The Legend of Sir Pengu - JacobMcFarlane

1.0 Recent Changes
Date Change Made
Combined existing documentation into single document
Finished Section 3
Started fixing enemies section
Jacob McFarlane
Editing Audio, and the Game Analysis Section
Deleted extra section in Audio
Finished editing every section of document
Jacob McFarlane
2.0 Game Analysis
The Legend of Sir Pengu is an action adventure, RPG game that mixes comedy with
puzzles and engaging action tied together with an engaging storyline.
2.1 Game Concept
What if the fate of the world was in the hands of a sword wielding penguin that
accidentally unleashed an unspeakable evil that stole his girlfriend?
Introducing Sir Pengu. He’s young penguin that lives in Artica, a multi climate
continent on Earth -0 (negative zero). He has a girlfriend who is a princess, but
because of the lack of royalty he cannot truly marry her. After exploring some
ancient ruins, he finds a magic sword. He then trains to become a master
swordsman to stop the evil he accidentally unleashed from taking the sword
from its resting place.
Battle vicious monsters warriors and gain experience points to level up. Upgrade
your stats and find better loot from fallen foes to wage war with the ancient
unleashed evil that plagues the land of Artica.
On your quest to stop the great evil, many obstacles will block your path. With
the help of companions and special gear, you can traverse these increasingly
challenging feats. Some puzzles are timed and have alternate difficulties; try your
best and compete with your friends and the world for best times and tips.
Compelling Story: One day while exploring, Pengu finds an ancient sword but
once pulled from its resting place unleashes an ancient evil across all of Artica.
The evil possess a wise wizard, thus creating Lord Freeze who kidnaps Pengu’s
girlfriend, Princess Shell. Once knighted, Sir Pengu sets out on a journey of a
lifetime to stop the ancient evil and rescue his true love. But, a greater evil lurks
in the shadows, waiting as events unfold for additional excitement and plot
Classic Turn-Based Action: Adventure on vast wide open areas and dungeons and
encounter evil creatures and strong warriors. The combat system is a throwback
to the old days with turn based team oriented combat. Find companions and
battle your way through the land of Artica to save the world and get the girl.
2.2 Key Features
Upgrades and Loot
Compelling story
Turn-based combat
Progressively hardening puzzles
Alternate difficulties
Bonus dungeons
2.3 Game Information
The Legend of Sir Pengu throws back to the classic era of role playing games with
added twists, puzzles, upgrades & loot, and an epic story for the ages. The
Legend of Sir Pengu is shipping on the WiiU and the 3DS this summer.
2.4 Competitive Analysis
2.4.1 The Legend of Zelda ( Nintendo)
Hyrule was engulfed in chaos after an army led by Ganon, the Prince of
Darkness, invaded the kingdom and secured the Triforce of Power, a
magical artifact bestowing great strength. Princess Zelda split the
artifact's counterpart, the Triforce of Wisdom, into eight fragments,
hiding them in secret dungeons throughout the land to prevent them
from falling into Ganon's hands. Link resolved to save Zelda, but to fight
Ganon he had to find and reassemble the scattered fragments of the
Triforce. Undeterred, Link set off for Hyrule in an epic adventure.
2.4.2 Final Fantasy (Square Enix)
Players guide the Warriors of Light as they set out on a quest to restore
the crystals to their former luster.
2.4.3 Super Mario RPG (Nintendo)
Mario's beloved Mushroom Kingdom has been thrown into chaos by the
appearance of an extraterrestrial villain. This evil and outer space
menace, Smithy, brings fear and treachery to the once-pleasant
Mushroom Kingdom. Once Smithy crashes into the Star Road, he causes
seven stars to be scattered throughout the land. Mario and his friends
must recover the Seven Stars and repair the Star Road by making an epic
journey to Bowser's castle to confront the dreaded Smithy.
2.4.4 Chrono Trigger (Square Enix)
A portal is opened. The chain of time is broken. A young man is
transported into the past, altering the course of history and the outcome
of the future. He has to find his way home, but first he must travel to the
outer edges of time to repair the world's chronology. On the way, he
encounters strange friends and foes, uses incredible devices and vehicles,
and penetrates and neutralizes the fortresses of the past, present and
future. A paradox has been created. If he does not restore the order of
time, nothing will ever be the same. He is the one who will become a
hero. He is Crono.
2.4.5 Gauntlet (Atari Games)
Call upon the mighty axe of Thor, the scything sword of Thyra, the
mystical magic of Merlin, or the swift arrows of Questor in your conquest
of the Dungeons of Darkness. Fight your way through hordes of monsters
and legions of demons in this, the ultimate arcade combat game.
2.5 Story Concept
Below is a basic overview of the plot of the game. Many additional levels, bosses,
and side-plots will be inserted to provide exciting gameplay encounters. Some of
these can help drive the narrative along to create a richer experience for the
2.5.1 The Set Up
Pengu is a normal, everyday, emperor penguin that lives in Artica. One
day, while exploring some nearby ruins close to his home, he came across
a sword in a stone. After inspection, he grabs the hilt and tries to free the
blade. He succeeds, but as he marvels in his triumph and ancient evil is
unleashed from the stone. It shoots up into the ceiling bursting through,
and spreading into the sky and the land of Artica. The ruins start to
rumble, and the place quickly starts to fall apart and cave-in. This is
Pengu’s queue to run.
2.5.2 Story Overview
After escaping the ruins, Pengu looks into the sky and notices the evil
substance engulf the sky and shoot around the region. After
encountering wild beasts being tainted and transformed into evil
creatures, Pengu realizes what he has done. In a quest to undo his
mistake, he sets out on a journey to try and find a resolution. He goes to
the Artic Castle, and finds out the truth behind his sword and finds the
girl of his dreams, princess Shell. Soon after a scientist comes to the
castle and snatches the princess away and takes her to his secret hideout.
Pengu goes forth to try and chase after them, but they get away. Pengu
then takes up the mantle of the hero and becomes knighted by the king
to attempt to have some gateway to find the princess and bring her back.
Now Sir Pengu, he starts his training in the nearby forest. As the story
progresses Sir Pengu encounters the evil scientist appears again and
reveals himself, to be Lord Freeze. He reveals his plans and escapes yet
again. After numerous, perilous dungeons, and towns, trying to find clues
to the whereabouts of his hideout, it is found and Sir Pengu sets off on
the final part of his journey.
At the hideout, Sir Pengu finds Shell but she seems a bit different. After
the final confrontation with Lord Freeze, Pengu combines Lord Freeze’s
orb from his scepter with his sword to make an ultimate weapon. During
the fight, Shell reveals herself to be the true embodiment of the ancient
evil, and thus the final boss fight commences. Using the new blade,
Pengu banishes the ancient evil within Shell. There is a short reunion and
happiness then the credits role. At the end of the credits, a scene shows
the evil disappearing. Before it fully disappears it creates a wormhole
that sucks Pengu, lord Freeze, and Shell in, setting up or a possible
3.0 Game Design
3.1 Expanded Gameplay Concept
The gameplay of The Legend of Sir Penguin has 1 main play styles.
3.1.1 Sir Pengu
Sir Pengu is a bold penguin wielding a magic ancient sword that
concealed an ancient evil. He along with his party members all
uses a turn-based fighting style. He is a well-balanced character
stat wise. He loves hacking and slashing but will occasionally use
some minor magic to throw his enemies off guard.
3.2 Party Members
As you progress throughout the game you will find numerous townsfolk
and other warriors across Artica that may wish to join your cause. Some
may join willingly; other may wish to test your metal first. All companions
are fully fleshed out with backstories and individual personalities. All have
different strengths and weaknesses. Some even give you additional
quests to do.
3.3 Front End
The front end of this game is setup like any typical role playing game in a
sense but is visualized in a storybook fashion. The game progresses with
cutscenes and is broken up into chapters. From the main menu you can
replay chapters. The game saves your states at the beginning of every
chapter so you can replay from where you were every time.
3.4 Camera
The gameplay is tight and focused on you and your team. The camera will
follow you when you are traveling the world map. Different shots are
triggered based on the moves being used in combat. This allows for
additional excitement and dynamic encounters. Different camera angles
will randomize when you do similar moves so you are not watching the
same scene every time. In combat, the camera is defaulted at a zoomed
out space so that the entire battlefield can be seen with all of your team
and every enemy in the encounter.
3.5 Game Structure
3.5.1 Game Modes
The Legend of Sir Penguin has two game modes: Story Mode and
Boss Rush Mode Story Mode
This is the primary mode of the game. It is a long epic
cinematic adventure, in which you play as Sir Pengu and
his companions in a quest to find the ancient evil he
accidentally unleashed. There additional missions and
scenarios that will spring up from your journey that will
bring out the heroic nature of your character and give
additional backstory.
The game is broken up into chapters that contain primary
and secondary objectives. Each quest begins with you and
your companions setting out on an adventure. When new
information or companions are found, it becomes
incorporated into your quest log. Quest objectives can be
obtained in multiple ways, which include finding an object
(e.g. treasure chest); finding other characters, be they good
or bad; or finding certain locations and regions. These
objectives in your quest log can be found in the pause
As a side note, there is a new game plus where you start
over your adventure but you keep your levels and powers,
but you need to reacquire companions. Enemies are
stronger and new enemies, dungeons and side bosses can
appear as well. Boss Rush Mode
Boss Rush Mode allows the player to take on boss after
boss from the main story one after another until the player
can no longer survive. Boss Rush environments are based
on the locations you fought the bosses in Story Mode.
Completing levels in Story Mode unlocks new bosses for
Boss Rush Mode.
3.6 Gameplay
The game is broken up into chapters that take place all across Artica.
Each chapter begins with a primary quest objective told through an
introductory cut scene. Within each chapter, your team encounters
multiple side-quests, the majority of which are unnecessary but can
augment the primary quest objective. Some secondary quests are bonus
ones which may reward you with new weapons, or even a new
companion. Each chapter will end with a dramatic boss encounter.
The primary focus of gameplay and story centers on Sir Pengu, who must
use his wits, smarts, and the power of friendship to take on the many
different obstacles he encounters during his journey.
The core gameplay is as follows:
3.6.1 Contained Battle
Your character is forced to stand and fight one or more enemies
before he can move on. The number of enemies accessible at a
single time has a max capacity of 12 for gameplay balance. The
balance between world interaction and number of enemies changes
from encounter to encounter to maximize the capacity of the
hardware platform. To advance, the player and his team will have
to defeat all of the enemies within the encounter.
3.7 Core Controls
A – Selection (in combat A is Dodge)
B – Back
X – Normal Attack
Y – Strong Attack
RT – Magic
LT – Switch Companion
RB – Use Defensive Item
LB – Use Offensive Item
Start – Pause Menu
Back – Inventory
3.8 Environments
Throughout the adventure, Sir Pengu and his companions travel through
many unique locations, including cities, castles, caves, ruins, volcanoes,
underwater chasms, and enemy strongholds. Environments consist of both
streaming worlds and contained encounters. These encounters are broken
into quests to give the player a clear idea as to what he/she is trying to do.
The worlds within The legend of Sir Penguin are lush and diverse.
3.8.1 Environmental Interaction Pengu
By using the select button, Pengu can interact with many of
the objects and people he encounters within the world.
4.0 Characters & AI
4.1 Player Characters
4.1.1 Sir Pengu, The Penguin
Sir Pengu is a bold penguin
weilding a magic ancient sword
that concealed an ancient evil.
He is a simple emperor penguin
that has a sword and sheath and
occassionally has a hooded
Pengu’s voice is that of a typical
hero, he is courageous but has a
slight scottish hint in it. His voice
encourages others and acts as a
war cry to boost morality. He
compels others to fight with him
for his cause to freed Artica from
the evil he awakened.
Pengu is similar of an epic hero,
he is similar to Scott Piligrim
when it comes to girls, but he is
courageous and brave. He is
enduring and smart. He is very
friendly and doesn’t like burning
his bridges.
Special Powers:
Pengu does not have powers
himself, he is a normal everyday
penguin, but his ancient sword is
filled with a magical light and
and is the embodiement of an
ancent being concealed in his
sword by the engraved words on
its blade.
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4.2 Key NPC’s
4.2.1 Shell, The Ice Princess of Artica
Shell is the love interest of Sir Pengu.
Shell is the Princess of Artica. She has a
smei sexual appeal and likes the color
purple. She wears purple eye shadow.
And a pink dress .
Shell has a typical girl next door voice
that can be quite annoying at times and
quite squeaky .
Shell is a nice stereo typed princess
similar of princess peach, but she has a
dark side. She is disobedient to the
Royal Kingdom of Artica, and has
contact with Lord Freeze. Once she fully
gives herself over to the ancient evil
willingfully, she becomes more
powerful than Lord Freeze and her
personality changes into synical
rutheless overlord-type queen of
Special Power:
Shell has no powers until she embraces
the ancient evil giving her full control
over the powers of darkness and
corruption .
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4.3 Enemies
You encounter a wide variety of enemies throughout the course of the game.
Ranging from wild animals to villainous bosses, the enemies you interact with
have a large degree of awareness within the world and can attack you if they see
you or you can attack first to enter a battle encounter. Certain enemies will be
designed for specific areas so it gives some sense of familiarity and unknown to
the player fighting them.
4.3.1 Enemy Generators
Aside from being placed at pre-defined locations, enemies can be random
but some have specific location areas to spawn in and around.
4.3.2 Enemy Types
The following section contains the basic breakdown of different enemy
types and the key bosses you will encounter. Basic enemies
The most common enemy type you will encounter. These
characters usually group in random numbers and work together
to stop the player. Some of these characters have special
weaponry or powers that cause extra damage. (usually animals
and possessed creatures but can be troops and other mystical
things depending on the area. Elite enemies
Elite enemies are stronger versions of the basic enemy types.
These characters are the most powerful form of basic enemy –
some of them will even be strong enough to go be equal to
some bosses. Basic Enemy AI
Basic enemies work together to stop Pengu and his companions.
Their behavior varies based on the player level and area in which
combat is enacted.
4.3.3 Boss Enemies
You will experience a boss encounter at the end of every quest. The boss,
or bosses, that you face in each dungeon are way more powerful than the
standard enemies. Some bosses are recurring and will be fought in
numerous places along the story.
12 | P a g e Boss AI
Bosses have advanced AI that can adapt to the player’s tactics.
Certain boss enemies will fall into pattern-based behavior while
others don’t adapt at all. The ones that do adapt are the more
key boss fights that progress the story. The same goes with
some bosses in the extra hidden dungeons. The pattern styled,
non-adapting bosses, will be usually found in side quests and
non-key points. Some boss characters will change their behavior
based on the amount of health they have remaining. Lord Freeze
Lord Freeze is the main nemesis for Sir Pengu.
Freeze is a rockhopper penguin that
that wears a dark colored cape and
weilds a magical dragon claw septer
that has numerous elemental powers
of its own including ice, lightning, fire,
and acid.
Freeze speaks with a dark cackely
voice. He has a slight English accent .
Lord Freeze was a nice and friendly
scientist in Artica before the ancient
evil was released that possessed him.
Now he is a sinister mad scientist,
genius bent on conquering the world
and making it in his image.
Special Power:
Lord Freeze has his magical septer that
has ice, lightning, fire, and acid
elements. He personally has a minor
power to channel the dark ancient evil
inside of him to posses and corrupt
others. (This plays a key role in the
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5.0 Sound
5.1 Overview
The music for this game is a high level aesthetic ambience while on the world
map; and enjoyable, mixed, epic theme music during battle. Both are integral to
and supportive of the game concept.
6.0 Expanded Gameplay
6.1 Overview
The following portion is a sample side quest dungeon experience to illustrate the
typical flow of gameplay. It is a summary of typical gameplay rather than a fullfledged level design -- the levels in the final version will be larger and allow the
player to have companions and numerous other choices of weapons and gear.
6.2 Sample Side Quest Dungeon Experience
You start the dungeon quest as Pengu, the mission is accepted from a town
villager who had her son run off after an argument into the nearby woods. [The
fully voiced dialogue would show a brief overview scan of the dungeon with a
few hints at the enemies.]. Once you leave the village, you head to the nearby
forest on the world map. Once entered, you hear a faint scream deeper in the
woods. [Cutscene activates showing a brief overview of the dungeon if you have
not been there before] You venture forth and encounter a few evil venomous
plant vines that block your path. You do zero damage to them but notice a rock
on a ledge above. You need to find your way to the boulder and push it off the
ledge to crush the vines to advance deeper into the forest. To your right there
are some shadow bulbs, acid spitting plants that are immobile, but they can spit
acid at you until you commence in battle. You go up to them and battle
commences, if you attacked first instead of just running up to the enemy, you
get a first attack. Choose between normal and strong attacks or items and magic.
Use fire magic and easily burn them up and out of your way. (Elemental attacks
and magic can be more effective against other attributes.) After you beat the
bulbs you progress and see a ladder up high. You, or one of your companions, if
you or they have a ranged attack, can knock the ladder down and climb up to a
higher ledge. If not, there is a path that leads up the hill to the higher ledge. If
you go over far enough you can see a few more enemies but also a side notch
with a chest. You can now choose to go out of your way and gain experience or
go and advance in the dungeon quicker. The chest is guarded by a tougher
enemy but the chest contains a health gem. Once you collect 6, your max health
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gets a big boost. (These items are rare.) Once to the higher ledge there are some
Rock Crabs climbing around the ledge with you. They are moving in a pattern
though so it’s possible to avoid conflict if you wish. Once you get past the crabs,
you find yourself at the boulder. If you have a companion high in strength or you
are, you can push the boulder off the cliff. Otherwise, the player will have to use
numerous companions to push. Strong wind magic can be used as well. [Once
boulder is pushed there is a quick cinematic showing it falls onto the vines and
crush them as the boulder shatters opening up a path as a little puzzle solved
jingle rings.] You can jump off from the cliff and take some fall damage
depending on your defense, or make your way back. [Once through the opening,
a short cinematic plays, showing the boy inside a pod. He is in the back of the
room crying for help.]
As you move forward, the vines return and block your path back and the pod
emerges from the ground showing its true self as a big beetle with the pod and
small bulbs on its back. [The screen zooms into it and a title appears under it
saying the dungeon bosses name: Creetle] (Cage + Beetle = Creetle.) It attacks
first and forces you to try and dodge as you enter combat. The boss can take
some hits, but is weak to fire and wind magic. As the battle progresses if you
dodge his ram attack he will fall over, giving you a clear shot at the pod. You can
attack the pod, but if you use magic, you damage the kid, who has a health bar
too. As the battle goes on longer and longer, the boss will start to injure the boy.
You have to beat the boss before it kills you or the boy.
When you beat the boss, the boy is freed. If you fail to save the boy, the mission
fails, and you have to return to the mother and tell her the bad news. (You get
no reward and you lose some gold) If you do save the boy, you return to the
mother with the boy. [A short cinematic shows the boy running up to his mother
and them thanking you] After a short thank you speech from the mother, you
receive blueprints for a powerful weapon that once you gather the material for,
you can go to the town blacksmith and forge the weapon. (It is one of the 3
weapons you need to use to combine into the best blade in the game.)
Afterwards you can continue with whatever you were doing.
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