ACTION 1a Potential Team Leads correspond through email with Studio Leads suggesting projects they would like to lead. 1b Fellows meet with the Studio Leads who fly to Northwestern for the Leadership Workshop. Fellows train Studio Leads on using LOFT to manage studio and teams and introduce the badging system (how it works and its advantages for both Team Members and Studio Leads) and suggested timelines for the upcoming session. 2 3 WHERE BACK STAGE (LOFT) Internal Interaction WHO Team Leads & Studio Leads BACK STAGE Fellows Studio Leads select Team Leads and inform the latter about their decision and the respective project each Team Lead will lead. Studio Leads announce to all DFA members of the studio and those interested in becoming members about the available Team Leads and the projects each will be leading (there may be continuing teams from previous session(s) that might be looking for new members) BACK STAGE Studio Leads FRONT STAGE Studio Leads Team Members apply to join the team of their preference LEARNER ACTIONS Memo describing Badging System & e-portfolio characteris tics 5a Team Leads rank and recruit Team Members and form teams BACK STAGE Team Members Team Leads 5b Studio Leads meet with all Team Leads before session starts to inform them on the general guidelines of the DFA studio, introduce the badging system and the timelines for the upcoming session (timelines may differ depending on the project) BACK STAGE Studio Leads 6 Team Leads brief Team Members on their projects FRONT STAGE Team Leads introduce the badging system to the Team Members and the timeline proposed for the specific project. Studio Leads suggest badges to teams based on the nature of the project and which badges would be the most beneficial for the team. The suggestion is done using LOFT's "Suggest To" button on the Challenges page Team Members decide together on which challenges to take on for their project Team Leads accept the selected challenges through LOFT. The Challenges can now be found in the team's Challenges page so the team can monitor their progress FRONT STAGE Team Leads Team Leads FRONT STAGE Studio Leads LEARNER ACTIONS Team Members FRONT STAGE Team Leads Studio Leads is notified when a Team Lead accepts a challenge through LOFT's notification system BACK STAGE Studio Leads 4 7 8 9 10 11 LOFT Notification system 1 12 Team Members begin working on a challenge. The steps from now on are recurrent for every challenge a team decides to work on. Each challenge has a bronze, a silver and gold badge and for all challenges the deliverables necessary for each badge are the same and differ on the task that the challenge calls for. Bronze Badge: In order to earn the Bronze badge for a challenge, Team Members must complete the task required by the challenge LEARNER Team ACTIONS and upload the necessary deliverables in the Challenge page on Members LOFT While Team Members are working on a challenge, Team Leads 12a support them by looking to use templates and/or examples that might help the team complete the task. 12b 12c 12d 12e 13 14a 14b 14c 14d Studio Leads provide related examples from past projects to Team Leads and offer advise proactively to teams who seem to take longer than usual to complete the task Fellows are also a resource that Studio Leads can use in order to gain access to useful examples and/or advise. Fellows monitor progress and check in with Studio Leads on a regular basis and provide supportive information proactively or upon requirest by the latter. Studio Leads are in charge of assessing and assigning a badge if a team chooses to stop at the bronze level Studio Leads are also always monitoring teams' progress through LOFT's Badge Progress Monitoring System and check in with Team Leads regularly (face to face or through e-mail) to listen and discuss about their efforts Silver Badge: In order to earn the Silver badge for a challenge, Team Members must have a critique session and gather feedback on a critique page on LOFT for the deliverables required for the bronze level Team Leads are responsible of setting the critique page on LOFT and adding the questions or points for others to focus during the critique session Studio Leads are responsible for setting up a time and place for critique sessions where the whole studio can participate. Studio Leads invite Team Leads, whose teams want to get a critique in order to earn the Silver badge, to sign up ahead of time through email so the agenda for the critique session can be determined. These sessions can also be pre-set at the beginning of each year or session. Fellows can proactively or by invitation provide feedback to a team's critique page Community Partners can also be invited to join in the critique session by the Team Lead Hyperlinks in Challenges page and Benchmark pages FRONT STAGE Team Leads FRONT STAGE Studio Leads FRONT STAGE Fellows BACK STAGE Studio Leads BACK STAGE Studio Leads LEARNER ACTIONS Team Members FRONT STAGE Team Leads FRONT STAGE Studio Leads FRONT STAGE Fellows FRONT STAGE Communi ty Partner Badge Progress Monitoring System Critique page w/ features 2 14e 14f 15 Studio Leads are in charge of assessing and assigning a badge if a team chooses to stop at the silver level Studio Leads are also always monitoring teams' progress through LOFT's Badge Progress Monitoring System and check in with Team Leads regularly (face to face or through e-mail) to listen and discuss about their efforts Gold Badge: In order to earn the Gold badge for a challenge, Team Members must revise their initial deliverables based on the feedback they got from their critique session. Gold badge might also required some additional work along with the revision of previous work to be submitted. Studio Leads offer feedback and insight for the final deliverables 16a as advice the team can take with them moving further into the design process or for future design projects Studio Leads are in charge of assessing and assigning a badge if a team chooses to stop at the silver level Studio Leads are also always monitoring teams' progress through LOFT's Badge Progress Monitoring System and check in 16c with Team Leads regularly (face to face or through e-mail) to listen and discuss about their efforts 16b BACK STAGE Studio Leads BACK STAGE Studio Leads LEARNER ACTIONS Team Members Automatic addition to database FRONT STAGE Studio Leads Feedback on team's activity page BACK STAGE Studio Leads BACK STAGE Studio Leads (LOFT) INTERNAL INTERACTION DESCRIPTIONS A general memo describing what challenges and badges are and how the badging system works Badge list page with e-portfolio characteristics where teams can: Check their progress, the challenges they have accepted, the badges earned and if something has been submitted for a challenge See all teams' badges gathered which will encourage communication and networking between teams LOFT’s list of challenges should include the “Suggest to” option next to “See Challenge” Notification system in LOFT: Notify SLs when team has accepted a challenge Notify users of posts made in the Activity page of a team Notify users on invitations to critique pages Notify TMs when team has been awarded a badge Badge progress monitoring system can offe a informed view of teams' progress to Studio Leads and Fellows, such asr a count of days passed since a badge was accepted, if there have been deliverables uploaded for a badge and when, etc Studio Leads can monitor from a LOFT page how many days have passed since each team accepted a challenge Templates, more info about a task and examples can be made vailable in LOFT and linked to Badge pages through hyperlinks 3 Benchmarks database available on LOFT, which Studio Leads can use to share examples of the work done in past projects When a gold badge is awarded by a Studio Lead to a team, the team’s work for that badge is automatically uploaded to the benchmark database for future reference Fellows may want to review the database at the end of every year to recognize and "flag" select examples of exceptional projects (if any) Critique pages that can be set up by Team Lead on LOFT, where questions the team needs feedback on can be selected from pre-existing options or by creating their own questions. Teams’ Activity tab can be used by Studio Leads or others in order to leave feedback after a gold badge is awarded. 4