, T. penzigi and lowest among C. sjostedti ants (Figure 2). Figure 1: Number of trees occupied by different ant species Figure 2: Index of colony density in each of the four ant species The intensity of elephant browse damage varied significantly with ant occupancy (F=5.13; p=0.002) and height of the tree (F=31.94; p<0.001), but not with colony density (F=0.89, p=0.35). Trees having no ants experienced the highest damage and those occupied by T. penzigi experienced the least damage (Figure 3). Generally tall trees were more vulnerable than shorter trees (Figure 4). Figure 3: variation in intensity of elephant browse damage as a function of ant occupancy Figure 4: Elephant browse damage per tree height class Concentration of most mineral elements (K, N, P, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Fe) was higher in leaves than in the bark tissues (Figure 5). Polyphenols, NDF, Ca and Na were higher in bark samples than leaf samples (Figure 5). Figure 4: Differences in proportion of various nutrient elements between leaf and bark tissue samples The intensity of elephant damage varied depending on the concentration of various mineral elements in leaves, and the ant species occupying the tree. After controlling for differences in colony densities, the level of elephant browse damage was negatively correlated with level of polyphenols and NDF on leaf samples. For polyphenols, this negative relationship was also dependent on the resident ant species (Table 1). Depending on the ant species, elephants browsed more on trees with greater concentrations of iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg) and crude nitrogen (N), (Table 1). The level of elephant browse damage was also positively influenced by the concentration of phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn), but [unlike iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg) and crude nitrogen (N)] the strength of this relationship did not vary depending on the ant species occupying the tree (non-significant interaction; Table 1). Table 1: general linear model for the effect of ant species, ant colony density, and the level of various nutrient elements (content) in individual trees. Element Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn N Na NDF P Polyphenols Zn Source of Variation ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content ant species ant density content ant species*content DF 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 SS 127.44 6.82 61.68 150.85 119.43 67.67 54.77 193.03 110.26 84.70 206.63 225.82 42.24 42.55 174.73 129.10 159.75 89.63 83.20 208.61 161.13 77.57 143.85 136.89 143.04 81.04 210.20 228.94 153.99 35.32 104.37 151.86 137.24 62.21 2.65 216.56 55.13 81.03 179.10 167.87 217.97 126.63 143.13 282.01 49.53 65.37 134.12 163.57 F 2.57 0.27 2.48 3.04 2.08 2.35 1.91 3.36 2.74 4.21 10.28 5.61 0.72 1.44 5.92 2.19 3.08 3.46 3.21 4.02 2.54 2.44 4.53 2.16 3.12 3.54 9.18 5.00 3.45 1.58 4.67 3.40 2.54 2.30 0.10 4.01 1.22 3.58 7.92 3.71 5.17 6.01 6.79 6.69 0.81 2.15 4.41 2.69 P 0.12 0.61 0.14 0.09 0.17 0.15 0.19 0.07 0.11 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.51 0.26 0.03 0.16 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.04 0.12 0.15 0.06 0.16 0.08 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.23 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.16 0.76 0.04 0.33 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.47 0.17 0.06 0.11 Conclusion and recommendations This pilot study explored factors that influence the intensity of browse damage on Acacia drepanolobium trees, a keystone plants species in most ‘black cotton’ soil ecosystems in East Africa. Consistent with previous studies, this study found strong influence of ant mutualists of herbivory in Acacia drepanolobium trees. In addition, we report on the influence of plant chemistry on the level of browse damage on Acacia drepanolobium and explore potential interactions with insect mutualists. This information is critical in understanding drivers of vegetation structure and dynamics in savanna ecosystems. However, inferences from this study are to some extent constrained by the small sample size. For example, we did not have sufficient replicates for trees occupied by T. penzigii and C. nigriceps. To gain better understanding of the strength of various drivers of elephant browsing on Acacia drepanolobium, we recommend a more extensive survey involving more replicates. Acknowledgements This work would not have been accomplished without support from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute through the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) grant. 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