Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Word Work/Fluency STANDARD Vocabulary R.1.2.2 Apply a variety of strategies to comprehend words and ideas in complex text. R. 1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary R.1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text. Assessment: Fluency/Sight Words 1.4.2 – Apply fluency to enhance comprehension R.1.4.3 Apply different reading rates to match text Assessment: DIBELS Language Objective ELD Standard Timeline: September –October (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing Formative Assessment Notes and Self Reflection Embedded (AB)▬Demonstrate understanding of roots and affixes. ▬ Apply word-meaning strategies in text (e.g., word structure, phonics, abbreviations, illustrations, prior knowledge and context). (AB)▬Use new vocabulary in simple sentences to discuss, prior knowledge, illustrations to predict and confirm word meaning and concepts from literary and informational texts. What are ways to understand words unfamiliar to me? ►I can use different strategies to understand words and ideas in complex text. ►I can use prefixes, suffixes and root words to understand complex words. What should I do when I come to a word I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand new vocabulary. (AB)▬Use words and/or phrases to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary. W How can I use what I know about the world to help me understand new words I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand content/academic vocabulary as it pertains to other cultures and communities (AB)- Read introduced sight words. Int: Read unpracticed text aloud at a target rate of 75-95 words correct per minute with comprehension How can reading out loud improve my reading ability? ►I can read aloud grade-level information accurately, using pacing, phrasing, and expression. ►I can read aloud unpracticed grade-level text with fluency in a range of 145-155+ WCPM How do I determine the most appropriate reading speed for different texts? ►I can adjust my ready rate based on purpose (AB)▬Adjust reading rate to match purpose. reference dictionary thesaurus glossary synonyms antonyms (WP) Guessing New Words from Context p. 32-33 (MLW) Activities for Using Context Clues p. 214-216 (CR)-Strategy 3: Learning and Retaining Academic Vocabulary p. 33-44 narrative information al text 6 Minute Solutions Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students AVID Weekly Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Determine Importance/Predict-Infer STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (AB)▬Identify the main R.2.1.3 Apply comprehension monitoring idea and details in text. W strategies during, and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea, and supporting details in grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text. R.2.1.5 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: predict and infer. W Assessment: (AB)▬Answer both literal and inferential comprehension questions about text composed with irregular plurals, modals, common irregular verbs, prepositional phrases, etc. W ▬ Use simple sentences to predict and infer using prior knowledge and information drawn from text. W ▬ Infer an idea supported by text details. Timeline: September –October (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How do good readers determine what the "gist" of what is written? ►I can state both literal and inferred main ideas with their supporting details. How does thinking about what I expect to happen help me understand what I read? ►I can make, confirm and revise predictions and inferences based on prior knowledge and evidence from informational and technical texts. ►I can cite passages from text to confirm or defend predication and inferences. prior knowledge infer inference assumption prediction Resources and Pacing Notes and Self Reflection CT- Lessons 1-5 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of each lesson (See Lesson Guide ) Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students (CT) Infer Meaning: Lessons 10-15 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of each lesson (See Lesson Guide ) (WP) Story Impression p. 19 (MLW) p. 193-4 (MLW) The Proficient Reader (Overview) p. 178180 (MLW) Purpose for Reading p. 181-182 *See Comprehension Toolkit Companion Text for more informational text. Or Common Core Website for suggested list of Informational texts. Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Organization of writing/writing process STANDARD Writing W.3.1.2 Analyzes and selects an effective organizational structure. W.1.6.1 Applies understanding of the recursive nature of writing process. Assessment: Language Objective ELD Standard (AB)▬Organizes ideas orally (e.g., beginning, middle, end) using words and gestures ▬ Writes in pictures and words following a pattern across content areas ▬ Selects appropriate title for a piece of writing ▬ Uses conjunctions in phrases ▬ Writes to follow the organization of a mentor text using words and phrases (AB)▬1.6 does not require specific adaptations for English language learners. PLEASE NOTE: ■ Teachers should consider that ELL students may require more time to complete tasks. ■ ELL students require clear, explicit expectations regarding sequence required to complete a task. ■ Time management skills should be taught to all students. Timeline: September-October (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can I organize my thoughts and ideas to best communicate to my reader? ►I can use a variety of graphic organizers to match the purpose of my writing. ►I take time to organize my thoughts on paper before I write. ►I understand that the more I plan my writing the more effective my thinking becomes. How do I know when my paper is well done? ►I understand that multiple revisions are usually necessary to best communicate my ideas. ►I can continue to revise a paper until it is clear, concise, and sufficiently detailed. Resources and Pacing (WP) Cornell Notetaking p. 154 (WP) Taking Notes on Literature p. 158 (WP) Comparing Themes or Characters Using Graphic Organizers p. 82 (WP) Storyboard p. 35 (DB) The Art of Language p. 69-82 (WP) Easy Creative Writing p. 179 (WP) Learning Log p. 162 Notes and Self Reflection Review Writing Process section of (WP) p. 122-128 for strategies for Individual and Collaborative Writing. These strategies and principles can be used throughout all writing lessons. Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Sharing Reading Experiences Language Objective ELD Standard STANDARD Other R.4.2.1 Evaluate books and authors to share common literary experiences. (AB)▬Use words or phrases to discuss favorite authors and texts read aloud. Timeline: September-October (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can I best contribute my personal experience with others to enhance my own learning and learning of others? ►I can effectively contribute to group discussions and share my reading experiences with others. Resources and Pacing Notes and Self Reflection (WP) Literature Circles p.5257 Assessment: Adopted: CT-3-6 Comprehension Toolkit CTSB-Comprehension Toolkit: Source Book of Short Text Suggested: CR- Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies for Expository Texts (AVID) CTT-6-7 Comprehension Toolkit Texts LGWR-Latin & Greek Word Roots 1 MLW- Middle Level Writing with Integrated Reading and Oral Language (AVID) DB-Daybook for Critical Reading and Writing (Teal) VA-Vocabulary for Achievement (Course 1) PH-Prentice Hall (Bronze Edition) WP The Write Path English Language Arts Teacher Guide (AVID) WS-Write Source (Grade 7) Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Word Work/Fluency STANDARD Vocabulary R.1.2.2 Apply a variety of strategies to comprehend words and ideas in complex text. R. 1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary R.1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text. Assessment: Fluency/Sight Words 1.4.2 – Apply fluency to enhance comprehension R.1.4.3 Apply different reading rates to match text Assessment: DIBELS Language Objective ELD Standard Timeline: October-November (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing Formative Assessment Notes and Self Reflection Embedded (AB)▬Demonstrate understanding of roots and affixes. ▬ Apply word-meaning strategies in text (e.g., word structure, phonics, abbreviations, illustrations, prior knowledge and context). (AB)▬Use new vocabulary in simple sentences to discuss, prior knowledge, illustrations to predict and confirm word meaning and concepts from literary and informational texts. What are ways to understand words unfamiliar to me? ►I can use different strategies to understand words and ideas in complex text. ►I can use prefixes, suffixes and root words to understand complex words. What should I do when I come to a word I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand new vocabulary. (AB)▬Use words and/or phrases to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary. W How can I use what I know about the world to help me understand new words I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand content/academic vocabulary as it pertains to other cultures and communities (AB)- Read introduced sight words. Int: Read unpracticed text aloud at a target rate of 75-95 words correct per minute with comprehension How can reading out loud improve my reading ability? ►I can read aloud grade-level information accurately, using pacing, phrasing, and expression. ►I can read aloud unpracticed grade-level text with fluency in a range of 145-155+ WCPM How do I determine the most appropriate reading speed for different texts? ►I can adjust my ready rate based on purpose (AB)▬Adjust reading rate to match purpose. reference dictionary thesaurus glossary synonyms antonyms (WP) Guessing New Words from Context p. 32-33 (MLW) Activities for Using Context Clues p. 214-216 (CR)-Strategy 3: Learning and Retaining Academic Vocabulary p. 33-44 narrative information al text 6 Minute Solutions Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students AVID Weekly Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Monitor Meaning /Draw Conclusions STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (AB)▬Use R.2.1.6 Apply comprehension monitoring comprehension repair strategies such as looking strategies to understand back at text, re-reading, fiction, nonfiction, and paraphrasing by sections. informational text, and task-oriented text: monitor for meaning, create mental images, and generate and answer questions. R.2.4.1 Analyze literary/narrative text and information/expository text to draw conclusions and develop insights. (AB)▬▬ Use words or phrases to make generalizations and draw supported conclusions from text. W Timeline: October-November (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing How can I recognize when I am not understanding what I read, and what can I do to get back on track? ►I can monitor for meaning by identifying where and why comprehension was lost and use strategies to regain meaning. ►I can develop questions before, during and after reading to help me comprehend. (CT) Monitoring Comp. Lesson 2/3 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Guide ) (CT) Ask Questions: Lessons 7-9 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Lesson) (CR) Strategy 4: Rereading the Text p. 45-54 (WP) KWL p. 21 and (MLW) p. 189-190 (WP) Inquiry Strategies p. 22 How can I determine what is most important about what I read? ►I can identify and explain the most important ideas the author is trying to explain. (CT ) Summarize & Synthesize: Beyond The Text Lesson 23 Using Just-right texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Lesson Guide ) (DB) The Reader's Response p. 113-128 (WP) Re-Creation p.34 (WP) One-Pager p. 66 (MLW) Visualizing 205-206 Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Assessment: Core Content: Sequence of Events/Cause-Effect STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (A)Use words and/or R.2.2.1 Apply phrases to retell the understanding of time, sequence and identify order, and/or sequence to story elements of simple aid comprehension of text. literary text. W ▬ Indicate the correct sequence in text composed of simple sentences including negatives, yes/no questions, simple past and future tenses, etc. W R.2.3.1 Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text for similarities and differences and cause and effect relationships. R. 2.4.6 Analyze ideas and concepts in multiple texts. Assessment: (AB)Use words and/or phrases to describe: familiar concepts, cause and effect relationships, compare and contrast within and/or between texts read aloud W Timeline: October-November (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives What techniques do writers use to help their readers enjoy what they have written? ►I can explain an author's use literary devices such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, dream sequences, etc. in explaining the development of a story's plot. ►I can list the order of events on a timeline to aid understanding of a text or procedure. How does comparing other passages I have previously read help me understand the one I am currently reading? ►I can find similarities and differences within and between texts using text-based evidence. ►I can compare and contrast information from multiple sources to gain a broader understanding of a topic. ►I can identify and interpret cause and effect relationships within a literary or information text using evidence from the text. Resources and Pacing (PH) Plot P. 11-25 (DB) Style and Structure p. 161-174 (DB) Cause/Effect p. 136139 (DB) Compare/Contrast p. 53-68 *Read Roberto Clemente Picture book and Compare/Contrast Stories Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: STANDARD Writing W.2.3.1 Uses a variety of forms/genres. Assessment: Timeline: October-November (6 Weeks) Language Objective ELD Standard (AB)▬Uses more than one form/genre (e.g., persuasive, interviews, brochures) using words and phrases ▬ Uses a variety of forms/genres (e.g., lab reports, biographies, research reports, business letters, compare/contrast essays) using simple sentences Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can tailor my writing to fit my purpose? ►I can choose the appropriate style of writing to inform, persuade, or entertain. Resources and Pacing (CR) Strategy 9: Responding to a Writing Task p. 115-126 (CR) Stragegy 11: Utilizing Sentence Starters and Templates p. 181 (WP) Three-Part Essay Structure p. 129 Organizer p. 136-137 (WP) Introductions and Thesis Statements p. 164 (MLW) The Essay p.79-88 Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Timeline: October-November (6 Weeks) STANDARD Other R.4.2.1 Evaluate books and authors to share common literary experiences. Language Objective ELD Standard (AB)▬Use words or phrases to discuss favorite authors and texts read aloud. Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can I best contribute my personal experience with others to enhance my own learning and learning of others? ►I can effectively contribute to group discussions and share my reading experiences with others. Resources and Pacing (WP) Literature Circles p.5257 Assessment: Adopted: CT-3-6 Comprehension Toolkit Suggested: CR- Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies for Expository Texts (AVID) CTSB-Comprehension Toolkit: Source Book of Short Text LGWR-Latin & Greek Word Roots 1 CTT-6-7 Comprehension Toolkit Texts MLW- Middle Level Writing with Integrated Reading and Oral Language (AVID) DB-Daybook for Critical Reading and Writing (Teal) VA-Vocabulary for Achievement (Course 1) PH-Prentice Hall (Bronze Edition) WP The Write Path English Language Arts Teacher Guide (AVID) WS-Write Source (Grade 7) Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Word Work/Fluency STANDARD Vocabulary R.1.2.2 Apply a variety of strategies to comprehend words and ideas in complex text. R. 1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary R.1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text. Assessment: Fluency/Sight Words 1.4.2 – Apply fluency to enhance comprehension R.1.4.3 Apply different reading rates to match text Assessment: DIBELS Language Objective ELD Standard Timeline: December-January (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing Formative Assessment Notes and Self Reflection Embedded (AB)▬Demonstrate understanding of roots and affixes. ▬ Apply word-meaning strategies in text (e.g., word structure, phonics, abbreviations, illustrations, prior knowledge and context). (AB)▬Use new vocabulary in simple sentences to discuss, prior knowledge, illustrations to predict and confirm word meaning and concepts from literary and informational texts. What are ways to understand words unfamiliar to me? ►I can use different strategies to understand words and ideas in complex text. ►I can use prefixes, suffixes and root words to understand complex words. What should I do when I come to a word I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand new vocabulary. (AB)▬Use words and/or phrases to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary. W How can I use what I know about the world to help me understand new words I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand content/academic vocabulary as it pertains to other cultures and communities (AB)- Read introduced sight words. Int: Read unpracticed text aloud at a target rate of 75-95 words correct per minute with comprehension How can reading out loud improve my reading ability? ►I can read aloud grade-level information accurately, using pacing, phrasing, and expression. ►I can read aloud unpracticed grade-level text with fluency in a range of 145-155+ WCPM How do I determine the most appropriate reading speed for different texts? ►I can adjust my ready rate based on purpose (AB)▬Adjust reading rate to match purpose. reference dictionary thesaurus glossary synonyms antonyms (WP) Guessing New Words from Context p. 32-33 (MLW) Activities for Using Context Clues p. 214-216 (CR)-Strategy 3: Learning and Retaining Academic Vocabulary p. 33-44 narrative information al text 6 Minute Solutions Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students AVID Weekly Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Summarize, Story Elements STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (AB)▬ R.2.1.7 Apply comprehension monitoring (I)▬Use simple sentences to summarize, strategies during and after to state the main idea reading: summarize grade- with supporting details and to discuss level theme/message of a informational/expository literary or informational text and literary/narrative text. (also 2.1.3) W text. R.2.2.3 Understand and analyze story elements. Assessment: (AB)▬ (I)▬Use simple sentences to explain organizational features (e.g., glossaries, tables of content, map keys, captions in text or electronic media). W Timeline: December-January (6 Weeks)) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives How can I briefly explain the "gist" of a written passage and determine what is most important? ►I can create a summary that includes the main ideas and most important text-based facts, details or ideas from the text. ►I can summarize the plot of the text using text-based evidence. How does understanding the different parts of a story aid my understanding of the whole story? ►I can intepret how situations, actions and other characters influence a character's personality and develpoment. ►I can explain how setting, character and plot and how that effects the mood of a story. (Create a plot diagram) ►I can explain how a story's plots and subplots contribute to (or don't advance) the conflict/resolution of the story. ►I can explain the author's point of view and interpret how it influences text. •summary •determining Importance •plot •biography •character’s conflict: external and internal •diction •graphical autobiography •photobiography •poetry terms: tone, imagery Resources and Pacing Notes and Self Reflection CT) Summarize and Synthesize: Lessons 23-26 Using Just-right texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Lesson) (WP) Reciprocal Reading p. 48 (DB) Focus on the Writer: Ray Bradbury p. 203-218 Short Stories: (PH) "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury p. 107-111 "Hallucination" by Isaac Asimov p. 179 Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students Formative Assessment (DB) Conflict: the Driving Force p. 145-160 (DB) Seventh Grade by Gary Soto pgs10-26 (Also 1.2.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.4.2) (DB) Our Juvenile Curfew is Working pgs 190-194 (Also 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4) Daybook: Homeless pgs198202 2.4.2, 2.4.4 Short Stories: (PH) " Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" p. 13 "A Boy and a Man" p. 37 "The Old Demon" p. 155 "A Day's Wait" p. 205 Poetry: "The Highwayman" (poem) p. 437 "Mother to Son" p.518 Our Only May Amelia (Novel) takes place in Oregon Territory before Wa was a state - great connections to Washington State History and dynamic main character. Also 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.2.3, 2.3.3, Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Author’s Style, Position, Tone and Reasoning STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (AB)▬ Use words or R.2.4.2 Analyze how an phrases to identify facts author’s style of writing, that identify the author’s including language choice, use of word choice and achieves the author’s support the author’s purpose and tone. W purpose and influences an audience. R.2.4.3 Evaluate the author’s reasoning and the validity of the author’s position. R.2.4.4 Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the author’s tone and use of persuasive devices. R.2.4.5 Analyze ideas and concepts to generalize/extend information beyond the text. (AB)▬ Use words or phrases to distinguish between fantasy and reality in literary text and fact and opinion in informational text. (also 2.3.1) W Timeline: December-January (6 Weeks)) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives How do authors change their writing to appeal to different audiences? ►I can explain the author's purpose and writing style in writing the selection to influence the audience. How can I determine what is most important about what I read? ►I can identify and explain the most important ideas the author is trying to explain. How can I know if what an author says is true? ►I can judge the validity of the author's position and accuracy of the information. What makes an effective persuasive argument? ►I can identify the author's tone. ►I can judge the author's effectiveness in persuading his/her audience. How can I find "truth" about "real life" in fiction? ►I can identify the universal theme in a text ( human nature, cultural, historical perspective, etc). ►I can explain how information in a text could be applied to understand a similar situation or concept in another text or life in general using cite-based evidence. •summary •determining Importance •plot •biography •character’s conflict: external and internal •diction •graphical autobiography •photobiography •poetry terms: tone, imagery Resources and Pacing Formative Assessment (WP) Paraphrasing p. 65 (PH) "The Courage That My Mother Had" (poem) p. 492 Notes and Self Reflection Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Assessment: Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: STANDARD Writing W.3.1.2 Analyzes and selects an effective organizational structure. W.1.6.1 Applies understanding of the recursive nature of writing process. Assessment: Timeline: December-January (6 Weeks) Language Objective ELD Standard (AB)▬Organizes ideas orally (e.g., beginning, middle, end) using words and gestures ▬ Writes in pictures and words following a pattern across content areas ▬ Selects appropriate title for a piece of writing ▬ Uses conjunctions in phrases ▬ Writes to follow the organization of a mentor text using words and phrases (AB)▬1.6 does not require specific adaptations for English language learners. PLEASE NOTE: ■ Teachers should consider that ELL students may require more time to complete tasks. ■ ELL students require clear, explicit expectations regarding sequence required to complete a task. ■ Time management skills should be taught to all students. Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can I organize my thoughts and ideas to best communicate to my reader? ►I can use a variety of graphic organizers to match the purpose of my writing. ►I take time to organize my thoughts on paper before I write. ►I understand that the more I plan my writing the more effective my thinking becomes. How do I know when my paper is well done? ►I understand that multiple revisions are usually necessary to best communicate my ideas. ►I can continue to revise a paper until it is clear, concise, and sufficiently detailed. Resources and Pacing (WP) Cornell Notetaking p. 154 (WP) Taking Notes on Literature p. 158 (WP) Comparing Themes or Characters Using Graphic Organizers p. 82 (WP) Storyboard p. 35 (DB) The Art of Language p. 69-82 (WP) Easy Creative Writing p. 179 (WP) Learning Log p. 162 Notes and Self Reflection Review Writing Process section of (WP) p. 122-128 for strategies for Individual and Collaborative Writing. These strategies and principles can be used throughout all writing lessons. Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Sharing Reading Experiences Language Objective ELD Standard STANDARD Other R.4.2.1 Evaluate books and authors to share common literary experiences. (AB)▬Use words or phrases to discuss favorite authors and texts read aloud. Timeline: December-January (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can I best contribute my personal experience with others to enhance my own learning and learning of others? ►I can effectively contribute to group discussions and share my reading experiences with others. Resources and Pacing Notes and Self Reflection (WP) Literature Circles p.5257 Assessment: Adopted: CT-3-6 Comprehension Toolkit CTSB-Comprehension Toolkit: Source Book of Short Text Suggested: CR- Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies for Expository Texts (AVID) CTT-6-7 Comprehension Toolkit Texts LGWR-Latin & Greek Word Roots 1 MLW- Middle Level Writing with Integrated Reading and Oral Language (AVID) DB-Daybook for Critical Reading and Writing (Teal) VA-Vocabulary for Achievement (Course 1) PH-Prentice Hall (Bronze Edition) WP The Write Path English Language Arts Teacher Guide (AVID) WS-Write Source (Grade 7) Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Word Work/Fluency STANDARD Vocabulary R.1.2.2 Apply a variety of strategies to comprehend words and ideas in complex text. R. 1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary R.1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text. Assessment: Fluency/Sight Words 1.4.2 – Apply fluency to enhance comprehension R.1.4.3 Apply different reading rates to match text Assessment: DIBELS Language Objective ELD Standard Timeline: January-February (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing Formative Assessment Notes and Self Reflection Embedded (AB)▬Demonstrate understanding of roots and affixes. ▬ Apply word-meaning strategies in text (e.g., word structure, phonics, abbreviations, illustrations, prior knowledge and context). (AB)▬Use new vocabulary in simple sentences to discuss, prior knowledge, illustrations to predict and confirm word meaning and concepts from literary and informational texts. What are ways to understand words unfamiliar to me? ►I can use different strategies to understand words and ideas in complex text. ►I can use prefixes, suffixes and root words to understand complex words. What should I do when I come to a word I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand new vocabulary. (AB)▬Use words and/or phrases to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary. W How can I use what I know about the world to help me understand new words I don't know? ►I can use different strategies to understand content/academic vocabulary as it pertains to other cultures and communities (AB)- Read introduced sight words. Int: Read unpracticed text aloud at a target rate of 75-95 words correct per minute with comprehension How can reading out loud improve my reading ability? ►I can read aloud grade-level information accurately, using pacing, phrasing, and expression. ►I can read aloud unpracticed grade-level text with fluency in a range of 145-155+ WCPM How do I determine the most appropriate reading speed for different texts? ►I can adjust my ready rate based on purpose (AB)▬Adjust reading rate to match purpose. reference dictionary thesaurus glossary synonyms antonyms (WP) Guessing New Words from Context p. 32-33 (MLW) Activities for Using Context Clues p. 214-216 (CR)-Strategy 3: Learning and Retaining Academic Vocabulary p. 33-44 narrative information al text 6 Minute Solutions Curriculum is spiraling in nature; teachers should adjust the time frame based on needs of their students AVID Weekly Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Monitor Meaning /Draw Conclusions STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (AB)▬Use R.2.1.6 Apply comprehension monitoring comprehension repair strategies such as looking strategies to understand back at text, re-reading, fiction, nonfiction, and paraphrasing by sections. informational text, and task-oriented text: monitor for meaning, create mental images, and generate and answer questions. R.2.4.1 Analyze literary/narrative text and information/expository text to draw conclusions and develop insights. (AB)▬▬ Use words or phrases to make generalizations and draw supported conclusions from text. W Timeline: January-February (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives Resources and Pacing How can I recognize when I am not understanding what I read, and what can I do to get back on track? ►I can monitor for meaning by identifying where and why comprehension was lost and use strategies to regain meaning. ►I can develop questions before, during and after reading to help me comprehend. (CT) Monitoring Comp. Lesson 2/3 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Guide ) (CT) Ask Questions: Lessons 7-9 Using Justright texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Lesson) (CR) Strategy 4: Rereading the Text p. 45-54 (WP) KWL p. 21 and (MLW) p. 189-190 (WP) Inquiry Strategies p. 22 How can I determine what is most important about what I read? ►I can identify and explain the most important ideas the author is trying to explain. (CT ) Summarize & Synthesize: Beyond The Text Lesson 23 Using Just-right texts to practice independently at the end of lesson (See Lesson Guide ) (DB) The Reader's Response p. 113-128 (WP) Re-Creation p.34 (WP) One-Pager p. 66 (MLW) Visualizing 205-206 Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Assessment: Core Content: Sequence of Events/Cause-Effect STANDARD Language Objective ELD Standard Comprehension/Oral Language (A)Use words and/or R.2.2.1 Apply phrases to retell the understanding of time, sequence and identify order, and/or sequence to story elements of simple aid comprehension of text. literary text. W ▬ Indicate the correct sequence in text composed of simple sentences including negatives, yes/no questions, simple past and future tenses, etc. W R.2.3.1 Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text for similarities and differences and cause and effect relationships. R. 2.4.6 Analyze ideas and concepts in multiple texts. Assessment: (AB)Use words and/or phrases to describe: familiar concepts, cause and effect relationships, compare and contrast within and/or between texts read aloud W Timeline: January-February (6 Weeks) Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives What techniques do writers use to help their readers enjoy what they have written? ►I can explain an author's use literary devices such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, dream sequences, etc. in explaining the development of a story's plot. ►I can list the order of events on a timeline to aid understanding of a text or procedure. How does comparing other passages I have previously read help me understand the one I am currently reading? ►I can find similarities and differences within and between texts using text-based evidence. ►I can compare and contrast information from multiple sources to gain a broader understanding of a topic. ►I can identify and interpret cause and effect relationships within a literary or information text using evidence from the text. Resources and Pacing (PH) Plot P. 11-25 (DB) Style and Structure p. 161-174 (DB) Cause/Effect p. 136139 (DB) Compare/Contrast p. 53-68 *Read Roberto Clemente Picture book and Compare/Contrast Stories Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: STANDARD Writing W.2.3.1 Uses a variety of forms/genres. Assessment: Timeline January-February (6 Weeks) Language Objective ELD Standard (AB)▬Uses more than one form/genre (e.g., persuasive, interviews, brochures) using words and phrases ▬ Uses a variety of forms/genres (e.g., lab reports, biographies, research reports, business letters, compare/contrast essays) using simple sentences Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives How can tailor my writing to fit my purpose? ►I can choose the appropriate style of writing to inform, persuade, or entertain. Resources and Pacing (CR) Strategy 9: Responding to a Writing Task p. 115-126 (CR) Stragegy 11: Utilizing Sentence Starters and Templates p. 181 (WP) Three-Part Essay Structure p. 129 Organizer p. 136-137 (WP) Introductions and Thesis Statements p. 164 (MLW) The Essay p.79-88 Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide Core Content: Timeline: January-February (6 Weeks) STANDARD Other R.4.2.1 Evaluate books and authors to share common literary experiences. Language Objective ELD Standard Lessons and Objectives Essential Question/Student Vocabulary Formative Assessment Friendly Objectives (AB)▬Use words or phrases to discuss favorite authors and texts read aloud. How can I best contribute my personal experience with others to enhance my own learning and learning of others? ►I can effectively contribute to group discussions and share my reading experiences with others. Resources and Pacing (WP) Literature Circles p.5257 Assessment: Adopted: CT-3-6 Comprehension Toolkit Suggested: CR- Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies for Expository Texts (AVID) CTSB-Comprehension Toolkit: Source Book of Short Text LGWR-Latin & Greek Word Roots 1 CTT-6-7 Comprehension Toolkit Texts MLW- Middle Level Writing with Integrated Reading and Oral Language (AVID) DB-Daybook for Critical Reading and Writing (Teal) VA-Vocabulary for Achievement (Course 1) PH-Prentice Hall (Bronze Edition) WP The Write Path English Language Arts Teacher Guide (AVID) WS-Write Source (Grade 7) Notes and Self Reflection Seventh Grade Literacy Daily Learning Guide