How may we work together to better serve our students? We are committed to strengthening the bonds between Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School and the families we serve. Your feedback and suggestions are important as we work to promote the success of each and every student! Please detach and return the back page of this booklet with your comments and suggestions about this parent involvement plan to your child’s teacher. Parent Name:_________________________________________________________ Student Name:_______________________________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________________________________________ Comments:____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Parent Involvement Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School 2012-2013 Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School 509 Bramhall Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 201-433-5300 Hello, DLEACS’ Families! Title I Federal Guidelines state that schools receiving Title I funds must have a written Parent Involvement Plan that is developed with input from parents. Parents and staff worked together to develop goals and activities for this 2011-2012 Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School Title I Parent Involvement Plan at the Coffee Talk meeting on September 27, 2011. We strive to give everyone the chance to provide input and/or suggestions. Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School defines parent involvement as the participation of parents in regular two-way, meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. We ensure that: A. parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; B. parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school. C. parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate in decision-making to assist in the education of their child. Working With the Community: Identifying and using resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development. Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School is thankful for its many community resources and services! Listed below are some of the many organizations that have helped us: churches have donated many student supplies. Jersey City Rotary Clubs donate books to all first grade students. St. Peters’ College plays a critical advisory role in the development of the school’s curriculum. Academy of Sacred Heart provides tutoring help young children. Central Park Zoo provides classroom demonstrations of their programs. Jersey City Police Department present safety programs for students annually. We appreciate the teamwork of parents, teachers, and students that lead to overall student success! Any involvement, big or small, is greatly appreciated! HOME + SCHOOL = STUDENT SUCCESS! Revised: 9/27/12 TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR OUR CHILDREN!