THE FUNCTION OF DNA AND GENETIC ENGINEERING By: Liam Grinton Due: October 30th. INTRODUCTION: For this investigation, I had a set of questions that I had created as my goal, or a set of guidelines. By the end of my investigation and the end of my research I wanted to have these questions answered to the best of my ability, and understand the topics fully. I had one main, over- arching question, however beneath those were several, more specific ones to narrow down my areas of research. Below are the questions that I intended to answer. What is the function of DNA and genetic engineering? My sub- questions are as follow: How do cells make copies? What is mutation? What is DNA? What is Genetic engineering? These questions are relatively broad and unspecific; therefore it will only be productive to study them within a certain context. The context that I wished to explore is that of their future uses, and scientific development and study. DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, and is a biochemical term for a linear polymer found in the nuclei of cells. DNA is formed of nucleotides and is shaped like a double helix; it is a key component in the transmission and storage of genetic information. Genetic engineering is the deliberate modification of an organism’s genetic structure. I have found it helpful, and will therefore explain DNA in comparison to a computer program, using binary code. I will break down the topic, into its individual parts in order to study them separately, and I will write the essay by breaking the results of my work into the appropriate sections. BODY: DNA: DNA is a term used to describe Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is a long linear molecule formed of nucleotides that is found in the nucleus of a cell. DNA has a crucial role in that it is the molecular structure that houses the hereditary information of the cell and all of the other cells needed to produce an organism. Most DNA is found in the cell’s Fig. 1.1 nucleus, however some DNA can be found in the mitochondria of the cell, where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA. Computer programs use what is called binary code. Binary code is a series of zeroes and ones that are arranged in a specific pattern to form a legible number “sentence” to transmit or store information. DNA is similar to binary code in that it stores information on the basis of four different chemicals called bases. A DNA strand, illustrating the four different bases of DNA Binary code has two bases, zero and one. The chemical bases of DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), thymine (T), and guanine (G) as illustrated in fig. 1.1. The human DNA sequence has about 3billion bases, and 99 percent of those are the same in all people. As illustrated in fig. 1.1, DNA bases pair up with each other; these paired units are called base pairs. The bases also bond with a phosphate and a sugar4 molecule to form a nucleotide. The nucleotides arrange in long strands, in their specific order to form what is referred to as the double helix. An important property of the DNA molecule is that it can replicate. This is necessary because when cells divide in cell division, it is crucial that the new cell have an exact copy of the original’s DNA. Each strand in the double helix acts as a pattern or template for creating a duplicate of the base sequence. [1] Recombinant DNA: Recombinant DNA is A DNA sequence produced artificially by joining pieces of DNA from different organisms. [3] Chromosomes: In the nucleus of a cell, the DNA molecule isn’t just floating around randomly, it is packaged, tightly wrapped, into structures called chromosomes. A Fig. 1.2 chromosome consists of the DNA molecule coiled many times around a protein substrate called a histone. The chromosome is not visible- even under a microscope. Only when the cell is about to divide does it become tightly packed and visible under a microscope. Each chromosome has a point called the constriction point, or centromere. This point divides the chromosome into two arms labeled the “p arm” and the “q arm” these arms aid in the locating of specific genes. [4] GENETIC ENGINEERING: This image shows the composition and shape of a chromosome. Genetic engineering is the use of rDNA or recombinant DNA, to introduce desirable traits into an organism. This is called rDNA technology. Scientists are able to remove segnents of the DNA molecule from an organism; this segment is then spliced into the DNA molecule of another organism to influence its traits. A similar process has been used for hundreds of years to enhance the traits of animals by selective breeding, breeding animals with desirable traits together repetitively over time; however, rDNA technology is much faster, more targeted at specific traits, and overall, much more powerful.[5] This technology has many benefits and many downsides- “with great power comes great responsibility”. Hybridization: Hybridization is a field of genetics in which different species or varieties of animals or plants are crossbred, mixed, or altered to create a hybrid. The hybridization of plants usually takes place by taking pollen from one plant’s stamen and brushing it onto another plant’s stigma. Only similar plants can be crossed with a high rate of success in creating an offspring with the desired traits, although some great gaps have been crossed with success. HOW CELLS MAKE COPIES: All cells must create a copy of their DNA before cell division. This is crucial because all of the hereditary information that allows the cell to survive and Fig. 1.3 reproduce must be transferred to the new cell. Because all organisms have from thousands, to several billion bases in their DNA molecule, this is a rather daunting task. Cells use enzymes to reproduce their DNA molecule, a relatively simple means to complete such a complex task. Some enzymes unwind the double helix, others separate the two A cell in the process of cell division strands, and others construct other strands that are complementary to the original ones. After the DNA is replicated, another set of enzymes checks the work of the others, removing and fixing mistakes. The resulting two exact copies of the DNA/ chromosome are finished. One of the copies can then be partitioned to the “sister cell” during cell division. [8] MITOSIS/ MEIOSIS: Mitosis is the process in which the equal partitioning of the newly replicated chromosomes into identical groups takes place. Before this process can occur, the chromosomes need to become aligned so that the process can happen in an orderly fashion. This alignment of the chromosomes and the partitioning into groups is a process that can be seen in almost all eukaryotic cells. [9] Meiosis is different; during the division process, there are two divisions, so in the end the product is four cells as opposed to two cells with mitosis. After the division process has ended in meiosis, each of the product cells has only half the number of chromosomes that the original cell had. These end cells that only have half the number of chromosomes, are called haploid cells, or gamete cells. The purpose of these cells will eventually be to find other haploid cells to combine with to form a new organism. [10] MUTATION: A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of a gene. Mutations in the sequence of the DNA molecule can alter amino acid sequences and the proteins encoded by that gene. This can happen because, like words in a sentence, the DNA sequence of each individual gene decides an amino acid sequence of the protein it is responsible for encoding. The DNA sequence is interpreted into codons, groups of three nucleotide bases each. The DNA sequence of a gene can be thought of as a sentence made entirely of three letter words like the one below: each three letter word is a codon that specifies an amino acid in a protein. Thebaddogwasbadanddidnotgettheoldmanhishat. If you were to split the sentence up into its individual codons it would read: The bad dog was bad and did not get the old man his hat. Each letter represents a nucleotide base, and each letter a codon, if you were to change the “reading frame” the sentence would read differently: T heb add ogw asb ada ndd idn otg ett heo ldm anh ish at. Only one of the possible reading frames makes a legible, sensible, sentence; in the same way, you can mutate the reading frame of a gene, and create a sentence that does not read what it should. Occasionally a mutation will come along that does not only read nonsense but reads something legible but different than originally intended, this is also genetic mutation. [11] CANCER: Cancer is a disease that is classified by out- of – control cell growth. In a normal human body cells are formed, grow, divide, and die on a repetitive and controlled time schedule. Old cells die and are replaced by new ones. When a cell’s DNA tells it to die, it is called apoptosis. There are over 100 types of cancer, all classified by the original cells affected. Cancer harms the body when out- of- control cells whose genetic information had been damaged or mutated, grow out of control and no longer die due to apoptosis. The only exception to this is leukemia where cancer changes normal blood function because of abnormal cell division of the cells in the blood stream. Tumors are dangerous because they can interfere with the function of the body’s organ systems, circulatory systems, and nervous systems. Tumors can also excrete hormones that alter bodily function. Benign tumors are those that show little growth and stay in one spot. More dangerous tumors, called malignant tumors, form when two things occur. Cancerous cells are able to move through the body and destroy healthy cells in a process called innovation. They then form new tumors in other places, this is called metastasis. When a tumor is able to divide and grow, creating new blood vessels to feed itself, this is called angiogenesis. [12] CONCLUSION: My goal was to answer my initial questions about the function of DNA and genetic Engineering, and my sub questions concerning mutation, DNA, Genetic Engineering, and how cells make copies, and display the information in a legible and comprehensible manner. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid and is a long linear polymer consisting of nucleotide bases that stores and transfers genetic information. Genetic Engineering is a process, using rDNA technology to take desirable traits, in the form of genetic information and splice it into another organism to carry on those traits. Cells make copies of themselves to reproduce, they must copy their genetic information and transfer a copy to the new cell before cell division may commence. There are two main types of cellular reproduction, mitosis, and meiosis. Mutation is when the genetic information of a cell becomes altered or damaged, this may create an abnormal cell, group of cells, or organism. The future uses of DNA and genetic engineering are numerous; there could be many benefits and many hazards. Genetic engineering and the knowledge and study of DNA could make organisms more useful or resilient to their environment; crops grow with less water, and be more resistant to pests. We always must be mindful that every alteration that we make may have consequences and be dangerous; it will be all too easy to upset nature’s balance. If we are not cautious we will have the benefits along with the hazards and disadvantages, if we are cautious, we can reap the benefits without the consequences. Either way, science has the capability of making great changes to the way we live on this earth. WORKS CITED 1. ^ 2. ^ [fig. 1.1] U.S. national Library of Medicine 3. ^\ 4. ^ 5 ^ eneticallyEngineeredAnimals/ucm113597.htm 6 ^ [fig.1.2] U.S. Library of Medicine 7 ^ [fig.1.3] jpg 8 ^ 9 ^ 10 ^ ^ 11 ^ 12 ^