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Archaeology Unit Test Study Guide
Directions: Below is a list of key terms and important questions from the
Archaeology unit. Define all of the key terms for Wednesday, November 4th and
answer the questions for Thursday, November 5th. Please circle any questions that
give you trouble. The test will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer
questions. Short answer questions will require 2-3 sentences per question.
Key Terms: Define terms on a separate piece of paper for Wednesday 11/4
-Primary Source
-Secondary Source
-Oral tradition
-Archaeological record
-Tollund Man
-Cultural Dating
-Absolute Dating
-Relative Dating
-Scientific Dating
-Radio Carbon Dating
-Inch by Inch method
- Kitchen Midden
Please Turn Over!
Important Questions: Answer on a separate piece of paper for Thursday 11/5
1. What is archaeology? Why is it important for learning about the past?
2. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
3. What do archaeologists study?
4. How has the study of archaeology changed over time?
5. What is the difference between cultural dating and scientific dating?
6. What is stratigraphy? Why may it not be the most reliable way of dating
7. What is the difference between an inference and observation?
8. Explain how archaeologist used inferences and observation to conclude what
happened to Tollund man?