Ogunlolu Babajide, 5th year student
Scientific adviser – assist. K.S. Polov’yan
Sumy State University, infectious diseases and epidemiology department
Among the acute intestinal infections (AII), infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are
becoming increasingly important in Ukraine. The resistance of these pathogens to antibiotics develops rapidly.
The purpose of research is studying the relationship between intestinal microflora status, the dynamics of clinical
picture of AII caused by a conditionally pathogenic microorganisms at different types of treatment.
130 hospital records of patients with AII, hospitalized in Sumy regional infectious clinical hospital named after
Z.Y. Krasovytskiy were analyzed. The average age of patients was (32,16±2,99) years. There were 83 men (63,9 %)
and women 36,1 (34,5 %). Depending on the purpose of medical schemes of treatment all the patients were divided into
four groups. The first group of patients (40 persons) received "Bifi-form" from the first day of hospitalization: 1 capsule
twice a day for 5-6 days with a basic therapy. The second group (18 patients) received “Norfloxacinum”: 0,4 g twice a
day for 3-5 days and “Bifi- form”. The third group of patients received only basic therapy (51 people). Fourth one in
addition to basic therapy received “Norfloxacinum”: 0.4 g twice a day 5-day course (21 patients).
Before treatment defecation frequency in all groups of patients ranged from (5,17±0,75) to (7,05±1,05) times a
day. Increased body temperature in admission was the same for all patients and it was (37,7±0,03) 0C. During the
treatment the abdominal pain disappeared mostly in the 1st and 3rd groups compared with the 2nd and 4th one (at
(4,10±0,13) and (4,06±0,19); on (5,11±0,26) and (5,00±0,25) days respectively, p<0,05). Normalization of defecation
among patients of 1st and 3rd groups held earlier terms (by (4,85±0,23) and (4,00±0,20), (6,11±0,48) and (5,81±0,25)
days, p<0,05) compared with the 2nd and 4th groups. Similar pattern was observed for the duration of fever: for people
from the 1st group it was normalized to (2,6±0,19) day, in 3rd group – to (2,97±0,20); in 2nd one – to (4,11±0,37), and
in 4th one – to (4,62±0,35), (p<0,05).
Before treatment among 45 people from all groups of intestinal microflora status studies were found the next:
normobiocenosis – among 5 (11,1 %), dysbacteriosis 1st degree – among 13 (29 %), 2nd degree – 17 (37,8 % ), 3rd
degree – 10 (22,2 %) patients. Before hospital discharge 20 people from the first group showed a trend to restore the
quantity of Bifido- and Lactobacterias, reducing the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
Normobiocenosis detected among 3 (15 %), dysbacteriosis 1st degree – among 8 (40 %), 2nd degree – among 7 (35 %),
3rd degree – 2 (10 %) patients. Among 10 examined people from 2rd group normobiocenosis had 1, dysbacteriosis 1
degree – 4 (40 %), 2nd degree – 3 (30 %), 3rd degree – 2 patients. Among 19 patients from 3rd group normobiocenosis
had 1 person, dysbacteriosis 1st degree – 7, 2nd degree – 8 (42,1 %), 3 rd degree – 3 (15,8 %) patients. 2 patients from
4th group had dysbacteriosis 1st degree, 4 people – 2nd, in 2 cases there was dysbacteriosis 3rd degree. During the
intestinal microflora status studies among patients of 3rd and 4th groups on 5-6 day of disease we saw an increase of
hemolytic Escherichia coli number (14,8 %), association with fungi of the genus Candida (3,7 %) to reduce the Bifidoand Lactobacterias.
Conclusions. Detecting violations of microflora at AII indicates the need of probiotics from the first days of
illness. To predict adverse effects of the disease the composition of intestinal microflora, systemic and local immunity
in the dynamics must be analyzed. It should refuse the antibiotic therapy at AII, such as that prolongs the duration of
fever, diarrhea and pain syndromes, inhibits proper obligate microflora of the colon.