Shipley*s Choice Elementary School PTA

Shipley’s Choice Elementary School PTA
General Membership Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2015
PRESENT: Executive Committee~ Kurt Ivey~President, Kristina Astle-Vice President, Lauren CrumTreasurer, Melissa Jimeno-Secretary, Rocco Ferretti-Principal; Committee Chairs and PTA Members ~
Kristin Jackson, Kara Engle, Rachelle Shapiro, Denise Monahan, Sandy Matthews, Jen Whitlock, Harshana
Naran, Anne Reiners, Christina Fleureton, Mary Beth Daniels, Trista Rassofsky, Holly Willis, Monica
Erceg, Lisa Palechek, Dan Begin, Carolyn Campion, Anastassia Vangraefschepe, Jen DiPietro, Angela
Ballagh, Meredith Gray, Kelly Heravi
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Kurt Ivey at 7:04pm at Shipley’s Choice Elementary
School. Proper notice was given to all members. A quorum was present.
Mary Beth Daniels made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 14th Board of Directors
meeting and Holly Willis made the second motion to approve. The April 14th minutes were approved.
Kurt noted that the current executive board’s term is coming to an end and we are nearing the time
that Mr. Ferretti will retire.
Kurt thanked the PTA’s involvement throughout the year and thanked Mr. Ferretti for his support.
Mr. Ferretti highlighted the many activities over the last several weeks and those coming up – Tech
Trot, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, Orioles game, Book Fair, Field Day.
Mentioned that the staff appreciates everything that was done during Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Beth Burke is the new principal.
o Her first official day is June 24th. This is countywide principal meeting.
o She will be on vacation the end of June and early July.
o Mr. Ferretti will invite her to meet the new executive board and to the PTA at some point.
o Mr. Ferretti asked how she would like to be introduced to the students. They are still
working out those details.
o She will not be coming to the Kindergarten orientation.
There has been no change in the budget and there is no expectation that we will be able to keep
Mrs. Pennington.
o Even if there is a rush of new students enrolling as the new school year approaches, the
board requires that the school provide the ‘warm body’ count once the school year begins.
May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Will be sending an email to 5th grade parents welcoming parents to the SPMS PTO. There are a lot
of volunteer opportunities.
Welcomed everyone who attended tonight.
Content for June newsletter is due on 5/21.
This board committed to only raise what we need and spend wisely what we raise.
o Budgeted for a net income of -$13,000.
o Brought in more than expected and spent less than anticipated.
o Decided not to do a patron drive
Income year to date is $50,801.41
Expenses are $38,126.51
The checking and savings balance is $30,401.07
o Still have some expenses still need to be issued.
Books close on 6/30. Lauren asked that all requests for reimbursement by 6/15. Use the forms
that are in the folder.
Technology Trot – Meredith Gray
408 people finished either race (5k or one-mile)
We had over 50 sponsors
Raised more than $9,000 for the school
Jen Whitlock thanked Meredith Gray for her leadership of the committee and event.
Receipts – Trista Rassofsky
SCES outing to Orioles game is 5/17. Tickets are available for pick-up.
There is one more Ledo’s night on 5/19.
We are doing one more BJs registration in June.
We will have one more Box Tops collection in June.
We are expecting another check from Giant.
Over $11,000 was raised for the school in receipts/fundraising efforts this school year.
Fall Festival – Kristin Jackson
Had meeting at Kristin’s home on 4/26 at 7pm; 13 parents attended. This included at least three
parents who have incoming kindergarteners.
May 12, 2015
Made an outline of all areas of the fall festival. Have all but three subcommittees filled: games, setup and clean-up, pumpkin painting.
Trying to get as much donated as possible.
Tara Espinola is handling moon bounces. Will know soon what the cost is.
Mr. Ferretti encouraged Kristin to meet with Mrs. Burke as soon as possible regarding use of the
building, custodial staff, etc.
The committee decided to do a silent auction this year.
Book Fair – Melissa Jimeno
Reading incentive night is 5/18 and begins at 6:30. Sales will be that evening and all day the next
day until 4pm.
Playground Exploratory – Angela Ballagh
Design is ready next week.
Applying for a grant from Under Armour.
Talked to Reliable Contracting. Looking into donating the asphalt play area, which is about $10,000.
Mailing corporate sponsorship letters this week.
Reached out to Severna Park Rotary Club. Will be part of their next budget year if they are going to
provide a donation.
Will look at doing a community fundraising event in the fall.
Environmental – Holly Willis
Holly thanked everyone for participating in bike to school day.
Welcoming – Lauren Symmes
Lauren Symmes Kindergarten orientation is on May 19th. Let people new to neighborhood know of
the event they haven’t yet registered their children.
Volunteer – Anne Reiners
On May 19th, Maker Mornings will be honored at the County Tea. The School and Mrs. Ventrudo
will be receiving an award for Maker Morning. We are the only school in the Severna Park cluster
that is receiving an award.
Anastassia Vangraefschepe mentioned she received feedback that people who signed up for
volunteering during the PTA membership drive want to be on the committee and not just a
volunteer for the event. We need to identify a way for committee chairperson to reach out to these
May 12, 2015
Nominating Committee – Kara Engle
Kara Engle introduced the nominees for the 2015-2016 executive committee.
President: Jen Whitlock
Vice President: Dan Begin
Treasurer: Sandy Matthews
Secretary: Lisa Palecheck
Kurt asked for nominations from the floor. There were no other nominations.
Angela Ballagh made a motion to approve the nomination of Jen Whitlock for president. Lauren
Symmes seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted to approve Jen Whitlock as president
for the 2015-2016 term.
Holly Willis made a motion to approve the nomination of Dan Begin for vice president. Kristin Jackson
seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted to approve Dan Begin as vice president for the
2015-2016 term.
Lauren Symmes made a motion to approve the nomination of Lisa Palechek for secretary. Kara Engle
seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted to approve Lisa Palechek as secretary for the
2015-2016 term.
Meredith Gray made a motion to approve the nomination of Sandy Matthews for treasurer. Christina
Fleureton seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted to approve Sandy Matthews for
treasurer for the 2015-2016 term.
Kurt encouraged new board to attend training as soon as possible.
No June meeting
Jen Whitlock thanked current board.
** Motion to adjourn made by Monica Erceg. Mary Beth Daniels seconded the motion. Meeting was
adjourned by Kurt Ivey at 7:58pm.
Minutes submitted by Melissa Jimeno, Secretary