Flat Stanley Adventures

As we jump into the new trimester, it’s time for our second family project. Each student
will be creating his/her own Flat Stanley Adventure! For those of you who are not familiar
with Flat Stanley, he is a character in a series of books by Jeff Brown who gets flattened
when a bulletin board falls on him. The books tell of his exciting adventures.
In class, each student made his/her own Flat Stanley. For the next two months, it is up to
the family to include Flat Stanley in family events, trips, routines, and whatever else comes
to mind. Because he is flat, Flat Stanley can fit almost anywhere: backpacks, briefcases,
suitcases, etc. Unfortunately, Flat Stanley does not like bath time or swimming, but he does
love winter and road trips. Here are some other places he might like to go:
Mom or Dad’s work
A visit to Grandma’s house
The grocery store
A doctor or dentist’s visit
The park, beach, or mountains
A family vacation or celebration
To a sporting event
Miniature golf
Throughout the next two months, students are to document the adventures on which Flat
Stanley goes with writing and illustrations, pictures, or videos. On Wednesday, February
5th, students are to turn-in a completed Flat Stanley Adventure to share with their
classmates and me. There are many ways students may choose to do this. Here are just a
few ideas:
 Write about Flat Stanley’s adventures in a daily journal and illustrate the events
 Write your own Flat Stanley Adventure Book with chapters telling about the
adventures, illustrations, and photographs
 Take photographs of Flat Stanley on his adventures and mount them on a display board
with captions
 Take photographs or short video clips of Flat Stanley on his adventures and make a
slideshow or mini-movie on the computer
Remember that the goal of the home projects is to make learning fun for the whole family!
I can’t wait to see where Stanley goes! Have fun!
Final Project Due:
Wednesday, February 5, 2014!