MIDWESTERN UNIVERSITY CLINICAL SKILLS AND SIMULATION CENTER DOWNERS GROVE CAMPUS EVENT REQUEST FORM SECTION I: Access and Operations The Main Clinical Skills and Simulation Center (CSC) is located in Auditorium Hall on the Midwestern UniversityDowners Grove campus (555 N. 31st Street). Annex locations on campus: Alumni Hall. The CSC is open Monday thru Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm. It is closed Saturday, Sunday and during all University holidays. All rooms in the CSC are locked outside of regular hours of operation. Use of the facilities and equipment outside of regular business hours must be pre-scheduled and is subject to staff and resource availability. Any activities scheduled outside of regular business hours require presence of faculty/program representatives. Reservations- All activities serviced by or conducted in the CSC should be pre-scheduled. Room and equipment reservations are made during the “block request period” for the quarter in question (12-13 weeks prior to the start of a quarter). Reservations must be made for all Standardized Patient activities, simulation encounters, classroom sessions, task training workshops, and/or practice labs serviced by or conducted in the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center. Reminder that any non-CSC space (ie: remote classrooms, lecture halls, etc) for an event must go through the normal block scheduling process and/or requested through campus facilities. Cancellations - Once a cancellation occurs, the Center reserves the right to rebook those resources for another activity. Cancellations within 1 week of the activity OR in which staff/supplies/equipment has been confirmed for an activity will be billed accordingly. Required Forms - An event or equipment request form is required for all activities coordinated by the CSC. This form should be emailed to ilsimcenter@midwestern.edu or hand delivered at least 6 weeks prior to the event. The ERF must include finalized case demographics and proposed training dates. Incomplete forms will not be considered valid. We ask that you work out all event details before submission. Case Materials - Final case or event materials must be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the event. If a case requires the Standardized Patient to portray pain, the Pain Portrayal Form should be included with case materials. Reasonable changes may be made to cases, format, student schedules, and/or staff resources up to 7 days prior to an event. After this deadline, significant event alterations may not be accommodated. Equipment - No equipment may be removed from the CSC without prior, written consent from either the Center Director or University Executive office. All equipment is valuable and should be handled with the care commensurate with its value. With this in mind, all faculty, staff and students must be trained on the operational flow, proper use of and treatment of equipment as well as Center policy and procedures prior to use of CSC resources. Revised: 11/05/2013 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form SECTION II: General Event Information Key Contact Date(s) of Event [include make up and remediation sessions in applicable] Event Time(s) Course number and Title [ie: PPRA 1713 Pharmacotherapeutics VI] Learners and quantity [(ie: ILPA Class of 2012, #86] Faculty/Facilitators/Proctors [ie: ILSLP Faculty, #6] Type of Event [mark all that apply] Standardized patient Simulation Skills Lab Faculty Presentation Lecture Prebrief/Debrief Other ____________________________________ Description of event A final roster of students will be required prior to event. SP Training Date(s)/Time (s)/Location(s) Simulation Dry Run Date/Time/Location SECTION III: Event Resources Room(s) – please mark all that apply for event: AUD Exam Rooms 1-3 AUD Exam Rooms 4-6 AUD Exam Rooms 7-10 AUD Exam Rooms 11-13 AUD Viewing Room A (seats 13) AUD Viewing Room B (seats 7) AUD Classroom 403 AUD Classroom 405 AUD Classroom 446 AUD Classroom 448 Set up for Room(s): AUD Sim Suite 1 AUD Sim Suite 2 AUD Sim Suite 3 AUD Sim Suite 4 AUD L& D Suite AUD Mock Operating Room A AUD Mock Operating Room B AUD Surgical Scrub Room AUD Multipurpose Lab AUD North Conf Room 402 AUD South Conf Room 449 ALUMNI Exam Rooms 1-4 ALUMNI Exam Rooms 5-8 ALUMNI Viewing Room C (seats 8) ALUMNI Classroom ____ Other _______________ Other _______________ 2 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form Standardized Patients - please include as much detail as possible to ensure proper hiring. Total Quantity: _____ # needed for this demographic Age Range M/F Special Demographics/Notes ** Floor manager Classroom monitor Simulation Scenario Personnel or Family Member ______________________________ Other ______________________________ **If you have additional criteria related to the above SP demographics, please contact SP Coordinator directly. Simulators iStan Lucina 25 Birthing Flat Belly PediaSim Metiman 1240 Lucina 26 Birthing Flat Belly BabySim Metiman 1241 Metiman 1242 Makeup/Moulage for Simulators or Standardized Patients Please indicate any anticipated needs (please specify which case): 3 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form Procedure/Skills Trainers (Enter the total # of each trainer requested trainer. # available is in parenthesis.) LOW FIDELITY SIMULATORS Student Auscultation Manikin (SAM)(1) CARDIOVASCULAR IV/Venipunture Arms (15) Arterial Puncture Wrist (elec pump) (2) AIRWAY/PULMONARY Adult Intubation Heads (4)* Child Airway Heads (2)* Infant Airway Heads (4)* Cricothyrotomy Trainer (1) Arterial Puncture Wrist (manual pump) (2) Blood Pressure Trainer (7) Blood Pressure Trainer w/IPOD Control(2) Central Venous Access Trainer (4) Femoral Line Access Trainer ( 4) BONE/JOINT/SKIN Infant Intraosseous Injection Trainer (1) Joint Injection Trainer – Shoulder (3) Joint Injection Trainer – Bent Knee (3) Joint Injection Trainer – Wrist (3) Joint Injection Trainer – Elbow (3) IM/Digital Block/Local Anesthesia arms (5) Ingrown Toenail Kit (4) HEENT Ear Models (6) Eye Models (2) NEURO Lumbar Puncture Trainer (pending) Thoracentesis (Chest Tube) Trainer (1) GENITOURINARY ZACH multipurpose male trainer - NEW (8) Male Catheterization trainer - OLD (8) Prostate Trainer - OLD (2) Gyn/Aid Gynecologic Trainer – NEW (8) Birthing Trainer (2) Pelvic Light Systems (13) Female Catheterization (4) BREAST Single Breast Model (with pathology) (6) Double Breast Model (4) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Sonosite Ultrasound with Transducers (4) Electrocardiogram with cart (10) LapVR (Computerized Laparoscopy Trainer)(1) EndoVR (Computerized Endoscopy Trainer )(1) NOTE: All fluids associated with model use will be supplied by the CSC. *Each airway head comes with station kit including size appropriate laryngoscope, blades, airway adjuncts, BVM, etc. SECTION IV: Learning Space Format Case(s) – please indicate each case being used in event. Name of case Previously used New Final case materials must be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the event. Using for Remediation/ Back up 4 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form Case Layout Part Description/Scoring/Weight Standardized Patient checklist Faculty checklist (FON) Doorway chart (pre-encounter) Student post encounter Case or event evaluation Peer evaluation Self evaluation Other Additional information about case layout: Anticipated Timing Pre-encounter Case review length Encounter length Feedback length Post-encounter length Transition length Breaks Other At workstation? In classroom? Automated Audio and Video Video Based on user action (ie: student login, SP checklist display, faculty checklist submit, etc) Based on time (ie start at 8am, stop at 8:25am) Customized by CSC based on event schedule and structure Addl info: Announcements Script provided Customized by CSC based on event schedule and structure Explain optimal timing for announcements (include script if available): 5 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form Learner Actions/Notifications Action Timing/Interval (i.e. 1 week prior, btw Jan 10 – 17, when notified by course coord) Learners may request the date/time for their encounter Randomly assign encounter times Email learner the date/time of their encounter Email reminder of date/time of encounter Email when grades/reports/videos are available Notify learners about Video Review Session(s) Other _____________________________________________________________________________ We will use universal CSC templates for email notifications unless specific language provided. SECTION V: Grading and Reporting Grading Electronic Paper Combination (explain: ____________________________________) Designate Report(s) to be released to the students Individual checklists Other SP checklist * Grade Report (most common)** Faculty checklist (FON) * Performance Matrix (abbreviated grade report) Pre-encounter learner entry Comments Report Post-encounter learner entry Performance Category Self Evaluation entry Peer Evaluation entry Educational Prescription Report Incorrect/Not Done techniques (Must use Video Full video Peer Access To individual checklist To video CT/IT/ND question format on checklist to release this report) Estimated date of report release ______________________________________ Estimated duration reports will be released _____________________________ Anticipated video review session date and time _________________________ Mandatory? Yes *If releasing individual checklists, please designate format. Mark all that should be included: Scores Answer values Correct answer for learners SP name Faculty name **If releasing grade report, please designate format. Mark all that should be included: Student score Sections (required) Performance Category Class Average Case totals Comments Standard Deviation Event totals Box plots Display individual/case performance based on natural score (achieved score/achievable score) Display individual/case performance based on percentage (use ____ decimals for percent value) No 6 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center – Event Request Form Designate Case Item Analysis No point biserial values displayed Point biserial value for each answer for each item Point biserial value for correct answer(s) based on _______ percentile of top learners Designate Privacy On Raw data export Show learner names Show unique learner ID Show faculty On Open Ended Question Scoring Do NOT show learner names Show learner names Show unique learner ID On Case Evaluation On Group Performance Anonymous NOT anonymous Show names Show unique learner ID Show performance category name Designate Performance Category (if being used) Category Criteria Category Description SECTION VI: Terms of Agreement Any additional requests or information about your event: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ The CSC is looking forward to the opportunity to facilitate your activity. Your signature below verifies your understanding of and agreement to abide by all CSC operational policies, procedures, and timelines. It further indicates your financial understanding that all wages, resources, and/or supplies used in conjunction with this event will be charged back to the program, organization or group requested and/or using said services. ________________________________________ (Course Director/Event organizer) ____________________________________ (Dean/ Program Director/or other authorized person) 7