word - 2016 Masters World Cup in Vuokatti, Finland

Registration for Masters World Cup 2016 in Vuokatti, Finland
Dear Masters Cross-Country Skiers,
All entries have to be sent to the current National Director of a nation.
The address of your National Director can be found from the homepage www.world-masters-xc-skiing.ch (Address List National Directors).
The entries will be emailed by the National Director to The World Masters Cross-Country Ski Association (WMA).
Entries cannot be sent directly to the O.C.
1.0 Particulars:
WMA Reference No: ……………………
Year of Birth: ……………………………
Female Male
Last Name: ………………………………
Street: ……………………………………
City: ………………………………………
Phone: …………………………………….
Email: ……………………………………
Nation: ...…………………………………......
First Name: …………………………………..
Zip Code: .........................................................
Country: …………………...............................
Fax: …………………………………..............
Club/Ski Federation: …………………………
2.0 Choose Distances and Technique:
Participants can race a maximum of three individual competitions in either classic (C) or free technique (F), but only one competition at short, middle
and long distance.
Female: 01 – 08
Female: 09 – 12
Male: 01 – 06
Male: 07 - 09
Male: 10 – 12
Feb, 6 Sat
30 to 69 years
 15 km C
over 70 years
 10 km C
30 to 59 years
 30 km C
60 to 74 years
 15 km C
over 75 years
 10 km C
Feb, 7 Sun
 15 km F
 10 km F
 30 km F
 15 km F
 10 km F
Feb, 8 Mon morning  10 km C
 5 km C
 10 km C
 10 km C
 5 km C
Fe 8 Mon afternoon  10 km F
 5 km F
 10 km F
 10 km F
 5 km F
a 9 Tue
Rest day / sightseeing
Relays (4x5 km)
Relays (4x5 km)
Feb, 10 Wed
Relays (4x5 km)
 5 km F
Relays (4x5 km)
Feb, 11Thu
 30 km C
 15 km C
 45 km C
 30 km C
 15 km C
Feb, 12 Fri
 30
10 km F
 15 km F
 45 km F
 30 km F
 15 km F
Relays (4x5 km)
2.1. Additional Program
February 4, Thursday – arrival, official training
February 5, Friday – official training and opening ceremony
February 12, Friday – closing ceremony and banquet
2.2. Age classes:
F/M 01 = 1985 – 1981
F/M 02 = 1980 – 1976
F/M 03 = 1975 – 1971
F/M 04 = 1970 – 1966
F/M 05 = 1965 – 1961
F/M 06 = 1960 – 1956
F/M 07 = 1955 – 1951
F/M 08 = 1950 – 1946
F/M 09 = 1945 – 1941
3.0 Registration Deadline:
3.1. for the participant:
Entries have to be sent latest by January 11th, 2016 to the National Director.
- Registration and payment have to be arranged on the same day –
3.2. for the National Director:
Entries have to be sent latest by January 18th, 2016 to WMA, attn. antti.furter@bluewin.ch
F/M 10 = 1940 – 1936
F/M 11 = 1935 – 1931
F/M 12 = 1930 and older
4.0 Entry Fee:
The entry fee is EUR 200 plus all bank charges occurring at participant/sender side.
Bank charges occurring at beneficiary´s bank and at intermediary bank are for account of the Organizing Committee.
Incorrect payments will be charged with an additional fee of EUR 20 when taking the start number.
5.0 Payment of Entry Fee:
5.1. By bank transfer:
Important: All transfer details given below have to be mentioned on the transfer form.
Name of participant/Country have to be shown on bank transfer forms.
Vuokatin Urheiluopisto
FIN-88610 Vuokatti
IBAN FI70 2178 1800 0600 30
5.2. By credit card
For payment with credit card please follow the instructions on the website www.mwc2016.com
5.3. Deadline of payment:
Entry fee has to arrive not later than January 11th, 2016 with the Organizing Committee.
For those payments received after January 11th, 2016 no registration will be made, this means no possibility to start.
6.0 Lack of snow:
In case the event should be cancelled because of no snow, 50 % of the registration fee will be refunded.
7.0 Illness/Accident:
Should a competitor have to cancel his participation for health reasons, the National Director must provide latest at the beginning of the Masters
World Cup a medical certificate in order to obtain a 50 % refund of the entry fee.
8.0 Agreement:
The Organizer and the World Masters Cross-Country Ski Association do not accept any liability for accidents or loss of life of the participant during
the whole stay at the Masters World Cup.
I declare that I agree that my personal data needed for registration for the Masters World Cup may be transferred to the Organizing Committee and
may also be written and stored in the databank of my National Director.
I here with certify that I have a sufficient and valid accident and illness insurance cover. Furthermore I confirm that my good health condition enables
me to take part in that event.
I acknowledge having read the above conditions and agree to them by signing the present form.
Date: …………………….. First Name: …………………………. Last Name: ………………………………………………………………….
Masters World Cup 2016 Vuokatti
Vuokatti Sport Institute. Opistontie 4, 88610 Vuokatti. Contact: myyntipalvelu@vuokattisport.fi or tel. +35886191 500.
Entry form, Program, accommodations and other details can be found here: www.mwc2016.com