Policy Council Minutes - Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association

Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association
Policy Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Cokeville Town Hall
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Phone # 866-740-1260
Access Code: 4745420
Attendance: Virginia, Kisha, Amber Kelly, Wendy, Carrie, Patrice, Felica, kay , Jill, Mark, Shawna
Quorum: Yes
Minutes: Wendy motioned and Carrie seconded to accept October Minutes as written.
Motion Passed
LUCDA Overview Training
Policy Council members decided to do LUCDA Overview Training in the car while driving home since there is
limited time at the meetings and a lengthy car ride.
Bi-Law Revisions
Kay talked about the possibility of creating a personnel committee and add that to a standing committee
in the bi-laws. Kay shared that she would like to discuss the intent of the rule 1304.50(d)(1)(xi) which
speaks to the role of policy council in decisions to hire or terminate any person who works primarily for
Head Start. Some of the confusion lies in the inclusiveness of our program and the small number of
head start children that make up any one staff members job responsibility. The council agreed to have
Kay discuss further with Shauna and seek advice from the Federal regional office if warranted. Kay will
report back at the December council meeting on intent of rule and direction given.
Scheduling changes: last year the June meeting was moved to July in order to be able to review the
closeout of grant from June 30. Since it takes almost one full month to allow for receipts and
documents to return to the regional office, the actual physical closeout for the auditors cannot happen
until august. It was discussed that we move the July meeting to late August in order to accommodate
the June 30 closeout of grant funding and to approve July budget expenses as well.
Community Volunteer Interest Survey for Community Representatives
Distributed and Family Resource Specialists will get areas of interest to the appropriate staff members
to ensure policy council community member involvement at community level with our program.
NAEYC Teaching Staff Survey Results
NAEYC stands for national Association for the Education of Young Children. It is a national
accreditation program that LUCDA goes through every 5 years. We just completed our on site visits
this year and are waiting for our continued accreditation. All staff working directly with students in the
classroom must complete. That includes teachers, Assistant Teacher, Educaional Assistants and Family
Service Workers. Questionaire is completed at all 6 sites. It is sent out electronically with a deadline
within 10 days. Envelope exists at each site and the office manager has the staff member put the
completed questionnaire in the envelope and their name is marked off. The questionaires are enounmous
to ensure full participation. NAEYC mandates a 75% return rate and we had 100%. Results revealed
there were no issues.
NAEYC Parent Questionnaire
Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association
Policy Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Cokeville Town Hall
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
The survey is distributed to all parents who have a child enrolled in our preschool. The survey is done in
April. Must have 50% response rate for a valaid return (NAEYC criteria), we had a 64% return rate.
Results should parents were satisfied with the preschool experience and their were no issues.
IEP/IFSP Parent Questionnaire
Shauna shared that the IFSP, Individual Family Service program is our infant and toddler special
education program for children birth until age 3 where services are usually delivered in the child’s home.
The focus is to coach and support parents with everyday interactions with their child that support the
child’s development. The IEP, Individual Education program, serves children age 3-5, until they enter
the public school system. It is designed to support children with a delay or disability within a preschool
setting. The questionnaires are given to all parents of children receiving one of these two services.
These surveys are state mandated by the department of Education who then compilies the results and
decides how it will distribute the results. Typically they are compiled at the state level and not program
level. Presently we do not have access to the results. Should we get the results, shauna will review
them with the councel.
Screening Questionnaire
For out infant and toddlers the questionaires are distributed in the home, at day care centers and at our
local sites, for the 3 – 5 age program our questionaires are distributed at preschool, daycare, and when
parents come into our center for a developmental screening. The focus of the questionnaire is to gain an
understanding of what the developmental screening was like for the parent and the child in order to
improve any necessary processes for a positive experience for both. The survey should that we are
doing a god job and the –arents appreciate the method of screening we are using. Shauna explained how
the screening is done for infants and toddlers as well as the round robin format for 3-5 year olds.
Carrie motioned to accept the NAEYC Parent & Staff Questionair results, IEP/IFSP Parent
Questionaire process and the Developmental Screening questionnaire results as presented; Wentdy
seconded; Motion passed.
Annual Audit
Shauna explained that any program receiving federal funds must complete a comprehenxive audit of the
federal funds. This is mandated as a non profit organization. This is completed in August by the
auditing team and the results are usually not available until around December. This audit was done for
the FY2013 funding year which began July 1, 2012 and ended June 30, 2013. This year we were able to
get the results back early. The results were clean with not noted areas of quality improvement. Any
policy council member wanting a copy of the results can obtain one electronically just ask Kay to get you
one. Patrice motioned to accept the audit as presented, Carrie seconded, Motion passed
OHS Report
Distributed via email prior to meeting. No further discussion noted.
Center Reports – Distributed via email prior to meeting
Due to time limitations the following items were tabled for a November 19 phone conference meeting:
Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association
Policy Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Cokeville Town Hall
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Policy Council Goals
Training for Recruitment of all LUCDA programs
Education & Early Childhood Development Work Plan
Recruitment & Enrollment Procedures & Work Plan
Family & Community Partnerships Work Plan
Recruitment & Enrollment Procedures & Work Plan
Family & Community Partnerships Work Plan
Personnel: New Hire
Enrollment & Nutrition Report
Budget/Credit Card Expenditures
Next Meeting:
Nov 19 Telephone Conference & Web cam meeting
Local Centers (Star Valley = Thayne Center)
2:30 Pm – 5:00PM
Respectfully submitted by:
Virginia Condie, Secretary
Kay Gogol, LUCDA - HSPM