The Shelf Elf

Collaborative Team: Wiggins, Stringer, Freeman, Jackson, Newberry
Lesson Date(s): 9/2, 9/8
Length of Lesson: 45 mins
Links to Standards:
Content Standards
Theme: Shelf Markers and Dewey Decimal
Grade(s): 2nd
Core Subject(s): Reading, Library Skills
CCRS Crosswalks with AASL Standards
Content Standard(s):
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details
in a text. [RL.2.1]
AASL Standard(s) –21st Century Learner:
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in
order to make inferences and gather meaning.
LMS Level of Involvement
☒ Plan ☒ Gather Resources ☒ Prepare Materials ☒ Teach Lesson ☒ Assist Students ☒ Assess
Assignment Level (Blooms Taxonomy)
☐ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating
Review reading room procedures. Explain all books belong in special place so that we can find
them. A misshelved book is a lost book. It is our job to help keep books in right place.
Demonstrate use of shelf marker. Read The Shelf Elf by Jackie Hopkins. Discuss job of shelf elf.
Ask who needs to use shelf marker, what a shelf marker does, where do you get a shelf
marker, when do you not have to use shelf marker, why is a shelf marker so important, and
how do you use it? Introduce students to Shelf Elf song. Sing song. Have students sing song
along with you. Video students singing song with hand motions. Give each student a shelf
marker. Have them go to a shelf and follow procedures for using shelf marker.
Resources and Materials
Book- The Shelf Elf
Song- “Shelf Marker Song” song to tune of Hokey Pokey
Flip video
Shelf markers
Assessment of Student Learning
☒ Informal Observation
☒ Discussion
Lesson Plan Resources:
☒ Participation
☐ Other (Explain here)
AASL Lesson Plan Database
The Alabama Library Media Digital Resources Crosswalk
Alabama Insight ALSDE
Apps to support Bloom’s Taxonomy