Form CUREC/1A University of Oxford CENTRAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE (CUREC) CUREC/1A Checklist for the Social Sciences and Humanities The University of Oxford places a high value on the knowledge, expertise, and integrity of its members and their ability to conduct research to high standards of scholarship and ethics. The research ethics clearance procedures have been established to ensure that the University is meeting its obligations as a responsible institution. They start from the presumption that all members of the University will take their responsibilities and obligations seriously and will ensure that their research on human subjects is conducted according to the established principles and good practice in their fields and in accordance, where appropriate, with legal requirements. Since the requirements of research ethics review will vary from field to field and from project to project, the University accepts that different guidelines and procedures will be appropriate. Please check the CUREC website to ensure that you have the correct form for your project. This form does not cover research governance, satisfactory methodology, compliance with the requirements of publishers when administering their tests or questionnaires, or the health and safety of employees and students. As principal investigator, it is your responsibility to ensure that requirements in these areas are met. Please carry out a risk assessment of the project, in consultation with all researchers involved, using the checklist and CUREC’s other documentation. The use of an asterisk in this form indicates a phrase defined in the glossary. The glossary and further information on the University’s research ethics procedures are available from the CUREC website: This form is designed largely for research that falls within the Divisions of Social Sciences and Humanities and which does not involve a high level of risk to the subjects. Elite interviews, field work and oral history are included in the CUREC process. Please take a moment to read through it and if you have any questions or doubts as to whether it is the appropriate form, please review Section A or consult the CUREC website. Note on anonymised data and audit: you do not need to obtain ethical approval for your study if: you are using previously collected anonymised data about people which neither you nor anyone else involved in your study can trace back to the individuals who provided them (e.g. census data, administrative data, secondary analysis). Please refer to the definition of *personal data in the glossary and FAQ A4 for further guidance; or you are conducting research on behalf of or at the request of a service provider that matches the definition of *audit in the glossary. If your research is audit or uses prior-anonymised data, please check this box: You do not need to seek ethical approval from CUREC, and you do not need to complete any more of this form. However, please check with your department’s requirements, as some departments require you to lodge this form with them. Office use only: IDREC Ref. No. __________________ Date of confirmation that checklist accepted on behalf of IDREC: 1 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 // // Form CUREC/1A Yes SECTION A No 1) Are you using research methodologies commonly used in biomedical or behavioural laboratory sciences? 2) Is there a significant risk that the research will induce anxiety, stress or other harmful psychological states in participants that might persist beyond the duration of any test or interview in which they are participating? 3) Will the research involve human participants recruited by means of their status as present or past NHS patients or their relatives or carers? 4) Does the research involve *human participants aged 16 and over who do not have *capacity to consent for themselves? See the Mental Capacity Act 2005 5) Is the study to be funded by the US National Institutes of Health or another US federal funding agency? If you answered ‘yes’, please stop work on this checklist and for questions 1 and 2, complete CUREC/1 instead (available from; for questions 3 and 4, submit your proposal to the appropriate NHS ethics committee (see and for further information); for question 5, or if you answered 'yes' to questions 1, 2 or 4 and your research will take place outside the EU and is a biomedical study, submit your proposal to OXTREC, which uses separate documentation. Applications to OXTREC using this form will not be accepted. If your research is not a biomedical study and does not have US funding, but will take place outside the EU, you may use this form to submit your application for approval to the Social Sciences and Humanities IDREC. If you have answered ‘no’ to all questions in Section A, please complete Sections B-E. This form and any supporting materials should be typewritten. SECTION B *Principal investigator/ supervisor/student researcher (title and name): Name of supervisor (STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS ONLY): Degree programme, e.g. DPhil, MPhil, MSc (STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS ONLY): Department or institute: Address for correspondence (if different): Email and phone contact: Title of research project: 2 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A Title and brief lay description of *research (about 150 words), plus description (about 200 words) of the nature of participants (including the criteria for inclusion/exclusion & method of recruitment, how professional guidelines are being applied (if applicable) and use to which the results/data will be put. Please describe how you will obtain informed consent, citing and attaching, where applicable, documentation produced in support of your application such as generic recruitment and advertisement material, participant information sheet(s), consent form(s) and defriefing document(s). List actual or probable location(s) where project will be conducted, if known: If your research involves overseas YES / NO / N/A travel or fieldwork, have you completed and returned a travel risk assessment form? (Bear in mind that this may be necessary to ensure that the travel or fieldwork is covered by the University’s travel insurance – see insurance/travel/.) Anticipated duration of project: ____ months Anticipated start date: Anticipated end date: / / / / 3 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A Name and status (e.g. 3rd year undergraduate; post-doctoral research assistant) of others taking part in the project: Please indicate what training on research ethics the researchers involved with this study have received, e.g. the title of the online or in-person course, and date completed (online training available at ort/integrity/human/): SECTION C Methods to be used in the study (tick as many as apply: this information will help the committee understand the nature of your research and may be used for audit). Please tick Interview Questionnaire Analysis of existing records Participant performs verbal/paper and pencil/computer based task Measurement/recording of motor behaviour Audio recording of participant Video recording or photography of participant Physiological recording from participant Participant observation Covert observation Systematic observation Observation of specific organisational practices Other (please specify) SECTION D Have you read one or more of the following professional guidelines and do you undertake to use the principles listed there as a guide for your own work? Please note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Links to the guidelines listed below are included on the CUREC website. Please tick British Society of Criminology: Code of Ethics for Researchers in the Field of Criminology [ British Educational Research Association Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research [] 4 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A Academy of Management’s Code of Ethics [] Association of American Geographers Statement on Professional Ethics [] Oral History Society of the UK Ethical Guidelines American Political Science Association (APSA) Guide to Professional Ethics in Political Science (Section H) [] Political Studies Association Guide to Good Professional Conduct [] British Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Conduct [] Ethics Guidelines of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth [] Social Research Association: Ethical Guidelines [] Statement of Principles of Ethical Research Practice from the Socio-Legal Studies Association [] Statement of Ethical Practice for the British Sociological Association [] Other professional guidelines (please specify): SECTION E Please put a tick in the yes/no column as appropriate to indicate your response. 1) Will you obtain informed consent according to good practice in your discipline before participation? Yes No 2) Will you ensure that *personal data collected directly from participants or via a *third party is held and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act? Yes No 3) Does the research involve as participants *people whose ability to give free and informed consent is in question? Yes No 4) As a consequence of taking part in the research, will participants be at serious risk of rendering themselves liable to criminal prosecution (e.g. by providing information on drug abuse or child abuse)? Yes No 5) Does the research involve the *deception of participants, as part of the investigation/experiment? Yes No Note: participants aged under 16 are generally considered to require consent of a parent or guardian (only answer ‘no’ to this question if you can cite one of the protocols listed under ‘children’). For participants aged 16-17, consult FAQ C13 If any of your answers above are in a shaded box, please indicate whether those aspects of your project are fully covered by the following. 5 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A 6) Research protocol(s) which has/ve received IDREC/CUREC approval? Yes No Yes No If yes, please give protocol number(s): 7) Professional guidelines that you will be following, as noted under Section D? If any of your answers in Section E are in a shaded box and are not covered by a protocol or by professional guidelines, please complete CUREC/2, available to download from the CUREC website. Then submit both this form (you need not complete section F) and the CUREC/2 to the Social Sciences and Humanities IDREC. If all your answers in Section E are in the unshaded boxes or your answers in shaded boxes are covered by a protocol or professional guidelines, complete Section F and submit this form and any accompanying documents to the Social Sciences and Humanities IDREC or to the relevant officer/committee at departmental level (see notes and address below). 6 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A FINAL CHECK Please check each of the following before submitting the checklist. If the appropriate supporting documentation is not included with your application, you will then be asked to provide this separately. This may well delay the ethical review process, and thus the start of your research. Have you completed Sections A-E? Have you defined all technical terms and abbreviations used? If you have produced any documentation in support of your application (which might include questionnaires, participant information, consent forms/form or note of procedure for recording oral consent, advertisements and surveys), have you attached a copy of these? Are all pages (including appendices and attachments) numbered? SECTION F You can submit this checklist by email and/or as a signed hard copy; if it is being sent by email only, the checklist, and any email from the head of department or nominee separately endorsing its submission, must be sent from a University of Oxford email address (i.e. as a minimum, the checklist and supporting documents must be submitted by the head of department or nominee indicating his/her approval from a University of Oxford email account). Complete this section only if you do not need to submit form CUREC/2. I understand my responsibilities as principal researcher/supervisor/student researcher as outlined in the CUREC glossary and guidance on the CUREC website. I declare that the answers above accurately describe my research as presently designed and that I will submit a new checklist should the design of my research change in a way which would alter any of the above responses so as to require completion of CUREC/2 (involving full scrutiny by an IDREC). I will inform the relevant IDREC if I cease to be the principal researcher on this project and supply the name and contact details of my successor if appropriate. Signed by principal researcher/supervisor/student researcher:…………………… ……………… Date:………………… Print name (block capitals)…………………………………………………………………………… Signed by supervisor:……………………………………………………………(for student projects) Date:………………… Print name (block capitals)…………………………………………………………………………… I understand the questions and answers that have been entered above describing the research, and I will ensure that my practice in this research complies with these answers, subject to any modifications made by the principal researcher properly authorised by the CUREC system. Signed by associate/other researcher: ………………………………………………………………. Print name (block capitals)…………………………………………………………………………… Date ……………… 7 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014 Form CUREC/1A I have read the research project application named above. On the basis of the information available to me, I: (i) consider the principal researcher/supervisor/student researcher to be aware of her/his ethical responsibilities in regard to this research; (ii) consider that any ethical issues raised have been satisfactorily resolved or are covered by relevant professional guidelines and/or CUREC approved protocols, and that it is appropriate for the research to proceed without further formal ethical scrutiny at this stage (noting the principal researcher’s obligation to report should the design of the research change in a way which would alter any of the above responses so as to require completion of a CUREC/2 full application); (iii) am satisfied that the proposed project has been/will be subject to appropriate *peer review and is likely to contribute something useful to existing knowledge and/or to the education and training of the researcher(s) and that it is in the *public interest. (iv) [FOR DEPARTMENTS/FACULTIES WITH A DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE (DREC) OR EQUIVALENT BODY - PLEASE DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE] confirm that this checklist (and associated research outline) has been reviewed by the Department’s Research Ethics Committee (DREC)/equivalent body, and attach the associated report from that body. Signed:……………………………………….. (Head of department or nominee e.g Chair of DREC, Director of Graduate Studies for postgraduate student projects) Print name (block capitals)…………………………………………………………………………… Date:…………………… If your research involves participants recruited by means of their status as current or former NHS staff, or the research will, in whole or in part, be carried out on NHS premises, use NHS facilities or assess NHS facilities or services, please see FAQ B3 ( Please check with your department about its procedures for the approval of CUREC forms. If your department indicates that the checklist should be submitted directly to the IDREC, please send it, together with any supporting documentation, to the following address(es), keeping a copy for yourself: Secretary of the Medical Sciences IDREC Email: Research Services University of Oxford Wellington Square Oxford, OX1 2JD Secretary of the Social Sciences and Humanities IDREC Email: Research Services University of Oxford Wellington Square Oxford, OX1 2JD IDRECs and/or CUREC will review a sample of completed checklists and may ask for further details of any project. 8 CUREC /1A checklist last revised Mar 2014