Sophia D: Go Green Earth!

Go Green Earth!
By: Sophia Dewar
August 29, 2013
The problem with fossil fuels is that it is running out. We only have approximately 70
years until our homes will black out because there will be no more fossil fuels. Another
catastrophe with fossil fuels is that it causes outrageous global warming which can make our
earth as hot as a freshly picked ruby red pepper, and global warming is also causing skin
cancer. Fossil fuels are also a big bad problem because it is a non-renewable energy and once
we use it all up we can’t use it again. This is as horrible as a tree pulling your hair and a bush
pinching your knees because it will take earth another million years to produce fossil fuels
There are now many solutions to this disaster. One option is that we could start using
solar panels to get solar (sun) energy. This would hold back fossil fuels from running out
because we wouldn’t be using fossil fuels. This is a wonderful renewable resource because it
will last another 7 billion years. This is also a good idea because the enormous fire ball can
produce so much light that the solar panels could power up to 1,000 houses. In addition, one
hour of sun could make enough energy for the whole world, yet we will be using clean energy,
and we’re not using fossil fuels. Equally important, windmills are another natural resource that
we can use for energy. This is ideal because one windmill could power 300 houses, but
imagine a whole field of windmills. A field covered with windmills would produce enough
energy to power 1,000,000 houses. Snowflake transparent wind is a perfect resource earth
needs because it is renewable, so it will never run out. These windmills produce 7 percent of
the world’s energy. The windmills can reach up to 650 feet tall which is good because the
higher up it is the more power or energy it produces. Furthermore, we could use waves as a
natural resource for energy. In the furious ocean, scientists put up turbines to catch the wave’s
energy. If the waves are big then we get more energy, so when it is high tide we can get up to
16% of the day’s energy just from waves. Waves in fact produce 16 percent of the world’s
energy, and it is clean energy and pollution free.
These possible solutions are worth considering if you want to help Mother Nature and
earth. We could do this if we all start using solar panels, windmills, and wave turbines.