Topics Covered: Gravity Mass and Weight Pushing and Pulling Simple Machines Collisions Forces in Motion Other Disciplines Included: Math Drama Music Technology A Third Grade Unit Time: 6 ½ hours Created by: Erica Oberholtzer Lesson One Title: Gravity Just Keeps Pulling Me Down! Grade Level Content Expectations: K-7 Standard P.FM: Develop an understanding that the position and/or motion of an object is relative to a point of reference. Understand forces affect the motion and speed of an object and that the net force on an object is the total of all of the forces acting on it. Understand the Earth pulls down on objects with a force called gravity. Develop an understanding that some forces are in direct contact with objects, while other forces are not in direct contact with objects. P.FM.E.2: Earth pulls down on all objects with a force called gravity. With very few exceptions, objects fall to the ground no matter where the object is on the Earth. P.FM.03.22: Identify the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. M.UN.03.01: Know and use common units of measurements in length, weight, and time. S.IP.03.11: Make purposeful observations of the natural world using the appropriate senses. S.IP.03.14: Manipulate simple tools that aid observation and data collection (for example: hand lens, balance, ruler, meter stick, measuring cup, thermometer, spring scale, stop watch/timer). S.I.P.03.16: Construct simple charts and graphs from data and observations. S.IA.03.13: Communicate and present findings of observations and investigations. S.IA.03.15: Compare and contrast sets of data from multiple trials of a science investigation to explain reasons for differences. Objectives: 1. The student will be able to identify that gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. 2. The student will be able to make predictions. 3. The student will be able to make purposeful observations. 4. The student will be able to accurately record data. 5. The student will be able to present their findings to their classmates. Misconceptions: Some students believe that gravity increases with height, (Phillips, W.C. 1991). This lesson lets students see how height effects a marble rolling down a hill. When the marble is released from a taller starting point, it rolls further up the hill than it would if it were released from a shorter starting point. Height does not influence the amount of gravity on an object. Students will also be asked if they think they would weigh more on the top of a building compared to on the first floor of a building. If there are misconceptions about this, we will take a scale and weigh a few students on the first floor of a building, and on the third floor of a building. Students will realize that their weight has not changed. Gravity pulls down on objects with the same amount of force, regardless of where they are located on Earth. Another misconception that will be addressed is that some students believe there is no gravity in space, (Hapkiewicz, A. 1999). In the “elaborate” portion of the lesson, students will be introduced to the difference in gravity on the moon, and other planets. Students will calculate their weight on the moon and other planets in space, and see that they could weight more or less in space. For them to weigh anything in space, gravity must be acting upon them, and therefore gravity exists in space. Materials and Setup: For the explore portion of this lesson, students will be divided into groups of three. Each individual student will have the It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet. Students will receive this worksheet after the Bicycle Pantomime that the teacher will be reading. All of the following materials will be laid out on a table, and students will need to grab what is required for the activity. It is the students’ job to set everything up, and take everything down once they are finished. Each group will need to grab: one pipe insulator cut in half lengthwise (Menards, Lowes) marble two chairs roll of tape two meter sticks For the elaborate portion of this lesson, students will stay in groups of three, and each individual student will be given a Weight Chart. Each group will receive a scale to weigh themselves. Students will also need a calculator, and something to write with. Procedure: Students should have had experience riding a bike, and understand what it feels like when riding up a hill, and riding down it. In this lesson students will take that experience a step further and the term gravity will be introduced. In the engage portion of this activity, students will watch a clip on the effects of gravity, and asked a series of questions about what they observed in the video, and how it relates to objects in everyday life. They will also act out a pantomime that the teacher will read which is about the effects of gravity while riding a bicycle. For the explore activity, students will build hills of different heights, and observe the effects gravity has on a marble when rolled down a hill. They will use the It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet to make predictions and collect data. In the explain portion, students will talk about their results, and the teacher will have a large data table on the overhead for all of the groups to record their data on. The purpose of this will be for students to compare and contrast what other groups have found. Lastly, in the elaborate portion, students will use a scale, and a simple calculation to find their weight on the moon and the seven other planets. Engage (15-20 minutes) Before asking any questions, or going into any type of discussion, students will watch a Schoolhouse Rock video about gravity. After the three minute video, the teacher will ask students: 1. What is one word you would use to describe what the video was about? Example answer: Gravity 2. What are some key words or ideas that describe gravity? Example answer: Down, force, Isaac Newton, Galileo, pulls 3. What is gravity? 4. Do you think the force of gravity on you ever changes? Next, the teacher will slowly read the Bicycle Pantomime. Students will be asked to act out the story without using words or sounds, unless indicated in the story: It is a nice spring day; great for a bike ride. You put on your helmet and pull your bike to the end of the driveway. You carefully climb onto your bike. After looking both ways, you start pedaling and turn right onto the road. The road is nice and flat for awhile. Now, you are approaching a small hill. To get to the top you have to push a little harder and faster on your pedals. The road levels off and then disappears. You suspect that the road goes downhill. You are correct. It is a long gentle slope. As you go down the hill, you can coast instead of pedal. You turn right at the bottom of the hill where the road flattens out. A nice steady even pedaling keeps you going at a constant speed. You spot a steep ravine up ahead. As you approach, you sigh before starting downhill. You have to apply the brakes to prevent yourself from going too fast. As soon as you reach the bottom, you start to climb uphill. It is so steep; you have to pedal really hard and fast. Once on top, you stop to catch your breath. The flat terrain is inviting. You pedal along at a steady speed. You turn left at the corner and continue your steady pedaling until you reach your friend’s house. You turn left into their driveway, stop, get off your bike, lean your bike against the wall, and take off your helmet. The teacher will then ask students: 1. What would you tell your friend about your bike ride and the effect of gravity as you went up and down the hills? 2. Was it harder to go uphill or downhill? Or was it the same? 3. Why do you think you had to pedal harder in some areas? Explore (30-40 minutes) Students will then be given the It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet, and assigned to a group of three. Students will be asked to read the directions on the worksheet, and they will be told that all of the materials they will need are located on a table in the back of the room. Groups will be asked to spread out so that they are not too close to another group. Students should grab one pipe insulator, a marble, two chairs, a roll of tape, and two meter sticks. Students will follow directions on the worksheet to set up the “hill”: 1. Place the two chairs about two feet apart, (24 inches). 2. Put the pipe between the two chairs, so a “U” shape forms. The pipe should be about three feet, (36 inches) high on each side. Tape the pipe to the chairs. Refer to the picture below: 3. You will be releasing a marble from different starting points along the pipe. Before you carry out this experiment, make predictions as to how far up the other side of the pipe the marble will roll, (objective #2). Talk about how high the marble will go, using inches: a. When I release the marble from a height of 30 inches… b. When I release the marble from a height of 24 inches… c. When I release the marble from a height of 18 inches… d. When I release the marble from a height of 12 inches… e. When I release the marble from a height of 6 inches… Note: For this experiment, one person should release the marble on one side, one person should be holding a meter stick on the other side, and one person should be looking at how high the marble travels. 4. Using your meter stick, place the marble 30 inches from the floor and let it go. Observe what happens, (objective #3). Once it is on the other side, record the highest height the marble traveled to. Remember to write this data down in your data table, (objective #4). 5. Repeat step four releasing your marble from a height of 24 inches, 18 inches, 12 inches, and 6 inches. 6. Repeat steps four and five in a second trial. Remember, more data= increased accuracy! After groups have conducted two complete trials, they will fill in the class data table that will be on the overhead. The only numbers that they will be filling in are in the last column of their data tables, (A-B). After groups have completed this, they will go back and look at their predictions and either support or disprove them using evidence and data that they have collected. See It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet. Explain (25-30 minutes) For the previous activity, it is a great idea to have groups come up to the overhead and explain their results to the rest of the class. In this situation, each group will talk about only one of the drop height trials they conducted. The teacher will assign each group one drop height to talk about. There will be some drop height trials that are talked about by more than one group. For example, if there are two different groups talking about the 24 inch drop height, then both groups will be in front of the class at the same time. Each group member will state what their individual prediction was, talk about what happened during the trial, tell us their results using evidence and data that was collected, and state whether or not their prediction was supported or disproved, (objective #5). Each group should only talk for about 2-4 minutes. Once each group has presented their findings, the teacher will wrap the lesson up with a quick lecture, (see scientific background for the teacher), and ask the following wrap-up questions: 1. What force was responsible for pulling the marble down towards the Earth? Example answer: Gravity, (objective #1) 2. What is gravity? Example answer: Gravity is always pulling objects down towards the Earth. It is a force that pulls us towards the center of the Earth, and keeps us from floating off into space. It also is responsible for falling objects to fall down instead of up. *Students will write their own definition of gravity on their It’s an Uphill Battle worksheets, which will be assessed, based on accuracy, and in relation to the activity. 3. What are some other objects that gravity acts upon? Example answer: Planets, the moon, people, chairs, balls, (objective #1) 4. Why didn’t the marble travel as high on the other side of the hill after it was released? Example answer: Gravity acted on the marble. Since gravity was pulling on it, the marble couldn’t reach the same height that it was released from on the other side of the hill, (objective #3). 5. Does height influence the amount of gravity on an object? (Addresses misconception). Example answer: No! Elaborate (20-25 minutes) To show students that all bodies in our solar system have gravity, the teacher will first show students a video of a man running on the moon. The video is located at Students will then be asked: 1. Do you think there is more or less gravity on the moon? Or, do you think the gravity on the moon is the same as the gravity on Earth? 2. What makes you think that? 3. Do you think that all of the planets in our solar system have gravity? (Addresses misconception). After students have had a chance to respond, and all ideas have been shared, remind students that everything in space has gravity. Some planets have more gravity than Earth, and some have less, but everything in space has a gravitational force. Gravity is actually what keeps the planets orbiting around the sun, and what keeps the moon orbiting around the Earth. Now that students are aware that all of the planets have gravity, they can calculate what they would weigh on each planet. Remind students that mass is a body of matter and takes up space. On other planets, an object may weigh more or less, but the amount of mass something has never changes. Give students the Weight Chart, and let them take turns weighing themselves. This is their weight/mass on Earth. The reason why their mass and weight is the same on Earth is because the gravity on Earth has a gravitational force of one. Any weight multiplied by one is going to give you your original number, and therefore your mass. After they have found their mass, they will write this number in every blank “mass” box in the weight chart. To find out how much they would weigh on other planets, they will need to multiply their mass by the gravitational force of the planet/moon. For example, to find your weight on the moon, a child weighing 75 pounds would multiply 75 by 0.17 and come up with 12.75. This person would weigh only 12.75 pounds on the moon! Students will continue this process until the entire chart is complete. Once students have had a chance to find their weight on all the planets, the teacher will tell students they are going to learn a song called Gravity, which is sung to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down: CHORUS Gravity is pulling down Pulling down, pulling down Gravity is pulling down All around you! Take a ball and toss it high Will it stay in the sky? Gravity will pull it down Down right to you! CHORUS Jump up high and down you’ll go There’s a force down below Gravity is pulling down All around you! CHORUS Evaluate Students will be assessed throughout the entire lesson. Objective #1: After students have completed the It’s an Uphill Battle activity, they should be coming to the conclusion that gravity is the force acting on the marble, which pulls it towards the Earth. I will know that students now understand this concept by the responses they give in their group presentations. I will also check for understanding when I’m asking the wrap-up questions at the end of the activity. If needed, I will call on students that have stuck out to me in needing extra help with the activity to make sure they have grasped the concept that gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. Lastly, I will check the It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet for students’ definitions of what gravity is. This will insure that they have grasped the concept, that they have used their own words, and have referenced the activity that was done in class. Objective #2: Students should have already had practice with making predictions, so here I am looking for clear, well thought out predictions. I don’t just want students saying something like “the marble will roll up the hill”. I am expecting a complete answer, such as “when dropped from a height of 24 inches, the marble will roll up the other side of the hill, but will not make it as high”. I will assess students’ predictions by what they tell the class in their group presentations, and by looking at their It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet, and seeing how much thought was put into their predictions, and whether or not they stated if their predictions were either supported or disproved. Their worksheets should be complete, and predictions should be well thought-out. Objective #3: Students should have many hours of practice in making observations. In this lesson, I am hoping to see that students are making purposeful observations. They aren’t just noticing that the marble is rolling up the other side of the hill. They should be observing that there is a reason the marble isn’t rolling as far up the opposite side of the hill, and that there is a force, (gravity) that is acting, and pulling on the marble. Students will prove to me that they have made purposeful observations by what they present to the class in their groups, and the answers that they provide in the It’s an Uphill Battle worksheet in the conclusions portion. I will check that students are stating what they observed when the marble rolled down the hill, and how this differed at varying heights. Objective #4: Students should be practicing recording data correctly, and accurately. In this activity, students have the opportunity to use a data table to record their measurements of marble travel height. I will be looking to see that students are using the inches side of the meter stick, and that they are writing units, (in this case inches) in their tables. Since they will also be doing math, (subtracting) I will check to see that their calculations are correct. Data tables should be complete! Objective #5: Since it is very important for students to work collaboratively in groups, I have implemented a group presentation into this lesson, and students will be assessed as a group. Since every group member is required to speak and talk about their individual predictions, this is a fair way to asses each students learning. Students should be able to report their findings to the rest of their classmates, and that is what I will be checking for. Group presentations will be assessed using the following rubric: Overall Presentation Above Average: 5 points -Every group member spoke -Presentation was clear, and easy to follow along Predictions -Student stated original predictions -Predictions were testable -Student stated weather original prediction was supported or disproved Evidence Provided Every claim that was made was backed up by evidence Average: 2-4 points -Some of the group members spoke -Presentation was somewhat clear, but a bit hard to follow At least two: -Student stated original predictions -Predictions were testable -Student stated weather original prediction was supported or disproved Some of the claims were backed up by evidence Poor: 0-1 points -Only one of the group members spoke -Presentation was unclear and hard to follow Only one or less of the following: -Student stated original predictions -Predictions were testable -Student stated weather original prediction was supported or disproved None of the claims were backed up by evidence Scientific Background for the Teacher: For this lesson, students should distinguish between mass, weight, and gravity. An objects weight is a measurement of the force exerted on that object by gravity. Gravity is always pulling objects down towards the Earth. It is a force that pulls us towards the center of the Earth, and keeps us from floating off into space. It also is responsible for falling objects to fall down instead of up. Gravity is the driving force that keeps Earth and the other seven planets in orbit around the sun. Gravity is also responsible for keeping the moon in orbit around the Earth, and for keeping any of the moons in orbit around their corresponding planet. Gravitational fields are uniform at all points on the Earth’s surface. The amount of gravity is different on all eight planets, and the moons that surround them. Earth’s moon has less gravity that Earth, so on the moon you would weigh less because there isn’t as much of a gravitational force pulling you towards the center of the moon. Galileo Galilei contradicted Aristotle’s idea that heavier objects accelerate faster than lighter ones. In his famous experiment where he dropped two objects of different weight off of the Tower of Pisa, he concluded that all objects, regardless of their weight, have the same amount of gravitational acceleration. Sir Isaac Newton then concluded that there is an attractive force between all objects that have mass. Mass is a body of matter and takes up space. On other planets, an object may weight more or less, but the amount of mass something has never changes. References: "Gravity and Weight on Other Planets." Teacher Vision. N.p., 2002. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <>. Hapkiewicz, A. "Naive Ideas in Earth Science." MSTA Journal 44.2 (1999): 26-30. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. < misconcept.html#force>. Phillips, W C. "Earth Science Misconceptions." Science Teacher Feb. 1991: 21-23. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. < misconcept.html#force>. "Running on the Moon." YouTube. N.p., 13 Apr. 2008. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <>. "Schoolhouse Rock: Gravity." Gamequarium. N.p., 18 Apr. 2008. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <>. "The Force of Gravity." Utah Education Network. N.p., 7 Oct. 2004. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <>. Name:______________________ It’s an Uphill Battle! You will need the following materials: one pipe insulator marble two chairs roll of tape two meter sticks Follow the directions below: 1. Place the two chairs about two feet apart, (24 inches). 2. Put the pipe between the two chairs, so a “U” shape forms. The pipe should be about three feet, (36 inches) high on each side. Tape the pipe to the chairs. Refer to the picture below: 3. You will be releasing a marble from different starting points along the pipe. Before you carry out this experiment, make predictions as to how far up the other side of the pipe the marble will roll. Talk about how high the marble will go, using inches: a. When I release the marble from a height of 30 inches… b. When I release the marble from a height of 24 inches… c. When I release the marble from a height of 18 inches… d. When I release the marble from a height of 12 inches… e. When I release the marble from a height of 6 inches… Note: For this experiment, one person should release the marble on one side, one person should be holding a meter stick on the other side, and one person should be looking at how high the marble travels. 4. Using your meter stick, place the marble 30 inches from the floor and let it go. Observe what happens. Once it is on the other side, record the highest height the marble traveled to. Remember to write this data down in your data table. 5. Repeat step four releasing your marble from a height of 24 inches, 18 inches, 12 inches, and 6 inches. B: How far up the other side Difference A: Starting Point of the pipe the marble traveled A-B= 30 inches 24 inches 18 inches 12 inches 6 inches 6. Repeat steps four and five in a second trial. Remember, more data= increased accuracy! A: Starting Point B: How far up the other side of the pipe the marble traveled Difference A-B= 30 inches 24 inches 18 inches 12 inches 6 inches Conclusions: Either support or disprove your predictions using evidence and data you collected. a. My prediction of 30 inches was… b. My prediction of 24 inches was… c. My prediction of 18 inches was… d. My prediction of 12 inches was… e. My prediction of 6 inches was… What is the force that pulled on the marble? Be sure to talk about the activity we just completed! Name:________________________ How much would you weigh on other planets? Location Earth Mass Gravitational Force Weight 1 Earth’s Moon 0.17 Mars 0.38 Venus 0.90 Mercury 0.38 Jupiter 2.36 Saturn 0.92 Uranus 0.89 Neptune 1.13 On which planet/moon did you weigh the most?_____________________________ On which planet/moon did you weight the least?_____________________________ Lesson Two Title: How Do Simple Machines Affect Push and Pull? Grade Level Content Expectations: P.FM.E.3: A force is either a push or a pull. The motion of objects can be changed by forces. The size of the change is related to the size of the force. The change is also related to the weight, (mass) of the object on which the force is being exerted. When an object does not move in response to a force, it is because another force is being applied by the environment. P.FM.03.35: Describe how a push or a pull is a force. P.FM.03.36: Relate a change in motion of an object to the force that caused the change of motion. S.IP.03.13: Plan and conduct simple and fair investigations. S.IP.03.14: Manipulate simple tools that aid observation and data collection (for example: hand lens, balance, ruler, meter stick, measuring cup, thermometer, spring scale, stop watch/timer). S.IP.03.15: Make accurate measurements with appropriate units (centimeters, meters, Celsius, grams, seconds, minutes) for the measurement tool. S.IP.03.16 Construct simple charts and graphs from data and observations. Objectives: 1. The student will be able to describe how a push or a pull is a force. 2. The student will be able to demonstrate how pushing and pulling create and effect movement. 3. The student will be able to identify the six major simple machines that are used in science. These are an inclined plane, pulley, wheel and axle, screw, lever and wedge. 4. The student will be able to communicate and present their findings from their investigation to their peers. 5. The student will be able to accurately record data. Misconceptions: Some students believe that machines put out more work than people put in, (Hapkiewicz, A. 1992). This lesson lets students work with simple machines so that they can observe that pushing and pulling on a machine, does not put out more work than was put it. If the student only pushes or pulls slightly, the machine will only work slightly. If the student exerts a large force, the machine will work with more force. Students can also observe this when working with the lever. If the lever is centered, students can observe that it will become level only when one side has as much weight on it as the other side. If misconceptions remain after the lesson, students will work individually with the teacher, using the simple machines that they have created. The student will be able to observe pushing, pulling, force, and work, and how much work goes into the machine, and comes out. Students can also visit where they can interactively work with everyday simple machines and observe how work affects them. Materials and Setup: For the explore portion of this lesson, students will be divided into groups of 3-4. There will be 12 stations set up in the room, (two for each simple machine). Students only need to visit each simple machine once. Each station will ask students to try to create the simple machine on their own. Once they have attempted this, they can lift up a piece of paper to see the correct way to construct the simple machine. Students will move to each station, create their simple machine, and observe how it reduces work by pushing or pulling. Each individual student will have the two Push or Pull worksheets, which are located at They will also have a Data and Conclusions worksheet. Students will receive the two Push or Pull worksheets during the engage portion of the lesson, and will receive the Data and Conclusions worksheet during the explore portion of the lesson. Scissors Crayons Inclined plane 3 hardcover books twine spring scale 1x8 piece of wood (Menards, Lowes) table Pulley 2 thread spools (empty) 4 foot piece of string 2 pencils paperclip feather Wheel and Axle small bike (toy dirt bikes) Screw screwdriver (Menards, Lowes) screw with few threads (Menards, Lowes) screw with many threads (Menards, Lowes) cork block Lever brick 1x2 piece of wood, about one foot long (Menards, Lowes) 5-10 of the same paperback books, all of equal weight Wedge child’s plastic axe 2 cork blocks masking tape Once each group of students has created their simple machine, and observed what it does, they will be asked to take it apart so the next group can create the simple machine with the same materials. Safety: Students will be working with some sharp objects, (screwdriver, screws), and some heavy objects, (bricks, wood boards). They will be reminded that screwdrivers are only for touching screws, and screws only get screwed into the cork that will be provided. There is no swordfighting with the screwdrivers! Bricks and wood boards ALWAYS stay on the ground, and are never used as weapons. Students will be asked to only be an observer if they are caught using the materials the wrong way. Requisite Knowledge: Up to this point, students have worked with mass and weight, and know how to measure weight using a scale. Students have been introduced to what gravity is, and have observed the effects it has on objects on Earth. They have also explored how gravity effects objects on the moon, and the seven other planets. Students have been learning about force as a push or a pull since kindergarten and are now building more complex thoughts from these simple ideas. Procedure: For this lesson, students will address the explorable question, “How is a push or pull a force?” In the engage portion of the activity, students will move objects in the room and talk about what the easiest way to move that object was. Students will then work on two Push or Pull worksheets that will get them better acquainted with these terms. In the explore portion of the lesson, students will be using simple machines to experience pushing and pulling. Students will visit six stations in groups where they will build one of the six simple machines at each station. Once the simple machine is built, they will use it to push, pull or lift a load. In the explain portion, students will work on thinking questions from the explore activity and explain, with evidence, how a push or pull is a force, and what they observed with the simple machines. Lastly, students will go to the EdHeads website and fine-tune their knowledge of simple machines, and be introduced to what a compound machine is. Engage (20-25 minutes) Students will be given a scenario. First they will be asked what furniture is in the room. As they call out objects, the teacher will write them on the board. Students will then be asked how they would go about moving these objects. The words that they say should also be written on the board (such as push, roll, pull, lift). Students will then be asked to go up to a piece of furniture and find the easiest way to move it, (objective #2). Once they are back in their seats, they will report back to the class what object they chose, what techniques they used to move it, and what the easiest way to move the object was. We will then make a tally sheet on the board to find out what the easiest way to move objects in the classroom was. We will talk about what the terms “push” and “pull” mean and students will be asked if they think one force is easier to move objects than the other. Students will also be asked if the object moved as much as they pushed or pulled it, or if it moved less or more, (addresses misconceptions). Students will then be given the two Push or Pull worksheets. As a class, we will go over the first Push or Pull worksheet as they fill out their own copy. Next, students can work in pairs to color and cut out the pictures from the second Push or Pull worksheet. They will be asked to cut out each picture and arrange them in two piles: push or pull. After the two piles have been created, students will be asked to think about these objects while creating their simple machines. Also, the question “How is a push or pull a force?” will be put on the board, and students will be asked to keep this explorable question in mind while they are doing their investigation. Students will be reminded that they will need to find clues and evidence that support their answer to this question during the investigation. Explore (40-45 minutes). Students should spend about 5-7 minutes at each station. Students will be divided into groups of 3-4. There will be 12 stations set up in the room, (two for each simple machine). Students will only need to visit each simple machine once. Each station will ask students to try to create the simple machine on their own. Once they have attempted this, they can lift up a piece of paper to see the correct way to construct the simple machine. Once a group has built a simple machine, they will ask the teacher to check it for accuracy. Once they have the go-ahead from the teacher, they can test how the machine works. Students will move to each station, create their simple machine, and observe how it reduces work by pushing or pulling. Students should be reminded to take the simple machine apart once they have observed how it works, and recorded any observations. Students should also be reminded of the thinking questions on their Data and Conclusions worksheet. They will be encouraged not to answer them until they are done building all of their simple machines, but they should take short notes to remind themselves what they observed, (objective #3). Inclined plane Tie 3 of the hardcover books together, (back to back), with twine. Attach the spring scale to the twine in the middle of the book stack. Pull the books straight up, but pull very slowly, and record the weight. Repeat this three times. Then, set up the 1x8 board so that it is leaning against a low table. Using the spring scale, pull the 3 books up the ramp, and record the weight. Repeat this three times. Record the weights of the inclined plane experiment in your table. Thinking questions: 1. Which method used less weight to pull the books up? 2. Name some uses in everyday life where inclined planes are used. Pulley Put each of the pencils through the center of each of the empty thread spools. Then tie the ends of the 4 foot piece of string together to make a loop. Have one person hold the ends of one pencil while another person holds the other pencil. Carefully wrap the string around the spools to create a pulley. Attach a paperclip to the string so that it moves with the string. Place a feather in the paperclip. Have another group member pull the string to see the paperclip move the feather. Thinking questions: 1. What are some advantages of using a pulley? 2. Name some uses in everyday life where pulleys are used. Wheel and Axle Use the toy dirt bikes to show what a wheel and axle system looks like. Have students use their fingers to ride the bike, and see how the axle, (pedals), turn the wheel. Thinking question: 1. What does a wheel and axle system look like? Screw Using masking tape; make a small mark on a screwdriver that will help the students count how many times they turn the screwdriver. Place the screwdriver into the screw with few threads into the cork block. Begin turning the screwdriver and count how many times it is turned until the screw is completely in the cork block. Repeat again with another screw with the same amount of threads. Do this with the screw with many threads twice as well. Record the amount of times the screwdriver is turned in your table. Thinking question: 1. Which screw made the screwdriver turn more? Lever Place the brick on the ground and put the 1x2 piece of wood over it with the brick in the center to create a lever. Put four books on one end of the lever. Then add books one at a time to the other side to see how many books are needed to lift the books on the opposite side. Then adjust the board to make the weight arm, (the side with the four books) longer than the force arm, (the side you add the books to). Again, add books one at a time to the force arm to see how many books are needed to move the weight arm. Next, adjust the board to make the weight arm shorter than the force arm. Add books to the force arm to see how many books are needed to move the weight arm. Record the amount of books needed to move the weight arm in your table. Thinking question: 1. Describe the patterns you saw when using the lever. Wedge Tape two cork blocks together with masking tape. Using the plastic axe, cut the cork blocks where the masking tape is until they are in two separate pieces. Explain that with a piece of wood, a wedge would be used to split the wood into different pieces, and without the wedge, this process would be very difficult. Thinking question: 1. Name some uses in everyday life where wedges are used. Explain (50-55 minutes) Students will return to their seats after they have had a chance to build all six simple machines. They should have made observations and short notes on their Data and Conclusions worksheet. During this time, students should be working on all of the thinking questions presented to them on the Data and Conclusions worksheet. After students have had about 25 minutes to think about and complete these questions, we will talk about them as a class, and share what we observed with the simple machines. The teacher will re-create the simple machine in front of the class and ask students what it is called. Students will take turns coming up to the front of the classroom to demonstrate how they used the simple machine and how force was used. Students will be encouraged to use the words “push, pull and force”. Each group will then stand up in front of the class, and share their answers and conclusions to the question, “How is a push or pull a force?”, and answers must have evidence from the investigation to support their claims, (objective #1 and #4). I will make sure that all of the groups have explained how push or pull is a force. If I think anything needs to be added, I will do so at the end of the group presentations. Elaborate (30-35 minutes) Students will have the opportunity to incorporate technology into the classroom. We will go down to the computer lab and go to the EdHeads website Here, students can first go through four different rooms and find all of the simple machines that are located there. The website does score the students so that they can see how well they understand the concept. During this time, the teacher will be walking around the room to check for students that are getting low scores. The scores are only for students to see how well they are doing, but the teacher will have the opportunity to see which students need more practice. If there is enough time after students have gone through the four rooms to find all of the simple machines, they can then click on the “tool shed” where they are introduced to compound machines. Students are asked to find all of the simple machines in a compound machine. The website talks students through what a compound machine is, and how all of the simple machines work together. Evaluate Students will be assessed throughout the entire lesson. Objective #1: As the teacher recreates the simple machine in front of the class, students should confidently demonstrate how it is used. The teacher will call on those students who seemed to struggle during the investigation so that they can get more practice. These students should be able to use the words “push, pull and force”. Students will also be able to assess themselves at this time with how easily they are able to use the words “push, pull, and force”. I will also look for understanding when students are explaining their findings in the group presentations. These presentations will be very short, but I am looking to see that students use examples from the activity to describe how pushing and pulling were the forces used in operating each simple machine. Objective #2: After moving the furniture, each student should be able to use the words push or pull as they talk about how they moved the object. Force gives an object, (such as the furniture in the room), the energy to change direction, move, or stop moving. When you push or pull an object, that object will move. Students should be able to distinguish between push and pull, and be able to divide the pictures from the Push or Pull worksheet into two piles. This checks for understanding and lets the teacher see who is still struggling with these vocabulary words. I will also assess students as they are working at each station to see if they are grasping the concept that they are using two forces: pushing and pulling, to use the simple machines. Lastly, I will assess the Data and Conclusions worksheet to see that students have talked about how pushing and pulling create movement through the use of an inclined plane (push or pull), a pulley (pull), wheel and axle (push), screw (push), wedge (push) and lever (push). Objective #3: Students should be able to identify each simple machine as the teacher recreates it. The student should also have a completed Data and Conclusions worksheet, where they have identified simple machines in everyday life. While using the EdHeads website, students should recognize and identify the simple machines that are being used. Here, students will be graded solely for their own benefit. Students can also work with compound machines, and take their understanding of simple machines a bit further to see if they truly understand the concepts presented in this lesson. During this time, the teacher can circulate around the room to check for students that may need more practice with push, pull, and simple machines. Objective #4: Students will give a short presentation in their groups about their findings to the explorable question using evidence from the investigation. Each group will be graded using the following rubric: Overall Presentation Above Average: 5 points -Every group member spoke -Presentation was clear, and easy to follow along Explanation -Student explained how of push/pull was used Investigation -Names of simple machines used -Findings were clear Evidence Provided Every claim that was made was backed up by evidence Average: 3-4 points -Some of the group members spoke -Presentation was somewhat clear, but a bit hard to follow At least two of the following: -Student explained how push/pull was used -Names of simple machines used -Findings were clear Some of the claims were backed up by evidence Poor: 0-2 points -Only one of the group members spoke -Presentation was unclear and hard to follow Only one or less of the following: -Student explained how push/pull was used -Names of simple machines used -Findings were clear None of the claims were backed up by evidence Objective #5: Students should be able to fill in the tables with the data they collected and answer the thinking questions with confidence. The data tables will we checked for completeness, and whether or not students used the correct units, (grams and turns). I will also be able to check that students have collected accurate data by each group presentation, which requires that students use evidence from their investigation to back up their claims. Other assessments: Students should be able to work cooperatively in groups. They should also be able to safely follow directions and use the materials correctly. Students will also be individually assessed as they make observations and notes as they are working through each simple machine. Students should be thinking and talking about the questions on the Data and Conclusions worksheet. Students will be assessed as a group: if they have successfully built the simple machine and used it in the way it was intended. During this time, the teacher can assess problem-solving skills. Scientific Background for the teacher: Force is defined as that which can cause an object to move, or accelerate. Force gives an object, (such as the furniture in the room), the energy to change direction, move, or stop moving. When you push or pull an object, that object will move. Force is found by multiplying the mass of an object by acceleration, which is expressed in Newtons (N). Force can be experienced as a pull, a lift, or a push. It is for this reason that simple machines are almost always connected to force. When using a simple machine, you are hoping to use less force to move an object. A simple machine is a device that makes work easier by pushing, pulling, or lifting an object over an increased distance. Work is found when a constant force is applied over a certain distance. Work can be found by multiplying force by distance. Work is made easier through simple machines. There are six basic simple machines, which are the inclined plane, pulley, the wheel and axle, screw, lever, and wedge. Inclined Plane: A flat surface with two endpoints, one being higher than the other. When we move an object up an inclined plane instead of lifting up the object vertically, we decrease the amount of force that is used to move the object, but increase the distance the object will travel. This is because to lift an object vertically, a force must be applied that is equal to the weight of the object. When an inclined plane is used, a force smaller than the weight of the object can be exerted over a greater distance. Examples of an inclined plane: ramps, hills, and slopes. Pulley: Used to change the direction of the force used to do work. Any types of moving pulleys are used to reduce force. A pulley is made up of a wheel with a groove in-between two flanges. The groove of the pulley usually contains a rope or cable. Examples of a pulley: Flag pole, crane, curtain rod, and tow truck. Wheel and Axle: Helps to turn something with more ease, or move something across a surface with less force. It consists of a wheel that turns an axle, or vice versa. Examples of a wheel and axle: Screwdrivers, wheels on an automobile, windmills, and gears. Screw: Helps to hold objects together, and can turn a rotational force to a linear force. A screw has a line that goes around it called a thread. The more threads a screw has, the less work one has to do. Examples of a screw: Lead screw, and automatic garage door. Lever: Consists of three parts, which are the fulcrum, (supports the lever), the weight arm, (from the fulcrum to the weight that will be lifted), and the force arm, (from the fulcrum to the part where a person is pushing or pulling). Examples of a lever: Pliers, scissors, and tweezers. Wedge: Like two inclined planes but back to back. A wedge works much differently because it moves through things. It is used to separate two things, lift an object, or hold an object in place. Examples of a wedge: Axes, mauls, and door stops. References: Coleman, R. (1997, March). Retrieved March 12, 2010, from Hapkiewicz, A. (1992, October). Finding a List of Science Misconceptions. MSTA Newsletter, p. 11. Huddle, C. (2004, June). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from SIMPLE_MACHINES.html Parker, J. (2001, July). Push or Pull?. Retrieved March 12, 2010, from Wheatley, G. (2000, January). Simple Machines. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from Name:_______________________ Date:____________ Data and Conclusions Inclined Plane LIFTING BOOKS WITHOUT LIFTING BOOKS WITH INCLINED INCLINDED PLANE PLANE Trial One Trial One Trial Two Trial Two Trial Three Trial Three 1. Which method used less weight to pull the books up? 2. Name some uses in everyday life where inclined planes are used. 3. What are some advantages of using a pulley? 4. Name some uses in everyday life where pulleys are used. 5. Draw a picture of a wheel and axle system. Label the wheel and axle in your diagram. Screw NUMBER OF TURNS OF SCREWDRIVER WITH FEW THREAD SCREW Trial One NUMBER OF TURNS OF SCREWDRIVER TURNS WITH MANY THREAD SCREW Trial One Trial Two Trial Two 6. Which screw, (the one with few threads or the one with many threads), made the screwdriver turn more? Lever AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM IN CENTER AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM TOWARDS FORCE ARM AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM TOWARDS WEIGHT ARM 7. Describe the patterns you saw when using the lever. 8. Name some uses in everyday life where wedges are used. ANSWER SHEET: Data and Conclusions Inclined Plane LIFTING BOOKS WITHOUT LIFTING BOOKS WITH INCLINED INCLINDED PLANE PLANE Trial One Trial One Trial Two Trial Two Trial Three Trial Three 1. Which method used less weight to pull the books up? Example answer: The inclined plane used less weight to pull the books up. 2. Name some uses in everyday life where inclined planes are used. Example answer: Inclined planes are used as ramps, hills, and slopes. 3. What are some advantages of using a pulley? Example answer: A pulley is used to reduce force. 4. Name some uses in everyday life where pulleys are used. Example answer: Pulley’s are used with flag poles, cranes, curtain rods, and tow trucks. 5. Draw a picture of a wheel and axle system. Label the wheel and axle in your diagram. Screw NUMBER OF TURNS OF SCREWDRIVER WITH FEW THREAD SCREW Trial One NUMBER OF TURNS OF SCREWDRIVER TURNS WITH MANY THREAD SCREW Trial One Trial Two Trial Two 6. Which screw, (the one with few threads or the one with many threads), made the screwdriver turn more? Example answer: The screw with fewer threads made the screwdriver turn more. Lever AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM IN CENTER AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM TOWARDS FORCE ARM AMOUNT OF BOOKS NEEDED WITH FULCRUM TOWARDS WEIGHT ARM 7. Describe the patterns you saw when using the lever. Example answer: There was an even amount of books on each side when the fulcrum was in the center. You need more books when the weight arm is longer. You need fewer books when the force arm is longer 8. Name some uses in everyday life where wedges are used. Example answer: Wedges are used as axes, mauls, and door stops. Lesson Three Title: Collisions Grade Level Content Expectations: P.FM.03.37: Demonstrate how the change in motion of an object is related to the strength of the force acting upon the object and to the mass of the object. P.FM.03.38: Demonstrate when an object does not move in response to a force, it is because another force is acting on it. P.FM.03.41: Describe the motion of objects in terms of direction. P.FM.03.42: Identify changes in motion (change direction, speeding up, slowing down). S.IP.03.11: Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses. S.IP.03.13: Plan and conduct simple and fair investigations. S.I.P.03.16: Construct simple charts and graphs from data and observations. S.IA.03.15: Compare and contrast sets of data from multiple trials of a science investigation to explain reasons for differences. Objectives: 1. The student will be able to predict why an object does not move in terms of the forces acting upon it. 2. The student will be able to demonstrate how the change in motion of an object is related to the strength of the force acting upon it. 3. The student will be able to predict in which direction and the distance traveled an object will move when certain forces are acting upon it. 4. The student will be able to identify if an object will speed up or slow down in response to a force acting upon it. 5. The student will be able to make purposeful observations. 6. The student will be able to accurately record data into a table. Misconceptions: Some students believe that forces acting on bodies or objects are only associated with living things, (Hapkiewicz, A. 1999). This lesson lets students see that forces also act on objects that are not living as well. Students will be using bags of rice, wooden dowels, balls, and wind-up cars. All of these things are non living, yet students will observe that they will move when forces act upon them. Materials and Setup: For the engage portion of this lesson, students will watch while the teacher does a demonstration in front of the class. For this demonstration, I will need: sock 1 cup of rice 12” piece of string 36” piece of string paper clip bent into a “S” shape 20-30 washers To set up for this demonstration, fill the sock with the cup of rice, and tie the sock shut with the 12” piece of string. Then, attach the 36” string to the cuff of the sock. Tie the bent paper clip to the other end of the 36” piece of string. The washers will be used once the demonstration begins. For the explore portion, students will be separated into groups of four. Each student will be given a Collision Zone worksheet. Each group will then need the following items, which will be located on a table in the back of the room: two 3 foot dowels, taped together at each end (Menards, Hobby Lobby) a basket of equal size balls containing: one marble one rubber bouncy ball one gum ball one hard Styrofoam ball one wooden ball For the elaborate portion, students will be divided in the same groups of four, and given the following materials: wind-up toy, such as a toy car bent, S-shaped paperclip washers stopwatch Safety: We will be using items that could hurt other classmates if thrown, such as the metal balls. If I see any balls being thrown or bounced, that student will be asked to sit and watch their group mates do the activity, instead of actively participating until they can prove to me that they can handle the task at hand. Also, the wooden dowels are not to be used as swords. If I see any sword fighting, those students will be asked to be an observer in their groups. Requisite Knowledge: Up to this point, students have worked with different forces, such as gravity, pushing and pulling, and understand that when a force acts on an object, that object will react by either moving or stopping. They also know that gravity acts on all objects located on Earth, such as people, animals, chairs, and balls. Procedure: Students will now take what they have learned about forces, and apply that to more complex ideas about changes in motion, strength of forces, and the direction an object moves in response to a force. In the engage portion of this lesson, students will observe a demonstration in which a sock filled with rice does not move until enough washers are added, to make it move across and off of the table. For the explore activity, students will collide a variety of balls made of different materials (glass, rubber, Styrofoam, wood, and gum), and observe what happens when an equal force acts upon them. They will use the Collision Zone worksheet to predict what will happen when two different balls collide, and they will record any observations. From this point, they will expand their thinking to find out how weight affects the force and speed of an object. Engage (10-15 minutes) Students will be shown a demonstration. The teacher will have a pre-assembled sock filled with a cup of rice. The sock will be positioned so it is laying 90% on the table, with only about 10% of the string hanging off of the table (see picture in question #3 below). Students will be asked the following questions (see Science Journal handout). 1. What is one force that you have learned about that is always acting on the rice sock? (Objective #1) Example answer: Gravity 2. Predict how many washers you think should be added to the paperclip in order for the rice sock to move across and off of the table. 3. Draw an arrow showing which direction you think the rice sock will move once washers are added. Also, draw an arrow to show the direction gravity is acting on the rice sock. Lastly, draw an arrow showing the direction of the force of the washers. Each student’s name will be written on the board, and the teacher will write their individual predictions next to their name. The teacher will then have each student come up and add washers, one at a time until the rice sock begins to move. More washers may need to be added in order for the rice sock to completely fall off of the table. Discuss student predictions, and instruct students to get out their science journals. Ask them to answer (in their own words): Why didn’t the sock move until enough washers were added? Example answer: The rice sock always weighs the same while it is lying on the table. As the washers (force) are added, a certain point is reached where the force is greater than the force of gravity, so the rice sock moves across and off of the table. Explore (35-40 minutes) Students will be given the Collision Zone worksheet, and assigned to a group of four. Each group will be instructed that they will need the following items, which will be located on a table in the back of the room: two 3 foot dowels, taped together at each end one marble one rubber bouncy ball one Styrofoam ball one gum ball one wooden ball Students will be told to examine all of the balls, and to predict what will happen when balls made up of different materials collide. On the Collision Zone worksheet, there is an area where students can make predictions (in words) as to what they think will happen. I will ask students to make predictions only for the first four trials. Next, students should break out into their groups, and place the wooden dowels on a flat surface. Students will use their Collision Zone worksheet to determine which two balls will be colliding. They will then select these two balls and place them on opposite sides of the wooden dowels. One student will be selected per trial to roll the two balls together with the same amount of force. Only one student will be doing this at a time to insure that the same amount of force is used. Students will then write down their observations (in words) about what happened on the Collision Zone worksheet (objective #5). Students will be performing the first four collisions. We will then stop and talk as a group about what happened in the first four trials. For each trial, I will draw the two labeled balls on the board, and we will draw arrows in the direction the balls traveled after they collided. A short arrow should be used if the ball only moved slightly after the collision or a longer arrow if the ball moved significantly after the collision. Students will then be instructed to draw what they think might happen in the fifth trial, (including arrows) and we will then do this trial together (objective #3). Students will then make predictions for trials 6-10, and complete them. Once students have done all ten trials, instruct them to return the materials to the back table, and sit back in their assigned seats. Explain (20-25 minutes) After all students have had a chance to finish all ten trials, we will have a small discussion on the motion of objects and the strength of the force acting upon them. I will first talk about: 1. What was different about each of the balls you used in this experiment? Example answer: Weight, material they were made out of 2. In which direction did the balls move after they collided? Example answer: Forward, and backward Students should pull out their science journals. I will ask each student to make ten drawings. Each drawing will be one of the ten trials, and I will expect students to draw arrows to show in which direction the balls moved. I will review with students that a short arrow is used if the ball only moved slightly after the collision, or a longer arrow is used if the ball moved significantly after the collision (objective #2, and #3). The teacher will then draw each of the ten collisions on the overhead, and students will have the opportunity to come up and draw the arrows for each collision. We will discuss as a group if each arrow drawn is correct. Once this has been completed, the teacher will ask the following questions and ask students to write down their ideas/responses in their science journals: 1. What made some balls move slightly, and some balls move significantly? Example answer: Even though the balls are all the same size, they all vary in weight because they are made up of different materials. This varying weight effects how the ball will react when it collides with another ball. Some materials also absorb energy. 2. How do you think two balls made of the same material would react in a collision, keeping in mind they weigh the same, and are the same size? Lastly, I will have other balls that are the same size but made up of different materials (different weights), and ask students what they think will happen when they collide (and drawing predictions, with arrows, in their science journals). I will then do a short demonstration of these collisions. By this time, students’ predictions should be right on (objective #2, and #3). Elaborate (20-25 minutes) As an extend activity, I will have groups of four students grab a wind-up toy such as a toy car, one bent s-shaped paperclip, a stopwatch, and a handful of washers. (This activity could be done as a demonstration, but it would not allow small groups of students to make predictions and test out their ideas). I will have two pieces of tape on the ground set up for each group. One piece of tape will be their starting point, and the other piece of tape will be one meter away; the finish line. First off, students would be instructed to wind up their toy, let it go at the starting point, and record how long it takes to reach the finish line. They will record this time, (in seconds) on the Slowing Down worksheet located on the back of the Collision Zone worksheet. Students will then make their own individual predictions as to what will happen when washers are added to a paperclip attached to the back of the toy car, (objective #4). Students will then start by adding four washers and record how long it takes the toy car to reach the finish line. After this trial, students will add washers two at a time and observe what happens to the toy car and record the time it takes to get to the finish line, (objective #5, and #6). Eventually, the car will be unable to move because the weight is too great to move by the amount of force applied. After students have finished this activity in their groups, they should return to their assigned seats and I will ask the following questions. They should record their answers in their science journals. 1. Does the force of the car remain the same when washers are added? (Objective #4). Example answer: Yes, the wind-up toy has the same amount of force acting on it. 2. What makes the toy car slow down and eventually stop? (Objective #1 and #4). Example answer: The weight is too great to move by the amount of force applied. Evaluate Students will be assessed throughout the entire lesson. Objective #1: Students should know that gravity is a force that acts on all objects on Earth, regardless if they are moving or not. I will be looking to see that students can predict and observe why an object does not move because of the forces acting upon it. In this lesson I will address this concept by reading the responses students give in their science journals to the following questions: 1. What is one force that you have learned about that is acting on the rice sock while it is not moving? Expected answer: Gravity 2. What makes the toy car slow down and eventually stop? Expected answer: The weight is too great to move by the amount of force applied. Objective #2, and#3: Students will be working with equal forces in the explore portion of this lesson. They will see that different objects react when a force is exerted on them. Each student will have the opportunity to use their own force to collide a set of balls. Depending on the amount of force that is used, the balls will react more or less when collided, if a greater or smaller force is applied. To see that students understand this concept, they will be drawing all ten trials with arrows representing how significant the balls moved once they collided. I will grade these drawings based on accuracy of the arrows drawn. This way I can see that students understood which ball moved more, and how the force affected the direction of the different objects in motion. Lastly, I will look at the predictions students made in their science journals of the activity I did with the balls (different than students used in the explore activity). These predictions should be a self test for students to see that they understood the concepts presented in this lesson. Objective #4: Students will also be adding washers to a toy car, and will be making predictions as to how the added weight will affect the force of the toy car. I will look at the Slowing Down worksheet for student’s predictions to this concept. They should understand that the toy car has the same amount of force acting on it, and that is why, when washers are added, that force can no longer move the weight (load) attached to the toy car. I will know that students have learned this concept by checking their response in their science journal to the following questions: 1. Does the force of the car remain the same when washers are added? Expected answer: Yes, the wind-up toy has the same amount of force acting on it. 2. What makes the toy car slow down and eventually stop? Expected answer: The weight is too great to move by the amount of force applied. Objective #5: By this point in time, students have had considerable time making purposeful observations. In this activity, I will be looking to see that students are talking about the collisions they are observing, and that they are writing down exactly what they are seeing. I will grade their Collision Zone worksheet based on if they have written down purposeful observations. I don’t want to see students simply writing “the balls moved”, but instead write “the steel ball barely moved when collided, but the cork ball move a lot”. I will also be walking around the room while students are working on the toy car activity, and I will be questioning students about what is happening to the toy car when washers are added to it. Their verbal responses will give me assurance that they have learned the concepts in this unit. Objective #6: Students should have considerable practice with collecting data, especially in a data table. In this activity, I will be looking for complete and accurate data tables in the Slowing Down activity. Students should have the columns that they used in their experiment filled in with the amount of washers that were attached to the car, and the time it took (in seconds or minutes) for the toy car to get to the finish line. Students should have used these units in their tables. Tables should also be neat and readable. Scientific Background for the Teacher: Forces cause an object to undergo acceleration. They cause an object to speed up, slow down, or even change direction. Forces are always acting on every object in the universe. If an object is moving with a constant acceleration, one can use the formula F= ma where F is the force, m is the mass and a is the acceleration. Forces act in a certain direction, and have sizes dependent on how strong the push or pull is (Forces, 2010). There are four basic types of forces in the universe; gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. Velocity is how fast an object moves. Acceleration on the other hand, is how much the velocity of an object changes over a period of time. Vectors are used when talking about force to describe the direction and magnitude of a force. In this lesson, students use these vectors (arrows) to show in which direction the balls moved after they collided, and how much they moved (magnitude). When talking about forces, Newton’s three laws are very important. The first law of motion states that an object in motion stays in motion, or an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an outside force. The second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly related to the magnitude and direction of the force, and inversely related to the mass of the object. This is where the formula F=ma comes into play. Basically, the more force, the more acceleration an object will have. The third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Since forces are always found in pairs, one is the active force, and one is the reactive force. References: "Collision Zone." Utah Education Network. N.p., 20 July 2004. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <>. "Force." Wikipedia. N.p., Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. <>. Hapkiewicz, A. "Naive Ideas in Earth Science." MSTA Journal 44.2 (1999): 26-30. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. < misconcept.html#force>. Rader, Andrew. Physics 4 Kids. N.p., 1997. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. <>. Name___________ Science Journal What is one force that you know of that is always acting on the rice sock? Prediction: How many washers should be added to the S-hook in order for the rice sock to move across and off of the table? Prediction: Draw an arrow showing which direction you think the rice sock will move once washers are added. Also, draw an arrow to show the direction gravity is acting on the rice sock. Lastly, draw an arrow showing the direction of the force of the washers. In your own words, why didn’t the rice sock move until enough washers were added? HINT: Talk about force! Collision Zone What do you predict will happen when the balls collide? Wood/ Styrofoam Gum/Rubber Glass/ Styrofoam Rubber/ Glass Glass/Gum Glass/Wood Rubber/ Styrofoam Wood/Gum Rubber/Wood What did you observe happening when the balls collided? Gum/ Styrofoam Slowing Down 1. Time it took the wind up car to get to the finish line:_______________________ Washers added Total washers attached to the toy car Time it took to get to the finish line 2. Predict what will happen when washers are added to the back of the toy car: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2