Chapter 5-8 Key Equations and Ideas

AP Physics Chapter 5-8 Key Equations and Ideas
Fnet  ma
a  net
W = mg
Ff = FN
Equilibrium: Fx net = 0 Fy net = 0 Fz net = 0
Fg incline plane = F|| = mg sin 
Fspring = -kx
Normal Force
FN = F = mg (horizontal surface)
FN = F = mg cos  (incline plane)
Work, Energy and Power
W = F  d  Fd cos  (constant force)
dW d (Fx)
 Fv
Work-Energy Theorem:
Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf
 F(x) dx
USpring = ½kx2
Ug = mgh
Kf =Ki + W (no friction)
(area under a F versus x curve)
K = ½mv2
Q = Ffd = FNd
Kf =Ki + W - Q (with friction)
(Conservation of mechanical energy - no friction)
Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf + Q (Conservation of mechanical energy - with friction)
U = -W  U   F(x) dx
 F  
(F is  to equipotential energy lines & visa versa)
Key Ideas:
If no net force acts on a body, the body’s velocity will remain the same (i.e. no
acceleration). Conversely, if a body’s velocity is constant, the acceleration and net force
on the body must be zero.
Changes in vx, vy and vz (i.e. ax, ay and az) are independent of one another. Only the net
force parallel to the axis will result in a change in the velocity along the axis. Forces
perpendicular to the axis will not affect the velocity along the axis.
Be careful when adding vectors. Only the components along an axis can be added when
determining the force parallel to the axis.
Draw a rough sketch when solving a problem. Choose your axes wisely to make the problem
easier. A free body diagram is very useful. In a free body diagram, a single dot
represents the object and the tail of each vector is placed on the dot.
In equilibrium, Fx, Net = 0, Fy, Net = 0 and Fz, Net = 0.
The weight of a body is not “g”. Weight is a force.
When a body presses against a surface, the surface (even a seemingly rigid surface)
deforms and pushes on the body with a normal force, FN, that is perpendicular to the
When dealing with pulley problems, straighten out the pulley.
The frictional force, Ff, is always parallel to the surface and in the opposite direction of
In circular motion, the centripetal force and centripetal acceleration is always directed
towards the center and perpendicular to the velocity.
When a falling object has reached terminal velocity, the downward gravitational force is
equal to the upward air resistance force.
Work is energy transferred to or from an object by means of a force acting on the object.
Energy transferred to the object is positive work and energy transferred from the object
is negative work.
Only the force component along an object’s displacement is used to calculate the work
done on an object.
A force does positive work when it has a vector component in the same direction as the
displacement, and it does negative work when it has a vector component in the opposite
direction. The force does zero work when it is perpendicular to the displacement.
Work (energy) done on an object will change its kinetic energy (i.e. its energy of motion).
For a block on a spring, the work is positive if the block ends up closer to the relaxed
position (x = 0) than it was initially. It is negative if the block ends up farther away from
x = 0. It is zero if the block ends up in the same initial position.
If the force on an object varies with position (such as when it is attached to a spring), you
must integrate the force with respect to position to find the work.
The net work done by a conservative force (e.g. gravitational and electric forces) on a
particle moving around every closed path is zero.
The work (i.e. change in potential energy) done by a conservative force on a particle moving
between two points does not depend on the path taken by the particle.
The gravitational potential energy associated with a particle depends only on the vertical
position y (or height) of the particle relative to the reference position, y = 0, not on the
horizontal position.
Energy (e.g. kinetic + potential + heat + …) is conserved in a closed and isolated system.
Neutral equilibrium (e.g. marble on a flat surface), unstable equilibrium (e.g. marble at the
top of a hill) and stable equilibrium (e.g. marble at the bottom of a valley).
Work is energy transferred to or from a system by means of an external force acting on
the system. Work can be determined by the energy change within a system.
The total energy E of a system can change only by amounts of energy that are transferred
to or from the system.