COLD CANYON LANDFILL “Leading the way to a cleaner tomorrow” Litter Control Plan Updated: 5/28/15 Litter Control Contact Info: Cold Canyon Landfill Litter Control Line – Primary Contact 805-549-8332 Ext. 46101 Secondary Contacts Benjamin Gray 559-320-7014 Astor Lawson 805-704-7517 Purpose: To describe the standard landfill operating practices that are put in place to mitigate fugitive litter caused by or attributed to landfill operations while meeting the minimum standards set forth in 27 CCR Section 20830, and Conditional Use Permit DRC2005-00170 condition of approval number 6 as follows: 6. Ө (HAZ/mm-2) Within 60 days of final project approval, the applicant shall submit to the Department of Planning and Building, an updated Litter Control Plan. The plan shall be approved by the Department of Planning and Building and be posted on the Landfill website. The plan shall be updated at minimum every five years, and include at a minimum: a. Descriptions of current litter control practices. Cold Canyon Landfill has historically and will continue to implement the following litter prevention and collection best management practices (BMP’s). 1. Minimization of the size of the working face. 2. Prompt compaction of waste during windy conditions. 3. Placement of litter control fencing (typically six feet tall) down wind of the prevailing wind direction typically installed at the edge of active working decks. 4. Utilization of 10-foot tall portable wind screens as close down wind to the active working area as operationally practical during windy conditions. 5. Requiring customer loads to be tarped. 6. Collection of wind blown litter both on and off site as soon after initial generation as feasible. 7. Participation in the Adopt-a-Highway program on Hwy 227 for one mile in each direction from the landfill entrance. 2268 Carpenter Canyon Road San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805-549-8332 Landfill 805-783-4497 Billing Office COLD CANYON LANDFILL “Leading the way to a cleaner tomorrow” b. Provisions for semi-monthly (twice a month) trash pick-up on neighboring properties. Residents within one mile of the Landfill shall be notified within 30 days of approval of the Litter Control Plan and provided with the dates of fugitive trash pickup. The phone number of the litter control staff at the Landfill shall be provided to the neighbors, and permanently posted at the project entrance at a location that is easily visible from the closed gate. Neighbors shall be able to contact the Landfill within one week of the scheduled date to request pick-up of fugitive trash on their property. Within 30 days of approval of the litter control plan, all residential properties within a one mile radius of the landfill will receive a letter providing a summary of off-site activities associated with the litter control plan, the litter control contact information (for the Landfill, CalRecycle, the Environmental Monitor, California Highway Patrol, and San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office), the residential property litter removal schedule, and the web address for the landfill where a description of the complete litter control plan will be provided. The litter-control phone number will be displayed at the front entrance so that it can easily be seen. Neighbors that request litter removal service will have their name, address, and contact information recorded, and a log of the date of request and date of collection will be maintained. Neighbors that request waste removal services will have the fugitive litter removed on the next scheduled pick up date. c. Requirements for litter control fences to be installed around the downwind perimeter of the Landfill (i.e., southeast and southwest property lines) that are a minimum of six feet tall. Aesthetics shall be considered when selecting litter control fences. As part of the future installation of the visual and noise abatement berm required along the southeast and southwest property lines per Conditional Use Permit DRC2005-00170 condition of approval 10, litter control fencing (a minimum of six feet tall) will be installed. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the litter control fence, it will be located on top of the mitigation berm were feasible, and aesthetics will be taken into consideration when selecting litter control fencing material. d. Requirements for portable litter control screens installed near working faces to be a minimum of ten feet tall. As identified in the BMPs associated with current litter control practices (item 4), 10-foot tall portable litter-control wind screens are utilized as close down wind to the active working area as operationally practical during windy conditions. 2268 Carpenter Canyon Road San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805-549-8332 Landfill 805-783-4497 Billing Office COLD CANYON LANDFILL “Leading the way to a cleaner tomorrow” e. Descriptions of the litter barrier proposal (permanent and temporary) for construction of each proposed new module. Barriers shall be oriented to address prevailing winds. A module-specific litter barrier plan will be prepared and submitted prior to the construction of each future module. The litter barrier plan will identify the locations of both permanent and temporary litter control fences. These locations will take the direction of prevailing winds into consideration. f. Contact information so that the public can reach agency staff (CalRecycle, County Code Enforcement, CHP, Sheriff) in the event that the Landfill does not comply with control measures or to report illegal dumping. The contact information along with the landfill litter-control phone number will be posted on the Landfill web site and also included in the letter sent to residential properties as part of Item b above: CalRecycle (to comment on landfill control measures) Paul Saldana – Inspector 916-322-2194 SLO County Code Enforcement (to comment on landfill control measures) TBD (Environmental Monitor to be selected by County) 805-XXX-XXXX California Highway Patrol (to report illegal dumping on State Highways) 805-593-3300 San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office (to report illegal dumping on County Roads) 805-781-4540 2268 Carpenter Canyon Road San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805-549-8332 Landfill 805-783-4497 Billing Office COLD CANYON LANDFILL “Leading the way to a cleaner tomorrow” g. Requirements for fencing along the drainage that restrict trash from entering the drainage swale from the Landfill and entrance road, but allow for the passage of wildlife, as necessary. In an effort to restrict litter from entering the drainage swale within the old Weir property (Figure 2), litter-control fencing will be installed in one of two locations: 1) On the northern side of the drainage swale with fence breaks a minimum of every 250 feet. At each break, the litter fence will terminate in order to provide a passage way for wildlife. The termination points will be designed in a way that the fence end posts are overlapped in order to prevent gaps in litter control while still allowing a passage for wildlife; or 2) On the south side of the future module perimeter road which parallels the drainage swale. The advantage to Option 2 is that it avoids construction within the wetlands area and does not restrict wildlife movement with the wetlands area. h. The Landfill litter control phone number shall also be available to receive calls relating to Landfill and truck operator-based and/or illegally dumped refuse that is found along the primary truck haul routes (CA 227, Price Canyon, and Noyes Road) within three linear miles of the Landfill entrance. Such complaints shall be investigated within one week of receiving the call, including any special pick-up of refuse found, unless Caltrans or County Public Works identifies the need for special measures to address traffic safety issues. The litter-control phone number may be used to contact landfill staff to complain about landfill based, truck operator based, and illegally dumped refuse on CA 227, Price Canyon, and Noyes Roads within three linear miles from the landfill entrance as shown of Figure 1. Within one week of receipt of these calls, landfill staff will investigate the complaint. If determined to be derived from either the landfill or potential landfill customers the waste will be removed by Cold Canyon Staff. In the event that the waste is located in an area that Caltrans or County Public Works restricts access due to safety concerns, the information will be passed along to appropriate Caltrans or county staff. A log will be maintained that documents the name of the caller, date of the complaint, location of the refuse, type of refuse, and corrective action measures taken by Cold Canyon Staff. 2268 Carpenter Canyon Road San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805-549-8332 Landfill 805-783-4497 Billing Office COLD CANYON LANDFILL “Leading the way to a cleaner tomorrow” i. The applicant shall inspect adjacent surrounding properties each day, and if litter is discovered to have migrated off-site, the Landfill shall remove the litter as soon as possible (considering wind conditions), if the permission of the property owner is granted. If deemed necessary by the Mitigation Monitor or the LEA, litter removal shall continue whenever landfill activities are ongoing. On a daily basis, landfill staff will check neighboring properties that are down wind from the facility. Any litter that is discovered will be removed as soon as possible considering the current conditions, unless access to the property is not granted by the landowner. j. Observations shall be kept regarding the sources of windblown litter if a problem develops. These sources shall be controlled as needed as may be proposed by the applicant and/or Planning Director. Landfill operating history has shown that the vast majority of landfill derived litter is associated with exposed waste at the active working face becoming airborne from windy conditions, and litter becoming airborne from the transport vehicle prior to reaching the disposal location. Based on this observation, the litter control measures described in this plan have been put into place. It is unlikely that any new or previously unthought-of landfill derived litter source will require observations to be recorded. In the event that a new or previously unthought-of landfill derived litter source is identified, observations will be recorded and additional control measures will be implemented to control the source. 2268 Carpenter Canyon Road San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805-549-8332 Landfill 805-783-4497 Billing Office