Physics Special Relativity

HSC Physics
Special Relativity
Due Date: (Week 8) - 27th November
Mark: 40
Assessment Name: Special Relativity
Weighting: 20 %
H1. evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or nature of
scientific thinking
H2. analyses the ways in which models, theories and laws in physics have been tested and validated
H3. assesses the impact of particular advances in physics on the development of technologies
H4. assesses the impacts of applications of physics on society and the environment
H13. uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding
Review, Explanation, Referencing
Describe, discuss, evaluate, explain
According to most physicists, Special Relativity is a theory that has been tested and validated. Its principles are
employed in designing applications such as GPS and televisions. Special relativity can even explain the colour of
gold and the action of electromagnets.
Discuss the principles of the Theory of Special Relativity and assess some of the evidence supporting this theory.
Moreover, assess the impact of special relativity on society.
You will be assessed on your ability to:
 state the postulates of special relativity
 define key concepts such as time and mass dilation and length contraction
 present some evidence supporting the theory
 refer to several of Einstein’s thought experiments (“Gedanken” experiments)
 present relevant Physics formulae
 present examples of special relativity applied to technology and everyday life
 reference your findings
Linked Dot Points:
 discuss the principle of relativity
 describe the significance of Einstein’s assumption of the constancy of the speed of light
 analyse and interpret some of Einstein’s thought experiments involving mirrors and trains and discuss the relationship
between thought and reality
 analyse information to discuss the relationship between theory and the evidence supporting it, using Einstein’s predictions
based on relativity that were made many years before evidence was available to support it
Assessment Policy – This is only a brief outline, you must check your assessment booklet for further details.
Assessment tasks must be submitted on the due date. A zero mark will be awarded for work submitted late. If you
know that you will be absent on the day of an assessment task, and have a valid reason, eg. compulsory work
placement, representative sport, you must advise your teacher, IN WRITING, before the task is due. If the absence
is unexpected due to illness, a doctor’s certificate will be required. Other absences due to exceptional
circumstances may be deemed acceptable by the principal. Where an absence is considered justified, your teacher,
in consultation with the Head Teacher, may decide
a) to let you do the task at the first opportunity when you return or
b) to give you an alternative task or
c) to give you an estimate based on your performance in similar tasks.
* Students who are absent due to participation in school representational activities must follow the above
procedures or risk a zero mark.
Use this checklist to make sure that you have included all elements of the assignment:
 Title page
 State the postulates of special relativity
 Define key concepts such as time and mass dilation and length contraction
 Present relevant Physics formulae
 present evidence supporting the theory
 Present examples of special relativity applied to technology and everyday life
 The report uses diagrams / sketches to help communicate concepts
 A detailed report is provided that should be about 1200 words in length
 Physics terminology is used as is explained
 Assertions are referenced
Cover Page:
 The cover page clearly communicates the task by providing a an appropriate title and author
 A Title page is unclear
 No title page is provided
The postulates of theory of special relativity:
 All the underlying postulates / tenets of special relativity are clearly stated and validate their
relationship to special relativity
 Some of the underlying postulates / tenets of special relativity are presented but their relationship
with relativity is unclear
 The underlying postulates / tenets of special relativity are not presented
Relativity Explained:
 The concept of special relativity is comprehensively explained using qualitative and quantitative
references. Gedanken experiments are presented.
 The concept of special relativity is outlined using qualitative references.
 The concept of special relativity is poorly explained.
Physics Terminology:
 Relevant physics terminology is applied and terms are clearly defined. Terms used may include –
frames of reference; simultaneity; , inertial frames of reference; length contraction; mass and
time dilation; energy / mass equivalence
 Adequate Physics terminology is used. Some terms are outlined.
 Minimal Physics terminology is applied. Physics words are used but not explained.
 Limited Physics terminology is applied.
Physics Equations:
 At least three equations are included to quantitatively explain length contraction, mass dilation
and time dilation
 At least two equations are included to quantitatively explain physics concepts.
 Equations are referred to qualitatively
 No equations are mentioned.
 At least three diagrams or sketches are created to reinforce explanations.
 Three diagrams or sketches are presented to reinforce explanations.
 Less than three diagrams or sketches are presented.
 No visuals are used.
Impact of Special Relativity for Society:
 Explain several examples of how relativity impacts on devices used in our modern society
 Outline several examples of how relativity impacts on devices used in our modern society
 No examples are referred to
Bibliography & Citations
 Bibliography is in the correct format; references several sources and citations are used.
 Provides a bibliography from one type of source only and citations are used.
 Limited bibliography
 Limited bibliography and no citation