Morris School District 31 Hazel Street Morristown, NJ 07960 Morris School District Library/Information Literacy Curriculum Grades 03 through 05 Dr. Thomas Ficarra, Superintendent Submitted by: Wendy Pollock-Gilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 29, 2013 Course Rationale: This course is a revision of a curriculum which has become outdated. Information literacy is not a class but is embedded into the research process of all other subject areas. Information Literacy Skills are taught K-12 in a continuum. Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 Philosophical Tenets: The Morris School District Library/Information Literacy curriculum encourages and promotes the love of reading as well as providing a program of interactive experiences leading students to be information literate, effective and ethical users and producers of information and ideas, as well as lifelong learners. Our curriculum strongly supports and is aligned with Common Core Standards as well as the standards of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). Common Core Standards emphasize research skills which form the backbone of information literacy. Being able to access and evaluate information is one of the most important skills students will need to have in order to be successful. Students need to be able to utilize a wide variety of information sources. These skills are needed in every subject and content area. Students are encouraged to use a wide variety of print, nonprint, and electronic resources to develop critical skills in locating, accessing, selecting, evaluating, and using data to learn, think, and creatively apply new knowledge. By integrating resources with the curriculum and providing a progressive program of study in effectively using library resources and technology, the library/information curriculum as delivered by a certified school librarian will foster independent learning skills through information literacy programs that are supportive, effective, and vibrant. The information literacy course integrates student understanding and the research process. The Discover research method is guide for students to develop 21st Century skills. DISCOVER is an acronym for the following: Define, Inquire, Search, Collect, Organize, Verify, Express and Reflect. The DISCOVER is a guide for students to follow whether completing a school assigned project or for their own information needs. The DISCOVER process will be introduced in smaller segments as a sequel to K-2 DIGS beginning in third grade as part of the nonfiction language arts curriculum. Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 COURSE: Library/Information Literacy GRADE LEVEL(S): 3-5 Time Frame: Months or # of Days Content/Topic Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 MSD CURRICULUM MAP Observable Proficiencies/Skills NJCCS Performance Benchmarks/Assessments Materials Used Pacing Key learning items/concepts to be covered. Essential questions that students will answer Ongoing Accessing Information in the library ● Understands the library is and technology arranged by Dewey How is the library organized to locate Decimal system. reference, nonfiction and ● Students are able to locate biographies? different materials including fiction, nonfiction, How do I access information using biography and reference reference books, nonfiction books, resources. and biographies? ● Apply the Dewey Decimal System to seek nonfiction How do I know what is an online and biography sources database and how to evaluate an sequencing by hundreds and internet site? decimal point. How do I access information safely● Students will use nonfiction online? text features including bold How do I safely use social media? print, indexes, table of How do I use information contents, graphs, maps, productively? glossary and captions. ● ● ● ● ● ● Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 What they need to know? Subject specific National Core What specific skills are NJCCCS plus cross references to necessary for success? The other relevant NJCCS areas skills commence with an action verb. What will be assessed? How well should students perform? What are the mastery skills and concepts to be assessed? What will be used to assess students? Assessments are listed as specific nouns AASL: 1.1.2; 1.3; 3.1;.3.2; 3.3; ● Students will be able to locate Computers, Internet, Online 3.4 picture, fiction, nonfiction, Databases, Search Engines, biography and reference books Books (print and electronic) ISTE Nets-S-6a, 6d ● Students will apply the Dewey Scavenger hunt, nonfiction Decimal system to locate book evaluation, Dewey Common Core: assigned subjects, play Dewey Decimal games, librarian CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.8 Bingo, library scavenger hunts produced interactive materials and floor plans. ● Students will be able to cite edia-literacy/educational; their sources games. ● Students will practice safe and ethical use of technology ● Students will correctly use guide words, headings and subheading; captions; charts; tables; illustrations; index; table of contents; glossary; and title page. ● ● ● Know when to cite and how Assessments: to use standard citation Library scavenger hunt, Dewey ● Ongoing Independent Reading ● How do I find a book that interests me? How do I determine if a book is “just right” for my independent reading level? What are the different book genres? What book awards ● could help me find a book for independent reading? What are the different book awards for? What are literary elements? What is a biography, autobiography and ● collective biography? How do I create a bibliography using the OPALS system to gather books which may interest me? What is a book annotation and what else can the OPAC record tell me about a ● book ? Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 formatting Use technology and information resources both in school and in personal situations safely including the importance of internet privacy, safety, and bullying. Bingo, completed floor plans, nonfiction book assessment and evaluation ● Works Cited Page ● Online assessments (for example those and Selects books for pleasure AASL: 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.3.1; 1.4.1; ● reading using a variety of 2.4.1; 4.2.1; 4.3.1; 4.4.1 criteria such as (book ● covers and flaps or peer ISTE Nets - S1a recommendations) Selects award winning ● literature (Newbery, Common Core: Caldecott, Coretta Scott CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3-5.10 King) for recreational reading. Defines and differentiates ● literary genres including historical fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, folk tales (tall tale, pourquoi, trickster), realistic and science fiction. Recognizes literary elements ● (such as character, plot, voice, setting, point of view) ● Selects, locates and checks out a biography to meet ● SGO on effectively using the Computers, Library OPAL system. Automation System; Internet; Utilizes the circulation process Print Books, Newbery and for borrowing and returning Caldecott posters, readers books. theater, librarian produced Students will consistently interactive materials locate and select fiction, nonfiction, and biography books for assignment for personal choice. Students will recognize and differentiate among awardwinning books including but not limited to Newbery, Caldecott, Siebert, and Coretta Scott King. Can complete a simple search for a book in OPAC in 5th grade by author, title, and subject. Use the book record to read the assignment criteria. annotation, see similar books, reading level and book length ● Shares books with peers, classroom teacher and librarian ● Reader’s theater ● Assessments: ● OPALS created bibiliography ● Circulation reports DISCOVER: Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 1 or more classes Define: ● What interests me about this topic? What questions do I have about this ● topic? ● What do I hope to answer by doing this research? ● ● What keywords will help me search? ● What information do I need to complete an assigned research topic? ● ● ● 1 or 2 classes Understands the DISCOVER process Recognizes the purpose of research and how that may affect the process Connects ideas to previous knowledge and how it relates to self Identifies a focus for research Inquire: ● Knows where to find basic ● What do I already know or think I information on a topic know about this topic? ● Reads background ● What background information would information “PreSearch” help me get an overview of my topic? using online database in order to narrow the focus of the research project ● Does not rely on Wikipedia and Google as first source for information ● Refines questions to guide the DISCOVER research process Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 AASL 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3; 4.1.2● Students will be able to define Computers, Internet, Online their topic (Who, what, where, Databases, Search Engines, ISTE Nets-S-3a; 4a when ,why) Books Assessments: Common Core: ● Topic statement created with CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.1 teacher guidance to outline and organize research. ● KWL chart ● Extract and write answers to the 5w’s AASL 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3; 4.1.2● Students can locate basic information on their topics ISTE Nets-S-3a; 4a using a variety of materials (i.e. books, textbooks, Common Core: encyclopedias, etc.) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.2b Assessments: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.7 ● Outline, notes and/or graphic organizer is assessed in collaboration with or by subject area teacher Computers, Internet, Online Databases, Search Engines, Books Varies ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Search: ● Identifies key concepts and What are all the sources that could be terms and adjusts according used? to new information gathered Which sources will be most useful to expand or narrow topic and valuable? ● Seeks information from a How do I locate these sources in the variety of sources library and online? ● Recognizes the difference How do I apply nonfiction text between primary and features to locate information.? secondary sources How do I expand or limit a search ● Understands the using Boolean search terms? organization of a library How do I find the information within ● Conducts searches using the each source? most efficient search How is a library organized? strategies AASL 1.1.3; 1.1.4; 1.1.5; 1.1.8; ● SGO on using online database. 1.2.2; 1.2.3 ● ● Students will be able to do a ISTE- Nets- S-3b; 3c; 4c simple search using an online database Common Core: ● Students will be able to CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.2b identify key words with teacher guidance ● Students will recognize that information may be found in a variety of sources. ● Students understand the difference between primary and secondary sources ● Creates a works cited page using an online citation maker or manually to be assessed either by the librarian or the subject area teacher Collect and Organize: ● Selects, paraphrases, and/or AASL- 1.1.6; 1.4.1; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; ● How do I best organize my research? summarizes and records 2.1.4; How do I create a logical sequence to appropriate information on a support my topic? graphic organizer or note ISTE- Nets- s3b; 4c ● ● How do I input a url? How do I cards bookmark a useful website? How do ● How do I collect my Common Core: I utilize the Favorites and information using internet CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.1; Bookmarked buttons? resources? CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.7; ● ● How do I selectively print and ● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.9; highlight from the internet? ● Understands plagiarism and CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.1; ● importance of CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.2; acknowledging resources. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.6; ● ● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.7; ● Clarifies information by CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.8; defining main and CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4-5.9 supporting ideas ● Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 Varies ● ● Computers, Internet, Online Databases, Search Engines, nonfiction and reference books, biographies, OPAC Students will be able to take Computers, Internet, Online notes using various note taking Databases, Search Engines, strategies Books, Note Taking, graphic Students will use graphic organizers, Word Processing. organizers and note cards to Librarian produced interactive record and organize materials information. Students will organize information logically and clearly to communicate their ideas and information clearly. Students will be able to incorporate feedback from a variety of sources (peers, teachers, and librarians) Students will be able to ● ● ● ● Varies Verify: ● Evaluates information from AASL: 1.1.4; 1.1.5, 1.1.7; 1.2.1; ● ● Is the information I am getting from a a variety of sources using set 3.1.6 reputable source? criteria ISTE- Nets- S3b; 3c; 4c; 5a ● How do I know what a reputable ● Evaluates information for source is? fact, opinion, point of view, Common Core: ● When do I have to cite information and bias CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.3 ● that I am using? ● Maintains objectivity when CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.6 evaluating information CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.7 ● Determines usefulness and ● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3-5.9 relevance ● Creates a works cited page CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3-5.9 using standard bibliographic CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.3-5.3 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.7 formatting rules CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.8 incorporate main and supporting ideas in their nonfiction writing Students will use bookmarks, favorites, and urls to collect information on the internet. Students will select appropriate images from the internet. Students will selectively print from the internet. Assessments: Note cards and other organizational tools will be evaluated by subject area teachers Students will be able to Computers, Internet, Online evaluate a website using a Databases, Search Engines, standard list of criteria (e.g. Books , Online Citation and/or CARB, 5 W’s) with teacher or Note Taking tools, Word librarian guidance Processing Tools Students will identify .gov,.net. .com and .edu as ways to determine website authorship. Students will be able to create a works cited page using an online citation creator or manually with teacher or librarian guidance in the 5th grade Assessments: Works cited to be assessed either by the librarian or the subject area teacher Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 Varies Express: ● ● What type of product or presentation will allow me to present my findings most effectively to the intended audience? ● ● How do I create an end product such as a poster, skit, brochure, powerpoint, song, imovie, or model to share my research? ● What technology or tools will help me create a product or presentation? Communicates new AASL: 2.1.6; 2.2.2; 2.2.4; 3.1.1; ● understanding by designing, 3.1.3; 3.1.4; 3.1.6 creating, or writing final product ISTE NETS- S 1a,b; 2a,b; 5a Edits for grammar Common Core: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4-5.6 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.3-4.4 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.3-5.5 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.6 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.10 Students will be able to create Computers, Internet, Note a visual, multimedia, written Taking Tools, Word Processing product or other multiple Tools, ipads, project materials intelligence product to be depending on final product determined by content area teacher which includes a works cited page. This product will be assessed by the subject area teacher Assessments; ● To be determined by content area teachers Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 Reflect: ● What worked well for me with the research, collecting information and assembling my final product? What● could I have done better? ● Is my product/presentation as ● effective as it can be? ● How successful was my research process (DISCOVER)? ● How can I improve my next project? Name of Writer: Wendy PollockGilson and Mark Fluck Date: April 2013 Determines best information AASL: 1.1.7; 1.2.1; 1.4.1, 1.4.2; ● by examining evidence from 1.4.4; 2.1.1; 2.4.2; 2.4.4; 3.1.1; multiple sources 3.4.1; 3.4.2; 3.4.3; 4.4.5; 4.4.6; Brainstorms ideas for further exploration ISTE NETS- S4c ● Assesses and revises work during the research Common Core: (DISCOVER) process CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.5 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3-5.6 ● Students will be able to revise Computers, Internet, Word their rough drafts using Processing Tools, subject area suggestions made by peer teacher rubric editors or by teacher comments Students will be able to self reflect Assessments: Research log to be evaluated by either librarian in collaboration with subject area teacher or by subject area teacher ● Rough draft assessed by content area teacher