API 14A Extended Sand Endurance

API 14A Annex XX
Extended Sand Endurance test
(Rev 13Nov2012)
1. Scope
This annex contains optional validation requirements for SCSSVs if specifically requested by the
user/purchaser. If a particular test was completed on the same size, type, model and design to the
requirements defined herein and previously passed and documented to those requirements, the test
can be counted as fulfilling the requirements of this annex.
To meet the requirements of this annex, all tests described shall be completed in conformance with
the acceptance criteria and shall be completed without any repair or redress of the test valve.
The SCSSV shall have passed the functional test specified in Annex C prior to commencement of any
tests in this annex.
The SCSSV shall be oriented vertically for all tests.
Substantive design changes to any component of a SCSSV shall require that the affected validation
test(s) are repeated.
2. Test Requirements
2.1. General
The purpose of the extended sand endurance test is to validate the SCSSV closure mechanism
functionality and its ability to seal, in the presence of sand, to the user/purchaser specified life cycles.
2.2. Procedure
User/ purchaser may specify the following test parameters:
Number of SCSSV cycles (life open/ close cycles) for this test.
Operating temperature for the test
Optional requirement for closure mechanism minimal leakage.
Need to address shutdown periods during which sand may settle. How do we restart to
maintain the integrity of this test ?
In the lack of any or all of the above parameters not specified by the user/purchaser, the following
parameters shall be used:
SCSSV cycles (life open/ close cycles) for this test: 240 cycles
Minimum operating temperature for the test: ambient temperature
Closure mechanism leakage: as per table X.XX
Test shutdowns, that involve circulating pump(s) to be stopped, need to be recorded and have the
following re-start-up requirements:
Test shutdowns shall only be performed upon completion of the specified open and close
lifecycles and before the subsequent circulation period.
Test shutdowns require measuring the sand concentration (step 9) before resuming the
validation test program.
The supplier/manufacturer shall conduct the extended sand endurance test per Table X.XX:
API 14A Annex XX
Extended Sand Endurance test
(Rev 13Nov2012)
Procedure and Acceptance Criteria
Record test data as specified.
Close and open the SCSSV five times with zero pressure in the
test section.
Acceptance Criteria: Each control pressure shall repeat within
 5 % of the average pressure of the five valve operating cycles
as well as falling within the manufacturer's specified control
pressure tolerance. If each pressure is not within these the
limits, the SCSSV fails the functional test.
Apply 1,4 MPa  0,07 MPa (200 psi  10 psi) nitrogen pressure
upstream of the SCSSV. Wait a minimum of 1 min, then
measure any nitrogen leakage through the closure mechanism.
Acceptance Criteria: If the leakage rate is greater than
0,14 m3/min (5 scf/min), or if any body joint leakage
(tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the test valve fails.
Repeat Steps 3 with 8,3 MPa  0,41 MPa (1200 psi  60 psi)
instead of 1,4 MPa  0,07 MPa (200 psi  10 psi).
Acceptance Criteria: If the leakage rate is greater than
0,14 m3/min (5 scf/min), or if any body joint leakage
(tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the test valve fails.
Bleed the pressure upstream of the SCSSV to zero.
Apply water pressure upstream of the SCSSV closure
mechanism at 100 % of the RWP (allowable range of 95 % to
100 %) of the valve. Record the SCSSV bore pressure and the
time at which pressure was applied to the valve.
Wait for a minimum of 3 min after applying water pressure
upstream of the SCSSV closure mechanism before beginning
collection of water leakage from the downstream bleed valve.
Continuously collect water leakage for a period of 5 min.
Calculate and record the average leakage rate per minute.
Acceptance Criteria: If the average leakage rate during the
collection period exceeds 10 cm3/min of water or Annex E
leakage (if specified by the user/purchaser), or if external body
leakage is detected (tubing-retrievable only), the test valve fails.
If the test valve fails, discontinue testing.
Prepare a mixture consisting of sand and water.
Data to be Recorded
 validation test number
 test stand (or apparatus)
For each of 5 operating cycles:
 full open hydraulic control
 full closed hydraulic control
Calculated average of 5
operating cycles:
 full open hydraulic control
 full closed hydraulic control
 test passed? (yes or no)
 date (month/day/year),
 SCSSV bore pressure
 time at start of waiting
 time at completion of
waiting period
 measured gas leakage rate
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no)
 SCSSV bore pressure
 time at start of waiting
 time at completion of
waiting period
 measured gas leakage rate
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no)
 valve bore test pressure
 time at which test pressure
is applied
 time at start of leakage test
 time at end of leakage test
 average leakage rate at test
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no),
 test step passed? (yes or
 conducted by: (printed
name and signature)
 date: (month/day/year).
API 14A Annex XX
Extended Sand Endurance test
(Rev 13Nov2012)
Determine sand content of mixture by filling two oil gauger’s,
100 ml sample tubes with mixture samples. Centrifuge with oil
gauger’s centrifuge according to API, Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards, Chapter 10.4. The use of solvents
and temperature controls are not required. Adjust sand content
to 2 % (1.5 % to 2.5 % acceptable) by adding 140 to 325 US
mesh sand ( 40µm - 100 µm ) or diluting mixture with freshwater
Heat the SCSSV to the user/purchaser specified operating
temperature or a minimum of ambient if not specified.
Adjust the mixture circulation rate to 7 feet/sec based on the
nominal tubing or casing ID of the SCSSV.
Circulate the mixture through the SCSSV at the specified rate
for a minimum of 2 hrs, and then close the SCSSV against the
specified rate.
Open and Close the SCSSV a total of 10% of specified life
Circulate the mixture through the SCSSV at the specified rate
for a minimum of 5 minutes every 5 cycles.
Acceptance Criteria: If the adjusted hydraulic control
pressures (or actual control pressures for tubing-pressureinsensitive valves) do not repeat within  10 % of their average,
or  0,7 MPa ( 100 psi), whichever is greater, or if any body
joint leakage (tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the SCSSV
Apply water pressure upstream of the SCSSV closure
mechanism at 100 % of the RWP (allowable range of 95 % to
100 %) of the valve. Record the SCSSV bore pressure and the
time at which pressure was applied to the valve.
Wait for a minimum of 3 min after applying water pressure
upstream of the SCSSV closure mechanism before beginning
collection of water leakage from the downstream bleed valve.
Continuously collect water leakage for a period of 5 min.
Calculate and record the average leakage rate per minute.
 sand concentration (%) at
start of circulation period
 Record the temperature
when the maximum rated
operating temperature is
reached and has stabilized
 date of test
 time at start of mixture
circulation through valve
 flow rate at start of
circulation period
 Pressure
 time at valve closure
(against mixture flow),
 mixture flow rate,
 full-closed hydraulic control
 flow 15 s after hydraulic
control pressure reaches zero,
 time to close
For a minimum of the last 10
cycles record:
 full open hydraulic control
 full closed hydraulic control
Calculated values:
 adjusted hydraulic control
pressure — full-closed,
 average of adjusted
hydraulic control pressure —
 adjusted hydraulic control
pressure — full-open,
 average of adjusted
hydraulic control pressure —
 test passed? (yes or no)
 conducted by: (printed
name and signature)
 valve bore test pressure
 time at which test pressure
is applied
 time at start of leakage test
 time at end of leakage test
 average leakage rate at test
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no),
 test step passed? (yes or
 conducted by: (printed
API 14A Annex XX
Extended Sand Endurance test
(Rev 13Nov2012)
Acceptance Criteria: If the average leakage rate during the
collection period exceeds 10 cm3/min or Annex E leakage (if
specified by the user/purchaser), or if external body leakage is
detected (tubing-retrievable only), the test valve fails.
name and signature)
 date: (month/day/year).
If the test valve fails, discontinue testing.
Repeat steps 12 to 15 one time for a total 20% cumulative of
the specified life cycles.
Open the SCSSV, and circulate the mixture through the SCSSV
at the specified rate (step 11) for a minimum of 15 min.
Stop circulation and let the mixture settle for 30 min (Maintain
SCSSV in the open position)
Close and open the SCSSV a total of 5% of specified life
Note: Upon completion of this step, the first time, 25% of the
specified life cycles will have been performed.
Acceptance Criteria: If the adjusted hydraulic control
pressures (or actual control pressures for tubing-pressureinsensitive valves) do not repeat within  10 % of their average,
or  0,7 MPa ( 100 psi), whichever is greater, or if any body
joint leakage (tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the SCSSV
Apply water pressure upstream of the SCSSV closure
mechanism at 100 % of the RWP (allowable range of 95 % to
100 %) of the valve. Record the SCSSV bore pressure and the
time at which pressure was applied to the valve.
Wait for a minimum of 3 min after applying water pressure
upstream of the SCSSV closure mechanism before beginning
collection of water leakage from the downstream bleed valve.
Continuously collect water leakage for a period of 5 min.
Calculate and record the average leakage rate per minute.
Acceptance Criteria: If the average leakage rate during the
collection period exceeds 10 cm3/min (if specified by the
user/purchaser), or if external body leakage is detected
(tubing-retrievable only), the test valve fails.
 time at start of mixture
circulation through valve
 flow rate at start of
circulation period
 time at start of mixture
 time at end of mixture
For a minimum of the last 10
cycles record:
 full open hydraulic control
 full closed hydraulic control
Calculated values:
 adjusted hydraulic control
pressure — full-closed,
 average of adjusted
hydraulic control pressure —
 adjusted hydraulic control
pressure — full-open,
 average of adjusted
hydraulic control pressure —
 test passed? (yes or no)
 conducted by: (printed
name and signature)
 valve bore test pressure
 time at which test pressure
is applied
 time at start of leakage test
 time at end of leakage test
 average leakage rate at test
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no),
 test step passed? (yes or
 conducted by: (printed
name and signature)
 date: (month/day/year).
API 14A Annex XX
Extended Sand Endurance test
(Rev 13Nov2012)
If the test valve fails, discontinue testing.
Repeat steps 12 to 21 three more times for a total of 100% of
the specified life cycles.
Determine sand content of mixture by filling two oil gauger’s,
100 ml sample tubes with mixture samples. Centrifuge with oil
gauger’s centrifuge according to API, Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards, Chapter 10.4. The use of solvents
and temperature controls are not required.
Cool the SCSSV down to ambient temperature and evacuate all
water (mixture) from the SCSSV.
Apply 1,4 MPa  0,07 MPa (200 psi  10 psi) nitrogen pressure
upstream of the SCSSV. Wait a minimum of 1 min, then
measure any nitrogen leakage through the closure mechanism.
Acceptance Criteria: If the leakage rate is greater than
0,43 m3/min (15 scf/min), or if any body joint leakage
(tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the test valve fails.
Repeat Steps 25 with 8,3 MPa  0,41 MPa (1200 psi  60 psi)
instead of 1,4 MPa  0,07 MPa (200 psi  10 psi).
Acceptance Criteria: If the leakage rate is greater than
0,43 m3/min (15 scf/min), or if any body joint leakage
(tubing-retrievable only) is detected, the test valve fails.
Bleed the pressure upstream of the SCSSV to zero.
Tear down SCSSV and document with pictures (before
cleaning) sand intrusion in closure mechanism.
 sand concentration (%) at
end of test
 date (month/day/year),
 SCSSV bore pressure
 time at start of waiting
 time at completion of
waiting period
 measured gas leakage rate
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no)
 SCSSV bore pressure
 time at start of waiting
 time at completion of
waiting period
 measured gas leakage rate
 body leakage detected
(TRSV only)? (yes or no)
 Document with pictures all
open / close mechanism parts
before cleaning.