List Analysis Projects LiST ANALYSIS PROJECT: Packages to affect maternal and under-5 mortality in Malawi and Bihar Question: What would be the impact of scaling up various family health interventions (individually, or in packages) on mortality in Malawi and Bihar, India? Packages/Interventions of interest: Skilled birth attendance Basic newborn care Pneumonia Breastfeeding PMTCT Family Planning Combined limited package Combined comprehensive package Target values: Each package was analyzed at 80 90, 95 and 100 percent coverage. To look at family planning, the goal was to reduce unmet need by 80, 90, 95 or 100%. Whenever an intervention had already reached the target value, it was maintained at current value, rather than decreased to a lower value. LiST Version Used: Version 4.2 beta 7 Outputs of Interest: Under-5 mortality rate Under-5 deaths Percent decline in under-5 deaths Maternal mortality ratio Maternal deaths Percent decline in maternal deaths Baseline Coverage Values Population trend is obtained from the The 2008 Revision of the World Population Prospects published by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. Child mortality estimates are obtained from The estimates from year 2008.5 were used. Causes of death in children under 5 are obtained from the following article Black, Robert E , Simon Cousens, Hope L Johnson, Joy E Lawn, Igor Rudan, Diego G Bassani, Prabhat Jha, Harry Campbell, Christa Fischer Walker, Richard Cibulskis, Thomas Eisele, Li Liu, Colin Mathers, for the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF (2010). Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. Lancet. 375 (9730): 1969 - 1987. Vaccine coverage estimates are obtained from the WHO-UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage, data downloaded in Oct 2010. The estimates from year 2008 were used. Vaccine effectiveness is based on their impact on specific causes of death: An affected fraction refers to the percent of a specific cause of death which can be averted by an intervention. This refers to etiology when available. Standard vaccine effect sizes and affected fraction used in LiST: Pneumococcal and Hib vaccine’s effect on pneumonia and meningitis o Pneumococcal vaccine (full coverage) has an effect of 0.26, meaning that full vaccination can prevent 26% of pneumonia deaths, and since the review is not yet finished, we are assuming the same effect (26%) on meningitis deaths. o Hib vaccine (full coverage) has an effect of 0.18. This means that full vaccination can prevent 18% of pneumonia deaths and, since the review is not yet finished, we are also assuming the same effect (18%) on meningitis deaths. o The affected fraction for each of these vaccines is considered to be the entire population of pneumonia deaths because that is how the reviews were completed. Thus the presented effect sizes are in essence, combinations of both effectiveness of the vaccines and the affected fraction, or proportion of pneumonia due to these bacteria. o Reference: Theodoratou, Evropi, Sue Johnson, Arnoupe Jhass, Shabir A Madhi, Andrew Clark, Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Sunil Bhopal, Igor Rudan, Harry Campbell (2010). The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe morbidity and mortality. Int. J. Epidemiol. 39: i172-i185. Rotavirus vaccine’s effect on diarrhea o Rotavirus vaccine can prevent 74% of diarrhea deaths, and 39% of diarrhea deaths can benefit by full coverage of the vaccine. Measles vaccine’s effect on measles o Measles vaccine can prevent 85% of measles deaths, and 100% of measles deaths can benefit by full coverage of the vaccine. DPT vaccine’s effect on pertussis. o DPT vaccine (3 doses) has an effect of 0.85, meaning that full vaccination can prevent 85% of pertussis deaths. o It is assumed that all (100%) pertussis deaths can benefit by full coverage of the vaccine. Time Period Periconceptual Antenatal Interventions Folic acid supplementation or fortification Antenatal care Calcium supplementation Malawi Bihar 0 57.1 2.9 0 26.4 1.3 Notes Multiple micronutrient supplementation 20 Tetanus toxoid 87 Balanced energy supplementation Case management of malaria (hospital) PMTCT Antenatal corticosteroids for preterm labor Antibiotics for pPRoM Essential care for all women and immediate essential newborn care Comprehensive emergency obstetric care Active management of the 3rd stage of labour ChildBirth MgSO4 management of eclampsia <1 month Breastfeeding 1-5 months Postnatal Preventive Vaccines Postnatal Curative Neonatal resuscitation (institutional) Exclusive breastfeeding Predominant breastfeeding Partial breastfeeding Exclusive breastfeeding Predominant breastfeeding Partial breastfeeding Preventive postnatal care (healthy practices and illness detection) Complementary feeding-supplementation and education Hand washing with soap Insecticide treated materials or indoor residual spraying Vitamin A for prevention Zinc for prevention Rotavirus vaccine Measles vaccine Hib vaccine Pneumococcal vaccine DPT vaccination Kangaroo mother care Injectable antibiotics: case management of severe neonatal infection ORS 9.3 Malawi data from WHO/UNICEF estimates. Bihar data from 73.2 NFHS/DLHS. 0 0.6 0 0 26.9 40.4 2.8 8.3 Estimated using standard LiST formulas 13.4 24.9 32.3 2.8 0 0 26.9 82.1 9.2 8.6 11.8 4.1 83.9 This data was not available. We estimated it to be half of the 1.4 CEmOC coverage. Estimated using standard LiST 2.8 formulas 50.2 26.9 14.9 7.6 37.7 54.6 17.7 15.9 16.15 56.2 0 37.8 95 0 0 88 91 0 91 20 0 63.1 Data for Bihar taken from 4.2 NFHS3. 42 Not data available for Bihar, so it 0 was assumed to be 0 49.9 0 0 54.2 0 Malawi data from WHO/UNICEF 0 estimates. Bihar data from 54.4 NFHS/DLHS. 0 Malawi KMC estimated. 0 22 Antibiotics for dysentery Zinc for treatment Case management of pneumonia (oral antibiotics) Vitamin A for measles treatment Antimalarials Therapeutic feeding Other Contraceptive Prevalence Rate 29.5 0 23 0 29.5 14.3 95 21.1 0 37 Same as Vitamin A 49.9 supplementation. 3.1 Data for Bihar taken from 4 NFHS3. 32.5 Results: Universal coverage with a comprehensive package of interventions can reduce both under-5 and maternal mortality by more than 70% in both settings. 80% coverage of the comprehensive package could reduce mortality by at least 60% in both settings. However this does not take into consideration delivery strategies needed to achieve these goals.