DOC - Commonwealth Association for Education Administrator

ISSN NO 2322-0147
August 2014
Mizaj(Temperament):A basic concept of Unani system of
Medicine A Review
Excellence International Journal of Education and
Research (Multi- subject journal)
Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 8
ISSN 2322-0147
Mizaj(Temperament):A basic concept of Unani system of Medicine
A Review
Muhammad Akram
PG Scholar
Deptt. Of Kulliyat
AKTC, AMU Aligarh
Farrukh Anwar khan
PG Scholar
Deptt. Of Kulliyat
AKTC, AMU Aligarh
Dr. Ferasat Ali
Associate Professor
Deptt. Of Kulliyat
AKTC, AMU Aligarh
E. Mail:
The Temperament is among one of the basics or fundamentals of Unani system of
medicine.The concept of Mizaj was introduced by Hippocrate(460-377 BC) and later
developed by Jalinoos(Galen) and Ibne Sina(Avicenna). The term Mizaj is derived
from the Arabic word “mizaj” which means mixing of humors. For a particular species
the temperament is specific, lying in a particular range of maximum and minimum limit in
which the temperament for all members of that species is confined. For specific disease in
various temperaments, the treatment is not same. Thus assessment of Mizaj is the basic and
very important concept in Unani Health Care.
Key words: Mizaj, Health Care, Humors.
The concept ofMizaj is the backbone of Unani therapeutics, upon which the whole
skeleton of this system depends.The concept of Mizaj was introduced by Hippocrate(460377 BC) and later developed by Jalinoos(Galen) and Ibne Sina(Avicenna). Mizaj is the
integral part of human physiology and the imbalance of temperament (su-e-mizaj) is the most
important part of Unani pathology (ilm-ul-amraz). The diagnosis of Mizaj determine the
regimen of health prevention (tahaffuz-e-sehat) and the specific line of treatment (usool-e-ilaj)
of various diseases. Thus, from health promotion and prevention of the disease, the
determination of individual temperament (Mizaj-e-shakhsi) play incredible role. It is a most
important fundamental concept of Tibb-e-Unani, therefore It has been explained by
each and every Unani physician. The term Mizaj is derived from the Arabic word
“mizaj” which means mixing of humors. At other places it is described that mizaj
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ISSN 2322-0147
refers to the intermixture of four humors within human body, it is the basis of
body.Ibn Sina says:“The temperament is that quality which results from the mutual
interaction and interpassion of the four contrary primary qualities residing within the
imponderable elements. These elements are so minutely intermingled as each to lie in
very intimate relationship with the other. Their opposite powers alternately conquer
and become conquered until a state of equilibrium is reached which is uniform
throughout the whole; it is this outcome that is called as mizaj.” [1]
Meaning of Mizaj(Temperament)
The word “temperament” is derived from the Latin word “tempero” which
means “to mix”. This word temperament is used in the English language as a synonym
of the Arabic word mizaj.
The termMizaj is derived from the Arabic word “mizaj” which means mixing of
humors. At other places it is described that mizaj refers to the intermixture of four
humors within human body, it is the basis of body.
The literal meaning of the word “temperament” as given in few authentic
dictionaries are as follows
1.Temperament–People or animal’s
character or nature.
(Oxford dictionary and Thesaurus)
2.Temperament–Combination or
predominance of humours.
(Chamber's dictionary)
3. Temperament is constitutionally
based individual differences in emotion, attention, activity level and self regulation.
(New Concise Medical Dictionary)
4. Temperament – the combination of intellectual, emotional, ethical and physical
characteristics of an individual.
(Taber’s encyclopedia medical dictionary)
5. Temperament–The peculiar physical character and mental cast of an individual.
6. Temperament as a noun means the part of our character that affects our moods and
the way we behave.
(Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary)
7-Temperament–The physical
Organization peculiar to the individual,
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ISSN 2322-0147
which influences one’s metabolic
Process, manner of thought and action
andthegeneral view of life. (Stedman)
In psychology, temperament is the innate aspect of an individual’s personality,
such as introversion and extroversion.
Temperament is defined as that part of the personality, which is genetically
based. Along with character and those aspects that are acquire d through learning, the
two together are said to constitute personality. [11]
Azmi says “mizaj is an admixture”. He writes “mizaj denotes admixture, it is a
verb but metaphorically used as tempered (Mamzuj)”. [3] The literal meaning of mizaj
according to Nafis is “Intermixture” as he says “The word mizaj originated from
Arabic word imtizaj meaning intermixture ”.[2]
Definitions of Mizaj(Temperament)
The physicians of Unani medicine have dealt with temperament in detail and
they defined it to the best of their knowledge and concepts.
Galen says that:
“Temperament is a quality produced by action and reaction of opposite qualities of
body fluids (Akhlat). When these components interact by virtue of their respective powers
(qualities) a condition is achieved, which is found in equal proportions in all the components of
that intermixture; this is called temperament”. [5]
Allama Sadidi writes that:
“Mizaj is such type of malmoosa (touching) quality which is produced by the effects of
different qualities of smaller particles of elements and the character to adopt the effects of these
different qualities”. [10]
Allama Nafees says that:
“When elements mix with each other they act and reacts which result in
developing a new moderate Quality in between the all four previous Qualities and new
Quality is known as mizaj”. [8]
Ali Ibn Abbas Majoosi has defined the mizaj:
“All sorts of bodies (light or heavy), which are found in this ever -changing
world are formed by four elements (ustuqussat) after mixing in different or uniform
quantities in accordance with the needs (of the body). As a result of this mixing, one
or two qualities become dominant, over the body, and this is called ‘mizaj’. It is
derived from Arabic word ‘imtizaj’, meaning ‘to mix with each other”. [18]
Abu Sehal Masihi describes temperament as:
“Because there are so many primary components (ustuqussat) of the body
which are mixed together not in close proximity, it is necessary that the qualities of
primary components must be mixed as a whole new qualities arise from inter-mixing
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of primary components which will be in between the previous qualities, called mizaj.”
Ibn Sina says:
“The temperament is that quality which results from the mutual interaction and
interspersion of the four contrary, primary qualities residing within the imponderable
elements. These elements are so minutely intermingled as each to lie in very intimate
relationship with the other. Their opposite powers alternately conquer and become
conquered until a state of equilibrium is reached which is uniform throughout the
whole; it is this outcome that is called as mizaj.” [1]
Ibn Sina further writes that “Since the primary properties of the aforesaid
elements are four, namely hotness, coldness, moistness and dryness, it is obvious that
the temperaments of the integrating bodies are the products of these very properties.”
Ismaeel Jurjaneewrites about mizaj that:
“When different qualities of elements acts and reacts by their powers then
previous qualities become diminished and a new moderate quality is developed which
is known as mizaj”. [7]
Narain “We give the name of temperaments to certain physical and moral difference
in men, which depend on various properties and relations among the parts that make
up their organization, as well as,upon different degrees in the relative energy of
certain organs”. [4]
Shah defines:
“Temperament is the pattern of qualities as a whole which emerges from the
action and reaction of the mass and energy and thus in the human organism of the
structure and function. As the basic qualities of the energy are heat and cold and of
the mass dryness and moisture their natural interactionslead to the emergence of a new
balance of qualities which varies with the quantitative proportion of the primary
qualities”. [12]
Zaidi and Zulkifle write that:
“The temperament is an intrinsic state which enables an individual to survive and to
procreate comfortability and is responsible for distinctive morpho-bio-physio-inimunopsychological identity of an individual”. [15]
Bhika and Haq explain temperament as:
“Temperament is the quality that results from the interaction of the four primary
qualities i.e. Hotness, coldness, dryness and moistness”. [16]
From all these definitions, it is proved that the Temperament is a new quality which
developed after intermixing of the properties of particles of the elements which gives
a new state to the compounds. For the formation of Temperament it is necessary that
different elements get combine together and form a new compound.
Taiyyab suggest in “Greco-Arab Medicine” that: “The temperament is a synthetic concept
which express the various physical as well as psychological tendencies of the individual in
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terms of matter and energy i.e. activity as, heat and cold reactivity as dryness and moisture”.
Abdul Lateef Falsafi writes that:
“When Smaller particles of different elements mix with each other in such a
way that the particles of each element mix with the particles of other elements it
results in breakdown of the qualities of all the elements due to which the qualities of
the each particle convert into a moderate quality and this quality known as message”.
Classification of Temperament:
Unani physicians have divided human beings into four kinds of temperament,
personalities on the basis of the predominance of humors, for example Sanguine
(Damvi) bilious (Safravi), Phlegmatic (Balghami) and Choleric (Saudavi).
Sanguine Temperament(Damvi Mizaj)
These people have hot and moist temperament, tall, strong and muscular body,
broad chest, large and strong bones and joints, reddish complexion, thick, black and
straight hair, mildly prominent veins, full and strong pulse. They get troubled with hot
environment and food. They feel comfortable with cold and dry things and like cold
weather. [1,19] Their digestion and the appetite is good, sleep sound, excreted urine is
concentrated and in moderate quantity, physical activity and speech are average,
psychological aggressiveness and psychic condition comes on easily and easily lost,
mental condition is good, and the general health is remarkably sound . [4] They are
optimistic and always sure of success. They are extrovert and make acquaintance with
other people. [20]
Choleric Temperament (Safravi Mizaj)
These peoples have the hot and dry temperament, a medium stature, thin and
hairy body, moderate musculature, deficient fat, well-formed and prominent joints,
yellowish complexion, thick, curly, black, rough and abundant hairs, prominent Veins,
strong and rapid pulse. Sometimes, they feel the sensation of pain and pricks over the
body. [1,4] They feel comfortable with cold things and get troubled with hot things.
Their most suitable weather is winter. Their response is delayed, but itsustains for a
relatively long time. [21] Their digestive organs are active, appetite is good and sleep is
light and often disturbed. According to Ahmad, these people are proud, revengeful,
shrewd, and zealous and get angry quickly. They are also energetic and intelligent
with a strong inclination to indulge in sexual pleasure. [13]
Phlegmatic Temperament (Balghami Mizaj):
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They have cold and moist temperament, flaccid and obese body built with soft
and flabby muscles, flat chest, whitish complexion, thin, straight, brownish or whitish
hairs, not prominent blood vessels, soft, slow and infrequent pulse. The ir urine is
colourless and more in quantity. Their movements and activities are sluggish. Their
functions like digestion, appetite and thirst are poor, sleep is excessive, memory is
bad and irretentive and their power of imagination and perception is slow and feeble.
These people feel comfortable with the use of hot and dry things and in hot weather.
They are sexually frigid and also do not get angry easily. [4,13,17]
Melancholic Temperament (Saudavi Mizaj)
They have cold and dry temperament. They are characterized by lean and thin
built with narrow chest, coarse and rough skin,dark complexion. Body hairs are
profuse. Hairs are black, thin, but have slower growth. According to Ahmad, the blood
vessels are narrow and pulse is slow. Their digestion is weak and has irregular
appetite. They have interrupted sleep and often suffer from insomnia. Their sense is
acute and excellent memory. Hock observed that the individuals of this temperament
are irresolute, reserved, despondent without courage, slow and awkwa rd. He further
writes, “The melancholic is a man of missed opportunities.” They show sluggish
inclination towards sexual activity. [13, 20] They experience excess of evil thought and
anxieties. [21]
Significance of Mizaj(Temperament)
The Temperament is among one of the basics or fundamentals of Unani system of
medicine. For a particular species the temperament is specific, lying in a particular range of
maximum-minimum limit within which the temperament for all members of that species is
confined. Diagnosis (Tashkhees), the specific line of treatment (Usool-e-ilaj), treatment (Ilaj)
and prevention (Tahaffuzi Tadabeer) from disease is also determined by the temperament
assessment. The etidal or equilibrium of this distinct temperament i.e. maintenance of constant
internal environment (homeostasis) in different individuals leads to a healthy body i.e. normal
body functions. Any derangement of temperament from etadal or imbalance of normal
temperament results in su-e-mizaj which causes deranged body functions i.e. diseases.
From the above discussion, it may be concluded that Mizaj is the basic and very
important concept in Unani Health Care, especially for physician because assessment of Mizaj
determines the Diagnosis (Tashkhees), the specific line of treatment (Usool-e-ilaj), treatment
(Ilaj) and prevention (Tahaffuzi Tadabeer) from diseases. The need of the hour is to study the
concept of Mizaj at a cellular and genetic level and validate it scientifically.
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