Sosa 1 Tyson Chase Shamma Espinal Aubrey Hansen Carlie Hansen Brittany Sosa Carol Sieverts English 2010 March 7, 2012 University of Utah (U of U) Depression Clinic People suffering from depression wonder where to go to get help and most don’t know there is help out there. Where would a person get help if they are depressed? Many people with depression ask themselves, “There a way to happiness again”? Can I run and jump and play with others like in the past? Going to a psychologist can help with your depression at the depression center, what could people do? Depression is a serious illness involving mental health. It is more than “having a bad day” or occasionally feeling unhappy. When someone has depression, these negative feelings do not go away and can interfere with daily life and personal relationship. (Lee Edward Shiel) It depends on the person, because everyone is different and has different needs in their own life. “Depressive disorder is a syndrome that reflects a sad and/ or irritable mood exceeding normal sadness or grief” (Dr. Roxanne Edwards M.D) There is a wide range of depression Sosa 2 clinics around the Salt lake Valley to help clients suffering from depression, there are many people that talk to people on site, or people can call on the phone. Everyone feels as if they are on their own roller coaster, but they can get through it with professional help. Symptoms of depression according to the University of Utah Clinic include, some people might have depression if they’re dealing with the signs and symptoms of depression. Including people that have a hard time making important decisions that goes on in their lives. When someone is acting more reckless than their normal behavior, and have thoughts and actions of suicide, depression may be the reason. People also start feeling sad, lonely, depressed, and stop doing things that they normally enjoy. When someone does not get enough sleep, and is always tired, they may and have aches, headaches and, cramps, but nothing is helping that is tried by the depressed patient. There are a lot of different ways that people can be helped at the University of Utah depression clinic. “The goal is to determine when, how often, and under what kind of stress/pain conditions is the patient using/abusing the prescribed medications or other drugs.” (The University of Utah Health Sciences Center) The doctors want people to ask questions on why they should take one pill over another and which on is the best one in the circumstances Sosa 3 that they are going though at the time. All Patents should ask the success rates on the pills that they take to make sure that they are getting a pill that will meet their needs the best. The doctor prescribes the medicines that are best for each of the individual patients. Ask specifically about "pills." Such as "Do you ever take any other kind of pills?" and "Do you ever take anyone else's pills?" (Note: It is important to ask specifically about pills, as many people do not consider pills to be drugs of abuse.) (The University of Utah Health Sciences Center) The University of Utah depression center does not want anyone to be in harm’s way, but they cannot be everywhere at the same time so these are ideas that each person can use to help others get through their trials. Warning signs are things to look for if someone may be depressed. People start getting crazy ideas and start thinking, speaking about or attempting suicide. The person needs to be taken seriously. “Any person who expresses thoughts of suicide should be evaluated immediately.” (Depression and Suicide) Suicide is a huge warning sign that people need to watch out for in their friends and loved ones that are or might be suffering from depression. “More than 90% of people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental disorder, most commonly a depressive disorder or substance abuse disorder.” (Depression and Suicide) The person that could be suicidal could be giving away personal belongings, or giving hints like “I won’t be a problem much longer, or if anything happens to me I want you to know”. (Depression and Suicide) Sosa 4 “Two-thirds of persons with major depression do not seek the appropriate treatment although 80 percent of all people with clinical depression who seek treatment improve, usually within weeks. Without treatment, symptoms can persist for weeks, months, or years. Continued treatments may help to prevent reoccurrence of the depressive symptoms.” (Major Depression) The University of Utah clinic says that another common sign that you may see in someone that is depressed is their sleeping habits change, getting too much or not enough sleep at night is one of the common symptoms of a depressed person. This could be a symptom of depression that can be improved. If the person does not want to do the normal activities that they use to do, depression can be the cause. If the person starts using drugs such as alcohol, multiple prescriptions, etc. depression can be a reason. The depressed person may not be behaving normal such as, taking unusual risks in their life. This person is sending a cry for help, they want attention and they want to be heard and this is a time to come to their aid. There are also places that people can call if they are willing to listen to advice that others are willing to give them. “SL County Division of Substance Abuse at 468-2009 or refer directly to Interim Group Services.” (The University of Utah Health Sciences Center) VA Salt Lake City Health Care System at 582-1565. (The University of Utah Health Sciences Center) The Utah addiction center, (801) 5818216. (The University of Utah Health Sciences Center) there are a lot of different areas in the depression clinic at the University of Utah, they are very helpful if you just give them a try. Sosa 5 One of the main causes could be the death of a loved one. It could also be the loss of a job for the person. Something has happened in the person’s life that they feel that they cannot escape, and they feel trapped. The majority of people with depression may never feel the urge to talk about it or know that they even have signs and symptoms of depression The University of Utah was founded on February 28th 1850, by Brigham Young. The University has multiple options to help people that are suffering from depression. Many people will say they will get over it, but if they / you need some assistance there are options available. There are many ways to get help for your depression, and many different treatments. The depressed person can watch the foods they eat, use an exercise program or, get more the sun. The person can also go to the medication, such as the anti-depression, the doctor will prescribe the right anti-depressant that the person needs. People that are depressed get less sleep, they have problems getting the recommended sleep that they need to stay healthy, happy, and well. There are classes at the University of Utah that people can take if they want to know more of what is happening to people. Sociology is a class that people can take at the university to understand the behaviors that happen to all the people around them. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists understand social inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance, and how social systems work. The University of Utah Clinic can get help for the depressed person. There are many services that go throughout the days to make sure people are taken care of at the centers. There are many doctors that work at the Sosa 6 University of Utah Depression Center that help their patients. Douglas Kondo, M.D. helps kids beat their depression, so that it will not come back later on in their life. Douglas Kondo, M.D said, Between 15-25% of American teens will experience depression within their lifetime their symptoms ranging from low-level depression to suicidality. (Kiefer) The University of Utah depression center helps their clients with their depression so that they are able to have a normal life, and they won’t think that they are trapped anymore. The University of Utah is “Ranked #1 Healthcare in SLC – Top 10 for 2 years in a row for the University Hospitals” (A – Z Health Topics: Depression). Because their success rate is so high a lot of people go to the University of Utah instead of other facilities in the Salt Lake Valley. This University of Utah is a wonderful clinic to go to they have all of the resources that people need to get over their depression, so they can get back to a normal life as they once had. Because depression has shown to often coexist with other medical conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes, and other psychiatric disorders, such as substance abuse, or anxiety disorders, seeking early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to recovery. (Major Depression) Sosa 7 Work Cite Page Author unknown. A - Z Health topics: Depression . N.p., 2012. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. Kiefer, Julie. Helping kids beat depression . N.p., 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. Lee, MD, Dennis, Roxanne D. Edwards, MD, and William C. Shiel Jr. Depression . N.p., 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. <>. Major Depression . N.p., 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. <>. Depression and Suicide . N.p., 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. <>. The University of Utah Health Sciences Center. The Self-Medicating Depressed Patient . N.p., 2007.Web. 6 Mar. 2012. < casethree.htm#d>. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY?. N.p., 2011. Web. 6 Mar. 2012. < >. Five things about natural treatment for depression. 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. Depressed people photos, stock photos, images, pictures, depressed people clipart & depressed people stock photography. 2012. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. <>. Sosa 8 Sleep patterns as a function of age. 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. A., Angie. Feeling Stuck?. N.p., 15 Oct. 2010. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. You can’t get there from here . N.p., 3 Dec. 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. < >. Depression Pills . N.p., 8 Jan. 2012. Web. 6 Mar. 2012. <>.