Level II Assignment 20 8 Week Integrated Lesson Plan Reformat the 8 week Integrated Lesson Plan created in the Hatha Yoga and Integrated Practice study area Home Work assignment 6 to build an 8 week course for intermediate students. Week 1 60 minutes 1 .Centering in Makarasana. Study Breath awareness 2 to 1 ,1 to 2 and bring awareness to Diaphragmatic breathing. 2 . Limbering . Joints and Glands .Face massage, eye exercise;2 neck exercises ,shoulder roll, wrists, fingers; side bend, knee circles, ankle stretches. 3. Standing. Tadasana Symmetrical stretch Konasana 4. Sitting Leg craddles Virasana,ashvini mudra Mandukasana 5 .Backward bending Bhujangasana Ardha Naukasana Half boat 6 .Forward bending. Balasana .Chalasana 7. Twisting Lying down twists 8. Fire series Single leg lifts Surya namaskara with beeja mantras 9. Inversion Rocking chair 10. Relaxation in shavasana 11. Breathing Kapalabhati Week 2 . 60 minutes Centering Makarasana .Centering and breath awareness with even breathing. Ashwini mudra Limbering in standing position Face muscles stretch,lion pose,neck rolls,shoulder lifts,side bend ,knee circles, toe balance. Padahastasana Akuchana prasarana Sitting Squatting Dandasdana, seated leg craddles Yoga mudra Backward bending Balasana,Ardha shalabasana,shalabasana Forward bending Dandasana.Chalasana Twisting Lying down twists with variations Surya namaskara with beeja mantras Fire series. Leg lifts Uthita ekpadasana Inversion setu asana Relaxation Systematic relaxation of joints and muscles Breathing Bastrika Meditation Week 3. 90 minutes Centering Breath awareness in shavasana Symmetrical stretch on the back Sukhasana ,chant OM Study Diet Limbering in sukhasana Half face squint,face massage,neck exercises,shoulder wings,horizontal stretch Standing Tadasana, overhead stretch,side stretch,simple back stretch. Trikonasana Knee bends, ankles and feet rotations Sitting Ardha padmasana Half lotus Bada konasana, butterfly Backward bending Balasana ,child pose Bhujangasana, cobra Navasana, naukasana Half boat to full boat Forward bending Leg cradles.,churning Paschimottasana repeat 3 times Twisting Ardha Matsyendrasana Half spinal twist Sun salutation with bija mantras Fire series Uthita hastapadasana Balance on hips Balance on hips Inversions Rocking chair Ardha matsyasana Mula bandha Systematic relaxation Breathing Nadi shodhanam pranayama Meditation Meditation for 10 minutes with focus on heart center .Then guiding breath from nose bridge to eyebrow center with mantra So Ham. Week 4. 60 minutes Centering Tension relaxation without movement in shavasana Study Jala Neti Limbering in standing position Lion pose ,neck rolls, symmetrical stretch,horizontal stretch,overhead stretch,side stretch.knees ,ankles and toes swirls. Standing Trikonasana triangle Toe balance Sitting Bada Konasana Butterfly Gowmukhasana 1 Cows face pose 1 Backward Balasana Makarasana, introduce ashvini mudra Forward Bending Dandasana Baddha konasana Butterfly with forward extension Twisting Ardha matsyendrasana seated Half spinal twist Surya Namaskara Fire series Uthita dvipadasana 10 times with breath awareness Inversions Rocking chair, Viparita Karani Preparation for shoulder stand Relaxation Systematic relaxation Breathing Bastrika pranayama Meditation with breath awareness Week 5 60 minutes Centering Diaphragmatic breathing in makarasana,crocodile pose Udhiyana bandha Study Bandhas Limbering Lion pose, neck rolls Sun salutation 3 times Standing Vrikshasana Tree balance 3 variations Natarajasana preparation for Sitting Svastikasana Mandukasana Backward bend Balasana Dhanurasana Bow pose 1 and 2 Forward bend Chalasana churning Janu shirshasana Head to knee pose Twisting Ardha Matsyendrasana Surya Namaskara with bija mantras Fire series Uthita dvipadasana double leg lift Inversions Setu asana Bridge pose Systematic relaxation Breathing Nadi Shodhanam Meditation with soham mantra Week 6 90 minutes Centering Diaphagmatic breathing in shavasana Tension relaxation with movement Study Shat Kriyas Limbering Neck roll Sun Salutation 5 rounds Standing Forward twisting bend Konasana Sitting Svastikasana Yoga mudra in sukhasana Symbol of yoga Back bending Balasana child pose Shalabasana locust Ardha matsyasana fish pose Forward bend Pashchimotasana posterior stretch Twisting Ardhamatsyendrasana Fire series Uthita hastapadasana balance on hips Inversions Rocking chair Adho mukha svanasana Downward facing dog Dolphin Relaxation Om Kriya Breathing Brahmari Meditation Week 7 90minutes Centering Makarasana diaphragmatic breathing 5 to 1, 1 to 5 Udhyana bandha Study Hatha yoga as prana vidya Limbering. Swimming stretch Surya namaskara with bija mantas Standing Overhead stretch Side bend Konasana angle posture Sitting Veer asana hero pose Bada konasana Butterfly pose Yoga mudra Balasana Back bend Katik asana Inclined plane pose Forward bend Janu shirshasana Head to knee Twisting Lying down twists with variations Fire series Uthita ekpadasana single leg lifts Uthita dvipadasana double leg lifts Inversions Setu asana Urdhvamukhasvanasana Upward facing dog Relaxation Systematic relaxation of organs,tissues Breathing Nadhi shodhanam alternate nostril breathing Meditation Sushumna application and meditation with personal mantra or So Ham mantra Week 8 90 minute Centering Diaphragmatic breathing in Shasvasana Relaxation, tension relaxation of joints and muscles Study Ahimsa in Hatha practice Limbering Surya Namaskara, 3 rounds Standing Tadasana Padahastasana Sitting Squatting Swastikasana Seated leg cradles Gomukhasan Backward Bend Makarasana.Apply mula bandha Bhujangasana Forward Bend Dandasana Bada Konasana Butterfly with forward extension Twisting Lying down twists with variations Fire series Uthita Hastapadasana 3 variations Inversions Ardha Halasana Ardha Matsyasana Relaxation Systematic relaxation going through the whole body tissues and organs 15 minutes Meditation in heart cave