Questions & Answers from the Returning Officers webinar on 11Mar

Questions & Answers from the Returning Officers webinar on 11Mar 2013 1330H
Question: Do we organise the staff rep election also?
Answer: You need to go back to the board chair and ask if running both
parent and staff elections.
Question: If there is a parent and a staff rep election, does the RO get paid
more than when it is only parent reps?
Answer: That is up to the board but the suggested amount for the payment is
in the Returning Officers' Handbook p 1 and the amount includes for both
parent and staff election.
Question: We had a BOT member coopted during last year - what happens
with him? Does he have to stand for re-election this time?
Answer: This depends on how long he was coopted for. If he was not coopted
for a specific time then his cooption is for 3 years from the time of cooption.
Question: We have a x2 potential BOT members who want to be on the board
but are moving out of town, can they still be on the board if they are
successful after voting?
Answer: Yes they can.
Question: How do I know who actually has to go out of office? I have no idea
how this works!
Answer: You need to ask the board chair how many positions there are to be
Question: The roll closes during the holidays. I saw a suggestion to close the
roll on 15 April already, on the last day before holidays. Does that
automatically mean the supplementary roll opens on that day, and no further
action is required till after the holidays?
Answer: If you are using the common election date of 30 May 2013, the main
roll closes at noon on 30 April and the supplementary roll closes at noon on
14 May.
Question: If I get all the staff nomination forms back, and I am ready for
voting, can I get staff to vote before the 30 May 2013.
Answer: You have to wait until nominations close at noon 16 May if you are
using the common election date of 30 May.
Question: What date do you put the Election notice in the paper using the
common election date of 30 May?
Answer: You need to find out what the printing deadlines are because the
notice needs to appear by the 2nd of May.
Question: Can you pass the voting material etc to the voters via email
Answer: It depends if you mean promotional material? You can email
promotional material. The cover letter, candidate’s statements, voting paper
and return addressed envelope must be posted.
Question: Did you say a parent in prison is able to vote?
Answer: Yes, they can
Question: Can the principal vote in the parent election
Answer: Yes they can if they are a parent of a student enrolled full-time at the
Question: A parent principal cannot vote?
Answer: A principal who is a parent of a student enrolled full time at the
school and who is on the election roll can nominate and vote in the parent
Question: Some students do not have an address for parents overseas. How
much work do we do?
Answer: You need to make a reasonable effort. This would include having the
school ask the student. If this does not provide the address then remember
that the onus is on voters to make sure they are on the electoral roll.
Question: Do voting papers get posted to my home address or to the school?
Answer: The voting papers will get sent to the address put on the
envelopes. This is usually the school.
Question: Is a day to day carer who is a long-term foster carer able to vote
Answer: If they qualify as an immediate caregiver ( see page 4)
Question: But can a principal be on the staff roll?
Answer: No, principals cannot stand or vote in the staff election
Question: If a parent is on dual rolls but not standing for election on either, are
they able to vote on both?
Answer: A parent who is a staff member as well can only participate in one
election, and must decide in writing which election they wish to take part in.
Question: Can a member of the community stand even if they are not a
Answer: Yes, parent representatives do not need to be parents of students at
the school.
Question: I realise that the roll closes on 30 April but that is in the holidays. So
can main roll close on 15 April, and does that mean supplementary roll opens
then without any further actions needed on RO part
Answer: The main roll must remain open until noon on 30 April. The
supplementary roll then opens after noon 30 April.
Question: The second question was the one about the foster carers. I read p4
in the handbook as saying yes to that
Answer: Yes, but remember that only one person can be an immediate
Question: Do I have a right to vote in the school staff elections that I am RO
Answer: Yes you can vote in the staff election but you can not be a candidate.
Question: Hi are all forms and voting papers printed off from the website?
Answer: Yes all forms are available for downloading on the website except for
Appendix F which must be completed and submitted on line.
Question: Is 9 days sufficient for getting votes from overseas parents? I'm
thinking about fee paying international students whose parents may have
language issues?
Answer: In reality it probably isn't but the requirement is that you send them.
Question: How is the best way to number the voting forms?
Answer: Each voting paper can be coded or numbered to ensure voters are
not able to vote more than once. The number or code system you use should
allow you to check the number of votes exercised but should not enable
voters to be identified.
Question: Can I confirm that if the principal is not a parent of a child at the
school he cannot vote in either the parent or staff election?
Answer: Yes, you are correct
Question: Can parents of international students complete on-line voting
Answer: No they cannot. Email or faxed forms are not valid.
Question: Are the parents of our international students voters?
Answer: As long as the student is enrolled full time in the school on the day
the roll or supplementary roll for the election closes.
Question: As a staff member and as a returning officer, should my name be
on the staff roll?
Answer: If you are eligible to be on the staff roll, yes.
Question: What happens if I no longer wish to be Returning Officer - am I
obliged to do this?
Answer: This would depend if it was part of your role description as an
employee or if you have signed a contract. I suggest you talk to the board
chair if on contract or the principal if an employee.
Question: Is it OK to e-mail results to BOT?
Answer: Yes, that is fine.
Question: can I print off the Q & A's?
Answer: Sorry, you can’t print them off but they are available on the returning
officers section of the NZSTA website under FAQ’s.
Question: Where do I find the eligibility info for standing as a candidate – I’m
thinking of those with work visa permits, or residency permits still in progress
Answer: You will need to call the Election Advice Line on 0800 353 284 to
clarify this.
Question: Will the slide show be available? I couldn't find it at the beginning.
Answer: You can get it at this link:
Question: I thought it was the individual’s responsibility to check the electoral
roll to see if they are on it not the RO to check if a person should be included?
Answer: It is the person's responsibility however, the RO should make a
reasonable effort to ensure that those entitled to vote are on the roll.
Question: Do you have to close the roll on the 30th April?
Answer: Yes you must close the roll at noon on 30th April, and open the
supplementary roll after noon on this day.
Question: Can nominees in the parent rep election be non-parents at the
school who qualify on other criteria and are in good standing in the
Answer: Yes, candidates do not need to be parents of students at the school.
Question: I am just thinking though, people are only added to the roll if they
newly enrol a child. As the school office is closed in the holidays, nobody can
enrol after Friday 15 April, the last day of school. So the roll in practice closes
that day, but in theory can stay open as nothing will happen. There is no
actual physical action required by the RO on the 30th of April, is there? Then
when we all come back on the first day after the holidays if anybody enrols,
they are put onto the supplementary roll, or not?
Answer: Yes, you are right, however this would depend on whether the
principal enrolled anyone during the holidays.
Question: So as a staff member and RO I will put my name down on the staff
role (like the principal) but neither of us will vote?
Answer: The principal does not go on the staff roll, but you do if you are
eligible. The RO can not stand, but can vote.
Question: Can we simply ignore overseas parents where the student simply
knows the country but has no further contact details?
Answer: Yes, if you have asked the question you have made a reasonable
attempt. You might like to ask the family the student is staying with but the
onus is on the voter to check they are on the roll.
Question: If parents, plus caregivers plus legal guardians all get a vote does
that mean that for one child there may be 5 or 6 people who can vote? I'm
thinking of a split family situation.
Answer: Yes, a student can have more than 2 people voting.
Question: Isn't the maximum voters per family 3 people?
Answer: The definition of parent has been clarified now to also include legal
guardian so a maximum of 3 voters is now no longer correct.