here - ISPO

Application for Use or Translation of ISPO Material
All ISPO Members Societies are welcome to translate the [newsletter/ guidelines/ information] into their
own language and ISPO is happy to grant permission to do this following formal request from the MS
wishing to translate.
Other affiliated Prosthetic and Orthotic Organisations are able to apply to translate/use ISPO material.
Please complete the information below and email this form to: Head of the Publications Committee
[] to request permission to use or translate ISPO Material.
Date of Application:
Name of ISPO MS or
Other Organization:
Details of Request
(i.e. what ISPO
material does this
application refer to;
what does the ISPO
MS/ other
organization wish to
do with the material)
Translate & Publish 
Use ISPO Material (without translation) 
Details of where will
the ISPO Material be
Lead Name for
Contact E-Mail for
Your application request will be considered and a response sent to you detailing the decision of the ISPO
Publications Committee.
If your application is successful we ask that you acknowledge the original publication and send [number] copies of
the completed translated document to the ISPO office [] for archival purposes.
If the translated publication is in an electronic only format then we request that you provide the document as a pdf
for hosting on the ISPO website or provide the URL to link to the translation from the ISPO website.
Translation requests for the Prosthetics and Orthotics International Journal will also be reviewed by the commercial
sales account manager of SAGE.
Please note that if this permission is granted it is subject to guarantees that the translated document is being used
for non-commercial purposes. Should the use change and the translation be distributed for commercial purposes
(for example, if you wish to sell the translated version of ISPO material, provide it for paying attendees at an event or
course, use it for marketing/advertising purposes, or include/link to commercial advertising from within it etc.) then
it is essential that you contact ISPO again to request additional permissions.
Signature of Applicant:..............................................................................................................