ES1 Warm up game: Name: Bob the Builder

ES1 Warm up game: Name: Bob the Builder
Two teams are formed. One team is called Bob the Builders, the other team are the bulldozers.
Cones are scattered around the room. Music is playing and the Bulldozers job is to run around the
room and knock the cones over using only open hands. Bob the Builders job is to pick up the cones.
When the music stops, the teams must stop. The winner is the team that has the most cones
standing or knocked down at the end of the game. The teams then swap roles. Before the score is
announced, the two teams are asked to guess who won, just by looking at the cones.
Why is this game important for this stage?
Locomotor skills/developing running and dodging skills
Non Locomotor skills/bending to knock over cones or pick them up. Balancing cones when
standing them upright while in a hurry.
Playing the game/ Learning how to play in a team and understanding your teams role.
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
INES1.3-Interacting-Relates well to others in work and play situations
Group activity is designed so that team members are able to co-operate with each other to
ensure that they are working towards the same goal. ie Knocking over as many cones as
possible or standing cones upright as quickly as possible.
MOES1.4-Moving-Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply
in play and other introductory movement experiences
Students are asked to run around while avoiding other students also running around room
and display correct bending and movement skills simultaneously.
PSES1.5-Problem Solving-Seeks help as needed when face with simple problems
Students will have to work together at the end of the game to decide who they think has
won just by looking at the standing and non-standing cones. They can discuss within their
team what they think based on their looking at what’s in front of them.
Equipment and teaching cues:
CD Player
CD with Bob the Builder music
Students must bend with their legs so as not to hurt their backs-Teaching cues will be “Knees
in front, bottom towards the floor.”
S1 Warm up game:
Jump Jump Jump
Students are divided into 8 groups and there are eight different stations set up with a different style
of jumping for each station. Each student in there groups must perform that style of jumping for 45
seconds, with a 1 minute break before moving to next station. Music is being played during game.
S1- two foot basic step jump with rope
S2-Jump and turn in opposite direction
S3-Jumping Jacks
S4-Alternate foot basic step jump rope
S5-Jump high & click heels in air
S6-Jump crossing and uncrossing feet
S7-Jump on one foot four times
S8- Jump and pretend to turn rope
Why is this game important for this stage?
Ways to be active/ Students are developing different styles of jumping and participating in a
high level of activity.
Locomotor skills/ Students are jumping and skipping while incorporating step patterns and
hopping skills at the same time.
Playing the game/ Students will be expected to be helping members of their group with
technique if some are unsure of correct movements
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
GSS1.8-Games and Sports- Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in
minor games
Students are participating in different styles of jumping some of which includes use of a
skipping rope.
INS1.3 –Interacting- Develops positive relationships with peers and other people.
By participating in this group activity students are expected to work together and help their
peers to understand and undertake all of the different jumping styles.
MOS1.4-Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills
in a variety of predictable situations.
Students are able to absorb force when jumping and landing, students are also able to
balance on one foot when hopping.
8 skipping ropes (4 in station 1. 4 in station 4)
8 cones to mark the different stations
CD player
CD with energetic music
S2 warm up game- Locomotor Locomotion
All students are asked to use any locomotor action to start. ie; walking, running, skipping,
jumping, galloping, hopping, sliding or marching, along to music. Four students are holding a
ball whilst doing this. When a student holding a ball sees a non-ball holding student doing
the same action as them, they must give the ball to that student. The new ball holder then
begins a new movement and repeats the idea of giving the ball to a student doing the same
movement as them.
Why is this game important to this stage?
Locomotor skills/ students are made aware of the variety of different locomotor movements
and are able to practice as many as they can.
Playing the game/ Students holding the ball are aware that it is their responsibility to
observe the class in order to see who is doing the same action as themselves. Student are
also able to observe the other movements being undertaken by other students.
Elements of dance/ The students are simultaneously doing their locomotive movements
whilst listening to music. This enables the students to begin incorporating rhytym into their
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
MOS1.4-Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills
in a variety of predictable situations
Students are asked to identify and undertake the basic locomotive movements and repeat
specified movements
DAS1.7-Performs simple dance sequences incorporating basic movement skills and
Students are performing regular movements to music, and therefore incorporating rhythm
into their movements.
GSS1.8- Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in minor games.
Students are performing the fundamental locomotive skills in this game. All student will get
a turn in handling equipment throughout the game, once it is their turn to hold the ball.
4 plastic balls of medium size.
CD Player
CD with upbeat music
Poster with different locomotive actions
S3- Clean your room game
Class is divided into two teams on opposite ends of the Gym hall. Neither team can cross
halfway mark of their end. Each team begins with 10 soft plastic balls that they must throw
into other teams half, as well as defend the balls being thrown into their half. The winner is
the team that finishes with 9 points or less (1 point per ball in their own half) once time is
called. Points may be added on if balls are deliberately thrown at players in opposing team.
Why is this game important for this stage?
Effects of Physical activity/ Students are able to note the satisfaction they may feel from
working within a team to achieve desired outcome.
Manipulative skills/ Students are able to develop their catching, throwing & trapping skills in
a fast paced environment
Playing the game/ Students are incorporating fair play into the game, by not deliberately
targeting opposing team members with the ball. Students are learning about being
competitive while remaining a good sport.
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
INS2.3- Makes positive contributions in group activities
Students are developing fair play skills by participating in a competitive team sport, while
retaining a level of respect for other team members by ensuring they are not hit by the
balls being thrown.
GSS2.8- Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modifies sports
Students are able to develop multi-tasking skills by keeping an eye on incoming and
outgoing balls in their end of the gym hall. Students are making sure they are throwing
balls into opponents area and cleaning up the balls landing in their area.
V4-Increasingly accepts responsibility for personal and community health
By being penalised if they deliberately target opposing team member with the balls,
students are learning that bad sportsmanship is unacceptable and there is a level of care
that must be taken regardless of whether a person is on your team or not.
Gym hall
20 different sized soft, plastic balls
Tape to mark the halfway line in gym hall