Graduate Certificate in Sport Coaching

24 UC/15 GradCertSpC
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Template 3: UC Regulation Changes
Proposal Description
Purpose of the proposal
To change the structure of the Graduate Certificate in Sport Coaching (GradCertSpC) to three compulsory courses and a
fourth optional course from a wider range within the Bachelor of Sport Coaching Schedule.
The Grad CertSpC is a 60-point, on-line only qualification. It currently has three courses, SPCO370, SPCO371 and
SPCO372 devoted solely to GradCertSpC students. Students in the GradCertSpC are required to complete two
compulsory courses; SPCO370 Performance Sport Coaching Practicum and SPCO371 Contemporary Issues and
Pedagogies for Performance Sport Coaching plus an additional two optional courses from the GradCertSpC schedule. For
reasons of efficiency, cohort management and student learning, this proposal seeks to utilize existing 300 level courses
from the Bachelor of Sport Coaching to deliver the course content and improve student experiences. These courses will
become available on-line in 2016 with the final roll out the year 3 courses in the Bachelor of Sport Coaching distance
programme. This coincides with the implementation of this proposal.
SPCO371 was conceptualized from the content contained in SPCO301 & SPCO302, so it is proposed to include both
SPCO301 & SPCO302 as compulsory elements of the GradCertSpC qualification as well as SPCO310 Practicum 3.
SPCO370 Performance Sport Coaching Practicum and SPCO310 Practicum 3 are equivalent courses so effectively a
straight replacement is appropriate. SPCO372 Leadership and planning for sport coaching is an optional course and
some of the course content is contained in SPCO301 Sport Coaching and Leadership so SPCO372 is to be deleted
without replacement.
This essentially provides a restructuring of the compulsory course content across three courses and not two, as was
previously the case. Therefore the new structure will have three compulsory 15 point courses (SPCO301, 302 & 310)
plus one optional course chosen from the GradCertSpC/BSpC schedule.
This restructuring, due to alignment with the BSpC programme, necessitates that the minimum length for programme
completion is now increased from 6 months (one semester) to 12 months (two semesters) as these courses span two
semesters and are offered only once in a calendar year.
In 2016 all courses in the Bachelor of Sports Coaching will be rolled out online so this will help GradCertSpC students to
be involved with a larger community of like-minded students working at the same level and in the same contexts and
therefore help provide a better student experience.
Calendar Form
New Regulations
2015 UC Calendar Pages 274
Under “1. The Structure of the Programme”
Change to:
a) Candidates shall complete a course of study made up of 60 points (0.5 EFTS) as follows:
i) 45 points (0.375 EFTS) of prescribed courses from the schedule of Graduate Certificate in Sport Coaching
ii) a further 15 points (0.125 EFTS) from schedule C of the degree of Bachelor of Sport Coaching
Under “2. Duration of the Qualification”
Change to:
24 UC/15 GradCertSpC
(a) The usual period of enrolment for a full-time candidate is 12 months.
Under Regulation 3, Notes, insert:
Candidates are required to be vetted by the Police
[note – please make this note 1]
Changes to Schedule:
Remove all information from “Compulsory Courses” downwards.
Replace with:
Course Code
Course Title
Practicum 3
A (D)
W (D)
Sport Leadership
Coaching for
Individual Sports
SPCO 301 Sport Leadership
P: (1) SPCO210 and
(2) approval from
P: SPCO201 or
P: SPCO201 or
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
This course critically examines and applies sport coaching pedagogy in a range of sporting contexts. Importantly, this course looks at
the interrelatedness of leadership, power and culture and the effects these factors may have on a positive team and organisational
environment. Students will critically examine the possible directions of sport coaching and explore possible ways of managing such
changes. Students will explore the course content through micro-coaching sessions within a variety of sport coaching contexts.
P: 1) SPCO 201, or 2) approval from Programme Coordinator
SPCO301-16S2 (C) Semester 2
SPCO301-16S2 (D) Semester 2
SPCO 302 Athlete-Centred Coaching for Individual Sports 15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Research led but grounded in practice, this course engages students with some of the most recent and cutting edge developments
in sport coaching that have sought to apply the wide range of benefits evident in athlete-centred approaches to coaching team
sports to individual sports and coaching other physical activities. It engages students with approaches to applying the holistic and
humanistic pedagogical principles of athlete centred coaching in team games such as Game Sense to individual, technique-intensive
sports such as swimming and athletics. Specifically, it draws on the concept of Positive Pedagogy informed by the pedagogical
features of Game Sense adapted to individual sports, Positive Psychology and the work on positive approaches to promoting health
and well-being. It engages students with the most recent developments in this field while providing experience through practical
sessions as learners and coaches with assessment structured around reflections on this experience informed by the literature.
P: 1) 45 points in any courses at 100-level or above, OR 2) Approval by Programme Coordinator Recommended Preparation: SPCO
SPCO302-16S1 (C) Semester 1
SPCO302-16S1 (D) Semester 1
SPCO 310 Practicum 3
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
This course provides a final application of sport coaching theory to practice. Students will plan, implement and critically evaluate
aspects of coaching pedagogy, sociology and sport science while coaching their selected sport. This will occur during coaching
sessions with a team or individuals at any sporting level, throughout a season of practices and games or events.
P: (1) SPCO 201 AND SPCO 210 (Performance Analysis, He Oranga Tangata and Leadership Endorsement), SPCO 201 AND SPCO 241
(Strength and Conditioning Endorsement), AND (2) Approval of Programme Coordinator based on police vetting, or previous recent
enrolment in BSpc or BEd(Physical Education)
SPCO310-16W (C) Whole Year (S1 and S2)
SPCO310-16A (D) Starts Anytime
SPCO310-16A (C) Starts Anytime