Plumbing Symbols

Interior Design II
6.00 Work Assignments
6.00: Produce simple residential and non-residential architectural drawings.
Objective 6.01: Interpret architectural styles.
Objective 6.02: Interpret architectural terms and symbols.
Objective 6.03: Site sources and uses of building code requirements.
Objective 6.04: Design a plan incorporating natural and manufactured landscape
Objective 6.05: Identify the components of the blueprints.
Objective 6.06: Draw basic floor plans and elevations.
Objective 6.07: Produce Computer-aided floor plan design.
6.01 Work
Key Terms to define and know:
* Select a picture of a house from a magazine. Identify the house style by identifying the architectural features
of the house.
* Given two different pictures of architectural styles of houses, explain the similarities and differences in each
house. See Appendix 6.01 A: House Style of the Early American Period.
*On a map of the United States label the cultural group that settled in various regions of this country. Identify
the type of house styles that were built in those regions. Explain what influenced settlers in their building
styles. (Ex. Materials used influences of their homeland, weather…) See Appendix 6.01 B – Map of the United
* Read real estate ads in a newspaper or from Internet sites. Using MS Excel create a data base of the
different architectural styles including a description.
* Compare a house style of the early American Period with one of the mid-to-late twentieth century. Compare
differences and similarities of each. Appendix 6.01 C: Style Of Houses Comparison
* Using local real estate sells brochures or Internet sites, identify the various roof styles shown on homes
* Select a contemporary design in housing such as geodesic domes, foam domes; solar homes, or underground
structure and write an essay describe what living in this structure would be like to you. Describe how your
lifestyle, feelings and attitudes might be affected.
* List on individual note cards the name of a group of people who settled within a region of the US. Then
select a card and give information as to where this group settled, the house built there, materials used and
6.02 Work
Key Terms to define and know:
* Using a floor plan from a magazine or house plan book, interpret as many architectural symbols as
possible. See Appendix 6.02 A.
* Once given a floor plan of a room or a small house, (Appendix 6.02 B: Floor Plan) draw in where electrical
outlets, switches, cable TV connections and any other utility outlets should be located. See Appendix A: 6.02
Architectural Symbols from Housing Decisions.
* Go online and look for a house you like. Then identify the architectural symbols shown in the plan.
* Draw the outline of a room, with door and windows included with 3D Home Architect or another CAD
program. Note where electrical outlets, phone jacks, cable TV should be located. Draw these on your plan.
6.03 Work
Key Terms to define and know:
* Name several well-known streets in your town or community. Speculate about whether the zoning is
residential, commercial, industrial, or a combination.
* Identify any historical districts within your town or city. Discuss the advantages to having aesthetic codes
in these areas.
* After researching codes write a report on whom building codes are meant to protect.
* Student will be given a covenant of a local community or neighborhood. List the various regulations found
within the covenant.
* Borrow a wheelchair from the health occupation department. Select a room within the school and design
a layout to accommodate the wheelchair.
6.04 Work
Words to KNOW:
Natural and manufactured landscape elements
A. Define use of space
1. Evaluate terrain/topography
2. Existing structure orientation
B. Identify outside living space
1. Patio
2. Deck
3. Walks/Paths
4. Gardens
5. Courtyards
6. Porches
7. Watergardens
8. Walls
C. Natural elements
1. Trees and Shrubs
a. Deciduous
b. Evergreen
3. Flowers
a. Annuals
b. Perennials
3. Ground cover
4. Rocks
D. Manufacturing elements
1. Fences
2. Walkway materials
3. Lighting
4. Fountains/yard art
5. Pergola
6. Gazebo
E. Xeriscaping
F. Landscape plans
1. Evaluation
a. Public
b. Service
c. Private
2. Development
-Make a collage of exterior areas (under words to know) and identify those areas that are listed in the
content outline.
- Identify the natural and manufactured elements found in a picture of an exterior of a house. See Appendix
6.04 A: Topographical Symbols.
- Draw an outdoor living space for a family with two children ages 4 and 14, parents who like gardening and
grilling, a grandfather age 68, and a dog. Write a description of the area.
- Create a use a Venn Diagram to compare the differences and similarities of a pergola and a gazebo.
- Design an outdoor furnishing suitable for a landscape. Identify the furnishings as single or dual purpose and
decorative, functional or both
6.05 Work
6.06 Work
6.07 Work
6.01 Information/Notes/Resources
Website Resources (Architecture)
Appendix 6.01 A: House Style of the Early American Period
Directions: Look at the two pictures below and note the exterior architectural differences between the two
Half-timbered with Thatched Roof
Appendix: 6.01 B: Map of the United States
Directions: Note the location of Native American housing. Illustrate the different types of housing.
Appendix 6.01 C: Styles of Houses Comparison
Directions: Below are two different styles of houses from two different centuries. Look carefully at these
pictures and note the differences and similarities. Using the Venn Diagram at the bottom of the page list the
differences and similarities.
6.02 Information/Notes/Resources
Website Resources
Appendix 6.02A: Architectural Symbols
Appendix 6.02 B: Floor Plan
Activity 1: Examine the house plan below. Decide where the electrical outlets, lightning, Internet connections,
cable TV outlets and any other utilities might be located. Draw these symbols in the plan below.
Appendix 6.02 C: Building Materials Symbols
Building Material Symbols
Appendix 6.02 D: Plumbing Symbols
Plumbing Symbols
Appendix 6.02 E: Climate – Control Symbols
Climate-Control Symbols
6.03 Information/Notes/Resources
Website Resources
6.04 Information/Notes/Resources
Appendix 6.04 A
Website Resources