Program Assessment & Action Plan Program: Auto Collision Repair Semester: Fall Year: 2012 Instructor(s): Richard Fairchild College Mission Salina Area Technical College will meet employment needs of the region by providing a diverse community of learners with the technical and general education skills necessary for employment, personal growth and lifelong learning. Program Mission The Salina Area Technical College Auto Collision Repair program in partnership with industry is committed to providing all students with the opportunity to acquire the skills, ethics, and knowledge necessary to enter the workforce and be prepared for future changes in the Automotive Collision Repair Industry. Assessment Plan 1. Outcomes to be measured. Core: 1.) Demonstrate the ability to think critically. 2.) Demonstrate proficiency in technical program outcomes. 3.) Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication. 4.) Develop positive work habits and interpersonal skills needed for employment. Program: 4.) Demonstrate automobile painting and refinishing skills. 5.) Demonstrate safe working baits and procedures within an auto collision repair facility. 2. Instructional project to be used to measure outcomes: Final Door Skin Refinishing assignment. Outcomes to be assessed: Core Program Skill Outcomes Outcomes Project Time 2,4 Appearance of Project 1,2,3,4 4,5 Staying on Assigned Task 1,2,4 Level of Assistance Needed 1,2,3 4 Clean Up 2,4 Application of Safety Practices 2,3,4 5 3. What process(es) will be used to collect data? A rubric will be used. 4. What are the intended results? 75% of the class will achieve an average of at least 2.5 on the rubric. 5. Who will analyze the data? Trish Hayden and Richard Fairchild Assessment Results 1. What were the results? a.) The goal of 75% of the class achieving an average of at least 2.5 on the rubric was met, and exceeded. The class performed exceptionally well. 100% of the class exceeded the 2.5 goal. b.) The class achieved an average of 3.0 or higher in all categories of the rubric except “Appearance of Project.” Average Scores on Rubric - 10 Students 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 Number of Students 1 0 2.67 2.83 3 3.33 3.5 3.67 3.83 Rubric Score Rubric Scores 4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2 - Fair 1 - Poor 0 - No Effort Evident Average class scores for each rubric category Project Time Appearance of Project Staying on Assigned Task Level of Assistance Needed Clean Up Application of Safety Practices Class Average 3.2 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.23 Core (Institutional) Outcomes 3.3 3.23 3.2 3.26 3.2 3.1 2.9 3 2.9 Rubric Scores 2.8 2.7 Demonstrate the ability to think critically Demonstrate Demonstrate proficiency in effective written technical and verbal program learning communication outcomes Develop positive work habits and interpersonal skills needed for employment Core (Institutional) Outcomes Rubric Scores 1. Demonstrate the ability to think critically. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in technical program learning outcomes. 3. Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication. 4. Develop positive work habits and interpersonal skills needed for employment. Class Average 2.9 3.23 3.2 3.26 3.15 Program Outcomes 3.25 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.85 Rubric Scores Demonstrate automobile Demonstrate safe working painting and refinishing habits and procedures within skills. an auto collision repair facility Program Outcomes Rubric Scores Demonstrate automobile painting and refinishing skills. 2.85 Demonstrate safe working habits and procedures within an auto collision repair facility 3.25 Class Average 3.05 2. What was learned through analyzing these results? The average score on the rubric for the “Appearance of Project” category was 2.6. The low score in this category resulted in the Critical Thinking Core Objective being only 2.9 and the Painting and Refinishing Skills Program Objective being 2.85. Action Plan Based on Results and Analysis Based on the analysis of the results, what steps will be taken to improve student learning? a.) This was the first time that the Final Door Skin Refinish Rubric was used. The instructor feels that it needs to be revised to include more details before it is used again next year. b.) Although students kept busy and were working on their projects, some may not have used their management skills to multi-task effectively. Other projects were due at the same time as the Final Door Skin Refinish. The instructor is going to stress the importance of time management. It will be stressed to the students how important appearance is and that they need to allow enough time to perform the important tasks leading up to the end product. This is what is expected in the work force. What goals will be set as result of the above changes in instruction? a.) 75% of the class will achieve an average of 3.0 or above on the rubric. This average has been raised .5. b.) The class will average a 3.0 or above on the category “Appearance of Project.” This should result in an increase in the average score on the Critical Thinking Core Objectives and the Painting and Refinishing Skills Program Objective.